A file that highly details the exact process of reaching out to a server and establishing a WebRTC connection with HTTP text commands.
Client -> server:4825/command | "attemptConnection|hostname|PSK" server -> Client | "response|False|audioAllowed|timeoutInteger"
Client -> server:4825/command | "command:connect|000000" or "command:connect|inputtedPinInteger" server -> Client | "response:accepted" or "response:rejected"
Client -> server:4825/sdpOffer | "sdpOfferText" server -> Client | "sdpAnswerText"
WebRTC and casting is now active
Client -> server:4825/command | "command:statusProbe" server -> Client | "serverName|status"
Client -> server:4825/command | "command:pause" server -> Client | "response:paused" or "response:unpaused"
Client -> server:4825/kick | "command:kick|generatedPSK" server -> Client | "response:clientKicked"
Client -> server:4825/toggle | "command:toggleCast|generatedPSK" server -> Client | "response:enabledCasting" or "response:disabledCasting"
Client -> server:4825/discover | "GET" server -> Client | Array Of IP Addresses