(ctd for short)
You are supposed to implement a user interface for a login app that accepts a username and a password, then checks the existance of the username and it's password that should be hashed using md5 hashing algorithm. the app should display a success or failure message upon pressing an enter button. Don't forget to check user input for unacceptable strings like special characters.
- understand what and why is password hashing required by watching videos on the topic, preferebly this one
- you can use the hashlib library in python for hashing with md5 (search for it's usage online)
- use whatever GUI library in python you like (you can start by researching what is the best option out of Tkinter, PyQt5, Kivy)
- you can hard code the user info inside the code and store an extra guest account with username "guest" and password "SuperHardPassword99"
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