The ConfigMgr Configuration WebService has been designed to Provides access to the main functions used in System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM Service Web). It contains methods for performing operations in Configuration Manager and Active Directory.
- AddClientToCollection : Add a Client in a collection
- AddComputerAssociationForMigration : Add a computer association between a computer and older computer for a single user
- AddDPGroups : Add a distribution point to a Distribution Group
- AddPackageOnDistributionPoint : Add a package on a Distribution Point
- AddSecondaryToCollection : Add a distribution Group to a Collection
- AddSenderAddress : Add a sender Address in order to communicate with a new site recently created
- AddSiteBoundaries : Add Site Boundary
- AddUnknownClientToCollection : Add an unknown Client from a collection
- AssignApplicationToCollection : Deploy an application on a collection of devices or Users
- CopyPackageOnDP : Copy all packages on the Dp from a Reference Distribution Point
- CreateApplication : Add an unknown Client from a collection
- GetADSiteFromGateway : Get ADSite by Gateway
- GetADSiteFromIP : Get ADSite by IP Address
- GetAllBoundaries : Get all boundaries available in SCCM
- GetAllClient : Retrieve all clients informations available in SCCM
- GetAllDPGroups : Get all DP Groups available in SCCM
- GetAllUserAdmin : Retrieve all clients informations available in SCCM
- GetApplicationsListInfos : Get all applications assign to a Site
- GetClientByName : Retrieve Clients associate to the UserName (Without domain)
- GetClientBySubnet : Retrieve Clients associate to a subnet (format = >
- GetClientByUUID : Retrieve client informations available in SCCM by BIOS UUID identifier
- GetClientByUserName : Retrieve Clients associate to the UserName (Without domain)
- GetClientDetailsLDAP : Get Computer informations from the active directory
- GetClientExist : Client Exist ? 1=Yes | 0=No
- GetClientOSByResourceID : Retrieve client Operating System informations available in SCCM by ResourceID
- GetCollectionID : Get all Collection ID associate to a client
- GetCriticalSiteComponent : Get All Critical status for a component, example : SMS_MP
- GetDirectCollectionID : Get all direct collection assignement to a Client
- GetLocationSite : Get client Location by IP Address
- GetPackagesListInfos : Get all Packages | Boot Images | Windows Updates assign to a Site
- GetParentSiteInfos : Get a parent of a SCCM server
- GetServerExist : SCCM Server Exist => 1=Yes | 0=No
- GetServerInfos : Get the SCCM Server informations
- GetSiteCodeInfos : Get the Site code of a SCCM Server
- GetTaskSequencesListInfos : Get all task sequences assign to a Site
- GetUnknowClientByUUID : Check for 'Unknown' Client record by UUID (SMBIOS GUID)
- IsInAllSystemsCollection : Check if client exist in the collection AllSystems
- IsPackageExist : Check if a package exist in SCCM
- RefreshAllPackages : Refresh all packages assign to a distribution point
- RefreshPackage : Refresh a package assign to a distribution point
- RemoveClientByName : Remove client in SCCM by Name
- RemoveClientByUUID : Remove client in SCCM by BIOS UUID identifier
- RemoveClientFromCollection : Remove a Client from a collection
- RemoveClientLDAP : Remove a computer from the active directory
- RemoveDPGroups : Remove a distribution point from a Distribution Group
- RemovePackageFromDistributionPoint : Remove a Package from a distribution point
- RemoveSenderAddress : Remove a Sender Address
- RemoveServerFromSCCM : Remove a server from SCCM
- RemoveSiteBoundaries : Remove all site boundaries associte to a Server site
- RemoveUnknowClientByUUID : Check for 'Unknown' Client record by UUID (SMBIOS GUID)
- RemoveUnknownClientFromCollection : Remove an unknown Client from a collection
- SyncKeySecondary : Send the Secondary Key to The Primary server and conversely in order to synchronize both sites
- UpdateSiteBoundaries : Update site boundaries
$url = "http://localhost/ConfigMgr.Configuration.Webservice"
$WebConfMgr = New-WebServiceProxy $url -UseDefaultCredential $true
$Return = $WebConfMgr.AddClientToCollection("ComputerName","CollectionID")
if($Return -eq $true) {
Write-Output "Computer client added to the collection"
} else {
Write-Output "Error when calling the Web service"
This web service has been built to support the following versions of System Center Configuration Manager:
Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 Configuration Manager 2012 SP2 Configuration Manager 2012 R2 Configuration Manager 2012 R2 SP1 Configuration Manager Current Branch (all currently supported versions released by Microsoft) Make sure that .NET Framework 4.5.1 is available on the member server you intend to host this web service on.
To successfully run this web service, you'll need to have IIS installed on a member server with ASP.NET enabled. Easiest way to get going is to install the ConfigMgrWebService on the same server as where your Management Point role is hosted. You'll also need to have a service account for the application pool in IIS. It's recommended that you add the service account in ConfigMgr with Full Administrator privileges.
Download the project and compile the solution in Visual Studio (you can download the free version called Visual Studio Community Edition) Create a folder in C:\inetpub called ConfigMgr.Configuration.Webservice. Inside that folder, create a folder called bin. Copy the compiled ConfigMgr.Configuration.Webservice.dll to C:\inetpub\ConfigMgr.Configuration.Webservice\bin. Rename Web.Release.config to Web.config and copy it to C:\inetpub\ConfigMgr.Configuration.Webservice. Copy ConfigMgrWebService.asmx to C:\inetpub\ConfigMgr.Configuration.Webservice. Locate all .dll files in lib folder and copy them to C:\inetpub\ConfigMgr.Configuration.Webservice\bin.
Open IIS management console, right click on Application Pools and select Add Application Pool. Enter ConfigMgr.Configuration.Webservice as name, select the .NET CLR version .NET CLR Version v4.0.30319 and click OK. Select the new ConfigMgr.Configuration.Webservice application pool and select Advanced Settings. In the Process Model section, specify the service account that will have access to ConfigMgr in the Identity field (account with full administrators right in the SCCM console) and click OK.
Open IIS management console, expand Sites, right click on Default Web Site and select Add Application. As for Alias, enter ConfigMgr.Configuration.Webservice. Select ConfigMgr.Configuration.Webservice as application pool. Set the physical path to C:\inetpub\ConfigMgr.Configuration.Webservice and click OK.
Open IIS management console, expand Sites and Default Web Site. Select ConfigMgr.Configuration.Webservice application and go to Authentication and click "Edit" on them, Select Application Pool identity and click OK.