folder - Raspberry Pi Python Coderequirements.txt
- Python dependencies required for this chapterhc-sr04_rpi.py
- Distance Measurement with the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensorhc-sr501_rpi.py
- Movement Detection with the HC-SR501 PIR Sensorhall_effect_digital_rpi.py
- Hall-Effect Sensor Example - Switch or Latching Typehall_effect_analog_rpi.py
- Hall-Effect Sensor Example - Ratiometric Type
folder - Pico MicroPython CodeADS1115_pico.py
- A simple module for reading analog input from an ADS1115 ADChc-sr04_pico.py
- Distance Measurement with the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensorhc-sr501_pico.py
- Movement Detection with the HC-SR501 PIR Sensorhall_effect_digital_pico.py
- Hall-Effect Sensor Example - Switch or Latching Typehall_effect_analog_ads1115_pico
- Hall-Effect Sensor Example - Ratiometric Type using ADS1115 ADChall_effect_analog_adc_pico
- Hall-Effect Sensor Example - Ratiometric Type using Pico ADC
- HC-SR501 PIR sensor https://www.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/pdf/1131987/ETC2/HC-SR501.html
- A3144 Hall-effect sensor (non-latching) https://www.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/pdf/55092/ALLEGRO/A3144.html
- AH3503 Hall-effect sensor (ratiometric) https://www.alldatasheet.com/datashet-pdf/pdf/1132644/AHNJ/AH3503.html
- HC-SR04 or HC-SR04P ultrasonic distance sensor https://tinyurl.com/HCSR04DS