Upgraded Project to .NET 8 CORE
I still need to update various packages but they have breaking changes particularly in the Auth Process.
The MOQ setup is under construction
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Tax Api Docker Container Repo
The tax calculated may not be accurate as it uses the combined tax and does not have access to the nexus
Possibly could build a database with all the state to state regulations to create the Nexus lookup table.
Documentation has indexed for lookup should a need arise...
This docker container has unit tests as well as API interaction using swagger, data storage is handled using Encrypted SQLite
The Service contains user authentication authenticated API key, SQLite DB insert, and Calculation calls
as well as other features
To run project clone then open in Visual Studios
Download and install Docker-Desktop
Execute in VisualStudios Using the docker file
Troubleshoot: Delete Docker file and right-click project add Docker Support
Step 1: Register user using swagger
Step 2: Save API Key using the credentials created in step 1
Step 3: Make a call to API entering amount and ZIP code
Test Tax rates endpoint will return the values for given zip code
Enter password and the user
The Endpoint right above in swagger is geared towards more complicated queries, but the API key does not allow thus is not tested
Using Unit tests, they are located together with the project on the test branch
Must alter the user then run the test
Then add a user to unit test 3
all expected values should return 201 or 200