This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to initialize and configure the iOS SDK for our open-source video player. This player supports videos in both regular URL and JSON formats and offers multiple rendering methods, including Metal, OpenGL, and SampleBufferDisplayLayer.
📌Integrate RedPlayer into your Xcode project RedPlayerDemo
📌For video preloading feature, please refer to RedPreload_SDK
- Supports playing videos in both normal URL and JSON formats
- Offers multiple rendering methods, including Metal, OpenGL, and SampleBufferDisplayLayer
- Provides options to configure the player, such as HDR decoding, autoplay, loop count, and more
- Supports monitoring player status and callbacks for various events
For regular URL playback, use:
self.player = [[RedPlayerController alloc] initWithContentURL:[NSURL urlWithString:@"http://xxx.mp4"] withRenderType:RedRenderTypeMetal/RedRenderTypeOpenGL/RedRenderTypeSampleBufferDisplayLayer];
For JSON formats playback, use:
self.player = [[RedPlayerController alloc] initWithContentURLString:@"" withRenderType:RedRenderTypeMetal/RedRenderTypeOpenGL/RedRenderTypeSampleBufferDisplayLayer];
[self.player setContentString:Json];
- Use HDR decoding method if the video is confirmed to be HDR. This will force hardware decoding. The default is NO:
[self.player setEnableHDR:YES];
- Set the view frame:
self.player.view.frame = self.view.bounds;
- Set the view's contentMode. The options are aspectFit, aspectFill, and fill. The default is aspectFit:
self.player.scalingMode = RedScalingModeAspectFit;
- Set the player to autoplay after prepare. The default is NO:
self.player.shouldAutoplay = YES;
- Set whether the background rendering continues. The default is NO:
self.player.notPauseGlviewBackground = NO;
- Set the loop count (0 for infinite loop). The default is 1:
[self.player setLoop:1];
- Set whether to mute. The default is NO:
[self.player setMute:NO];
- Set whether to use hardware decoding (VideoToolbox). The default is NO(software decoding):
[self.player setEnableVTB:YES];
- Be sure to set it to YES if it is a live broadcast scene. The default is NO:
[self.player setLiveMode:YES];
- Set the cache path. The default is no caching:
[self.player setVideoCacheDir:[RedMediaUtil cachePath]];
- Finally, call prepareToPlay to prepare player:
[self.player prepareToPlay];
/// Prepares the media for playback.
- (void)prepareToPlay;
/// Starts playback.
- (void)play;
/// Pauses playback.
- (void)pause;
/// Sets whether to pause in the background.
- (void)setPauseInBackground:(BOOL)pause;
/// Seeks to the specified playback time (second).
- (BOOL)seekCurrentPlaybackTime:(NSTimeInterval)aCurrentPlaybackTime;
/// Sets the loop setting.
- (void)setLoop:(int)loop;
/// Sets the mute status.
- (void)setMute:(BOOL)muted;
/// Shuts down the media playback. This will release the kernal player object(On an asynchronous thread)
- (void)shutdown;
/// The current playback time.
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSTimeInterval currentPlaybackTime;
/// The total duration of the media.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSTimeInterval duration;
/// The duration of media that can be played without buffering.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSTimeInterval playableDuration;
/// Indicates whether the playback is prepared to play.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isPreparedToPlay;
/// The current playback state.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) RedPlaybackState playbackState;
/// The current load state.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) RedLoadState loadState;
/// The buffering progress as a percentage.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger bufferingProgress;
/// The duration of cached content.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) int64_t cachedDuration;
/// The natural size of the media.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) CGSize naturalSize;
/// The scaling mode for video playback.
@property (nonatomic, assign) RedScalingMode scalingMode;
/// Returns whether the media is currently playing.
- (BOOL)isPlaying;
/// Retrieves the actual playback URL.
- (NSString *)getPlayUrl;
/// Retrieves debug information for video.
- (NSDictionary *)getVideoDebugInfo;
- Player Prepared Check if the player is prepared to start playback.
// RedMediaPlaybackIsPreparedToPlayDidChangeNotification
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
- First Frame Rendered Notification
- If you call seturl and then play without waiting for prepared, you will only receive one firstFrame with the reason RedVideoFirstRenderingReasonStart.
- If you call seturl, wait for prepared, and then call play, you will receive two firstFrame. The first one with the reason RedVideoFirstRenderingReasonWaitStart and the second one with the reason RedVideoFirstRenderingReasonStart.
// RedPlayerFirstVideoFrameRenderedNotification
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(didReceiveFirstFrameRenderedNotification:)
name:RedPlayerFirstVideoFrameRenderedNotification object:_player];
/// Enum for RedVideoFirstRenderingReason
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger,RedVideoFirstRenderingReason){
RedVideoFirstRenderingReasonStart, ///< Start rendering
RedVideoFirstRenderingReasonWaitStart ///< Wait start rendering,
- Player Playback State (RedPlaybackState): Keep track of the current playback state, whether it's stopped, playing, paused, interrupted, or seeking.
// RedPlayerPlaybackStateDidChangeNotification
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
/// Enum for RedPlaybackState
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, RedPlaybackState) {
RedPlaybackStateStopped, ///< Playback is stopped
RedPlaybackStatePlaying, ///< Playback is playing
RedPlaybackStatePaused, ///< Playback is paused
RedPlaybackStateInterrupted, ///< Playback is interrupted
RedPlaybackStateSeekingForward, ///< Playback is seeking forward
RedPlaybackStateSeekingBackward ///< Playback is seeking backward
- Player Load State (RedLoadState): Track the player's load state to understand its readiness for playback.
// RedPlayerLoadStateDidChangeNotification
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
/// Enum for RedLoadState
typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, RedLoadState) {
RedLoadStateUnknown = 0, ///< Unknown load state
RedLoadStatePlayable = 1 << 0, ///< State when playable
RedLoadStatePlaythroughOK = 1 << 1, ///< Playback will be automatically started in this state when shouldAutoplay is YES
RedLoadStateStalled = 1 << 2, ///< Playback will be automatically paused in this state, if started
- Player Finish State (RedFinishReason): Monitor the reason for playback termination - whether it ended naturally, due to an error, or user exit.
// RedPlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
/// Enum for RedFinishReason
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, RedFinishReason) {
RedFinishReasonPlaybackEnded, ///< Playback ended
RedFinishReasonPlaybackError, ///< Playback error
RedFinishReasonUserExited ///< User exited
Stage-by-stage status callback monitoring - NotificationName
- RedPlayerOpenInputNotification - Triggered when the player opens an input
- RedPlayerVideoDecoderOpenNotification - Triggered when the video decoder is opened
- RedPlayerFirstVideoFrameDecodedNotification - Triggered when the first video frame is decoded
- RedPlayerFindStreamInfoNotification - Triggered when the stream info is found
- RedPlayerComponentOpenNotification - Triggered when a component is opened
- RedPlayerVideoStartOnPlayingNotification - Triggered when the video starts playing
- RedPlayerVideoFirstPacketInDecoderNotification - Triggered when the first packet is in the decoder
- RedPlayerNetworkWillHTTPOpenNotification - Triggered before the HTTP connection is opened
- RedPlayerNetworkDidHTTPOpenNotification - Triggered after the HTTP connection is opened
// add observer for event notifacation [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(notificationEvent:) name:RedPlayerXXXXXXXXXNotification object:_player];
- URL change notification
Cache Finish Callback: Receive a callback when caching is complete.
// RedPlayerCacheDidFinishNotification
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
- URL change notification
// RedPlayerUrlChangeMsgNotification
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
- Callback when the playback display area size changes
// RedPlayerNaturalSizeAvailableNotification
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
name:RedPlayerNaturalSizeAvailableNotification object:self.player];
/// Callback block for RedLogCallback
typedef void(^RedLogCallback)(RedLogLevel logLevel, NSString *tagInfo, NSString *logContent);
Sets the log callback level for the RedPlayerController.
@param logLevel The log level for the log callback.
+ (void)setLogCallbackLevel:(RedLogLevel)logLevel;
Sets the log callback for the RedPlayerController.
@param logCallback The log callback block.
+ (void)setLogCallback:(RedLogCallback)logCallback;
Sets the log callback for the RedPlayerController with a specific log call scene.
@param logCallback The log callback block.
@param logCallScene The log call scene.
+ (void)setLogCallback:(RedLogCallback)logCallback logCallScene:(REDLogCallScene)logCallScene;
##Simple Demo Here is a simple demo showing the essential lifecycle stages of initializing, preparing, playing, pausing, seeking, and shutting down the player using RedPlayerController.
// Import RedPlayerController header
#import <RedPlayer/RedPlayerController.h>
// Create a new instance of RedPlayerController with url and specify the render type as Metal
self.player = [[RedPlayerController alloc] initWithContentURL:[NSURL urlWithString:@"http://xxx.mp4"] withRenderType:RedRenderTypeMetal];
// Set the player to autoplay after prepared
self.player.shouldAutoplay = YES;
// Set the player to use hardware decoding.
[self.player setEnableVTB:YES];
// Set player view frame
self.player.view.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 180);
[self.view addSubview:self.player.view];
// Prepare
[self.player prepareToPlay];
// ------ play pause seek
// Play
[self.player play];
// Pause playback
[self.player pause];
// Seek to a specific time (example: 30 seconds)
[self.player seekCurrentPlaybackTime:30.0];
// ------ shutdown
// Shutdown the player
[self.player.view removeFromSuperview];
[self.player shutdown];
self.player = nil;