Definition of Done (:one:-Mandatory to add to the Backlog, :two:-Mandatory to add to the Sprint Backlog)
- Detailed Description 1️⃣
- Rough Inputs 2️⃣
- Rough Outputs 2️⃣
- Impacts 2️⃣
- Users 2️⃣:
- Priority Label 1️⃣
- Attached Journey Map(s)
- Attached Relevant Screen Shots from the Existing Application 2️⃣
Definition of Done (:one:-Mandatory to add to the Backlog, :two:-Mandatory to add to the Sprint Backlog)
- User Story 1️⃣
- Priority Label 1️⃣
- Story Label 1️⃣
- Linked EPIC 2️⃣
- Linked Scenarios 2️⃣
- Inputs(Data) 1️⃣
- Outputs(Data) 1️⃣
- Attached Sketch/Mock-up
- User Research Test Results
BDD Pseudo-Code (GIVEN "context" ... AND "more context" ... WHEN "this action occurs" ... THEN ..."result")
Definition of Done (:one:-Mandatory to add to the Backlog, :two:-Mandatory to add to the Sprint Backlog)
- BDD Pseudo-Code 2️⃣
- Estimate 2️⃣
- Priority Label 1️⃣
- Scenario Label 1️⃣
- Assignee 1️⃣
- Linked Story 1️⃣
Definition of Done (:one:-Mandatory to add to the Backlog, :two:-Mandatory to add to the Sprint Backlog)
- Acceptance Criteria Defined 1️⃣
- Estimate 2️⃣
- Priority Label 1️⃣
- Task Label 1️⃣
- Assignee 2️⃣
- Sprint Goal (in line with the goal of the sprint) 2️⃣