Using D3 js and a bit of math
Wesite Live at: Coronavirus-visualizer
CodePen View : Coronavirus-visualizer
It is highly inspired by But I wanted the visualization to be more distinct and indicative of the countries with more number of cases. There are a lot of potential additions possible. I would encourage forking this repo.
I have used D3.js (Data Driven Document) and topojson. For the topojson and covid19 database see links and references.
I want to make the app as simple as possible. Thank you.
This site is fully open source, but as you all know, plagiarism is bad. I spent a non-negligible amount of effort developing this site and I'm proud of it! All I ask is to not claim this effort as your own.
So, feel free to fork this repo. If you do, please just give me proper credit by linking back to the repo,