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Welcome back to our monthly newsletter. Everything in this newsletter will cover up mostly everything that occured during ",(0,l.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"November"),"! We hope you enjoy reading this month's newsletter!"),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Newsletter Team")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/2e38b3d2-d781-4f10-aa3f-f0b8c0e927bf",alt:"November Themed Memes/Comics"})),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Hey Teethyz community! Today, I\u2019ve prepared a perfectly spooky comic to get the last of our Halloween spirit out now that Christmas is almost here. I hope you enjoy!"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/b162aee8-c0d2-49a1-b94e-f8d086f62a28",alt:"November Comic"})),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"That concludes the November comic strip! I hope you enjoyed it! Pretty scary, right?"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2570 ",(0,l.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Section written by: lvsvnnyy")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/818ab82e-79d8-4ea4-835b-7662a0cfb96b",alt:"Thanksgiving Traditions"})),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"In November, many families have their own traditions within their household. But, there are some that are used around the whole country. Some of these include\u2026"),(0,l.kt)("ol",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ol"},(0,l.kt)("em",{parentName:"li"},"Having a large dinner"))),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"This tradition of having a large dinner on Thanksgiving evening is an extremely common tradition. Many families make turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and other foods.")),(0,l.kt)("ol",{start:2},(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ol"},(0,l.kt)("em",{parentName:"li"},"Writing cards to people you\u2019re thankful for"))),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Some people like to show their appreciation for other people in their lives by expressing it in a handwritten card. You can also buy a premade card from your local grocery store.")),(0,l.kt)("ol",{start:3},(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ol"},(0,l.kt)("em",{parentName:"li"},"Breaking the wishbone"))),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"This may sound quite silly, but after carving the turkey, many families save the Y-shaped wishbone and later have two people break the wishbone in half for good luck.")),(0,l.kt)("ol",{start:4},(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ol"},(0,l.kt)("em",{parentName:"li"},"Macy\u2019s Day Parade"))),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"If you\u2019re just looking for a relaxing Thanksgiving, you can watch the Macy\u2019s Day Parade! Many families across the whole world watch the parade with their younger children or siblings. There are plenty of interesting performers, floats, and more!")),(0,l.kt)("ol",{start:5},(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ol"},(0,l.kt)("em",{parentName:"li"},"A Charlie\u2019s Brown Thanksgiving"))),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Many people worldwide love to watch the classic Charlie Brown film. This is a perfect way to help people give a kickstart to their Thanksgiving.")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2570 ",(0,l.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Section written by: lietogzirls")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/48ccf88b-9140-4173-bd3d-01b55864286d",alt:"Christmas Wishlist Ideas"})),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Hey Teethyz! Have you started your Christmas wishlist? If so, are you absolutely stumped on what to ask for? Well look no further, because this section of the Newsletter will give you some brilliant ideas for some amazing and beautiful items to add to your wishlist!"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2939 : ",(0,l.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Stocking Stuffers")),(0,l.kt)("p",null," Stocking stuffers are usually small, cheap items! Although they may be small, that doesn't mean you cant find cute/adorable kinds of items! Below are a list of some ideas as to some stuffers!"),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Jelly Cat\n"),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Fuzzy Socks\n"),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Blanket\n"),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Gift cards\n"),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Phone Case + Sticky Grip Suction Cup\n"),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Candle\n"),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Chocolate/Candy\n"),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Posters & Tapestries")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2939 : ",(0,l.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Clothing/Apparel")),(0,l.kt)("p",null," Clothing can be expensive, so it is a good time to consider buying them with cheap deals, like Black Friday or other deals while you can. If you are in interest of some clothing, and are seeking for some ideas, look no further! Below are some types of clothing you can ask for on your wish list!"),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Fan Merch (music artists, TV shows, movies, etc)"),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Jeans"),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Basic Shirts/Sweatshirts/Crewnecks"),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Adidas Sambas")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2939 : ",(0,l.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Books")),(0,l.kt)("p",null," If you are a book worm, like me, and are in search for some books, here are a list of a few that I think would be excellent to ask for! You may even get to be a reader like me just by taking a look into these!"),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Lord of the Flies - About a group of boys stuck on an island and creating their own civilization to survive."),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Animal Farm - How animals are not being treated fairly (an allegory of the Russian Revolution)."),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"1984 - Dystopian future world where the government controls everything they do."),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"The Handmaid's Tale - A world where women have no rights."),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"The Bell Jar - A book about a women handling mental health struggles and her perseverance. "),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"The Secret History - A group of smart college students whose obsession with ancient ideals leads them to consequences!")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2939 : ",(0,l.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Gifts/Presents")),(0,l.kt)("p",null," These are some ideas of what to ask for, on Christmas! These are on the expensive side, so keep that in mind! Although I am giving you suggestions, these are just some of my ideas!"),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Digital Camera"),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Digital Watch"),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Kindle"),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Monitor")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"I hope you enjoyed reading this section, as much as I enjoyed creating it! Please keep in mind that these are just my suggestions, and that you do not need to take them! With that being said, I hope you have a great holiday season, and keep on reading the Newsletter for some awesome sections!"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2570 ",(0,l.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Section written by: fiinelines")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/4439d4cd-e35c-4df9-9bd6-012d615ac2fd",alt:"Avatar Ideas"})),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Hello Teethyz community! Today, the newsletter team has prepared a few cute outfit choices for you this December. We can 100% guarantee these will keep you stylish and warm, even during the coldest winter days."),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/951956b7-ffce-4a99-bd2d-d813ffea4e2b",alt:"1st Outfit"}),"\n",(0,l.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/38ffa055-ad48-471e-ba86-c73db60cb214",alt:"2nd Outfit"}),"\n",(0,l.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/822fc4bf-ea54-4447-b99b-6e67711c7750",alt:"3rd Outfit"}),"\n",(0,l.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/b7308db7-83f0-4cb3-86ab-8435bc9d1e61",alt:"4th Outfit"})),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"We hope you all enjoyed this section of the November newsletter! Feel free to take inspiration from the images above or create your own avatar with our merch/scrubs. Have fun reading the rest of the Newsletter!"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2570 ",(0,l.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Section written by: lvsvnnyy & frnkoceaan")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/8fdee7c4-d6fa-48b1-ab38-babe3c63ccb8",alt:"November Awareness 2024"})),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Hello Teethyz Community! During the month of November, there are a few several important events to acknowledge. Please take the time to respect and understand each of them. "),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Remembrance Day \ud83d\udd4a\ufe0f")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Remembrance Day is held on the 11th of November, known as \u2018\u2019Remembrance Sunday\u2019\u2019. We recognize and remember the sacrifice of those who have fought for our freedom in World War I. Typically, a remembrance poppy is worn out of respect and gratitude for those who fought for their country in this war. The poppy is a symbol of peace and was seen growing on the battle fields. "),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"On Remembrance Sunday in Britain, there is a Remembrance Parade open to the public to recognize those who fought for and defended our freedom. The Remembrance Parade includes people who have served for the country such as royal family, soldiers, sailors, airmen, emergency services and cadets representing their service."),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Men\u2019s Mental health Awareness \ud83d\udc9a")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"November is Mens Mental Health Awareness Month to acknowledge the importance of Mens Mental Health. The intention of this is to encourage men to communicate to others about their issues and to ask for support it they need it. Men are less likely to seek support than women, so it is important to raise awareness about support and to help people feel comfortable when talking about their mental health. This will improve the lives of those struggling with their mental health and encourage them to speak up. Never suffer in silence!"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"If you are struggling with your mental health, it is important to talk to a professional or someone you can trust. There are several helplines you are able to reach out to if needed. Help is always available and you are never alone."),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Guy Fawkes Day \ud83c\udf86")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Guy Fawkes Day is an annual British celebration each year. This often contains fireworks and bonfires, In 1605 Guy Fawkes attempted to blow up the British Parliament and eliminate King James of England inside. However, he was caught in the act and was imprisoned in the Tower of London. "),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Because of this, King James of England made it an annual British celebration each year to celebrate the Parliament & himself being saved from the explosion. There is usually an event with fireworks across the UK with a bonfire as well. Many people across the UK include sparklers and fireworks in the festivities too! \ud83e\udde8"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2570 ",(0,l.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Section written by: avvIeqs")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/f1392804-e314-4826-a1b6-5736985f7957",alt:"November OTM/OTW 2024"})),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,". \ud80c\udff2 Greetings, Teethyz community! We\u2019re excited to share our interviews with the November Management and Alliance of the Month, as well as the LRs of the Week. Check out their responses to our questions below; we hope you enjoy reading!\n\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},". \u0a6d \ud83e\uddf8 LROTW Interviews")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Q1: What was your reaction to getting LROTW?"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Q2: What advice would you share to people who would like to become LROTW in the future?"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Q3: Do you have any goals for your future Teethyz journey?"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Interviewer: 1stIovee"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Interviewee: IoveIikes"),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,l.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"A1: It was really early in the morning and I woke up for a shift but then saw that I got LROTW so I was very surprised but also excited! ")),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,l.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"A2: I think you should work hard and play to have fun instead of trying to chase LROTW! If the HRs notice your hard work they will give you LROTW no matter how hard youre chasing it!")),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,l.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"A3: I hope to become an MR in the future and help other OS achieve their future goals! \ud83e\udd70"))),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Interviewer: svphiees"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Interviewee: fashionistqs"),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,l.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"A1: I woke up on a school day and checked discord as usual, ( I think this was at like 5am.. ) Teethyz was at the bottom of my server list so it took a while for me to get there but I did have 26 pings on there? When I saw I got LROTW my heart DROPPED. I was so shocked and happy I started hugging my cat so much and when I let her go she ran off she fell off my bed! ( She landed on her feet don\u2019t worry. ) \ud83d\ude2d")),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,l.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"A2: Don\u2019t push yourself over the line. Make some notes on procedures with extra detail so you know what to type, including guides! These can help if you\u2019re not in the mood to type all those words! \ud83e\udef6\ud83c\udffd")),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,l.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"A3: My current goal is to reach MI! If I ever do reach that, doing my first training would be a milestone, especially hosting a shift! "))),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Thank you for reading! "),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Sav \ud83c\udf80")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Interviewer: svphiees"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Interviewee: aeuvna"),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,l.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"A1: Honestly, I was really surprised and didn\u2019t expect it at all, but I\u2019m incredibly grateful for receiving LROTW. I would like to thank all my friends who helped me achieve this as it wouldn\u2019t have been possible without their constant support. They always encouraged me to keep going and pushed me to always try my best and never give up.")),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,l.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},'A2: My advice would be to stay consistent and dedicated. Always try your best, be respectful, help others who need assistance, and create a positive environment overall. You might not notice it at first, but hard work always pays off. Remember that nothing is impossible to achieve because even the word "impossible" has "I\u2019m possible" in it. Believe in yourself, because whatever you set your mind to, you can achieve it with effort and determination.')),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,l.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"A3: Yes, I have a few goals. Firstly, I would love to connect with more people in the community, getting to know everyone better and possible making new friendships along the way. Additionally, I aim to engage more and take on additional responsibilities as I continue growing throughout my Teethyz journey. Overall, I\u2019m excited to keep learning, improving, making new friendships, and possibly contributing even more to the team in the future!"))),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Interviewer: svphiees"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Interviewee: amicadiFYA"),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,l.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"A1: My reaction when I received the LROTW was happy and excited because it's like the first time I've received it and I honestly wasn't expecting it!")),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,l.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"A2: The advice I would give to people or my friends who want to become a LROTW would be to be positive, work every day max 30 minutes a day, make nice and decorative guides, be kind and try to join shifts!")),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,l.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"A3: Yes my goal that I would like to achieve in the future is to try to become a MR even if I failed the MI I want to try again one more time and I am sure that I will make it and my time will come one day!"))),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},". \u0a6d \ud83e\udd0d MROTM Interview")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Interviewer: 1stIovee"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Interviewee: fiinelines"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Q1: What was your reaction to receiving MROTM?"),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"A1: I was at a choir festival and was very busy and overwhelmed with my real life stuff, so when I saw that I got MROTM, I was SOOO EXCITED! my heart was full of joy and accomplishment! ")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Q2: What advice would you share to LRs who would like to become MRs in the future?"),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"A2: My advice would be to be consistently active within the discord channel and in game, but to not overwork yourself! 15-30 minutes a day in game is amazing and shows so much dedication! Also, make friends and memories!!! You\u2019re only an LR for so long, before you get that MR promo!!!")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Q3: Do you have any goals for your future journey as a MR?"),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"A3: My #1 goal as an MR would probably be to end up as a Dental Board in the future!! I never would have thought it was possible if I didn\u2019t get MROTM, or really any promotion but I am really looking forward to my future here at Teethyz!! ")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Thank you so much for MROTM!! \ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc95"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},". \u0a6d \ud83c\udf6a HROTM Interview")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Interviewer: 1stIovee"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Interviewee: lvsvnnyy"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Q1: What was your reaction to receiving HROTM?"),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"A1: I woke up at 6 am to see a bunch of pings and I check staff announcements to see that I got HRTOM! I was so happy, the adrenaline woke me up and I couldn\u2019t fall back asleep for like an hour.")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Q2: What advice would you share to people who would like to become HROTM in the future?"),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"A2: Pace yourself! Don\u2019t feel pressured to do too much, just enjoy your time as an HR and make the best of it. If you\u2019re enjoying what you\u2019re doing and not burning yourself out, you can reach great heights!")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Q3: What has been the best part of your Teethyz journey so far?"),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"A3: It\u2019s probably now! I\u2019ve made so many great friends and I just feel so integrated into the community. There\u2019s so many amazing people here and although there may be low points I\u2019ve persevered and I couldn\u2019t have made it this far without my friends.")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},". \u0a6d \ud83c\udf38 AOTM Interview")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Interviewer: 1stIovee"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Interviewee: aussence - Maki Representative"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Q1: What is it like to be working in Maki\u2019s Public Relations Department?"),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"A1: It is amazing to work in Maki's Relations Subdivision. You get to meet a lot of creative individuals with unique ideas and approaches. Furthermore, the group concept allows us to host many unexplored and unique events.")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Q2: What advice would you share to people who would like to get into PR in the future?"),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"A2: I highly recommend focusing on one group first. This way, your focus won't shift and you are more likely to accomplish your goal.")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Q3: What is it like working with Teethyz as an alliance? "),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"A3: We are so thankful for Teethyz as our affiliate. They care a lot about their affiliates and are overall a great partner to work with. We are looking forward to the future of our partnership.")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Q4: What is your favorite memory during your time in PR?"),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"A4: My favorite memory of working in the PR industry was getting my first HR role, which I worked in for over three years.")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Thank you so much for reading the OTM & LROTW section of our newsletter! We hope you enjoyed. \ud83e\udd0d"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2570 ",(0,l.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Section written by: svphiees & 1stIovee")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/d9419f27-0365-4b3e-9df3-2fcbd314446b",alt:"November Promotions 2024"})),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"New Staff Assistants:")),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,l.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"twilightdreamzx")),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,l.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"Limonaka_Youtube")),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,l.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"stargvrlavie")),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,l.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"lvauraas")),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,l.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"iinthestarrs")),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,l.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"s7icy")),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,l.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"macedonicvsbsf")),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,l.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"lvc1qa"))),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"New Supervisors:")),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,l.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"Bobbybaubles")),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,l.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"snwflvkes")),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,l.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"Everest_GamerGirl")),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,l.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"baconglowz")),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,l.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"fashionhrts"))),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"New Assistant Managers:")),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Lietogzirls")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"New Office Managers:")),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,l.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"ribbvnns")),(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,l.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"vcrsity"))),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2570 ",(0,l.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Section written by: SiimplyBunnwy & swtcakey")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/ba71397d-6e93-442d-a4a6-3c4149e82601",alt:"November Birthdays 2024"})),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"This month we have been celebrating multiple MR+ birthdays! Below is how they celebrated their birthdays!"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u22c6\u2734\ufe0e\u02da\uff61\u22c6 iikqtieee - (November 2nd) : For my 16th birthday, I celebrated by going in town with a few of my close friends! I also had a few of my family members come and celebrate! \ud801\ude5a \u2027\u208a\u02da"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/740038af-738b-43ba-821a-5f1f08da064e",alt:"iikqtiee"})),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u22c6\u2734\ufe0e\u02da\uff61\u22c6 dev_chloe - (November 10th) : I went to the mall to have my second ear piercing! \ud801\ude5a \u2027\u208a\u02da"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/eb5a2f0e-332f-428f-82e4-4950a8839f79",alt:"dev_chloe"})),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u22c6\u2734\ufe0e\u02da\uff61\u22c6 iiSvnny_OfficalYT - (November 21st) : For my birthday I\u2019m going to be spending a lot of time with my mum as I get a day off school and rarely get to see her anymore due to her working. We are going to Greg\u2019s to get a mint hot chocolate (we go there every year together for my birthday). Unfortunately for me, I\u2019ve got to spend at least an hour revising for GCSE exams.\ud83d\udcaa My extended family is also coming over to celebrate with cake. And finally, I will be playing a ton of games and watching movies on my new PC with close friends. \ud801\ude5a \u2027\u208a\u02da"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/eab640e1-4598-4d69-9722-b6b45fb13af5",alt:"iiSvnny_OfficalYT"})),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u22c6\u2734\ufe0e\u02da\uff61\u22c6 lvauraas - (November 23rd) : I\u2019m spending the whole weekend with my friends and family! So on the Friday I\u2019m going out to eat then going out, then on the Saturday (my actual birthday) I\u2019m teaching dance in the morning then going to a brunch and meal with some family, then on the Sunday I\u2019m out with some of my dance friends!! \ud801\ude5a \u2027\u208a\u02da"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/f76437a1-b29b-4c3f-8b61-58cc0d05c8da",alt:"lvauraas"})),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u22c6\u2734\ufe0e\u02da\uff61\u22c6 RBLXWithEmily - (November 28th) : When I celebrate my birthday, I usually go shopping with my family and friends and eat Korean BBQ. \ud801\ude5a \u2027\u208a\u02da"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/1b4a75de-706d-4a4e-b457-80426bf5a052",alt:"RBLXWithEmily"})),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2570 ",(0,l.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Section written by: eviegracea and cbvopppl")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/d64feda0-0371-4f45-b307-9daa6b82508d",alt:"November Memories 2024"})),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,".\u02da Hi Teethyz community! As you all may know, the month November is a special very time of the year. Our management team has made a lot of memories to share with you all! The photography team worked together to put them into collages. We hope you enjoy these awesome pictures; you might even see yourself in one! Enjoy. \u06f6\u09ce"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"Shift Photos \ud83e\udd0d")),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Let\u2018s start with our shift photos from this month. This month we were able to collect a lot of wonderful pictures as memories during our shifts. We have put many of them into a collage and we hope you like it! Maybe you can recognize yourself in any of these photos?\nShift collage")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/b7293fbc-fa4b-4d1b-94cb-d05f1946b88f",alt:"November Shift Collage"})),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"Training Photos \ud83e\udd0d")," "),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"As every month, in our training sessions we can\u2019t miss the creative pictures. Here do you have a review of the best ones!\nTraining collage")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/b2ac555e-0602-41a5-80ae-248c6e5706e9",alt:"November Training Collage"})),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"Alliance Photos \ud83e\udd0d")),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"We really enjoy visiting our lovely affiliates, and are happy when they visit us! These visits make our team and friendships even stronger. Enjoy this joyful collage, made by us!\nAlliance collage")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/038d7263-2afd-4517-97a5-ad22802e0b32",alt:"November Alliance Collage"})),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"Funny Photos \ud83e\udd0d")),(0,l.kt)("ul",null,(0,l.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"We have definitely had some humorous moments this month! We appreciate each and every person that puts a smile on other\u2019s faces throughout the day! Check out some of the funny photos from this month made into a collage by the Photography Team!\nFunny collage")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,(0,l.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/1ed224cd-2b7f-42ea-a15b-80057acb5004",alt:"November Funny Collage"})),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"That officially concludes our amazing memory section! We hope you enjoyed looking at these special moments as much as we loved capturing them! We're super excited to bring you even more wonderful memories next time!"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2570 ",(0,l.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Section written by: Photography Team")),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"\u25ba Thank you for reading our ",(0,l.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"November")," Newsletter! See you all next month."),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"~ \u265a ",(0,l.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"Credits!")," \u265a ~"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Lead Newsletter Board: RBLXWithEmily"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Newsletter Board: PerfectlyAnnie, vaemmlaqx, mckcnzies, & witty20007"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Site Provider/Advisor: Jyrezo"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Graphics: michallol7, lvsvnnyy, Synceps, & vcrsity"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Section Authors: vcorria, steveygamer2, 1stIovee, mariesluvqs, svphiees, lvsvnnyy, avvieqs, svncereiy, Everest_GamerGirl & frnkoceaan"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Photographers: UhMeliaa, ethvrweal, Vinnielittle14, iikqtieee, adsianmendsiam, AlfiundJo, mcllorys, stcrlightts, & Awriaz"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Social Assistants: Tradewinds2810, eviegracea, 17thwish, SiimplyBunnwy, aIessqi, swtcakey, cbvopppl, & s7icy"),(0,l.kt)("p",null,"Editors: TailaBzp, Lukefromthedead, kkennedys, 1uvxflqra, OceanAvny, blvcssed, n1ghtfvllz, vawerwii, BunnyEmma111, & BffBellebff"))}h.isMDXComponent=!0}}]); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/js/adf8d944.41e1e127.js b/assets/js/adf8d944.41e1e127.js deleted file mode 100644 index 85f9fac..0000000 --- a/assets/js/adf8d944.41e1e127.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -"use strict";(self.webpackChunkteethyz_newsletter=self.webpackChunkteethyz_newsletter||[]).push([[7],{9613:(e,t,a)=>{a.d(t,{Zo:()=>p,kt:()=>k});var n=a(9496);function o(e,t,a){return t in e?Object.defineProperty(e,t,{value:a,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}):e[t]=a,e}function l(e,t){var a=Object.keys(e);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var n=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);t&&(n=n.filter((function(t){return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,t).enumerable}))),a.push.apply(a,n)}return a}function r(e){for(var t=1;t=0||(o[a]=e[a]);return o}(e,t);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var l=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);for(n=0;n=0||Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e,a)&&(o[a]=e[a])}return o}var s=n.createContext({}),u=function(e){var t=n.useContext(s),a=t;return e&&(a="function"==typeof e?e(t):r(r({},t),e)),a},p=function(e){var t=u(e.components);return n.createElement(s.Provider,{value:t},e.children)},m="mdxType",h={inlineCode:"code",wrapper:function(e){var t=e.children;return n.createElement(n.Fragment,{},t)}},c=n.forwardRef((function(e,t){var a=e.components,o=e.mdxType,l=e.originalType,s=e.parentName,p=i(e,["components","mdxType","originalType","parentName"]),m=u(a),c=o,k=m["".concat(s,".").concat(c)]||m[c]||h[c]||l;return a?n.createElement(k,r(r({ref:t},p),{},{components:a})):n.createElement(k,r({ref:t},p))}));function k(e,t){var a=arguments,o=t&&t.mdxType;if("string"==typeof e||o){var l=a.length,r=new Array(l);r[0]=c;var i={};for(var s in t)hasOwnProperty.call(t,s)&&(i[s]=t[s]);i.originalType=e,i[m]="string"==typeof e?e:o,r[1]=i;for(var u=2;u{a.r(t),a.d(t,{assets:()=>s,contentTitle:()=>r,default:()=>h,frontMatter:()=>l,metadata:()=>i,toc:()=>u});var n=a(2319),o=(a(9496),a(9613));const l={},r=void 0,i={unversionedId:"November Newsletter 2024",id:"November Newsletter 2024",title:"November Newsletter 2024",description:"November Header",source:"@site/issues/November Newsletter 2024.md",sourceDirName:".",slug:"/November Newsletter 2024",permalink:"/issues/November Newsletter 2024",draft:!1,editUrl:"https://github.com/RobloxTeethyz/Newsletter/blob/main/issues/November Newsletter 2024.md",tags:[],version:"current",frontMatter:{},sidebar:"issuesSidebar",previous:{title:"November Newsletter 2023",permalink:"/issues/November Newsletter 2023"},next:{title:"October Newsletter 2023",permalink:"/issues/October Newsletter 2023"}},s={},u=[],p={toc:u},m="wrapper";function h(e){let{components:t,...a}=e;return(0,o.kt)(m,(0,n.Z)({},p,a,{components:t,mdxType:"MDXLayout"}),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/d1f6c721-8920-47ca-b2d5-7c198a58fa26",alt:"November Header"})),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Hello, everyone! Welcome back to our monthly newsletter. Everything in this newsletter will cover up mostly everything that occured during ",(0,o.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"November"),"! We hope you enjoy reading this month's newsletter!"),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Newsletter Team")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/2e38b3d2-d781-4f10-aa3f-f0b8c0e927bf",alt:"November Themed Memes/Comics"})),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Hey Teethyz community! Today, I\u2019ve prepared a perfectly spooky comic to get the last of our Halloween spirit out now that Christmas is almost here. I hope you enjoy!"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/b162aee8-c0d2-49a1-b94e-f8d086f62a28",alt:"November Comic"})),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"That concludes the November comic strip! I hope you enjoyed it! Pretty scary, right?"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2570 ",(0,o.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Section written by: lvsvnnyy")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/818ab82e-79d8-4ea4-835b-7662a0cfb96b",alt:"Thanksgiving Traditions"})),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"In November, many families have their own traditions within their household. But, there are some that are used around the whole country. Some of these include\u2026"),(0,o.kt)("ol",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ol"},(0,o.kt)("em",{parentName:"li"},"Having a large dinner"))),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"This tradition of having a large dinner on Thanksgiving evening is an extremely common tradition. Many families make turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and other foods.")),(0,o.kt)("ol",{start:2},(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ol"},(0,o.kt)("em",{parentName:"li"},"Writing cards to people you\u2019re thankful for"))),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Some people like to show their appreciation for other people in their lives by expressing it in a handwritten card. You can also buy a premade card from your local grocery store.")),(0,o.kt)("ol",{start:3},(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ol"},(0,o.kt)("em",{parentName:"li"},"Breaking the wishbone"))),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"This may sound quite silly, but after carving the turkey, many families save the Y-shaped wishbone and later have two people break the wishbone in half for good luck.")),(0,o.kt)("ol",{start:4},(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ol"},(0,o.kt)("em",{parentName:"li"},"Macy\u2019s Day Parade"))),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"If you\u2019re just looking for a relaxing Thanksgiving, you can watch the Macy\u2019s Day Parade! Many families across the whole world watch the parade with their younger children or siblings. There are plenty of interesting performers, floats, and more!")),(0,o.kt)("ol",{start:5},(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ol"},(0,o.kt)("em",{parentName:"li"},"A Charlie\u2019s Brown Thanksgiving"))),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Many people worldwide love to watch the classic Charlie Brown film. This is a perfect way to help people give a kickstart to their Thanksgiving.")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2570 ",(0,o.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Section written by: lietogzirls")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/48ccf88b-9140-4173-bd3d-01b55864286d",alt:"Christmas Wishlist Ideas"})),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Hey Teethyz! Have you started your Christmas wishlist? If so, are you absolutely stumped on what to ask for? Well look no further, because this section of the Newsletter will give you some brilliant ideas for some amazing and beautiful items to add to your wishlist!"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2939 : ",(0,o.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Stocking Stuffers")),(0,o.kt)("p",null," Stocking stuffers are usually small, cheap items! Although they may be small, that doesn't mean you cant find cute/adorable kinds of items! Below are a list of some ideas as to some stuffers!"),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Jelly Cat\n"),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Fuzzy Socks\n"),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Blanket\n"),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Gift cards\n"),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Phone Case + Sticky Grip Suction Cup\n"),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Candle\n"),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Chocolate/Candy\n"),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Posters & Tapestries")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2939 : ",(0,o.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Clothing/Apparel")),(0,o.kt)("p",null," Clothing can be expensive, so it is a good time to consider buying them with cheap deals, like Black Friday or other deals while you can. If you are in interest of some clothing, and are seeking for some ideas, look no further! Below are some types of clothing you can ask for on your wish list!"),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Fan Merch (music artists, TV shows, movies, etc)"),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Jeans"),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Basic Shirts/Sweatshirts/Crewnecks"),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Adidas Sambas")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2939 : ",(0,o.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Books")),(0,o.kt)("p",null," If you are a book worm, like me, and are in search for some books, here are a list of a few that I think would be excellent to ask for! You may even get to be a reader like me just by taking a look into these!"),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Lord of the Flies - About a group of boys stuck on an island and creating their own civilization to survive."),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Animal Farm - How animals are not being treated fairly (an allegory of the Russian Revolution)."),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"1984 - Dystopian future world where the government controls everything they do."),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"The Handmaid's Tale - A world where women have no rights."),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"The Bell Jar - A book about a women handling mental health struggles and her perseverance. "),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"The Secret History - A group of smart college students whose obsession with ancient ideals leads them to consequences!")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2939 : ",(0,o.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Gifts/Presents")),(0,o.kt)("p",null," These are some ideas of what to ask for, on Christmas! These are on the expensive side, so keep that in mind! Although I am giving you suggestions, these are just some of my ideas!"),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Digital Camera"),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Digital Watch"),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Kindle"),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Monitor")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"I hope you enjoyed reading this section, as much as I enjoyed creating it! Please keep in mind that these are just my suggestions, and that you do not need to take them! With that being said, I hope you have a great holiday season, and keep on reading the Newsletter for some awesome sections!"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2570 ",(0,o.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Section written by: fiinelines")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/4439d4cd-e35c-4df9-9bd6-012d615ac2fd",alt:"Avatar Ideas"})),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Hello Teethyz community! Today, the newsletter team has prepared a few cute outfit choices for you this December. We can 100% guarantee these will keep you stylish and warm, even during the coldest winter days."),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/951956b7-ffce-4a99-bd2d-d813ffea4e2b",alt:"1st Outfit"}),"\n",(0,o.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/38ffa055-ad48-471e-ba86-c73db60cb214",alt:"2nd Outfit"}),"\n",(0,o.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/822fc4bf-ea54-4447-b99b-6e67711c7750",alt:"3rd Outfit"}),"\n",(0,o.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/b7308db7-83f0-4cb3-86ab-8435bc9d1e61",alt:"4th Outfit"})),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"We hope you all enjoyed this section of the November newsletter! Feel free to take inspiration from the images above or create your own avatar with our merch/scrubs. Have fun reading the rest of the Newsletter!"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2570 ",(0,o.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Section written by: lvsvnnyy & frnkoceaan")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/8fdee7c4-d6fa-48b1-ab38-babe3c63ccb8",alt:"November Awareness 2024"})),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Hello Teethyz Community! During the month of November, there are a few several important events to acknowledge. Please take the time to respect and understand each of them. "),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Remembrance Day \ud83d\udd4a\ufe0f")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Remembrance Day is held on the 11th of November, known as \u2018\u2019Remembrance Sunday\u2019\u2019. We recognize and remember the sacrifice of those who have fought for our freedom in World War I. Typically, a remembrance poppy is worn out of respect and gratitude for those who fought for their country in this war. The poppy is a symbol of peace and was seen growing on the battle fields. "),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"On Remembrance Sunday in Britain, there is a Remembrance Parade open to the public to recognize those who fought for and defended our freedom. The Remembrance Parade includes people who have served for the country such as royal family, soldiers, sailors, airmen, emergency services and cadets representing their service."),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Men\u2019s Mental health Awareness \ud83d\udc9a")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"November is Mens Mental Health Awareness Month to acknowledge the importance of Mens Mental Health. The intention of this is to encourage men to communicate to others about their issues and to ask for support it they need it. Men are less likely to seek support than women, so it is important to raise awareness about support and to help people feel comfortable when talking about their mental health. This will improve the lives of those struggling with their mental health and encourage them to speak up. Never suffer in silence!"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"If you are struggling with your mental health, it is important to talk to a professional or someone you can trust. There are several helplines you are able to reach out to if needed. Help is always available and you are never alone."),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Guy Fawkes Day \ud83c\udf86")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Guy Fawkes Day is an annual British celebration each year. This often contains fireworks and bonfires, In 1605 Guy Fawkes attempted to blow up the British Parliament and eliminate King James of England inside. However, he was caught in the act and was imprisoned in the Tower of London. "),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Because of this, King James of England made it an annual British celebration each year to celebrate the Parliament & himself being saved from the explosion. There is usually an event with fireworks across the UK with a bonfire as well. Many people across the UK include sparklers and fireworks in the festivities too! \ud83e\udde8"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2570 ",(0,o.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Section written by: avvIeqs")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/f1392804-e314-4826-a1b6-5736985f7957",alt:"November OTM/OTW 2024"})),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,". \ud80c\udff2 Greetings, Teethyz community! We\u2019re excited to share our interviews with the November Management and Alliance of the Month, as well as the LRs of the Week. Check out their responses to our questions below; we hope you enjoy reading!\n\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35\ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},". \u0a6d \ud83e\uddf8 LROTW Interviews")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Q1: What was your reaction to getting LROTW?"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Q2: What advice would you share to people who would like to become LROTW in the future?"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Q3: Do you have any goals for your future Teethyz journey?"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Interviewer: 1stIovee"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Interviewee: IoveIikes"),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,o.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"A1: It was really early in the morning and I woke up for a shift but then saw that I got LROTW so I was very surprised but also excited! ")),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,o.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"A2: I think you should work hard and play to have fun instead of trying to chase LROTW! If the HRs notice your hard work they will give you LROTW no matter how hard youre chasing it!")),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,o.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"A3: I hope to become an MR in the future and help other OS achieve their future goals! \ud83e\udd70"))),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Interviewer: svphiees"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Interviewee: fashionistqs"),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,o.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"A1: I woke up on a school day and checked discord as usual, ( I think this was at like 5am.. ) Teethyz was at the bottom of my server list so it took a while for me to get there but I did have 26 pings on there? When I saw I got LROTW my heart DROPPED. I was so shocked and happy I started hugging my cat so much and when I let her go she ran off she fell off my bed! ( She landed on her feet don\u2019t worry. ) \ud83d\ude2d")),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,o.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"A2: Don\u2019t push yourself over the line. Make some notes on procedures with extra detail so you know what to type, including guides! These can help if you\u2019re not in the mood to type all those words! \ud83e\udef6\ud83c\udffd")),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,o.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"A3: My current goal is to reach MI! If I ever do reach that, doing my first training would be a milestone, especially hosting a shift! "))),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Thank you for reading! "),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Sav \ud83c\udf80")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Interviewer: svphiees"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Interviewee: aeuvna"),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,o.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"A1: Honestly, I was really surprised and didn\u2019t expect it at all, but I\u2019m incredibly grateful for receiving LROTW. I would like to thank all my friends who helped me achieve this as it wouldn\u2019t have been possible without their constant support. They always encouraged me to keep going and pushed me to always try my best and never give up.")),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,o.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},'A2: My advice would be to stay consistent and dedicated. Always try your best, be respectful, help others who need assistance, and create a positive environment overall. You might not notice it at first, but hard work always pays off. Remember that nothing is impossible to achieve because even the word "impossible" has "I\u2019m possible" in it. Believe in yourself, because whatever you set your mind to, you can achieve it with effort and determination.')),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,o.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"A3: Yes, I have a few goals. Firstly, I would love to connect with more people in the community, getting to know everyone better and possible making new friendships along the way. Additionally, I aim to engage more and take on additional responsibilities as I continue growing throughout my Teethyz journey. Overall, I\u2019m excited to keep learning, improving, making new friendships, and possibly contributing even more to the team in the future!"))),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Interviewer: svphiees"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Interviewee: amicadiFYA"),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,o.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"A1: My reaction when I received the LROTW was happy and excited because it's like the first time I've received it and I honestly wasn't expecting it!")),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,o.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"A2: The advice I would give to people or my friends who want to become a LROTW would be to be positive, work every day max 30 minutes a day, make nice and decorative guides, be kind and try to join shifts!")),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,o.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"A3: Yes my goal that I would like to achieve in the future is to try to become a MR even if I failed the MI I want to try again one more time and I am sure that I will make it and my time will come one day!"))),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35\ufe52\ufe35"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},". \u0a6d \ud83e\udd0d MROTM Interview")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Interviewer: 1stIovee"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Interviewee: fiinelines"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Q1: What was your reaction to receiving MROTM?"),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"A1: I was at a choir festival and was very busy and overwhelmed with my real life stuff, so when I saw that I got MROTM, I was SOOO EXCITED! my heart was full of joy and accomplishment! ")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Q2: What advice would you share to LRs who would like to become MRs in the future?"),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"A2: My advice would be to be consistently active within the discord channel and in game, but to not overwork yourself! 15-30 minutes a day in game is amazing and shows so much dedication! Also, make friends and memories!!! You\u2019re only an LR for so long, before you get that MR promo!!!")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Q3: Do you have any goals for your future journey as a MR?"),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"A3: My #1 goal as an MR would probably be to end up as a Dental Board in the future!! I never would have thought it was possible if I didn\u2019t get MROTM, or really any promotion but I am really looking forward to my future here at Teethyz!! ")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Thank you so much for MROTM!! \ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc95"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35\ufe52\ufe35"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},". \u0a6d \ud83c\udf6a HROTM Interview")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Interviewer: 1stIovee"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Interviewee: lvsvnnyy"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Q1: What was your reaction to receiving HROTM?"),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"A1: I woke up at 6 am to see a bunch of pings and I check staff announcements to see that I got HRTOM! I was so happy, the adrenaline woke me up and I couldn\u2019t fall back asleep for like an hour.")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Q2: What advice would you share to people who would like to become HROTM in the future?"),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"A2: Pace yourself! Don\u2019t feel pressured to do too much, just enjoy your time as an HR and make the best of it. If you\u2019re enjoying what you\u2019re doing and not burning yourself out, you can reach great heights!")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Q3: What has been the best part of your Teethyz journey so far?"),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"A3: It\u2019s probably now! I\u2019ve made so many great friends and I just feel so integrated into the community. There\u2019s so many amazing people here and although there may be low points I\u2019ve persevered and I couldn\u2019t have made it this far without my friends.")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35\ufe52\ufe35"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},". \u0a6d \ud83c\udf38 AOTM Interview")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Interviewer: 1stIovee"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Interviewee: aussence - Maki Representative"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Q1: What is it like to be working in Maki\u2019s Public Relations Department?"),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"A1: It is amazing to work in Maki's Relations Subdivision. You get to meet a lot of creative individuals with unique ideas and approaches. Furthermore, the group concept allows us to host many unexplored and unique events.")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Q2: What advice would you share to people who would like to get into PR in the future?"),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"A2: I highly recommend focusing on one group first. This way, your focus won't shift and you are more likely to accomplish your goal.")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Q3: What is it like working with Teethyz as an alliance? "),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"A3: We are so thankful for Teethyz as our affiliate. They care a lot about their affiliates and are overall a great partner to work with. We are looking forward to the future of our partnership.")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Q4: What is your favorite memory during your time in PR?"),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"A4: My favorite memory of working in the PR industry was getting my first HR role, which I worked in for over three years.")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35\ufe52\ufe35 \ufe52\ufe35"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Thank you so much for reading the OTM & LROTW section of our newsletter! We hope you enjoyed. \ud83e\udd0d"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2570 ",(0,o.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Section written by: svphiees & 1stIovee")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/d9419f27-0365-4b3e-9df3-2fcbd314446b",alt:"November Promotions 2024"})),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"New Staff Assistants")),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,o.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"twilightdreamzx")),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,o.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"Limonaka_Youtube")),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,o.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"stargvrlavie")),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,o.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"lvauraas")),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,o.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"iinthestarrs")),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,o.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"s7icy")),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,o.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"macedonicvsbsf")),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,o.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"lvc1qa"))),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"New Supervisors")),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,o.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"Bobbybaubles")),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,o.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"snwflvkes")),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,o.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"Everest_GamerGirl")),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,o.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"baconglowz")),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,o.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"fashionhrts"))),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"New Assistant Managers")),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Lietogzirls")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"New Office Managers")),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,o.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"ribbvnns")),(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},(0,o.kt)("p",{parentName:"li"},"vcrsity"))),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2570 ",(0,o.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Section written by: SiimplyBunnwy & swtcakey")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/ba71397d-6e93-442d-a4a6-3c4149e82601",alt:"November Birthdays 2024"})),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"This month we have been celebrating multiple MR+ birthdays! Below is how they celebrated their birthdays!"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u22c6\u2734\ufe0e\u02da\uff61\u22c6 iikqtieee - (November 2nd) : For my 16th birthday, I celebrated by going in town with a few of my close friends! I also had a few of my family members come and celebrate! \ud801\ude5a \u2027\u208a\u02da"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/740038af-738b-43ba-821a-5f1f08da064e",alt:"iikqtiee"})),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u22c6\u2734\ufe0e\u02da\uff61\u22c6 dev_chloe - (November 10th) : I went to the mall to have my second ear piercing! \ud801\ude5a \u2027\u208a\u02da"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/eb5a2f0e-332f-428f-82e4-4950a8839f79",alt:"dev_chloe"})),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u22c6\u2734\ufe0e\u02da\uff61\u22c6 iiSvnny_OfficalYT - (November 21st) : For my birthday I\u2019m going to be spending a lot of time with my mum as I get a day off school and rarely get to see her anymore due to her working. We are going to Greg\u2019s to get a mint hot chocolate (we go there every year together for my birthday). Unfortunately for me, I\u2019ve got to spend at least an hour revising for GCSE exams.\ud83d\udcaa My extended family is also coming over to celebrate with cake. And finally, I will be playing a ton of games and watching movies on my new PC with close friends. \ud801\ude5a \u2027\u208a\u02da"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/eab640e1-4598-4d69-9722-b6b45fb13af5",alt:"iiSvnny_OfficalYT"})),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u22c6\u2734\ufe0e\u02da\uff61\u22c6 lvauraas - (November 23rd) : I\u2019m spending the whole weekend with my friends and family! So on the Friday I\u2019m going out to eat then going out, then on the Saturday (my actual birthday) I\u2019m teaching dance in the morning then going to a brunch and meal with some family, then on the Sunday I\u2019m out with some of my dance friends!! \ud801\ude5a \u2027\u208a\u02da"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/f76437a1-b29b-4c3f-8b61-58cc0d05c8da",alt:"lvauraas"})),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u22c6\u2734\ufe0e\u02da\uff61\u22c6 RBLXWithEmily - (November 28th) : When I celebrate my birthday, I usually go shopping with my family and friends and eat Korean BBQ. \ud801\ude5a \u2027\u208a\u02da"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/1b4a75de-706d-4a4e-b457-80426bf5a052",alt:"RBLXWithEmily"})),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2570 ",(0,o.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Section written by: eviegracea and cbvopppl")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/d64feda0-0371-4f45-b307-9daa6b82508d",alt:"November Memories 2024"})),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,".\u02da Hi Teethyz community! As you all may know, the month November is a special very time of the year. Our management team has made a lot of memories to share with you all! The photography team worked together to put them into collages. We hope you enjoy these awesome pictures; you might even see yourself in one! Enjoy. \u06f6\u09ce"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"Shift Photos \ud83e\udd0d")),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Let\u2018s start with our shift photos from this month. This month we were able to collect a lot of wonderful pictures as memories during our shifts. We have put many of them into a collage and we hope you like it! Maybe you can recognize yourself in any of these photos?\nShift collage")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/b7293fbc-fa4b-4d1b-94cb-d05f1946b88f",alt:"November Shift Collage"})),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"Training Photos \ud83e\udd0d")," "),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"As every month, in our training sessions we can\u2019t miss the creative pictures. Here do you have a review of the best ones!\nTraining collage")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/b2ac555e-0602-41a5-80ae-248c6e5706e9",alt:"November Training Collage"})),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"Alliance Photos \ud83e\udd0d")),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"We really enjoy visiting our lovely affiliates, and are happy when they visit us! These visits make our team and friendships even stronger. Enjoy this joyful collage, made by us!\nAlliance collage")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/038d7263-2afd-4517-97a5-ad22802e0b32",alt:"November Alliance Collage"})),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"Funny Photos \ud83e\udd0d")),(0,o.kt)("ul",null,(0,o.kt)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"We have definitely had some humorous moments this month! We appreciate each and every person that puts a smile on other\u2019s faces throughout the day! Check out some of the funny photos from this month made into a collage by the Photography Team!\nFunny collage")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,(0,o.kt)("img",{parentName:"p",src:"https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/1ed224cd-2b7f-42ea-a15b-80057acb5004",alt:"November Funny Collage"})),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"That officially concludes our amazing memory section! We hope you enjoyed looking at these special moments as much as we loved capturing them! We're super excited to bring you even more wonderful memories next time!"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2570 ",(0,o.kt)("em",{parentName:"p"},"Section written by: Photography Team")),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582\u2582"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"\u25ba Thank you for reading our ",(0,o.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"November")," Newsletter! See you all next month."),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"~ \u265a ",(0,o.kt)("strong",{parentName:"p"},"Credits!")," \u265a ~"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Lead Newsletter Board: RBLXWithEmily"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Newsletter Board: PerfectlyAnnie, vaemmlaqx, mckcnzies, & witty20007"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Site Provider/Advisor: Jyrezo"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Graphics: michallol7, lvsvnnyy, Synceps, & vcrsity"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Section Authors: vcorria, steveygamer2, 1stIovee, mariesluvqs, svphiees, lvsvnnyy, avvieqs, svncereiy, Everest_GamerGirl & frnkoceaan"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Photographers: UhMeliaa, ethvrweal, Vinnielittle14, iikqtieee, adsianmendsiam, AlfiundJo, mcllorys, stcrlightts, & Awriaz"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Social Assistants: Tradewinds2810, eviegracea, 17thwish, SiimplyBunnwy, aIessqi, swtcakey, cbvopppl, & s7icy"),(0,o.kt)("p",null,"Editors: TailaBzp, Lukefromthedead, kkennedys, 1uvxflqra, OceanAvny, blvcssed, n1ghtfvllz, vawerwii, BunnyEmma111, & BffBellebff"))}h.isMDXComponent=!0}}]); \ No 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Teethyz Newsletter

Bringing you all the latest news from Teethyz Dentist!

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/issues/April Newsletter 2024/index.html b/issues/April Newsletter 2024/index.html index 0d78865..b753054 100644 --- a/issues/April Newsletter 2024/index.html +++ b/issues/April Newsletter 2024/index.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ April Newsletter 2024 | Teethyz Newsletter - + @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ A: Some advice I would give is to try to keep your motivation as much as possible, however don't overwork it. It is an exciting thing that you get but don't overpower yourself for it.

Interviewer: angelicpayton

Interviewee: Frappe Public Relations

Q) What has working with Teethyz been like from an affiliate perspective?

A) Ever since initially partnering with Teethyz back in 2021, we have thorougly enjoyed working with them. Teethyz has always been a group that we've looked up to. Their Relations Team is always checking up on our group, which is truly what we admire about the group. Through the eyes of the public, it's pretty easy to make the judgement that alliances only collaborate on events here and there, but what stands out about Teethyz is the fact that they care. Behind the scenes, they are always checking up with our representatives and showing that they care.

Q) What's something you've enjoyed whilst being affiliated with Teethyz?

A) We enjoy how welcoming their community is! It's always a pleasure to go on alliance visits and feel so welcomed from the first second we join until the second we leave. I will say one thing, it makes us eager to come back!

Q) Can you share one memorable factor of Teethyz Dentist that stands out to you?

A) We recently just collaborated with Teethyz on a spring fashion show, so without a doubt that would have to be my current favorite memory. The event was extremely successful and was one of my favorites to plan. The Relations Team at Teethyz was very helpful throughout the entire event we appreciate that the owner came to participate himself! Something we don’t see from a lot of groups, so we are thankful for that!

~ Section by FurnFace & angelicpayton ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂



Tiktok April 2024

✧˚ · . Hii! Welcome to the Tiktok Section. In this section, our Newsletter Team has created a tiktok for you all to enjoy! We hope you like it!

Make sure to visit our tiktok page to view it. ;) https://www.tiktok.com/@teethyz.official/video/7364443094822980894?lang=en

~ Made by vaemmlaqx and shiny_laccy!

Edited by: flowersandrainbowzz




⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 . 🍰 April Birthdays

・Greetings everyone! This month, we were privileged enough to celebrate the birthdays of numerous management members here at Teethyz Dentist! Below, you can find some insight on what some of these special days looked like for these individuals.

April stuff bdays

⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 . Section by iichxr_1 and Cas6nx


► Thank you for reading our November Newsletter! See you next month.

~ ♚ Credits! ♚ ~

Lead Newsletter Board: XxCandy2372xX

Newsletter Board: PerfectlyAnnie, EleqantEmma, aimlvma, RBLXWithEmily, mckcnzies, & witty20007

Site Provider/Advisor: Jyrezo

Graphics: michallol7, avuhcxdo

Section Authors: mariesluvqs, Furnface, ashlvqh, vcorria, steveygamer2, stcrbwrries, fantzsq, iichxr_1, chvrsvuh

Photographers: zeiqios, Didi_ek, Vinnielittle14, NewSwitcherop

Social Assistants: shiny_laccy, vaemmlaqx, Cas6nx, Choiisiiwon, eviegracea, Tradewinds2810

Editors: TailaBzp, kkennedys, ordinarythngs, Duhhhitzmariahh, 1uvxflqra, flowersandrainbowzz

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/issues/August Newsletter 2023/index.html b/issues/August Newsletter 2023/index.html index b562d33..67fe09c 100644 --- a/issues/August Newsletter 2023/index.html +++ b/issues/August Newsletter 2023/index.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ August Newsletter 2023 | Teethyz Newsletter - + @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Interviewee: Nate [x_Nat3e]

  1. How did you get promoted?

A. Me, Dany and the corporate team were in discussion of restructuring the group to make a more company feel.

  1. What was something you were most excited about when you got promoted?

A. I was ready to start making improvements to benefit the group.

There were many other promotions this month, but we sadly couldn’t include everyone. We would like to congratulate every single person who got promoted this month, we’re so happy for you! Happy August.

  • Section by PerfectlyAnnie & mariesluvqs




Just like every month, August is filled with birthdays and August most likely has some of the most birthdays here at Teethy’z. Here’s a few facts about themselves & what they love about their birthdays:

heaurted (Sofia) - 8/1 🎉

eviegracea (Grace) - 8/2 🎉

vivmoh (Viv) - 8/5 🎉

mariesluvqs (Marie) - 8/7 🎉

ma6rie (Marie) - 8/7 🎉

sqvturnss (Sienna) - 8/8 🎉

celqstials (Chloe) - 8/8 🎉

stvrzlightt (Julia) - 8/12 🎉

stqrlls (Lily) - 8/13 🎉

michallol7 (Meeka) - 8/17 🎉

PerfectlyAnnie (Annie) - 8/19 🎉

Furnface (Furn) - 8/21 🎉

F3vyn (Fev) - 8/21 🎉

1uvstefany (Stefany) - 8/25 🎉

julvqs (Jules) - 8/25 🎉

adorlites (Lucy) - 8/28 🎉

Happy (belated) birthday to all, we hope you all enjoyed your birthdays and had fun celebrating them! We’d like to also wish happy birthday to all August birthdays in the Teethyz community!

Birthdays1 Birthdays2

  • Section by prvttylaura, stxrshiine01 & bearfuhl ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂

Thank you for reading our August Newsletter! See you next month.

~ ♚ Credits! ♚ ~

Lead Newsletter Board: XxCandy2372xX

Newsletter Board: stqrlls, julvqs, mckcnzies, X_Nat3e & witty20007

Site Provider/Advisor: Jyrezo

Graphics: bearfuhl

Section Authors: mariesluvqs, ashlvqh, havivq, PerfectlyAnnie, prvttylaura, Furnface, Kvnqette, 1ndvie, stxrshiine01, adorlites, vwrsions, K6TIEXISHOT

Photographers: sofsrea, heart4zanii, evussence

Social Assistants: SimplyNuggy, e2milys, EleqantEmma, JasJolly, avvIeqs, islafq

Editors: BabyCuti32008, dietvivi, TailaBzp, dietael, assortedcupcake22, RBLXWithEmily


- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/issues/August Newsletter 2024/index.html b/issues/August Newsletter 2024/index.html index cb1d55b..541caad 100644 --- a/issues/August Newsletter 2024/index.html +++ b/issues/August Newsletter 2024/index.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ August Newsletter 2024 | Teethyz Newsletter - + @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Last but not least, I can’t neglect to mention my favorite tiny but mighty eraser! I’ve used these for 2 years and they’ve outperformed any eraser that I’ve ever used. I can erase any mistakes that I make in just a few seconds with hardly any pencil marks remaining! This might be a more boring pick, but it’s one of my all time favorite stationery items! They come in two sizes, but I always make sure to get the small ones so I can bring them with me wherever I may be. It has an arched sleeve design, making it more durable and less sensitive to breaking! I’m constantly erasing things, especially as a writer and I couldn’t pick a better eraser to do the job!

𓂃  ౨ 𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟  ♡⠀  𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟𓎟 ৎ 𓂃

🏫: We hope that you guys enjoyed this section! Have an amazing school year, thank you for reading.

Section by lvsvnnyy & ethvrweal


Screen Shot 2024-09-03 at 9 19 34 PM


╭ ˚‧ 🌺 Favorite Summer Memories! 🌺 ‧˚ ╮


ʚ ݁ ˖ Hello Teethyzians! In this section, Isabella and Aria will be sharing with you our favorite summer memories. We then interviewed two LRs, two MRs, and two HRs on it! Without further ado… Let's get into it!

⋆ ˚。 Here are Isabella's favorite summer memories and who she spent it with.. For summer, I love going swimming! Waterparks are my favorite. I also do swimming lessons in summer, which is really fun! I also spend summertime with my family and friends!

⋆ ˚。 Here are Aria's favorite summer memories and who she spent it with.. My favorite memory of the summer is when I went to Blackpool with my mom! We went to watch a show called Hot ice - It's with ice skaters who do an immaculate job!! We also went to a magic show that I was involved in when I was a child. I went up on the stage as a kid so it brought back some memories! Lastly, we went for a walk down the pier and got an ice cream together which is what we did when I was a kid!

ʚ ݁ ˖ Question: What did you do for summer, and who did you spend it with?

                                             •˙˚∘  Interviewer: flowersandrainbowzz 
Interviewee: VivianPlays_123

ʚ ݁ ˖ I VCed with Isabella and Isabella! 🤫🧏‍♀️

                                             •˙˚∘  Interviewer: flowersandrainbowzz 
Interviewee: swtcakey

ʚ ݁ ˖ My favorite memory this summer would have been seeing my best friend that I haven’t seen for around 2 years!

                                             •˙˚∘  Interviewer: flowersandrainbowzz 
Interviewee: Birdiexxlak

ʚ ݁ ˖ My favorite memory throughout the summer was just chilling outside here and there and just having a blast chatting etc, mostly with my family. c:

                                             •˙˚∘  Interviewer: mythwical
Interviewee: lvauriies

ʚ ݁ ˖ My favorite memory was going to a picnic with my college friend group, as we are all going our separate ways soon because of finishing school, it was nice to spend some time with them over the summer!

                                             •˙˚∘  Interviewer: mythwical
Interviewee: IieforIove

ʚ ݁ ˖ My favorite memory over the summer was most probably when I went to Barcelona with my family. We went out and met some new people and socialized with new friends which I enjoyed. I enjoyed getting the tan, and overall being abroad spending time with my nan. Other than that, it would probably just be hanging out with friends and spending time together before school starts again!

                                             •˙˚∘  Interviewer: mythwical
Interviewee: lukefromthedead

ʚ ݁ ˖ I mainly spent the summer with friends, family and my partner. My favorite memory has to be this beach barbecue thing I went to, good music and very memorable! 🔥

⋆ ˚。 This now concludes the Favorite Summer Memories section! We truly hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to take a look at our other amazing Newsletter sections as well. See you next month!

Section by flowersandrainbowzz & mythwical


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ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ Awareness ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅

: ̗̀➛ World Humanitarian Day

  • World Humanitarian Day, observed annually on August 19, is dedicated to honoring humanitarian workers who risk their lives to provide aid and relief to those in need. It also aims to raise awareness about the humanitarian crises affecting millions of people worldwide. This day encourages advocacy for the protection of civilians, support for policies that promote peace and stability, and the provision of financial and material aid to those affected by crises.

: ̗̀➛ Abolition of Slave Trade Day

  • Abolition of Slave Trade Day is observed to commemorate the end of the transatlantic slave trade, a dark chapter in human history that saw millions of Africans forcibly transported to the Americas and other parts of the world. This day serves as a poignant reminder of the horrors of slavery and the ongoing fight against modern forms of slavery and human trafficking. It provides an opportunity to educate people about the history of the slave trade, honor those who fought for its abolition, and reaffirm our commitment to eradicating contemporary forms of slavery, such as human trafficking, forced labor, and child exploitation.

: ̗̀➛ International Women's Day

  • International Women's Day, celebrated yearly, is a global event dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the achievements and contributions of women. This day also serves as a powerful reminder of the ongoing struggle for gender equality and women's rights. The observance encourages advocacy for equal opportunities, the elimination of discrimination and violence against women, and the promotion of policies that support gender parity in all aspects of society. It is a time to reflect on progress made, to highlight the challenges that remain and to ensure a more equitable and just world for all women.

: ̗̀➛ International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples

  • International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples is held on August 9, dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the diverse cultures, traditions, and contributions of indigenous communities around the globe. This day also aims to raise awareness about the unique challenges faced by indigenous peoples, including issues related to land rights, cultural preservation, and social and economic inequality. It is a time to honor the rich diversity of indigenous cultures and to work towards a more just and equitable world for all indigenous peoples.

    Section by RiftRiser & aIessqi


Screen Shot 2024-09-03 at 9 20 03 PM



. 𓏲 Greetings, Teethyz community! We had the amazing opportunity to interview the lovely August staff and alliance of the month, as well as the wonderful LRs of the weeks. We hope you enjoy their responses to the questions we asked them down below!

︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵﹒︵ ﹒︵

. ੭ 🧸 LROTW Interviews

  • Interviewer: svphiees
  • Interviewee: J6NN4

Q1: How did you react when you first received LR of the week?

A1: I was absolutely blown away, they told me in game and it was super fun!

Q2: What advice would you share to LRs who would like to become LROTW in the future?

A2: Work hard and be happy for others' successes!

Q3: How has your journey been at Teethyz so far?

A3: My Teethyz journey has been so so fun and rewarding, I'm so happy to keep my journey going.


  • Interviewer: svphiees
  • Interviewee: deiBei12_5

Q1: How did you react when you first received LR of the week?

A1: I obviously felt very shocked because I honestly had never thought I’d be getting this, it was so unexpected! I also felt very appreciated, I felt like my work got very much noticed!

Q2: What advice would you share to LRs who would like to become LROTW in the future?

A2: I’d say do not overwork yourself. You may work hard, but also think about consistency! If you work too hard, you might lose motivation very quickly. Also try attending shifts! They’re not only fun, but they also help you get noticed!

Q3: How has your journey been at Teethyz so far?

A3: It has been amazing! I joined this place in June and I don’t regret it. I’ve made loads of friends and memories! I cannot wait to see what else Teethyz has in store!


  • Interviewer: Ioviinqbr
  • Interviewee: SECRETY_GLOWS

Q1: How did you react when you first received LR of the week?

A1: How did I first react when I received LR of the week? I open my phone to check my DMS and Pings before I go to bed. It's like 1 am and I couldn't sleep so I opened Discord again to my phone blowing up! I was so confused about why everyone was congratulating me, Once I found out I was over the moon and so grateful! My hard work had paid off, I'm proud of myself. <3.

Q2: What advice would you share to LRs who would like to become LROTW in the future?

A2: Here is some advice I'd give to people trying to get LROTW in the future! Firstly, I know people who try playing for 5–10 hours a day, and let me tell you, it's not worth it, nor is it healthy! I recommend playing for around 2–3 hours and shifting multiple times during those hours! Secondly, this is one of the best pieces of advice I've gotten. Which is focusing on your appointments. Trust me, you have nothing else to do but to make/do your appointments, so focus on them! Also, Be sure to interact with your clients and make them happy! Thirdly, I know using grammar is not a rule anymore, but I still would recommend using it since I think it's professional. Fourthly, be careful and make sure you don't get involved in such conversation and drama. Lastly, remember that good things happen at good times. Be patient, and LROTW is yours! DM me if you would like more advice!

Q3: How has your journey been at Teethyz so far?

A3: My Journey this past year at Teethyz has been amazing! Got my first HW award which made me so proud of myself and now LROTW?! During my journey, I made a huge amount of friends! I feel so lucky to have joined this amazing community with people I can enjoy with, I'm honoured.


  • Interviewer: Ioviinqbr
  • Interviewee: cxybrz

Q1: How did you react when you first received LR of the week?

A1: I was honestly surprised and quite moved by this achievement. It is a great feeling to know that my hard work and dedication at Teethyz is being recognised, motivating me to keep working hard to fulfil my experience here at Teethyz.

Q2: What advice would you share to LRs who would like to become LROTW in the future?

A2: I think the best advice I can offer is to stay consistently active. It's important to try to form friendships during your time here and to engage with the community by showing genuine interest in your work. I'd also like to encourage people to ask for feedback from the wonderful staff team, as they're always willing to help.

Q3: How has your journey been at Teethyz so far?

A3: I have had a wonderful experience at Teethyz so far! I am really happy to be treated equally and as an individual within this community. It's a great place to work for those who want to boost their confidence and build relationships with others.

. ੭ 🧸 MROTM Interview

  • Interviewer: svphiees
  • Interviewee: AlfiundJo

Q1: How did you react when you first received MR of the month?

A1: I was literally shocked because I didn't expect it at all. I suddenly got a lot of pings but also DMs and then I saw that I became MROTM. It's such an honor for me to be chosen for this. I am so incredibly grateful and appreciate it very much because it is definitely not a given.

Q2: What advice would you share to LRs who would like to become MRs in the future?

A2: I think the most important thing is to not give up. If you have goals then you definitely can achieve that. I know it’s not easy to become an MR but if you really want it, you can do that. Just try to be active at the dentist but also in the server. If you’re outstanding then someone will notice you. Keep in mind to not overwork yourself though, your health is always more important than everything else!

Q3: How has your journey been at Teethyz so far?

A3: My journey at Teethyz has been great so far, I've had so many experiences here and I'm really enjoying being here. I got the opportunities of becoming Management Intern - Office Manager, Server Moderator and MROTM of July, and I'm really grateful for that. I would like to thank everyone who gave me the chance, because without you I wouldn't have gotten this far! My journey at Teethyz is attached below:

  • 02/21: Management Intern by Joeonthebox.
  • 02/25: Staff Assistant by vcorria.
  • 03/25: Supervisor by stcrbwrries.
  • 04/18: Assistant Manager by 15thsecond.
  • 06/01: Office Manager by Iieforlove.
  • 06/05: Server Moderator.
  • 08/01: MROTM July.

. ੭ 🧸 HROTM Interview

  • Interviewer: Ioviinqbr
  • Interviewee: Furnface

Q1: How did you react when you first received HR of the month?

A1: i was genuinely very shocked, i had my friend laura dm me on snapchat saying i got it while i was on the way home from school and lowkey thought she was joking

Q2: What advice would you share to people who would like to become HROTM in the future?

A2: it's not always about the work people see u do, and just be true to yourself

Q3: How has your journey been at Teethyz so far?

A3: good, but rather long, this year will mark 5 years being involved at teethyz and i feel old

. ੭ 🧸 AOTM Interview

  • Interviewer: Ioviinqbr
  • Interviewee: peursal - Kanji Representative

Q1: What is it like to be working in Kanji’s Public Relations Department?

A1: I love working in Kanji's Public Relations Department. Everybody is so friendly and so proud of each other's achievements. The chemistry within our department is evident through the events we host, which helps create a friendly community.

Q2: What advice would you share to people who would like to get into PR in the future?

A2: If someone was hesitant to join the Public Relations department in the future I would encourage them and talk to them about the department's benefits. I would also make sure they trust their instincts and make sure that they are comfortable with the decisions they're making!

Q3: What is it like working with Teethyz as an alliance?

A3: Teethyz is one of Kanji's most supportive alliances and we are so grateful for the opportunity to become an affiliate of Teethyz's. Our most memorable times together are during event planning and hosting events, which is one of my favourite things to do in PR.

Q4: What is your favorite memory during your time in PR?

A4: My favorite memory in Public Relations is when I first passed Executive Intern applications. Thanks to my lead, owffer he allowed me and others to join the department. I was welcomed with openhands and was really excited to start operations.

︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵﹒︵ ﹒︵

Thank you so much for reading the OTM & LROTW section of our newsletter! We hope you enjoyed it. 🤍

Section by Ioviinqbr & svphiees


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Section by Iykasq & eviegracea


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Teethyz August Birthday Interviews:

This month, we have had a lot of meaningful, and memorable birthdays in the Teethyz community. Many of our MR+ celebrated a birthday this month, and me and SiimplyBunnwy got the opportunity to interview some of them! Here are some of the responses:

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  • Interviewee: Jyrezo (Birthday: August 2nd)
  • Interviewer: fwoIklore

Question: How did you celebrate your birthday this year?

Response: “I just spent the day with family, didn't really have a party or anything.”


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  • Interviewee: michallol7 (Birthday: August 17th)
  • Interviewer: fwoIklore

Question: How did you celebrate your birthday this year?

Response: “I celebrated my birthday with a fancy hibachi restaurant for lunch, and set up for a slumber party with my friends and we had a blast!”


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  • Interviewee: RobloxPro201222 (Birthday: August 14th)
  • Interviewer: fwoIklore

Question: How did you celebrate your birthday this year?

Response: “For my birthday, I didn't really do a lot since all my plans are set to friday, but on Friday my friend is going to come over and we'll go to the theme parkk! I just had a little celebration with some cake! I was mostly online aswell since I didn't have anything to do, just chatting with some friends.”


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  • Interviewee: elxvriaa (Birthday: August 10th)
  • Interviewer: fwoIklore

Question: How did you celebrate your birthday this year?

Response: “On my birthday, I had a really memorable day. I started by hosting my very first shift at teethyz, which was a big milestone for me. Later, I enjoyed a delicious seafood meal at a nice restaurant. To top off the day, I went to Urban Air with my family and friends!!”


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  • Interviewee: Tradewinds2810 (Birthday: August 2nd)
  • Interviewer: SiimplyBunnwy

Question: How did you celebrate your birthday this year?

Response: “For my birthday I went to one of those waterparks which is on a lake which was very fun and spent time with family and ate cake then I also had chinese and domino’s for dinner.”


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  • Interviewee: eviegracea (Birthday: August 2nd)
  • Interviewer: SiimplyBunnwy

Question: How did you celebrate your birthday this year?

Response: “For my birthday I did an inflatable water park thing with my friends which was very fun and then came home and had dominos!!”


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  • Interviewee: mariesluvqs (Birthday: August 17th)
  • Interviewer: SiimplyBunnwy

Question: How did you celebrate your birthday this year?

Response: “I was able to spend my birthday mostly by relaxing and spending time with my family. We went out to dinner where I ate a lot of food. I also got many presents and birthday wishes from friends.”


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  • Interviewee: fIqraley (Birthday: August 19th)
  • Interviewer: SiimplyBunnwy

Question: How did you celebrate your birthday this year?

Response: “What I did for my birthday was I went to one of my favorite restaurants with my friends and family! I got a bunch of cool things for my birthday and I’m glad I got to celebrate it with people I love 🙂 then of course when I got home I had a bunch more cake!! Xx”


Overall, this month we celebrated the amazing birthdays of some of Teethyz management members. If you see them in chat or in game, it is never too late to say happy birthday to them! Although we only interviewed a couple of the people that had a birthday this month, there were still countless birthdays this month, which you can find down below!

  • 2/8 Evie and Grace
  • 2/8 Jimmy (Jyrezo)
  • 7/8 Marieluvqs
  • 10/8 elxvria
  • 13/8 stqrlls
  • 14/8 Robloxpro201222
  • 17/8 michallol7
  • 19/8 Perfectlyannie, fIqraley
  • 21/8 Furnface
  • 24/8 lqvingaveryx
  • 28/8 alessqi
  • 31/8 svphiees
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Thank you for reading this month's birthday section, we hope you have a good day/night!

Section by fwoIklore and SiimplyBunnwy


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Hello, Teethyz community! During the month of August, we were able to capture may nice memories. The photography team has collected them into different collages. It's now time to check these collages, we hope you like them!

₊ ⊹ Shift photos

We have had some very enjoyable shifts this month! I hope you enjoy the lovely collage of some of this months shift pictures! Can you spot yourself or any of your friends?

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₊ ⊹ Training photos

As you know we host daily trainings, we always take a photo at the end with our trainers! Check them out below!

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₊ ⊹ Alliance photos

We definitely love visiting our lovely alliances, or them visiting us! Enjoy this collage we made for you.

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₊ ⊹ Funny photos

During this month, we’ve had many laughs and fun moments. I hope you’ve had a good month and as many laughs as we had. Here we leave you a collage with the best funny photos of this month; we hope you like it!

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That wraps up this month’s memories section! Our team loved capturing these moments here at Teethyz and we hope you enjoyed them as well. We hope to see you again next time!

Section by Photography Team


► Thank you for reading our August Newsletter! See you all next month.

~ ♚ Credits! ♚ ~

Lead Newsletter Board: RBLXWithEmily

Newsletter Board: PerfectlyAnnie, vaemmlaqx, mckcnzies, & witty20007

Site Provider/Advisor: Jyrezo

Graphics: michallol7, avuhcxdo, & foundlilly

Section Authors: vcorria, steveygamer2, Ioviinqbr, mariesluvqs, svphiees, ashlvqh, lvsvnnyy, funkytoucan123, & mythwical

Photographers: UhMeliaa, ethvrweal, NewSwitcherop, Vinnielittle14, iikqtieee & adsianmendsiam

Social Assistants: Tradewinds2810, eviegracea, fwoIklore, SiimplyBunnwy, IieforIove, & aIessqi

Editors: TailaBzp, Lukefromthedead, aolqnii, flowersandrainbowzz, kkennedys, 1uvxflqra, duIcetlly, lvcials, & OceanAvny

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/issues/December Newsletter 2023/index.html b/issues/December Newsletter 2023/index.html index a4b0d85..738bca9 100644 --- a/issues/December Newsletter 2023/index.html +++ b/issues/December Newsletter 2023/index.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ December Newsletter 2023 | Teethyz Newsletter - + @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Funny Collage

◉ Alliance photos

Did someone say alliance photos? I think, yes. Here are some photos of our lovely alliances of 2023! Alliance collage Alliance Collage

That was a lot of memories, right? But thats all from us! We hope that looking at this year’s many collages cheered you up!

~ Section by Photography team


► Thank you for reading our November Newsletter! See you next month.

~ ♚ Credits! ♚ ~

Lead Newsletter Board: XxCandy2372xX

Newsletter Board: PerfectlyAnnie, missel_k2, RBLXWithEmily, mckcnzies, & witty20007

Site Provider/Advisor: Jyrezo

Graphics: bearfuhl, michallol7, Avocado4Life301, swocieties

Section Authors: mariesluvqs, havivq, Furnface, ashlvqh, vcorria, steveygamer2, bvcrls, cinnohbun, mvthoIogy,

Photographers: Mrs_KawaiiCat, zeiqios, Didi_ek, Vinnielittle14, NewSwitcherop

Social Assistants: avvIeqs, Blueqxia, e2milys, islafq, JasJolly, shiny_laccy, vaemmlaqx, EleqantEmma

Editors: dietvivi, TailaBzp, Cas6nx, iaylaaz, kkennedys

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/issues/February Newsletter 2024/index.html b/issues/February Newsletter 2024/index.html index b948fc4..8e1244b 100644 --- a/issues/February Newsletter 2024/index.html +++ b/issues/February Newsletter 2024/index.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ February Newsletter 2024 | Teethyz Newsletter - + @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Oh yes we are saving the best for last! We are back with some funny photos! We hope you enjoy and we hope that this will brighten up your day with a smile!

Funny Photos

⤹: That's all from us! The second month of the year brought many lovely memories! We hope you liked this recapitulation of the unforgettable moments that happened during this month. See you next time! ❧

~ Section by Phtography team


WordSearch Banner


🦷 Word Search

• Perfect for the Valentines Season, our Newsletter Team decided to create a lovely Word Search. Throughout the sheet, we have 12 Valentines-related words hidden. Make sure to check thoroughly because some may be difficult to find, but there are also those that may be simple to find. We sincerely hope you like it, good luck! 🌹

WordSearch Sheet

~ Section by Didi_ek


TD SpiritWeek Banner


🦷 Teethyz Spirit Week

Our amazing PR department decided to host a really fun and interactive spirit week for the celebration of Valentine's Day. Let's look back on what events were hosted and give the winners of these events some extra credit.

♪ › Guess The Song

On Monday, the first day of the spirit week, there was supposed to be a "Guess The Song" game night. Sadly, this event couldn't take place due to technical difficulties, but the following mini-games just got better and better!

❥ › Valentine's Cards

On the 13th of February, the second day of our spirit week, EleqantEmma hosted an unbelievably creative "Valentine's Letters" event. Here, you had the opportunity to write one or multiple letters to your loved ones. This event was really successful, as over 300 letters were sent. Feel free to check out the letters written below: ⤸



For the third day of our spirit week, nothing was hosted as it was Valentine's Day and everyone was spending time with their loved ones.

✎ › Art Contest

On Thursday, Aimlvma hosted an art contest regarding pictures about Valentine's. Please congratulate our three winners for their amazing pictures: Funkytoucan123 scored first place. Runner up was corpsebraidly, in second place. And in third place, Yukidayoku2. Feel free to take a look at the pictures from our three winners below! ⤸ ⁠Teethyz⁠

⌕ › Word Search

On Friday, RBLXWithEmily hosted a Valentine's word search. There were 17 hidden Valentine's related words. Please congraulate x_charlee360, g0ld3m_suns3t and aujxjo for completing the word search the fastest!

☻ › Guess Who

On the sixth day of our spirit week, XxCandy2372xX planned a "Be Mine" festival. Sadly, it didn't take place due to technical difficulties. But wait! Chrissy still managed to host an amazing game night, Guess Who! At the dentist, there were cutouts of our MR+'s avatars and they were also described. The first to guess the MR correctly won! Congratulations to everyone who won during this mini-game.

❤︎ › Heart PNG

For the last day of our spirit week, PerfectlyAnnie and Kecai hosted an adorable event together, "Heart PNGs". This was such a cute event to end things off with as everyone was able to send their personalized hearts and what they love in #community-photos. This was, as all the other ones, an amazing event which I and many others truly enjoyed.

This was a summary of our spirit week. I hope you all enjoyed and, if you participated, had fun! Which of these was your favourite event? Let me know! :)

Section made by vaemmlaqx


OTM Banner


Greeting once again Teethyz, and welcome back to our Of The Month section! In this section you will find out about our Alliance of the month, our MR of the month, and our HR of the month! Let's start with our MR of the month!

Our MR Of The Month was… Cas6nx (Casen)! We are all very proud of him for winning such a highly esteemed award! I was able to get an exclusive interview with Casen as a part of this, so read and enjoy!

Interviewer: Furnface

Interviewee: Cas6nx (Casen)


Q(Furnface) What was your reaction to getting MR of the month?

A(Casen) I was really surprised!


Q(Furnface) What’s some advice you would give to LR’s trying to be an MR one day.

A(Casen) Be active, but not so much that you burn yourself out. Also, you need to be consistent! Instead of doing 200+ minutes in one day then 0 the next, do 45-60 minutes a week!


Q(Furnface) What’s some advice you would give to MR’s trying to one day get MR of the month.

A(Casen) I don't know how they pick MROTM, but I would say to be active in game and also be respectful and professional.

Some great words from Casen and we congratulate him on the amazing achievements and getting MR of the month! Now for our HR of the month segment! Our HR for the month of December was… vcorria (Victoria). Congratulations to vcorria on getting this amazing achievement! As a part of this, Mahdia got an interview with vcorria!

Interviewer: Mrs_KawaiiCat (Mahdia) Interviewee: vcorria

「 Q1. What was your reaction to getting HR of the month? 」

⭒ A1. I was pretty shocked getting HROTM! I immediately wanted to find a cute profile picture to match my role color!

「 Q2. What’s some advice you would give to LR’s trying to be an MR one day? 」

⭒ A2. Some advice I would give to LR’s is staying active and consistent! Going in-game everyday for only 15+ minutes is a big deal!

「 Q3. What’s some advice you would give to HR’s trying to one day get HR of the month? 」

⭒ A3. Advice I would give to HR's trying to get HROTM one day is, interacting and being active! Activity I feel like is a big part even if you are a LR and overall just interacting with everybody and communicating well!「 Q1. What was your reaction to getting HR of the month? 」

Some great words from vcorria and we are all very proud of her momentous achievement as earning an award like HR of the month is no easy task! Now our next section is our alliance of the month! This is a section where our team hand picks an alliance then we think is professional, kind, and respectful! For this months alliance of the month it is… Boba! Congratulations Boba! Here is Furnface with one of the PR representatives of Boba.

Interviewer: Furnface

Interviewee: mwaniacss


Q (Furnface) What is it like working with Teethyz Dentist from an alliance perspective.

A (mwaniacss) Working with Teethyz from an alliance perspective is incredibly nice.Teethyz MRs and HRs shows insane amount of love which Boba appreciate a lot. In the past few days that I have been in PR, teethyz has shown great support and I am grateful that we are allied with Teethyz for that.


Q (Furnface) What is it like working with Teethyz to make these PR events that both of our staff teams love very much.

A (mwaniacss) Working with the Teethyz PR team for events is such a great feeling. Both our teams are amazing workers and the fact that we can bond to create fun events for others is very rewarding. Can't wait to host more event with Teethyz!

That is all for the MR/HR/Alliance otm section, thank you all for reading and have an amazing day!

~ Section by Furnface, Mrs_KawaiiCat


Birthday Banner


୨ ˚ February Birthdays! ⋆ ୧

🎂 ﹒ Heyyy! Hope you've been enjoying the Newsletter so far! This month, we had a whole bunch of fabulous MRs+ birthdays! Let's give a quick re-cap!

Birthday Sheet

Woo! Happy late birthday! That concludes all of the Birthdays for February, see you next month!

✧・゚Section by - vcorria & Graphics Team


► Thank you for reading our November Newsletter! See you next month.

~ ♚ Credits! ♚ ~

Lead Newsletter Board: XxCandy2372xX

Newsletter Board: PerfectlyAnnie, EleqantEmma, aimlvma, RBLXWithEmily, mckcnzies, & witty20007

Site Provider/Advisor: Jyrezo

Graphics: bearfuhl, michallol7, Avocado4Life301, swocieties

Section Authors: mariesluvqs, havivq, Furnface, ashlvqh, vcorria, steveygamer2, bvcrls, cinnohbun,

Photographers: Mrs_KawaiiCat, zeiqios, Didi_ek, Vinnielittle14, NewSwitcherop

Social Assistants: Blueqxia, e2milys, islafq, JasJolly, shiny_laccy, vaemmlaqx

Editors: dietvivi, TailaBzp, Cas6nx, iaylaaz, kkennedys

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/issues/January Newsletter 2024/index.html b/issues/January Newsletter 2024/index.html index a7d611e..f5b6419 100644 --- a/issues/January Newsletter 2024/index.html +++ b/issues/January Newsletter 2024/index.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ January Newsletter 2024 | Teethyz Newsletter - + @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Do your homework the day you get it assigned. That way, you won't have to stress about it for the next few days.

We hope that these will be useful to all of you who are reading this. Best of luck!

~ Section by steveygamer2 & Didiek




Greetings, Teethyz! We are thrilled to present the MR/HR/Alliance OTM section for January. I've been able to have an interview with each of these individuals and groups, so please enjoy reading their answers.♡

January's MROTM was iiNotNia! Her contributions to Teethyz are very appreciated, as well as her constant hard work and efforts. Here are some of her responses to the interview questions:

Interviewer: mariesluvqs

Interviewee: iiNotNia

1. What was your reaction after finding out you were selected for MROTM?

A. I was really shocked and happy!!』

2. What’s some advice you’d give to LRs trying to get MR?

A. Not to give up and keep going. Also not to over work yourself.』

3. What’s some advice you’d give to anyone trying to get OTM?

A. Believe in yourself, help others around you and do more than you normally do.』


Next, here is the interview with our HROTM, iixtxshaxii! She's extremely dedicated to the group and helps improve Teethyz in so many ways. Here are her reponses:

Interviewer: mariesluvqs

Interviewee: iixtxshaxii

1. What was your reaction after finding out you were selected for HROTM?

A. Wow! I was in disbelief, honestly shocked. I was so glad that I had been recognised for my hard work over this month and just unbelievably grateful.』

2. What’s some advice you’d give to LRs trying to get MR?

A. Just keep trying. I know it’s hard sometimes but it will all be worth it. Attend shifts, recruitment and normal and just be yourself. Never change and try to push yourself infront of HRs for MR, it makes you seem needy but always be friendly!』

3. What’s some advice you’d give to anyone trying to get OTM?

A. To be completely honest, I think staying active but not burning yourself out is the main thing. Also a main thing, I tried to balance in game and discord activeness! Not just one or the other.』


Lastly, we were able to get an interview with one of the Public Relations officers at our alliance of the month... Coast! We're very grateful to be affiliated with this establishment, so here are their answers:

Interviewer: mariesluvqs

Interviewee: arvtiql

1. What is something you enjoy about being affiliated with Teethyz?

A. Something I enjoy about being affiliated with Teethyz is that Teethyz is an amazing alliance! They have such a wonderful community with lovely staff that are always willing to help you whenever needed. Teethyz is also a very supportive alliance to us!』

2. What's one thing about Teethyz that stands out to you the most?

A. One thing that Teethyz stands out to me the most is that Teethyz is a very unique group with the concept of it being a dentist, I don't really see dentist groups much on Roblox and Teethyz also grew a lot in these past few years making it the most popular dentist group on Roblox!』

That's all for this month's section of MR/HR/Alliance OTM! Congratulations to all of you, and thanks for reading! ♡

~ Section by mariesluvqs




🦷 Tiktok

• Sometimes some MRs wish that they could express their opinions freely towards trollers, but they always make sure to hold back and act professionally. Our Social Assistants have therefore decided to make a Tiktok about this! Make sure to check out our page. :)) !

January TikTok

~Section by Blueqxia & vcorria ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂



Over the month January we obviously had some amazing MR+ birthdays come up, let’s get a quick rewind of most of them!

Birthday Sheet 1

Birthday Diste

Birthday Sheet 2

That’s already it, wow time flies! I don’t want to talk to you about birthday all day thinking of the other fun sections we have this month, we still wish everyone a happy birthday and hope they all had a great day.

~ Section made by nvcklqces, cinnohbun & avuhcxdo


► Thank you for reading our November Newsletter! See you next month.

~ ♚ Credits! ♚ ~

Lead Newsletter Board: XxCandy2372xX

Newsletter Board: PerfectlyAnnie, EleqantEmma, RBLXWithEmily, mckcnzies, & witty20007

Site Provider/Advisor: Jyrezo

Graphics: bearfuhl, michallol7, Avocado4Life301, swocieties

Section Authors: mariesluvqs, havivq, Furnface, ashlvqh, vcorria, steveygamer2, bvcrls, cinnohbun,

Photographers: Mrs_KawaiiCat, zeiqios, Didi_ek, Vinnielittle14, NewSwitcherop

Social Assistants: Blueqxia, e2milys, islafq, JasJolly, shiny_laccy, vaemmlaqx

Editors: dietvivi, TailaBzp, Cas6nx, iaylaaz, kkennedys

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/issues/July Newsletter 2024/index.html b/issues/July Newsletter 2024/index.html index 7ea6e91..7d2e2f0 100644 --- a/issues/July Newsletter 2024/index.html +++ b/issues/July Newsletter 2024/index.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ July Newsletter 2024 | Teethyz Newsletter - + @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂

Ello everyone! Welcome back to our monthly newsletter. Everything in this newsletter will cover mostly everything that occured during July! We hope you enjoy!

  • Newsletter Team




Hey Teethyz community! Throughout our wonderful month of July, there have been important holidays to celebrate. We would like to explain a little about these holidays, and how important it is for some people. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy your reading.

: ̗̀➛ 🎉 4th of July!

The 4th of July is also more commonly known as Independence Day. Americans come together and celebrate with fireworks, food, and family time. They celebrate this wonderful holiday as an acknowledgment of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Americans use this day to come together with family, and have barbeques and parades to celebrate this wonderful moment of history. We hope you enjoyed your 4th of July, let us know how it went!

: ̗̀➛ 🍁 Canada Day!

Usually mistaken with the 4th of July, Canada Day takes place on the 1st of July. It marks the day that Canada became its own country, a symbol of independence. Canadians take time out of their day to participate in family activities and hold parades and ceremonies to celebrate this wonderful day. In Ottawa (Canada's capital city), they host unique events, such as concerts and incredible fireworks displays to show their respect. We hope you enjoyed your Canada Day!

: ̗̀➛ 🍦 National Ice Cream Flavour Day!

Nothing beats a cold ice cream on a hot summer day, mmm! If you like ice cream, we have the perfect celebration for you! National Ice Cream Flavour Day takes place on the 1st of July. It celebrates the diversity of different ice cream flavours and explores each flavour individually. You can celebrate by making homemade ice cream, ice cream tasting parties, and maybe even trying some new flavours! It is your choice, we hope you enjoy it.

: ̗̀➛ 🤫 Tell the Truth day!

Hm, if you like telling the truth, maybe you would want to celebrate this day! Tell the Truth Day is a day dedicated to honesty and encourages people to speak the truth in all aspects of their lives. Not only is telling the truth good, but it can also help you stay out of trouble. You can celebrate by committing to honesty, apologising and making amends or do some journaling based on your experiences. Maybe you could try some truth challenges? It is up to you, we encourage telling the truth at all times, we hope you enjoy your celebrations!

That's all for now, we hope you enjoyed reading about different awareness's for this month and took the time out of your day to read about them. Have a great day and see you next time!

Written by chwerriies.




ʚ ݁ ˖ 🎆 Welcome to the Day in the Life as an American section! This section represents the 4th of July. Some common things that many Americans do on the Fourth of July is have a festival, concert, barbecue, etc! It may even be hard to sleep on this special occasion because of all the fireworks going on!

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🎊 The fourth of July is Independence Day, a holiday in the United States which commemorates the Declaration of Independence by the Second Continental Congress on July 4th, 1776, establishing the United States of America.

                                             •˙˚∘  Interviewer: Flowersandrainbowzz 
Interviewee: Colen_star

ʚ ݁ ˖ Question: What are ways you celebrate the Fourth of July?

ʚ ݁ ˖ Answer: Put on fireworks and go to fairs/tourist places nearby and watch them!

ʚ ݁ ˖ Question: Who do you celebrate the Fourth of July with?

ʚ ݁ ˖ Answer: My family and friends.

                                             •˙˚∘  Interviewer: Flowersandrainbowzz 
Interviewee: Whosymme

ʚ ݁ ˖ Question: What are ways you celebrate the Fourth of July?

ʚ ݁ ˖ Answer: Basically, all of the 4th of July celebrations start on the 3rd. Me and all my friends head over to my friends house and then we go to Target and get stuff for the 4th. For the 4th this year, we had some people over and then her family hosted a big party at night which goes on for a while and everyone really just socialises and we hang out in the pool.

ʚ ݁ ˖ Question: Who do you celebrate the Fourth of July with?

ʚ ݁ ˖ Answer: My friends!!!!

                                             •˙˚∘  Interviewer: Flowersandrainbowzz 
Interviewee: Mariesluvqs

ʚ ݁ ˖ Question: What are ways you celebrate the Fourth of July?

ʚ ݁ ˖ Answer: I'm not American, but I will be saying what happened on Canada day for me. I don't go too crazy while celebrating Canada day, so normally I just dress up in red and white and watch fireworks from outside my window!

ʚ ݁ ˖ Question: Who do you celebrate the Fourth of July with?

ʚ ݁ ˖ Answer: I usually celebrate it with my family! We don't attend large gatherings or anything.

ʚ ݁ ˖ ✨️ This is the end of the Day in the Life as an American! I hope you enjoy the other sections as well as our Newsletter Team worked hard on them! Thank you so much to Viv, Emmy, and Marie for having great answers on this section. Happy reading!

*Section made by Flowersandrainbowzz*!




ʚ ݁ ˖ 🍨 Hey everyone! Welcome to the Teethyz Top Five Favorite Ice Cream Flavors! The Newsletter Team hopes that you enjoy this section as we worked extremely hard on it! In this section I will be giving you all some information on this, then we will interview some LRs/MRs/HRS on it! At the end of this section I will additionally be giving you the flavor which averaged the most in total so make your predictions now!

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🍦 You may come to ask, what is this section based off of? Well, this section is based off of National Ice Cream day which takes place on the 3rd Sunday of July, so for this year it took place on July 21st! National Ice Cream day offers up every flavor on the menu to honor the day!

Here are my top five favorite ice cream flavors:

🍓 | Strawberry!

🍋 | Lemon!

🍬 | Bubblegum!

🫐 | Blue Raspberry!

🍫 | Chocolate!

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🍩 It's now time to interview three LRs about this section! For this interview section I will be interviewing Buth123e, emiviys, and NaNaRulez5. Let's get started!

                                             •˙˚∘  Interviewer: flowersandrainbowzz 
Interviewee: Buth123e

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🧁 Question: What are your top five favorite ice cream flavors?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🎂 Answer: Cookies and Cream, Vanilla (ik I’m basic), Caramel, Mango Sorbet and Strawberry!

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🍭 Question: Would you recommend these flavors to others? Why?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🌷 Answer: Cookies and Cream and Vanilla and also Strawberry are like the STAPLES, like if you haven’t tried these flavours, you have to be locked up or something, it’s just always something that’s so simple yet so good, it really reminds you to be sort of grateful for the little things in life. Mango has to be the best fruit ever, super sweet and soo refreshing, paired with ice cream, it’s always going to be a hit. Trust me, if you're in the mood for something fruity, mango does not disappoint!!

                                             •˙˚∘  Interviewer: flowersandrainbowzz 
Interviewee: emiviys

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🧁 Question: What are your top five favorite ice cream flavors?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🎂 Answer: Chocolate, Mint Chocolate Chip, Moose Tracks, Sherbert and Cookie Dough!

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🍭 Question: Would you recommend these flavors to others? Why?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🌷 Answer: I would recommend these flavors to others because they taste really good and it's always good to try new things!

                                             •˙˚∘  Interviewer: flowersandrainbowzz 
Interviewee: NaNaRulez5

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🧁 Question: What are your top five favorite ice cream flavors?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🎂 Answer: Cookies and Cream, Vanilla, Cookie Dough, Strawberry and Chocolate!

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🍭 Question: Would you recommend these flavors to others? Why?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🌷 Answer: I would recommend these flavors to others because I really love those top 5 and it brings out my personality. I used to be afraid to try different ice cream flavors because I thought I wouldn’t like it. It’s always best to try something new because you never know what it might taste like!

ʚ ݁ ˖ 💚 Thank you to Buth, Emma, and Nana for helping me out with this section, your answers were great! For this interview section we averaged for the top flavor being Chocolate, Cookies and Cream, Cookie Dough and Strawberry!

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🌊 For our next interviews, we will now have three MRs being interviewed! Please welcome iikqtieee, a7ix_z, and stcrbwrries!

                                             •˙˚∘  Interviewer: flowersandrainbowzz 
Interviewee: iikqtieee

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🧁 Question: What are your top five favorite ice cream flavors?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🎂 Answer: My top five favorite ice cream flavors would honestly be Mint Chocolate Chip, Cookie Dough, Pistachio, Vanilla and lastly Chocolate!

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🍭 Question: Would you recommend these flavors to others? Why?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🌷 Answer: I’d definitely recommend Cookie Dough or Pistachio! These flavors taste amazing! I definitely recommend others to try these flavors!

                                             •˙˚∘  Interviewer: flowersandrainbowzz 
Interviewee: a7ix_z

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🧁 Question: What are your top five favorite ice cream flavors?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🎂 Answer: Chocolate, Berries, Strawberry, Cookies and Cream and Bubblegum!

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🍭 Question: Would you recommend these flavors to others? Why?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🌷 Answer: Yesss! I definitely would because I personally find them really nice! I do like slightly sweeter flavours + refreshing, so if you like sweet and refreshing ice cream I definitely recommend trying these flavors!!

                                             •˙˚∘  Interviewer: flowersandrainbowzz 
Interviewee: stcrbwrries

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🧁 Question: What are your top five favorite ice cream flavors?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🎂 Answer: I ADORE Strawberry Cheesecake! Strawberry Cheesecake definitely fits for all five! It's just so good!! Strawberries are the best!

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🍭 Question: Would you recommend these flavors to others? Why?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🌷 Answer: WELL, if they like strawberries, yes! This is because not everyone has the same likings as me, but personally, it is amazingg.

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🍉 This now concludes the MR interviews! A big thank you to Katie, Aubri, and Mahdia for helping me out! In this section we only averaged at Chocolate! Maybe the HRs might have something in common…let's see!

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🌴 For the HR section I have interviewed the one and only vaemmlaqx, lehoco, and sacrifhce. Let's get right into it! I hope you enjoy!

                                             •˙˚∘  Interviewer: flowersandrainbowzz 
Interviewee: vaemmlaqx

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🧁 Question: What are your top five favorite ice cream flavors?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🎂 Answer: My favorite ice cream flavors vary A LOT, right now at the top I’d probably put Cookie Dough and second Chocolate BUT NOT ALONE, THOSE TWO TOGETHER IS HEAVEN! Then after that needs to come Mango because that’s literally just top tier. This might cause some disagreement but probably the Blue Angel flavor, I don’t know if you know it but it’s like pink and blue, and it’s awesome. And lastly I’d do… Well, this isn’t a flavor but Water Ice, literally the best.

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🍭 Question: Would you recommend these flavors to others? Why?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🌷 Answer: I would recommend them because they’re always something to try out, the first two are rather something milky and the last ones rather for hot summer days!

                                             •˙˚∘  Interviewer: flowersandrainbowzz 
Interviewee: lehoco

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🧁 Question: What are your top five favorite ice cream flavors?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🎂 Answer: Salted Caramel, Vanilla, Chocolate, Mint Chocolate Chip and Cookies and Cream!

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🍭 Question: Would you recommend these flavors to others? Why?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🌷 Answer: Yes, I would. It depends on how you feel, like if you want a simple flavor, there you are, or if you want something extra! They all go well together as well.

                                             •˙˚∘  Interviewer: flowersandrainbowzz 
Interviewee: sacrifhce

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🧁 Question: What are your top five favorite ice cream flavors?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🎂 Answer: Cookies and Cream, Cookie Dough, Vanilla, Chocolate Chip and Chocolate.

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🍭 Question: Would you recommend these flavors to others? Why?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🌷 Answer: I would recommend these flavors to others !!! These 5 flavors are sososo good, it’s hard to not like these flavors!

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🎀 Wow! Reading this section makes me hungry for ice cream! A big thank you to Emma, Leah, and Vanessa for participating in the HR interview section! For this section we averaged at Cookie Dough, Vanilla and Chocolate!

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🌸 It seems like the LRs have the most in common and the MRs have the least in common. Now it's time for our final part..to add up all the ice cream flavors and see which one averaged the most! For this year's Teethyz Top Ice Cream Flavor will be….drum rolls….CHOCOLATE! I can definitely agree that Chocolate is an amazing flavor.

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🏖️ This now concludes the Teethyz Top Five Ice Cream Flavors section! The Newsletter Team and I truly hope that you enjoyed it. I hope you enjoy reading all the other sections as well as our team worked extremely hard on them!

  • Section made by flowersandrainbowzz!




Hello, wonderful Teethyz community! This time around, I got to interview some people on a really fun topic. These people have shared silly stories from their lives. Happy reading!

𓂅 ₊˚୨୧ ★ XxCandy2372xX

"when I was in middle school, there’s these like classroom jobs that we had to do with another classmate of mine. FOR ME and my friend, we got a printing job. We went to this office to go print anddd the printer stopped working. So my friend decided to kick the printer so hard that it started working. Me and her were screaming at that point LMAO. THIS IS NOT RLLY THAT SILLY but it’s a silly moment."

𓂅 ₊˚୨୧ ★ themale_man1

"One day, I woke up and looked out the window. To my surprise, I saw that my house was floating high up in the sky. I quickly ran to my door and opened it. I looked around and saw that I was in the middle of a sea of clouds. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I walked to the edge of the house and looked down. I was scared of heights and woke up, oh I was dreaming all the time."

𓂅 ₊˚୨୧ ★ 4RDIL

"once in year 8 i was pulled out of one of my lessons by my head of year and he took me to his office to ask me why i walked out of my pe lesson the same day. i told him that i never walked out and was there the entire time, but he didn’t believe me and showed me an email which said that i apparently did walk out of my lesson since it had my name in the email. i was confused since that didn’t happen but my head of year didn’t believe me when i told him that it wasn’t me who walked out so he put me out of circulation (iso) for the rest of the day. turns out my pe teacher mixed my name up with another guy since we had similar names and to this day i never got an apology for that."

𓂅 ₊˚୨୧ ★ bvubblys

"The silliest thing that has ever happened to me was that when I was 11 I slipped on mud and fell into a giant puddle and I was covered in mud and all my friends laughed at me!"

𓂅 ₊˚୨୧ ★ rvpwtation

"This is a silly incident that happened in my life. So my Mom, Brother, and I were walking around at the mall and there’s this cake store that has free samples. I really wanted the cake samples but didn’t want to go in just to have the samples because that would be kind of rude and embarrassing. Anyway, my brother has lactose intolerance and I already knew that they didn’t have any cakes that were dairy free, so I had an idea. I walked in to the store and I asked if they had any dairy free cakes and they said no of course, and so I said thank you and walked around and took a sample without the cashier looking at me. I was SO proud of myself!"

𓂅 ₊˚୨୧ ★ fwlkylee

"its not really about me but my mom use to be friends with taylor swift and i just found out like a year ago 😭"

꒷꒦︶ Interviewed by Choiisiiwon ︶꒷꒦




꒰ ꔫ ꒱ Best Vacation Destination July 2024 ︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶

᧔o᧓ • 𓈒 Maui, Hawaii:

Maui is a paradise for beach lovers. With its golden sands, crystal-clear waters, and lush landscapes, it is perfect for relaxation and adventure. Explore the Road to Hana, snorkel in Molokini Crater, or simply unwind on the beautiful beaches. ۶♡ৎ

᧔o᧓ • 𓈒 Kyoto, Japan:

Kyoto is a city where tradition meets beauty. It is famous for its stunning temples, serene gardens, and historic tea houses. Don’t miss the breathtaking Arashiyama Bamboo Grove and the iconic Fushimi Inari Shrine with its thousands of torii gates. 𒈔

᧔o᧓ • 𓈒 Barcelona, Spain:

Barcelona is a vibrant city with a unique blend of modernist architecture and rich history. Visit the awe-inspiring Sagrada Familia, stroll down La Rambla, and enjoy the delicious tapas. The city’s lively atmosphere and beautiful beaches make it a perfect vacation spot. ⁂𓊇͏

᧔o᧓ • 𓈒 New Orleans, Louisiana:

New Orleans is a city full of life and culture. Known for its jazz music, Mardi Gras celebrations and delicious Creole cuisine, it’s a place where you can immerse yourself in the local traditions. Explore the French Quarter, take a steamboat ride on the Mississippi River, and savor the beignets at Café du Monde. Ⳋ᧙ ˖ ॱ

᧔o᧓ • 𓈒 Turks and Caicos:

With it's captivating beaches and beautiful scenery, Turks and Caicos is a destination you wouldn't want to miss! Whether you're into snorkelling, scuba diving or even just admiring nature, there's something there for everyone! ۶♡ৎ

᧔o᧓ • 𓈒 Venice, Italy:

Venice is a beautiful, captivating destination in Italy. It's known mainly for its breathtaking intricate architecture, its various canals, and stunning bridges. Take a trip to Saint Marks Basilica to admire it's spectacular architecture, or enjoy a soothing, serene gondola ride through the Grand Canal. 𒈔

᧔o᧓ • 𓈒 Rio De Janeiro, Brazil:

Rio is well known for it’s stunning beaches and it’s lively vibrant cultural atmosphere. Take a picture in-front of the iconic and beautiful Christ the Redeemer Statue, or simply enjoy the beautiful landscapes and scenery throughout the city! ⁂𓊇͏

᧔o᧓ • 𓈒 Sydney, Australia:

This captivating destination is well known for its amazing views. Take a soothing stroll on Bondi Beach, or bask in the artistic and architectural essence of the famous Sydney Opera House Ⳋ᧙ ˖ ॱ

~ Section by Ioviinqbr & steveygamer2




Greetings, Teethyz Community! This is Furnface, and welcome to the best section of the newsletter… the OTM section!!!

First we are going to start with the MR of the month! Who of which I was able to secure this interview with them.

Furn: What was your reaction to getting MR of the month?

Robotsnoopy0111: I feel honored that they thought I was worthy enough of MROTM.

Furn: What’s some advice you would give to LR’s trying to be an MR one day.

Robotsnoopy0111: Even if you feel down or like you aren't being promoted, never give up! I certainly didn't, and look where I am. It may have taken quite a lot of time, but great things take time.

Furn: What’s some advice you would give to MR’s trying to one day get MR of the month.

Robotsnoopy011: Don't over work yourself. If you ever feel like you aren't being noticed, it isn't due to the fact that you aren't working hard enough, it's just because your time hasn't came yet. Be yourself and work the normal amount. It'll be much more rewarding when you are happy and aren't over working yourself. After all, I followed what I found best, which is just being myself and not over working. Look at where I am now, I'm MROTM. If I can do it, you certainly can! C:

What nice and wise words from Spi, we congratulate her on winning MR otm! Now lets move onto our HR of the month…

Furn: What was your reaction to getting HR of the month?

4RDIL: I was shocked as I didn’t expect it at all. I’d gotten a lot of pings and DMs at the time so it was a very exciting and fun experience to have.

Furn: What’s some advice you would give to LR’s trying to be an HR one day.

4RDIL: My advice is to just to try and stand out as that plays a big part for when we decide on who to recruit for the MR team. Consistent hardwork and dedication will definitely lead to your work being acknowledged.

Furn: What’s some advice you would give to MR’s or even HR’s trying to one day get MR or HR of the month.

4RDIL: Do remember that all contributions that you make are valuable in a way. Try to get involved with different conversations/debates and just try to put your thoughts out there; no one will judge or criticize you for your thoughts. Interacting also plays a big part!

Wow! Talk about inspiring words from Ardil about his HR of the month award. Now for our last segment, our alliance of the month!!! This interview is from an alliance representative from our alliance of the month… Pastriez!

Furn: What’s it like working with Teethyz Public Relations?

leivzre: Working with Teethyz Public Relations is an honor! Their team works extremely hard and are always willing to put in full effort into their events and our collaborations. The dedication that they have is truly inspiring, and we can't wait to host more wonderful events with them!

Furn: What’s your favorite part about working at Pastriez?

leivzre: My favorite part about working at Pastriez is hosting events and making people happy and engaged. Pastriez is very special to me as it's the community I grew up with, and being able to give back by organizing fun activities and seeing everyone enjoy them is incredibly rewarding.

Furn: What’s some advice you would give to people looking to get into Human Resources/ Public Relations?

leivzre: For anyone looking to get into Human Resources or Public Relations, my biggest piece of advice is to never give up and to always put in your best effort. Use every opportunity to grow and improve, and approach every situation with kindness and patience. Remember that great things take time, so don't be discouraged if you haven't gotten there yet. I know you can do it!

Always great to hear from our alliances perspectives and I appreciate Leina for taking time out of her day to do that interview for me!

Thank you all for reading and have a great day! 😄

~ Section by FurnFace




Greetings, everyone! For this month’s newsletter, I have sat down and gathered 3 awesome candidates from each rank that have been promoted this month. Please allow me to give you a recap of some of the promotions, along with a statement written by them.


   **QUESTION:** How did you react to being promoted to your recent rank?

*mvddivqs has been promoted to Staff Assistant on July 3rd, 2024. Please congratulate them on their achievement!*

“When I got promoted to Staff Assistant by 4RDIL, I was over the moon! It was such a good experience and I’m so happy to be on the team.”

*mcdnightss has been promoted to Staff Assistant on July 11th, 2024. Please congratulate them on their achievement!*

“I was just in pure shock, my jaw dropped in real life, and I couldn't believe that it was happening! I was not expecting it at all. I had been waiting so long for this moment, and my dream finally came true! I’m so, so thankful it happened!!”

*Iovqjess has been promoted to Staff Assistant on July 4th, 2024. Please congratulate them on their achievement!*

“I was shifting, and Leah suddenly announced it in-game! I was very surprised, and obviously happy. I didn’t know what to do with myself! I had so many pings, it was amazing and I’m so, so grateful!”

*n1ghtfvllz has been promoted to Supervisor on July 11th, 2024. Please congratulate them on their achievement!*

“When Marie promoted me to supervisor, I was completely shocked! I totally did not expect it, and it really took me by surprise!”

*fevynn has been promoted to Supervisor on July 6th, 2024. Please congratulate them on their achievement!*

“Okay so, I was on FaceTime with my friends when I was on Discord and Kennedy promoted me. I gasped so loud and quickly hung up the call. I was honestly shocked because it was very random timing, but I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. Love ya, Kennedy!”

*aIessqi has been promoted to Supervisor on July 12th, 2024. Please congratulate them on their achievement!*

“It was so exciting, and I'm so grateful to Casen and everyone who was being super supportive and kind!”

*adqysvn has been promoted to Assistant Manager on July 7th, 2024. Please congratulate them on their achievement!*

“I was really shocked, and wasn’t expecting it to happen that soon! Very very very grateful though!”

*plqsticz has been promoted to Assistant Manager on July 13th, 2024. Please congratulate them on their achievement!*

“I was beyond shocked to be promoted to Assistant Manager! I always try my best to fulfill my position as much as I can, and I cannot wait to take on this new challenge. I wouldn’t have asked for a more perfect Promotion, from such a wonderful person!”

*RobloxPro201222 has been promoted to Assistant Manager on July 13, 2024. Please congratulate them on their achievement!*

“OKAY SO, I was genuinely not expecting it at all; it was a boring summer day and when she promoted me, I was SHOCKED. I was really nervous and did not believe it at all, but here we are! I'm still really happy about it, and I appreciate it SO, SO, SO much.”

*OceanAvny has been promoted to Office Manager on July 3rd, 2024. Please congratulate them on their achievement!*

“When I realized what was happening, I was really shocked! I was not expecting this at all, especially when and how it happened. I’m so grateful, and so far, I love everything that comes with this new rank.”

*stxrrysvphie has been promoted to Office Manager on July 1st, 2024. Please congratulate them on their achievement!*

“At first, I was super confused and had no idea I was being promoted. When I finally realized, I could not stop smiling and jumping!! Office Manager has been a dream of mine, so I was so, so, so happy!!”

*honeyhoneymia has been promoted to Office Manager on July 24th, 2024. Please congratulate them on their achievement!*

“Receiving a promotion is always unexpected! It was an incredibly surreal moment. I couldn't believe it then, and I still can't now. I was shaking for a few minutes and got a little teary-eyed. I kept saying to myself, "No way, no way, no way." It was such an exciting feeling, and all of the congratulations I received made me even happier. It's a wonderful feeling to have your hard work recognized by many!”


  • leiragirls - Staff Assistant
  • aloraawd - Staff Assistant
  • mccnlitez - Staff Assistant
  • adsianmendsiam - Staff Assistant
  • mcdnightss - Staff Assistant
  • iovqjess - Staff Assistant
  • mvddivqs - Staff Assistant
  • obsrvated - Staff Assistant
  • aiessqi - Supervisor
  • iykasq - Supervisor
  • pleasvently - Supervisor
  • vwrsions - Supervsior
  • ilcvelys - Supervisor
  • n1ghtfvllz - Supervisor
  • dxrlinqlils - Supervisor
  • gvbbiess - Supervisor
  • stcrbwrries - Supervisor
  • whosymme - Supervisor
  • lxvaiisa - Supervisor
  • Test_account3310 - Supervisor
  • SiimplyBunnwy - Supervisor
  • pvrfvmes - Supervisor
  • fevynnn - Supervisor
  • adqysvn - Assistant Manager
  • iikqtieee - Assistant Manager
  • ioviinqbr - Assistant Manager
  • lcvelyjans - Assistant Manager
  • plqsticz - Assistant Manager
  • RobloxPro201222 - Assistant Manager
  • stxrrysvphie - Office Manager
  • OceanAvny - Office Manager
  • KawaiiCake88 - Office Manager
  • honeyhoneymia - Office Manager
  • svphiees - Office Manager
  • allykieu - Dental Board
  • chvociates - Dental Board
  • fallwaffles - Dental Board
  • vaemmlaqx - Executive Director




ᯓ˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗˙⋆.˚ July 2024 Memories! ˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗

₊ ˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗ Hello everyone! It's time for the memories section! During July, the photography team was able to capture most of the great memories we made. We hope you enjoy this collection of collages and, maybe, you're able to find yourself in one of them? Anyway, get ready to watch July's Memories!

ᶻ 𝗓 ˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗ .ᐟ Shift Photos

I love shifting, and so does our community! Can you spot yourself or your friend? Enjoy this lovely collage!


ᶻ 𝗓 ˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗ .ᐟ Training Photos

Oh my goodness, the Management Team has truely outdone themselves with these amazing training photos! Take a look for yourself! Do you see anyone you recognize in there? Training

ᶻ 𝗓 ˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗ .ᐟ Alliance Photos

We have made new visits to many of our allies, we of course took a picture to commemorate the visit! Make sure to check them out!


ᶻ 𝗓 ˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗ .ᐟ Funny Photos

It's been a long month, full of exciting moments and memories made by our community. We hope you have had a lovely month. But, it is time to have a giggle at these hilarious photos! Maybe you will see yourself in there?


Oh wow, It's already the end of this section! Well the photography team hoped you enjoyed this months photo's we will be back with more next newsletter!

Photography team.




July Birthdays🎂

.ೃ Question:

What did you do for your birthday? Or What do you have planned for your birthday?



Section made by eviegracea & tradewinds2810 + Graphics Team


► Thank you for reading our June Newsletter! See you next month.

~ ♚ Credits! ♚ ~

Lead Newsletter Board: RBLXWithEmily & XxCandy2372xX

Newsletter Board: PerfectlyAnnie, vaemmlaqx, aimlvma, mckcnzies, & witty20007

Site Provider/Advisor: Jyrezo

Graphics: michallol7, avuhcxdo, adqysvn & foundlilly

Section Authors: Furnface, vcorria, steveygamer2, fwoIklore, Ioviinqbr, mariesluvqs, svphiees, & ashlvqh

Photographers: UhMeliaa, Didi_ek, NewSwitcherop & Vinnielittle14

Social Assistants: Tradewinds2810, Choiisiiwon, & eviegracea

Editors: TailaBzp, Lukefromthedead, aolqnii, flowersandrainbowzz, kkennedys, ordinarythngs, 1uvxflqra, & OceanAvny

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/issues/June Newsletter 2024/index.html b/issues/June Newsletter 2024/index.html index 3616ce3..f5c8111 100644 --- a/issues/June Newsletter 2024/index.html +++ b/issues/June Newsletter 2024/index.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ June Newsletter 2024 | Teethyz Newsletter - + @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@

June Newsletter 2024



Ello everyone! Welcome back to our monthly newsletter. Everything in this newsletter will cover mostly everything that occured during June! BUT BEFORE WE GET INTO IT, there is a special announcement from the PR department regarding awareness! Please read below.


Anything in regards of awareness will now ONLY be in our newsletter. This is to ensure that majority of holidays, special occasions and historical days in that said month can be all in one place. We understand that this might be upsetting for some, however due to unforseen circumstances and miscommunications in the past, we believe this is the best decision for now. If you'd like to suggest something in relation to awareness event being announced, make sure to DM a PR.

Thank you for reading!

~ PR Department




Throughout June, there have been numerous important holidays to recognize and celebrate; Let’s take a look at a few of them!

‧͙⁺ 👨 › Fathers Day

Fathers Day is an internationally recognized holiday, meant to honor and acknowledge fathers and the impact they continuously have on our lives. I hope you (if able and applicable) took the time to appreciate and recognize the fathers who play a positive role in their children’s lives.

‧͙⁺ 🫂 › National Best Friend's Day

National Best Friend's Day is similar to Father’s Day, or National Siblings Day. On June 8th, many people, both within the Teethyz community and around the world took the time to acknowledge and appreciate the best friends that have positively impacted their lives. The qualities of a best friend can create a welcome change within your life, and I sincerely hope that you took this time to truly show some appreciation to anyone in your life you consider fits this role.

‧͙⁺ ❤️ › Juneteenth

Juneteenth is a holiday of severe importance within the United States of America, and should be acknowledged internationally due to its significance. Juneteenth is a day of awareness recognized on June 19th, the anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation of 1862, which stated all enslaved people were free. On this day I hope you took the time to reflect on the past, acknowledge the horrors of the time and recognize why it’s so important awareness is brought to these events in order for history to never repeat itself.

‧͙⁺ 🇵🇹 › National Portugese Heritage Month

National Portuguese Heritage Month is a time to celebrate and honour the beautiful traditions and contributions of the Portuguese community. It's a chance to recognize the history, language, music, dance, and delicious food passed down through generations. This month, we have a unique opportunity to educate others about Portuguese culture and share the achievements and impact of Portuguese Americans in the United States. It's a time for cultural events, community gatherings, and an all-around celebration of our Portuguese heritage and identity.

‧͙⁺ 🌈 › Pride Month

Pride Month, which takes place in June, is a significant time for supporting the LGBTQ+ community. It began as a way to remember the Stonewall riots in 1969 and to recognize all the ways LGBTQ+ people have shaped history and culture. During Pride Month, we unite to push for equality and raise awareness about LGBTQ+ rights. It's a time for celebrating our differences and making sure everyone feels accepted. There are events like parades and workshops that help show support and give strength to LGBTQ+ individuals. Pride Month is about spreading love and reminding us that we all deserve respect no matter who we are. It's also a time to highlight the importance of allyship, as allies play a crucial role in standing up for LGBTQ+ rights and creating a more inclusive society.

We hope you enjoyed reading this month's awareness section! Have a lovely day, everyone!

· Written by enchanting_victoria and iichxr_1





Greetings, Teeth’yz community! As highlighted earlier in our newsletter, Father’s Day was celebrated this month on June 16th. In honor of this special day, we’ve interviewed several MRs to share their thoughts on what Father’s Day means to them. Enjoy these heartfelt insights!


Interviewer: lqvelxa

Interviewee: mythwical

What is your favorite memory with your loved one?

⋮⋮ One of my favourite memories is when I spent time with my loved one in Blackpool. We had an amazing time doing everything, and it bonded us so much more! I still remember it to this day because of the everlasting memories of the different places we went to, where we stayed and how they made that part of my life an experience to remember!

What gift are you planning to get for your loved one?

⋮⋮ For my loved one, I got them a bunch of flowers and a silly little card that I wrote a heartfelt letter in! I also got them a small pack of chocolate just as a little sweet treat and a thanks for being there for me throughout the entirety of my life, and when I was at my worst because I appreciate them so much.


Interviewer: lqvelxa

Interviewee: lvauriies

What is your favorite memory with your loved one?

⋮⋮ Definitely going to motorsport speedway with him every year, it’s something that me and him really bond over!

What gift are you planning to get for your loved one?

⋮⋮ I’ve got my dad a mug that says the dog father (we have a dog) and my dog is going to wear a bandana that said “dads best friend” and I’ve got him some chocolate too.


Interviewer: angelicpayton

Interviewee: hwbiscus

What is your favorite memory with your loved one?

⋮⋮ Omg wait that’s such a hard question, I love all memories that I have with my loved ones!

What gift are you planning to get for your loved one?

⋮⋮ This year, my mom and I got my dad a shirt that he’s been wanting. I also got him some other smaller items and wrote a card!


╰ Thank you for reading this section! We hope you enjoy the rest of the newsletter, as our team worked hard on it! ɞ

Section made by lqvelxa & angelicpayton




Greetings, Teethyz community! We hope you are enjoying the June 2024 newsletter, so far. For this section, our lovely Newsletter Team has taken some time to write about National Best Friends Da. Below this message, you will be able to read about the origin and traditions of National Best Friends Day.

National Best Friends Day, established in 1935, is celebrated globally on June 8th. It honors the unbreakable friendships we share, and can be celebrated in various ways, from casual gatherings to formal events.

We have also interviewed some amazing MR+ about their best friends! Below, you will find what some of them had to say.

╭˚ʚ˚ ·˚ : ꒰ Interview Questions!꒱・ৎ —

Q1: What are some activities or traditions you and your best friend enjoy doing together?

Q2: What qualities or traits do you most appreciate in your best friend, and how do they inspire you in your own life?

Q3: Can you share a memorable moment or story that highlights why your best friend is so special to you?


╭ ˚ ෆ ·˚​​​​​​ Interviewees: lehoco & stqrlls ᡣ𐭩

╭ ˚ ෆ ·˚​​​​​​ Interviewer: Ioviinqbr


˚ʚ˚ — From: stqrlls・ৎ —

A1: Leah and I love VCing together and making matching avatars, even though sometimes she gives me winter options, like hello?! It’s Summer (for us anyways)!! We also host trainings together which is really fun!!!

A2: Leah is so funny and she always knows when something is wrong and how to cheer me up. She is such a lovely friend and I’m so lucky to have her in my life. She always helps me when I’m not feeling my best and she’s just adorable!!

A3: Even though I find it VERY annoying, she always plays Karma by Jojo Siwa in VC and whenever we’re in a VC with a bunch of people and it plays, I instantly know it was her who played it. Such a memorable moment haha!!!!! One time we were also shifting together and a LR came up to us complimenting our matching avatars and it made us so happy!! We spend like forever trying to find avatars we both like (it’s a struggle), since she has a very very bad taste.

˚ʚ˚ — From: lehoco・ৎ —

A1: We VC alot, and they are quite funny and entertaining. Then, I also drag her to shifts with me. She doesn't enjoy it but oh well!

A2: She is sometimes kind, but is there for me when I need her and she is sometimes very sweet.

A3: She is special to me because we were once in Teethyz, and she told me to take a picture with her and bam, we just became close.


╭ ˚ ෆ ·˚​​​​​​ Interviewees: FallWaffles & OceanAvny ᡣ𐭩

╭ ˚ ෆ ·˚​​​​​​ Interviewer: svphiees


˚ʚ˚ — From: FallWaffles・ৎ —

A1: I like calling Mina fat.

A2: I really appreciate how supportive and positive Mina can be! I'm always asking her opinion on things and she always just knows what ideas are good and which ones are bad! I think she inspires me to be a more insightive person!

A3: I remember this one time that Mina and I were in a VC in Teethyz and we were talking and laughing with each other. And then this other person joined the VC and we both got so quiet. And it was so funny because I was trying to hold back my laughter and we started DMing each other so agressively. IDK why but it was really funny!

˚ʚ˚ — From: OceanAvny・ৎ —

A1: Avery and I love chatting about our lives and new drama that might come up. We could go on for hours, talking about each other, even though we’ve only known each other for a few months.

A2: One trait that Avery has is she shows her love in very interesting ways. It’s hard to explain, although we bicker often, our love exists!

A3: One night, Avery and I started talking about the butterfly effect. We talked for a while about how different things would be if we never met and what we’d be doing.


╭ ˚ ෆ ·˚​​​​​​ Interviewees: mckcnzies & the_rice ᡣ𐭩

╭ ˚ ෆ ·˚​​​​​​ Interviewer: Ioviinqbr


˚ʚ˚ — From: mckcnzies・ৎ —

A1: Some activities/traditions Rice and I enjoy doing together would have to be playing Roblox games or our VCs.

A2: I appreciate how caring Rice is! He's kind to all. He inspires me to be a kinder person and treat others better.

A3: A memorable moment with Rice would be playing 3008 on Roblox with him. It's one of our favorite games, we usually build a fort and I do the interior while he works on the exterior!

˚ʚ˚ — From: the_rice・ৎ —

A1: My fav tradition with Kenzie is how we always say good morning and goodnight to each other and how we always tell each other how our days are going - good or bad. I also love our matching outfits (that Kenz usually finds)! :). I love playing roblox and being on call with Kenz and above all just love to talk with her about whatever is on our minds.

A2: Kenzie is such a thoughtful and caring person. She is always there for me and by my side. She has such a fun personality and our shared sense of humor lines up so well. She has inspired me to look up often and to have a more positive lookout - even in the mundane day-to-day things. I’m so grateful to have her as my best friend!! ☺️

A3: My most memorable moment with Kenzie is when we first started talking. I was going through some personal things and she saw how it was impacting me and immediately came to support me. This theme has continued throughout our friendship as we’re always there for each other whenever one of us isn’t feeling our best :). We have certainly had more memorable moments since then, but this is the one that will always stand out to me.


╭ ˚ ෆ ·˚​​​​​​ Interviewees: lcvelyjans & lovqiix ᡣ𐭩

╭ ˚ ෆ ·˚​​​​​​ Interviewer: Ioviinqbr


˚ʚ˚ — From: lcvelyjans・ৎ —

A1: I love shifting and matching with Reese!!

A2: She is kind, loving, and supportive!! She teaches me to make light out of tough situations.

A3: Shifting and handling trollers together!! <<3

˚ʚ˚ — From: lovqiix・ৎ —

A1: Jan and I love to just shift at the dentist, DMing and making jokes with eachother, etc!

A2: I love how Jan is extremely kind and outgoing, she is beyond caring and supportive as well. I love how she can easily make literally anyone smile, even when they're going through something tough. Jan is one of the sweetest people I have ever met and has influenced me into doing some amazing things for myself and others.

A3: Jan is special to me for many reasons, but mainly because of her amazing qualities. Like I said, she is extremely caring, kind, supportive, and she has many other awesome qualities. I don't really have any stories or memorable moments to share as we haven't been friends for a super long time, but I am so excited to create more memories with her!

╭˚ʚ˚ ·˚ : ꒰ Conclusion!꒱・ৎ — ︶︶︶︶︶︶︶

This concludes our wonderful series of best friend interviews. Teethyz is full of amazing pairs and groups, and we are so excited to share all the insights we've gathered. A huge thank you to all our interviewees who made this possible; Your support is deeply appreciated.

— Section written by Ioviinqbr & svphiees <3




ʚ ݁ ˖ 🌴 Heyy Teethyz Community! Welcome to the Summer Bucket List section. In this section, Isabella and Fev have put down some things that they would recommend for you to put on your Summer Bucket List. Let's get started!

Here are some things that Isabella would recommend:

  • Get a good tan!
  • Going swimming!
  • Hanging out with friends/family!
  • Having a picnic!
  • Eating out!

Here are some things that Fev would recommend:

  • Going to fun places like trampoline parks!
  • Going out with friends!
  • Going to different water parks!
  • Making a cake with friends!
  • Food taste testing!

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🦩 Now, let's move on to the next part of this section! Can you guess what it is? Drumrolls….the interview section! In this section, Isabella and Fev interviewed some MRs and HRs about some things related to their Summer Bucket List! Let's get started!

                                           •˙˚∘ **Interviewer**: Flowersandrainbowzz 
**Interviewee**: Kkennedys

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🌷 Question: What would be the number one thing you need for your Summer Bucket List?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🥥 Answer: Getting a dark tan and going in the Ocean!

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🦋 Question: What are things that you would recommend for people to put on their Summer Bucket List?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 💛 Answer: Get a tan and enjoy yourself! Also the Ocean!

                                           •˙˚∘ **Interviewer**: Flowersandrainbowzz 
**Interviewee**: Mariesluvqs

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🌷 Question: What would be the number one thing you need for your Summer Bucket List?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🥥 Answer: To tan a lot!!! I'm going to keep on my apple watch whenever I go out to tan so I can compare the difference on my skin and see my progress.

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🦋 Question: What are things that you would recommend for people to put on their Summer Bucket List?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 💛 Answer: I would recommend going to swim at a pool or beach multiple times, maybe once every 1 or 2 weeks! I also recommend going on a day trip outside of your area, maybe even outside the country.

                                           •˙˚∘ **Interviewer**: Flowersandrainbowzz 
**Interviewee**: FurnFace

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🌷 Question: What would be the number one thing you need for your Summer Bucket List?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🥥 Answer: Just have fun, and maybe get a little more tan.

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🦋 Question: What are things that you would recommend for people to put on their Summer Bucket List?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 💛 Answer: Get more tan!

                                           •˙˚∘ **Interviewer**: Fevside
**Interviewee**: Stxrrysvphie

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🐳 Question: What would be the number one thing you need for your Summer Bucket List?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🏖️ Answer: Hmm, a pool.

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🎀 Question: What are things that you would recommend for people to put on their Summer Bucket List?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 💗 Answer: Hanging out with friends, going to the beach and traveling!

                                           •˙˚∘ **Interviewer**: Fevside
**Interviewee**: Lovqiix

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🐳 Question: What would be the number one thing you need for your Summer Bucket List?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🏖️ Answer: Probably a nice summer tan and definitely some of my good friends, they make summer break so much better!

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🎀 Question: What are things that you would recommend for people to put on their Summer Bucket List?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 💗 Answer: Getting a tan, having a huge sleepover with friends, having a family get together, having a picnic with someone, and 100% going swimming!

                                           •˙˚∘ **Interviewer**: Fevside
**Interviewee**: FallWaffles

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🐳 Question: What would be the number one thing you need for your Summer Bucket List?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🏖️ Answer: I need plane tickets to somewhere tropical and lots of new outfits for the trip!

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🎀 Question: What are things that you would recommend for people to put on their Summer Bucket List?

ʚ ݁ ˖ 💗 Answer: I think everyone should prioritize sleep, resting and resetting from last year. I'm sure everyone has been really busy, especially with school, work and life in general!

ʚ ݁ ˖ 🌸 That's it for the Teethyz Summer Bucket List newsletter section! We truly hope you enjoyed it. We also hope that you enjoy reading all the other newsletters as well as our Newsletter Team worked really hard on it!

Section by Flowersandrainbowzz & Fevside!


summer awards



Greetings everyone! During June 2024 we had a lot of fun events going on, one being the summer awards! We interviewed some people and also wrote a small recap of how they went, now, without any further ado.. we'll present our Summer Awards!


Interviewer: Tradewinds2810

Interviewee: stqrlls

Q1 - What was your reaction to becoming a corporate advisor?

A1 - I was in vc with quite a few people at the time, everyone was screaming and I was sat there speechless?! i’m defo in shock.

Q2 - Did you expect to become a co-head of staffing?

A2 - Noo not really, I don’t think I was expecting it all!! I haven’t fully processed it yet though. 😭

╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Interviewer: Tradewinds2810

Interviewee: sikkiexx

Q1 - What was your reaction to winning most appreciative?


Q2 - Did you have any advice for people who would like to win awards?

A2- DON'T OVER THINK IT! Be happy for others if they win STAY POSITIVE AND KIND VROS.

╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Interviewer: Tradewinds2810

Interviewee: lvauriies

Q1 - What was your reaction to winning most Best dressed?

A1 - Well I was on voice chat with Tasha, I was in disbelief so I just said “OH” but then it hit me and I was so happy! Side note: thank you to everyone who voted me!

Q2 - Did you have any advice for people who would like to win awards?

A2 - Campaign hard, haha it was a struggle but it was overall very very fun! Be creative with your campaigning too! Most importantly be nice as you always should be anyway!


During the ceremony we started with the RED CARPET section. PR and Events had most of the Nominees walk over the red carpet, letting them pose for the fans. Everyone’s poses were stunning, and everyone had a great time. Once that was done the doors were opened for everyone to teleport to the main game, the awards ceremony. The winner of each category after hard campaigning was announced, let’s give them a shoutout here as well!


Section by vaemmlaqx & Tradewinds2810





✦ ﹕Greetings, Teethyz community! This month we got the chance to interview our June staff and alliance of the month. We asked them a few questions and their responses were recorded below, we hope you enjoy!

︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵

﹒ 🤍﹕ ✼ LROTW Interview

Interviewer: fwoIklore

Interviewee: rosey6283

Question 1: What was your reaction to getting LROTW?

Answer 1: Well, I woke up and was like, "huh." Then I got told by my friends about what happened, and I was like, "that's so sick!!" So, I appreciate it a lot and I'm excited!

Question 2: What would you say to other LRs trying to become LROTW?

Answer 2: I'm not the best at this question, but I guess keep the hard work going but also go with the flow and make sure you're having fun with the game!! You got this! All your work is so cool and appreciated!

︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵

﹒ 🤍﹕ ✼ MROTM Interview

Interviewer: fwoIklore

Interviewee: svphiees

Question 1: What was your reaction to getting MROTM?

Answer 1: Honestly, I was really surprised! I was shifting at Teethyz, and I went to check my phone because I had so many notifications! Then, I checked and saw that I got MROTM! I was so grateful, and I never thought I could get such an honorable award! I felt super grateful, and I will be forever.

Question 2: What's some advice you would give to LRs trying to get MR/HR?

Answer 2: I recommend being active in game and on the communication server, but don’t overwork yourself! Trust me, please put your health above Teethyz, it’s more important. Don’t try to become an MR just for the rank, do it because you enjoy working here. Please also be kind to people, your personality plays a huge role! However, make sure to be yourself; don’t try to change anything just to fit in with others. I promise your username or avatar doesn’t have anything to do with your chances of becoming a MR! Good luck, I believe in all of you!! <3

︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵

﹒ 🤍﹕ ✼ HROTM Interview

Interviewer: fantzsq

Interviewee: PerfectlyAnnie

Question 1: What was your reaction when you got HROTM?

Answer 1: I was super excited and surprised because I wasn’t expecting to get HROTM!

Question 2: What's some advice you would give to LRs trying to get MR/HR?

Answer 2: I would say to keep working hard. Sometimes you’re going to get unmotivated, and that’s okay. In reality, if it’s something you really want, you can do it! Just don’t give up!

︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵

﹒ 🤍﹕ ✼ Alliance Interview — Coast Restaurant

Interviewer: fantzsq

Interviewee: tweddybrz (Coast PR)

Question 1: What has working with Teethyz been like from an affiliate perspective?

Answer 1: From my perspective, working with Teethyz has been amazing! They’re very active and manage to stay updated on everything. They also always check up on our representatives which is appreciated! The communication between us and theirs is also strong, and we’re honored to be partnered with such an amazing group!

Question2: What's something you've enjoyed while being affiliated with Teethyz?

Answer 2: Something I enjoy about Teethyz is how welcoming the community and Management Team are! Every time we visit, we feel welcomed, which is something we greatly appreciate. They’re always there to help and support us as well!

Question 3: Can you share one memorable factor of Teethyz Dentist that stands out to you?

Answer 3: One of my favorite memories with Teethyz was during an Alliance Visit with Coast’s community! We were warmly welcomed when we arrived, then took a memorable photo to commemorate our visit! We also had the opportunity to test out their procedures and explore Teethyz’s establishment, which was a lot of fun for all of us! We’ve shared many other memorable moments with Teethyz, and look forward to creating even more together!

︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵

Thank you for reading, we hope you enjoyed the OTM section of this months newsletter!

  • Section written by fantzsq & fwoIklore




ᯓ★˙⋆.˚ June 2024 Memories! ˚⋅

₊ ⊹ Greetings, Teethyz community! This month, we captured a lot of great memories which we hope you’ll like. Make yourself comfy and get ready for these amazing collages, made by our best photography team!

ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ Shift Photos

What's this? Oh! Our favorite part, shift photos! Here are some cute photos taken by individuals on our wonderful Management Team. Why don't you take a look? They are adorable!


ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ Training Photos

It’s time for our management team to shine, just like they do everytime! This month, our management team has truly outdid themselves with the training photos. Don’t believe me? Take a look yourself!


ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ Alliance Photos

Whoah! Alliance photos? Of course! Please enjoy our alliance photos of this month.


ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ Funny Photos

It's time for a laugh! We are back again this month with a bunch of hilarious photos. We hope this can brighten your day with a little laugh!


ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ Summer Awards Photos

On June the 15th, we had our annual summer awards. We awarded our winners, congratulated some promotions, and had a fun time overall. I want to give a massive congratulations to all of our winners and nominees, all of you did amazing! Grab some snacks, sit back, relax, and enjoy this collage.


That's all for this month's memories section! On behalf of the photography team, we hope all of you loved taking a look at all the memories we collected during June, from Teethyz Summer Awards to some training and alliance photos! See you next time!

Photography team.




Hello wonderful Teethyz community! This time, Won and Grace made a special video featuring our favorite song, we hope you enjoy it and please follow us for more.


Section by Choiisiiwon & eviegracea




✿ ' 🎁 June Birthdays! ݁ ˖

Hello Teethyz! For the month of June, we've celebrated a bunch of MR+ birthday's, which is listed below. We've decided to interview them to get to know what kind of wishes they'd grant. Happy Birthday for those who had one in June!



˗ˏˋ 🍰 Section by Cas6nx and vcorria + Graphic Team


► Thank you for reading our June Newsletter! See you next month.

~ ♚ Credits! ♚ ~

Lead Newsletter Board: RBLXWithEmily & XxCandy2372xX

Newsletter Board: PerfectlyAnnie, EleqantEmma, aimlvma, mckcnzies, & witty20007

Site Provider/Advisor: Jyrezo

Graphics: michallol7, avuhcxdo, adqysvn, foundlilly, & azashinan

Section Authors: Furnface, vcorria, steveygamer2, fwoIklore, iichxr_1, fevside, Ioviinqbr, mariesluvqs, svphiees, angelicpayton, lqvelxa, & ashlvqh

Photographers: clarabcws, Mayawasbored, chwerriies, UhMeliaa, Didi_ek, NewSwitcherop, zeiqios, & Vinnielittle14

Social Assistants: vaemmlaqx, cas6nx, Tradewinds2810, Choiisiiwon, & eviegracea

Editors: TailaBzp, Lukefromthedead, aolqnii, Duhhhitzmariahh, flowersandrainbowzz, viqlvts, kkennedys, ordinarythngs, 1uvxflqra, & OceanAvny

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/issues/March Newsletter 2024/index.html b/issues/March Newsletter 2024/index.html index 82583ac..7232fe6 100644 --- a/issues/March Newsletter 2024/index.html +++ b/issues/March Newsletter 2024/index.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ March Newsletter 2024 | Teethyz Newsletter - + @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ If you could only teach one thing to your future child, what would it be?

Always spend time with family and friends! Life is too short.


⌕ Interviewer: emvyns

✶ Interviewee: Iacedhugs

︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶ ₊˚ෆ 🎀 Question 1:

If you were stranded on a desert island with only 3 items, what would they be?

I would probably have a burger on me since that is my favorite food, definitely my phone to entertain myself, and probably my backpack to store any items.

₊˚ෆ 🎀 Question 2:

If you could meet anyone in this world today, who would you meet?

I would love to meet Taylor Swift. Although I lost interest in her not too long ago, she’s still one of my favorite people and such an inspiration.

₊˚ෆ 🎀 Question 3:

If you could only teach one thing to your future child, what would it be?

I would tell them to keep doing what they would like to do, even if they get judgement.


⌕ Interviewer: emvyns

✶ Interviewee: crueIwrIds


₊˚ෆ 🎀 Question 1:

If you were stranded on a desert island with only 3 items, what would they be?

If I was stranded on an Island and could only take 3 items then, I would take my phone, portable charger, and a big bag of snacks to get me through the time I am there.

₊˚ෆ 🎀 Question 2:

If you could meet anyone in this world today, who would you meet?

If I was to meet anyone in the world today, I would probably want to meet Lana Del Rey because I listen to her on YouTube and Spotify every single day and fangirl over her so much. And, who wouldn’t want to meet miss Lana Del Rey!?

₊˚ෆ 🎀 Question 3:

If you could only teach one thing to your future child, what would it be?

One thing I would teach my future child is to not let others opinions affect you, stay true to yourself as haters are just jealous of you.


₊˚ෆ 🎀 And that's all from us for the MR+ interviews for March! We hope you had fun learning more about some of our Management+ members and we hope to see you next month in April!




Welcome back to the amazing Of The Month section! In this section, we have interviewed our Of The Months by a few questions, and now you can see their answers!

We will begin with our lovely MR Of The Month, Maya, (mayawasbored)! Maya is an Assistant Manager here at Teeth'yz, and we are happy to interview her today!


Interviewer: swocieties

Interviewee: Mayawasbored


What was your reaction to getting MR of the month?

A) Honestly, very shocked. I definitely had other people in mind that I was confident would get it. I got quite sick during the end of the month so I wasn't very active as I normally am, so getting a role getting recognized for my hard work was honestly something unexpected. However, I was extremely happy and grateful that I was able to accomplish something like this! 🙂

What’s some advice you would give to LR’s trying to be an MR one day?

A) Expect the unexpected and never give up. There has been plenty of times during my LR life when I felt like I was unrecognized, unappreciated, and like I was wasting my time. That feeling is something I still experience today! You are appreciated and recognized, trust me. All the work that you do truly is appreciated and if you keep going you WILL get there eventually. I can with my full confidence tell you that working consistently without overworking yourself is key. Who knows, what if the day you stop trying was when you were SOOO close to getting MR?! Expect the unexpected at all times and truly don’t take anything for granted. Enjoy the period of being an LR as it’s a valuable experience and be the very best version of yourself! ❤️

What’s some advice you would give to MR’s trying to one day get MR of the month?

A) Being active ISNT EVERYTHING! Please hear me out when I say that being active ISNT everything. Yes of course it has a role but please keep in mind that everything you do is appreciated and recognized. Prioritize going above and beyond with your service rather than trying to be as active in-game as possible. Both are factors, however, everything you do is recognized so always try to be your best version of yourself. DO NOT overwork yourself and work consistently NOT constantly. Take my words to heart, health comes first. Anything is truly possible if you try, never stop being you and ALWAYS state your opinions and concerns, people do care. ❤️

~~ Wow, that was a lot! Thank you so much, Maya. We are so happy that Maya is apart of our community! ~~

We will now move onto the HR Of The Month section, where we are going to interview Kennedy, (kkennedys)! Kennedy is an Executive Assistant here at Teeth'yz, let's let her shine!


Interviewer: swocieties

Interviewee: kkennedys


What was your reaction to getting HR of the month?

A) Okayy so! I was on my way home from hanging with my friends and then I checked discord and saw a bunch of notifications and saw I was congratulated for HROTM! I was very excited, grateful and surprised to hear that I got that award!

What’s some advice you would give to LR’s trying to be an MR one day?

A) One advice I would give the LR’s trying to be MRs one day is don’t lose hope! I know that sometimes it’s very difficult and stressful at times to keep going but, in the end it is all worth it! Keep working hard and make friends along the way who support you!

What’s some advice you would give to HR’s trying to one day get HR of the month?

A) Some advice I would give to the HRs trying to get HR of the month one day is don’t overwork yourselves. Stay your true self and speak your opinions in what you believe in!

Thank you so much for these amazing answers Kennedy! We have one last section to present to you, Alliance Of The Month. Our Alliance Of The Month for March was Kohau!

Alright, yourfavasiian will be representing Kohau, and it's such a honor to be interviewing them today. Let's begin!


Interviewer: tuIipvs

Interviewee: yourfavasiian


What is it like working with Teeth’yz from an alliance perspective?

A) I think it’s great! Kohau has been partnered with Teethyz for an extremely long time now. It’s really exciting to see both communities grow and see where they are now!

What's something you enjoy the most while working with Teeth’yz as an alliance?

A) I actually love being able to preserve a close connection with a close friend I made during my time at here at Teethyz, Chrissy! Also, known as XxCandy2372xX. It’s amazing to know she’s thriving and doing so well!

Thank you so much to Ambrielle (yourfavasiian) from Kohau for taking time out of their day to get interviewed! This is all for the March Of The Month section, congratulations to all of our Of The Months!

~ Section by tuIipvs & swocieties




Tiktok 🍀 Hi everyone! Were you also so excited like our team was when we started working on this Newsletter? We hope you enjoy our tiktok, make sure to follow us on Tiktok!


~ Section by Tradewinds2810 & eviegracea




╭ ˚﹒🍰 March Birthdays Section ! ﹒⪨

🌷 — March is filled with many MR+ birthdays and some of the March babies have shared the delightful experiences of their birthday celebrations.

March Bdays

March bday 2

~ Section by Choiisiiwon,stcrbwrries & avuhcxdo ⊹ ࣪ ˖


► Thank you for reading our November Newsletter! See you next month.

~ ♚ Credits! ♚ ~

Lead Newsletter Board: XxCandy2372xX

Newsletter Board: PerfectlyAnnie, EleqantEmma, aimlvma, RBLXWithEmily, mckcnzies, & witty20007

Site Provider/Advisor: Jyrezo

Graphics: michallol7, Avocado4Life301

Section Authors: mariesluvqs, Furnface, ashlvqh, vcorria, steveygamer2, stcrbwrries, fantzsq, iichxr_1, chvrsvuh

Photographers: zeiqios, Didi_ek, Vinnielittle14, NewSwitcherop

Social Assistants: shiny_laccy, vaemmlaqx, Cas6nx, Choiisiiwon, eviegracea,

Editors: TailaBzp, kkennedys, ordinarythngs, Duhhhitzmariahh, 1uvxflqra, flowersandrainbowzz

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May Newsletter 2024

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Ello everyone! Welcome back to our monthly newsletter. Everything in this newsletter will cover mostly everything that occured during May! I hope you give this one a read. :D

~ Newsletter Team




୧ ﹒Mother's Day Section!

Greetings! We hope that you are enjoying our Newsletter so far. In this section, our Newsletter Team has taken some time to write about Mother's Day and interview some MRs+ about it! Below this message, you will learn about Mother's Day culture, and what it is. Enjoy!

What is Mother's Day about?

Mother's Day is a holiday that was created by Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia. The reason why Mother's Day was created was so we can spend more time with our mother.

Anna Jarvis came up with the holiday of Mother's Day because her mother would normally organise groups of women to promote friendship and health. *

Mother's Day is a very special day, with many very special celebrations and traditions. How do people celebrate Mother's Day? Some people like to give gifts, cook, bake cookies, or giving a nice bouquet of flowers! What did you give your loved one(s) this year?

                                         •˙˚∘ Interviewer: flowersandrainbowzz
Interviewee: lcvelyjans

ʚ Question: How do you celebrate Mother's Day?

ʚ Answer: On Mother’s Day, I wake my mum up to get her some breakfast in bed. I usually get her an avocado and a cup of coffee/tea. Throughout the day, I do any work she might do such as cleaning the dishes, and making dinner. We go out to a cafe for brunch, and usually a little activity such as a spa all funded by me!

ʚQuestion: Who do you celebrate Mother’s Day with?

ʚ Answer: I celebrate Mother’s Day with my mom, dad and 2 brothers in the evening! However for daughter and mother time, we go out alone (girls outing) usually with her friend, whose daughter is my close friend!

                                           •˙˚∘ Interviewer: flowersandrainbowzz
Interviewee: RBLXWithEmily

ʚ Question: How do you celebrate Mother's Day?

ʚ Answer: I usually celebrate mothers day by going to my mothers and grandma's favorite restaurants. It's a way of expressing gratitude towards your family and how much they took care of my family and I.

ʚ Question: Who do you celebrate Mother's Day with?

ʚ Answer: I usually just celebrate mothers day with my whole family. I absolutely love my family and we always do it every single year.

                                           •˙˚∘ Interviewer: flowersandrainbowzz
Interviewee: 1ovelykenz

ʚ Question: How do you celebrate Mother's Day?

ʚ Answer: We usually celebrate Mother’s Day by going out to brunch and doing some sort of activity later on. Towards the end of the day, we may go back out for dinner and have my mom open her cards/ presents.

ʚ Question: Who do you celebrate Mother's Day with?

ʚ Answer: I celebrate Mother’s Day with my family!

                                           •˙˚∘ Interviewer: angelicpayton
Interviewee: glowingxlightzz

ʚ Question: How do you celebrate Mother's Day?

ʚ Answer: I start the day by offering my mother her favourite breakfast in bed. While she’s eating her breakfast, I give her a letter and some gifts she wanted. Later in the evening, me and my mother watch a movie chosen by her to end this year’s Mother’s Day.

ʚ Question: Who do you celebrate Mother's Day with?

ʚ Answer: I celebrate Mother’s Day with my mother because it’s her special day.

                                           •˙˚∘ Interviewer: angelicpayton
Interviewee: stqrlls

ʚ Question: How do you celebrate Mother's Day?

ʚ Answer: To start off the day, my siblings and I give my mum some gifts, and then we go out for a meal in the evening!!

ʚ Question: Who do you celebrate Mother's Day with?

ʚ Answer: My family!

                                           •˙˚∘ Interviewer: angelicpayton
Interviewee: zebralm

ʚ Question: How do you celebrate Mother's Day?

ʚ Answer: I like celebrating by getting a little something for my mom! This year, I got her a new mug and book! We also like to go eat out at a restaurant of her choice, which knowing her is probably going to be seafood!

ʚ Question: Who do you celebrate Mother's Day with?

ʚ Answer: I celebrate with my mom of course, my dad, and my sister!

╰ ﹒We hope that you enjoyed the section! Have fun reading the other Newsletters aswell, as our team worked hard on it!

~ Section by flowersandrainbowzz & angelicpayton!




Finals/end of school year tips

Greetings everyone! For this month’s Newsletter we have decided to give you a section regarding Finals, tips how to pass, and how to end a school year with the most fun as possible. I hope you enjoy this section and happy reading!

Finals Tips:

  • Keep calm, you got this.
  • Revise in advance so that you’re prepared.
  • Revise with a friend, to make it not as boring.
  • When revising find the best method how to, for example using an App, writing on Paper or prepare Index Cards. (You can look up more methods, some of them really help.)
  • A bad grade won’t be the end of your life, so don’t let that bring you down.
  • Talk to your parents, sibling or friends about the subject to make sure you’re prepared.
  • Create a study plan.
  • Manage your time affectively.
  • And last but not least, do what works for you, these above are just Tips, you don’t have to follow anything of it.

How to end a good school year:

  • Don't get into drama! I know it's the end of the year, but when you come back next year, it doesn't look good on you.
  • Study! This is really important. Studying will really help raise up your report card marks.
  • Try to make friend groups! This will be helpful so that next year, you will already have people to hang out with.
  • Don't be disrespectful to anyone! If you are rude to anyone, it will not look good on yourself. People may not want to hang out with you anymore.
  • Hang out with your friends outside of school! Doing this will help you create a stronger bond with your friends.
  • Have a routine! This will keep yourself healthy and organized, it's a really nice feeling.
  • Countdown the days until school ends! This will encourage you to work hard each day, knowing that you don't have much days of school left.
  • You can also do whatever works best for you! It's always good to do things that you want to do.

~ Section made by vaemmlaqx & flowersandrainbowzz




𐙚˙⋆.˚ May 2024 Memories! ৎ ˚⋅

₊ ⊹ Greetings, Teethyz community! We have a lot of photos to show you this month, so find a comfortable seat and grab some popcorn with a drink. Enjoy these collages! 🩷

❀˖° Shift Photos

Finally, my favorite part! A shifting collage. During May, we all enjoyed working down at the dentist. A lot of hardest workers and LRsOTW were announced this month, we happily congratulate you all!

shift 2

❀˖° Training Photos

Our management team has the best ideas for training photos, we are more than happy to show them to you.

Training 2

❀˖° Alliance Photos

We also have had some alliance visits this month, your favorite alliance could be in here. Make sure to also look at the other wonderful alliances.


❀˖° Funny Photos

Time to have a laugh! We have prepared a nice collection of photos for you to have a little laugh!


That's all for our May Newsletter! We hope you enjoyed these collages as much as we enjoyed making them. See you next time!

Section by Photography Team.




╭ · Disney Spirit Week Recap!

✧˚ · . Hii, Teethyz community!! In this section, the Newsletter Team has prepared a recap of one of our amazing Disney events we had. You will see what this event is about, and some interviews with the winners of the event! Rodrigo will be writing about what happened in this event, then Isabella will be interviewing the winners!

˚‧ What was this event even about?

From the 3th of May to the 5th of May, the Public Relations Department organized a Disney Spirit Weekend! We were able to play and enjoy different mini-games during the first weekend of May. It was so much fun to play some mini-games related to Disney. We all had a blast!

˚‧ What events were there, who won the events and when did they take place?

Friday, 3rd of May: Guess the song, hosted by Witty20007!

  • Firstly, Witty hosted a Guess the song. For those who don’t know what this is, it consists on listening to different Disney songs and the participants had to share their guesses in #community. To be honest, you all are so good at it! From Let it go (Frozen) to You got a friend in Me (Toy Story), we were able to remember all about those songs that marked our childhood! Slayfulscarlett got the 1st prize in the event, and Tradewinds2810 and RobloxPro201222 got the 2nd prize together. Congratulations!
  • Furthermore, a corporate shift was hosted by Witty, where we played games such as four squares. We had a blast!

Saturday, 4th of May: Disney crosswords with Coast, hosted by michallol7!

  • For the second day of our Disney spirit weekend, Meeka hosted a Disney crossword puzzle together with our wonderful affiliate Coast. Our 3 winners: D0II1y, lovqiixm and B4C0NB0Y_PL4YS won 300, 200 and 100 robux respectively. A huge thank you to Coast for organizing the event and everyone that participated!

Sunday, 5th of May: Disney Spot the Difference, hosted by mckcnzies!

  • A tangled themed, Spot the Difference was hosted. In this game, participants had to search for multiple differences between 2 similar pictures. Mayawasbored won first place. Congratulations! Also, congratulations to V1EWSCLUB for his 2nd place and 4ngelixy for her 3rd place. Also, a huge shoutout for everyone that participated!
                                           •˙˚∘ **Interviewer**: flowersandrainbowzz 
**Interviewee**: Slayfulscarlett

Question: Did you have any strategies that helped you win the Disney Guess The Song? If so, what were they?

Answer: Well, if being a big Disney fan counts as a strategy, then I would say yes! I just adore visiting the Disney theme parks, listening to Disney music, and watching Disney movies and shows.

Question: What was your reaction to winning?

Answer: I was honestly shocked! This was one of the first events that I had taken part in here at Teethyz, and it was so much fun. I remember laughing and smiling the whole game. Winning was just a bonus of an already amazing event.

Question: Who is your favorite Disney character?

Answer: My favorite Disney character is probably Olaf because he’s so lovable and funny! Also, he has one of the best songs in Frozen.

                                           •˙˚∘ **Interviewer**: flowersandrainbowzz 
**Interviewee**: Tradewinds2810

Question: Did you have any strategies that helped you win the Disney Guess The Song? If so, what were they?

Answer: To be honest, I had no strategies! I didn’t expect to win. I just joined the Disney Guess The Song for fun as I don’t normally win these games.However, Witty said the songs started off easy and got harder so I predicted the first song would be Let It Go. So that’s how I got my first point!

Question: What was your reaction to winning?

Answer: I was quite shocked as I am not the biggest Disney fan on the planet and I can’t remember the last time I watched a Disney film. But I was very pleased with myself and felt accomplished that I came 2nd.

Question: Who is your favorite Disney character?

Answer: This is a tricky question! However my favourite Disney character would probably be Rapunzel from Tangled because I love her hair and I think her pet chameleon, Pascal is super cute!

                                           •˙˚∘ **Interviewer**: flowersandrainbowzz 
**Interviewee**: RobloxPro201222

Question: Did you have any strategies that helped you win the Disney Guess The Song? If so, what were they?

Answer: No not really, just having your volume up to hear the instrumentals better and watching ALOT of disney.

Question: What was your reaction to winning?

Answer: I was pretty happy! Although it was just a small game, I really enjoyed it and made some friends aswell!

Question: Who is your favorite Disney character?

Answer: Ahh there's alot to choose from, I'd probably say Tiana though!

                                           •˙˚∘ **Interviewer**: flowersandrainbowzz 
**Interviewee**: Mayawasbored

Question: Did you have any strategies that helped you win the Disney Spot The Difference? If so, what were they?

Answer: HONESTLY my strategy was to compare to pictures as quick as possible, I looked at common things, hair, animals, clothes, colors, shapes! I just knew that if I wanted to win I had to do it QUICKLY! I finished within 45 seconds ish and was extremely rushed!

Question: What was your reaction to winning?

Answer: VERY UNEXPECTED! I didn’t plan on participating and just timed it well, I thought oh well might as well do it! So honestly totally unexpected!

Question: Who is your favorite Disney character?

Answer: TIANA! I ADORE HER SM AND SHES STUNNING AND SO KIND HEARTED! And I also adore Olof ofc because who doesn’t like warm hugs!?

                                           •˙˚∘ **Interviewer**: flowersandrainbowzz 
**Interviewee**: V1EWSCLUB

Question: Did you have any strategies that helped you win the Disney Spot The Difference? If so, what were they?

Answer: Not much strategy was put into this challenge! Apart from the consistent amount of spot the differences I did when I was a kid, I kind of just went for it and hoped to earn a spot in the podium.

Question: What was your reaction to winning?

Answer: When I won, I was shocked! I did it all in a rush right before school so to see I actually earnt a place was amazing! I also was impressed at the 2 other people on the podium for also completing the challenge.

Question: Who is your favorite Disney character?

Answer: Hmmmm… if I had to choose a character I would probably say Aladdin!

                                           •˙˚∘ **Interviewer**: flowersandrainbowzz 
**Interviewee**: 4ngelixy

Question: Did you have any strategies that helped you win the Disney Guess The Song? If so, what were they?

Answer: I compared the little differences between the images, which helped me identify them more clearly!

Question: What was your reaction to winning?

Answer: It was a truely joyful experience to win, and I hope others will get a chance to win aswell!

Question: Who is your favorite Disney character?

Answer: Tiana from Princess and the frog🥰

That's it for the Disney Recap Section! We hope that you enjoyed it! Thank you so much for reading our May Newsletter, we really appreciate it!!

Section by flowersandrainbowzz & NewSwitcherop!




⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 . 👗 Met Gala Outfits

Greetings, Teethyz community! On May 6th, 2024, was the annual Met Gala. We've decided to bring out our inner fashion designers and take our 5 favorite outfits to share with you all!

⋆.˚ - (Didi_ek: Kylie Jenner)

・For me, Kylie's outfit was probably the prettiest. Her dress was gorgeous, and the details looked divine. Kylie had perfect hair and looked absolutely stunning.

⋆.˚ - (Didi_ek: Jennie)

・And of course, Jennie from Blackpink must not be missing on this list! I absolutely adored her blue dress and heels. Her earrings were beautiful, and so was her hair. Jennie looked perfect!

⋆.˚ - (Didi_ek: Tyla)

・Tyla also had a very strange outfit. Her sand dress looked absolutely interesting, and so did the hourglass in her hand. Overall, she looked very beautiful.

⋆.˚ - (iichxr_1: Cardi B)

・Cardi B looked absolutely breathtaking in her picturesque, ruffled black gown and fur black ushanka hat. Her confidence and looks absolutely stole the show.

⋆.˚ - (iichxr_1: Jessica Biel)

・Jessica Biel, wearing Cartier and Tamara Ralph, truly left us all with our mouths open in shock. Her flowy, pink dress with 3D floral elements gave her an aura of elegance while also matching the theme of the night.

And that's all from us! We hope you enjoyed our reviews, and perhaps you even agree with some of them! Here's to a new month everyone!

⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 . Section by iichxr_1 and Didi_ek




⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 . 🗒️ OTM Interviews

Greetings Teethyz community! This month, I was given the opportunity to interview our lovely OTM winners (myself included). Below was what some of them had to say, plus a few tips for any aspiring MR's or HR's!


⋆.˚ - Interviewer: iichxr_1 (Yes, I’m aware of the irony. No comment).

⋆.˚ - Interviewee: iichxr_1

Q: What do you like to do in your spare time?

A: Well, I tend to cook and watch Youtube! On occasion I’ll also take walks and help my father with yard work.

Q: What was your reaction to getting MROTM?

A: To be honest, I was shocked. I was in class (talking to Pluto on my phone, but regardless), and suddenly I got a flood of pings. When I saw I had won I was speechless. I was getting spammed from a bunch of people and I just couldn’t have felt happier. I was, and still am, so so grateful.

Q: What's some advice you would give LR’s trying to become MR one day?

・A: This is tricky. When trying to get MR, I know this advice is going to sound cliche and overused, but it’s advice many LR’s ignore anyways. Do NOT overwork yourself. Sure, activity is important. But nothing is so important that you should be in game for hours upon hours, disregarding your wellbeing for a promotion on an online game. It’s not worth it, you will burn out, and you will want to give up faster.

Q: What was your journey here in the Teethyz community like?

A: Oh boy, well, that's a long period of time to sum up. But I’ll do the best I can. In October, 2021, I became an LR for the first time. I passed the very first TSA wave on January 3rd, 2022. Huge accomplishment considering it was the first wave (so most likely many applicants) and only around 24 people passed. Then, in April, I resigned. In May, I passed MOD trials, but resigned shortly after. Around June, I left for a little more than a year, and came back in September 2023. I became an MR in February, 2024, and the rest most of you already know.


⋆.˚ - Interviewer: iichxr_1

⋆.˚ - Interviewee: TailaBzp

Q: What do you like to do in your spare time?

A: I like watching YouTube, Tiktok and Instagram Reels, Twitter and reading.

Q: What was your reaction to getting HROTM?

A: I was very angry, because my friend, Sammie, woke me up 40 minutes before my alarm went off. But I was quite happy afterwards.

Q: What's some advice you would give LR’s trying to become HR’s one day?

A: That's a great question. My advice is to think of situations from an HR viewpoint. That may help you prepare for the position. I think it's also important to have a big footprint in the community.

Q: What was your journey here in the Teethyz community like?

A: My MR journey was great. I ranked up fairly fast and, in my opinion, I feel like I got the hang of things pretty quick. HR was pretty good and still is good. I was an EA for 8 months, but that was the only major stop in my journey here.

Alliance OTM:

⋆.˚ - Interviewer: iichxr_1

⋆.˚ - Interviewee: Hokui Public Relations

Q: What has working with Teethyz been like from an affiliate perspective?

A: Working with Teethyz from an affiliate perspective has been awesome! They have amazing communication with constant checkups and in-game visits. We have been able to grow our partnership a lot and have so much love for the alliance.

Q: What's something you've enjoyed whilst being affiliated with Teethyz?

A: Something we've enjoyed while being in an alliance with Teethyz is having so many visit memories and also getting to speak with each other's Public Relations Teams. Some of our favorite memories will be below!

Q: Can you share one memorable factor of Teethyz Dentist that stands out to you?

A: One favorable memory that stands out to us is when we got to visit Teethyz for our first time. We had a group of Hokui Management Team Members visit the Dentistry!

I hope you enjoyed hearing from our OTM winners! Stay cool, Teethyians.

~ Section by iichxr1




Hello wonderful Teethyz community! Here’s to another amazing edition of our newsletter. We hope you like our TikTok video and please follow us for more.

For the audio, check out our tiktok page!

!!! The video will be uploaded later today. !!!


~ Section by Choiisiiwon




🤍 ﹒ Greetings, Teethyz! Back at it again with everyone's favourite section, birthdays! In May, we celebrated a bunch of MR+ birthdays, which are listed below. We also got the chance to interview them and learn about what they did for their birthday. We hope you enjoy this section, happy birthday to those who had a birthday in May!

May Birthdays

~ Section by fantzsq & eviegracea & Graphics done by avuhcxdo


► Thank you for reading our May Newsletter! See you next month.

~ ♚ Credits! ♚ ~

Lead Newsletter Board: XxCandy2372xX

Newsletter Board: PerfectlyAnnie, EleqantEmma, aimlvma, RBLXWithEmily, mckcnzies, & witty20007

Site Provider/Advisor: Jyrezo

Graphics: michallol7, avuhcxdo

Section Authors: mariesluvqs, Furnface, ashlvqh, vcorria, steveygamer2, fantzsq, iichxr_1, chvrsvuh

Photographers: zeiqios, Didi_ek, Vinnielittle14, NewSwitcherop

Social Assistants: shiny_laccy, vaemmlaqx, Cas6nx, Choiisiiwon, eviegracea, Tradewinds2810

Editors: TailaBzp, kkennedys, ordinarythngs, Duhhhitzmariahh, 1uvxflqra, flowersandrainbowzz

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/issues/November Newsletter 2023/index.html b/issues/November Newsletter 2023/index.html index cf97b84..1485d2b 100644 --- a/issues/November Newsletter 2023/index.html +++ b/issues/November Newsletter 2023/index.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ November Newsletter 2023 | Teethyz Newsletter - + @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂

Sometimes, people don't understand the hype around our newsletters, so our social assistants vaemmlaqx & shiny_laccy have dedicated to create a tiktok to show this! Make sure to follow our page and like the video. :)

November TT

▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ Birthdays ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂

🎂 🎉 Oh Hey, Don’t mind me just getting our cakes ready for the big day. Let’s introduce our amazing MR novemeber babies… birthdays!

(Q): What makes your birthday so important you?

🎉 lovinqkvyla 🎉

  • (A) : The thing that makes my birthday so important is probably the chance to get together with my family and celebrate the day I was born, and also eat cake…!

🎉 amzvqa 🎉

  • (A): My birthday is important to me because it symbolizes the day I was born. it’s a time when I feel loved, appreciated, and surrounded by people who care about me. It’s a day filled with joy, laughter and making unforgettable memories.

🎉 iiNotNia 🎉

  • (A): What makes my birthday so important to me is the fact that I get to spend it with my family and friendsss! Plus, it's all about meeeeee so of course that's a W!!

🎉 bvclrs 🎉

  • (A): My birthday is important because I can celebrate my birthday party with my friends.

🎉 24k_sxnny 🎉

  • (A): My birthday is important to me because I get to spend time with the people I love and I get to celebrate being a year older!

🎉 RBLXWithEmily 🎉

  • (A): Honestly, to me, its that I'm able to celebrate my birthday with my friends and family. I love celebrating my birthday every year with my family and friends.

🎉 Sandfairy999 🎉

  • (A): I think what makes my birthday so important to me is that I get to spend time with my family and loved ones, which I appreciate as I can't do it often!

🎉 lvauraas 🎉

  • (A): My birthday is important because I can spend time with my friends and family!

🎉 szarlight 🎉

  • (A): My birthday is so important to me because it's the celebration of me accomplishing another year in life, fulfilling many accomplishments throughout it.

🎉 aolqnii 🎉

  • (A): My birthday is important to me because it's a celebration of my existence and it's a day that I can spend time with my family!

~ Section & Interviewers by echvanted & avvIeqs


► Thank you for reading our November Newsletter! See you next month.

~ ♚ Credits! ♚ ~

Lead Newsletter Board: XxCandy2372xX

Newsletter Board: lovqmais, missel_k2, RBLXWithEmily, mckcnzies, & witty20007

Site Provider/Advisor: Jyrezo

Graphics: bearfuhl, michallol7

Section Authors: szarlight, PerfectlyAnnie, mariesluvqs, havivq, Furnface, ashlvqh, vcorria, steveygamer2, bvcrls

Photographers: Mrs_KawaiiCat

Social Assistants: avvIeqs, Blueqxia, e2milys, islafq, JasJolly, shiny_laccy, vaemmlaqx, EleqantEmma

Editors: dietvivi, TailaBzp, Cas6nx

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/issues/November Newsletter 2024/index.html b/issues/November Newsletter 2024/index.html index a3ae485..66980d8 100644 --- a/issues/November Newsletter 2024/index.html +++ b/issues/November Newsletter 2024/index.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ November Newsletter 2024 | Teethyz Newsletter - + @@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ 2nd Outfit 3rd Outfit 4th Outfit

We hope you all enjoyed this section of the November newsletter! Feel free to take inspiration from the images above or create your own avatar with our merch/scrubs. Have fun reading the rest of the Newsletter!

Section written by: lvsvnnyy & frnkoceaan


November Awareness 2024


Hello Teethyz Community! During the month of November, there are a few several important events to acknowledge. Please take the time to respect and understand each of them.

Remembrance Day 🕊️

Remembrance Day is held on the 11th of November, known as ‘’Remembrance Sunday’’. We recognize and remember the sacrifice of those who have fought for our freedom in World War I. Typically, a remembrance poppy is worn out of respect and gratitude for those who fought for their country in this war. The poppy is a symbol of peace and was seen growing on the battle fields.

On Remembrance Sunday in Britain, there is a Remembrance Parade open to the public to recognize those who fought for and defended our freedom. The Remembrance Parade includes people who have served for the country such as royal family, soldiers, sailors, airmen, emergency services and cadets representing their service.

Men’s Mental health Awareness 💚

November is Mens Mental Health Awareness Month to acknowledge the importance of Mens Mental Health. The intention of this is to encourage men to communicate to others about their issues and to ask for support it they need it. Men are less likely to seek support than women, so it is important to raise awareness about support and to help people feel comfortable when talking about their mental health. This will improve the lives of those struggling with their mental health and encourage them to speak up. Never suffer in silence!

If you are struggling with your mental health, it is important to talk to a professional or someone you can trust. There are several helplines you are able to reach out to if needed. Help is always available and you are never alone.

Guy Fawkes Day 🎆

Guy Fawkes Day is an annual British celebration each year. This often contains fireworks and bonfires, In 1605 Guy Fawkes attempted to blow up the British Parliament and eliminate King James of England inside. However, he was caught in the act and was imprisoned in the Tower of London.

Because of this, King James of England made it an annual British celebration each year to celebrate the Parliament & himself being saved from the explosion. There is usually an event with fireworks across the UK with a bonfire as well. Many people across the UK include sparklers and fireworks in the festivities too! 🧨

Section written by: avvIeqs


November OTM/OTW 2024


. 𓏲 Greetings, Teethyz community! We’re excited to share our interviews with the November Management and Alliance of the Month, as well as the LRs of the Week. Check out their responses to our questions below; we hope you enjoy reading! -︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵﹒︵ ﹒︵

. ੭ 🧸 LROTW Interviews

Q1: What was your reaction to getting LROTW?

Q2: What advice would you share to people who would like to become LROTW in the future?

Q3: Do you have any goals for your future Teethyz journey?


Interviewer: 1stIovee

Interviewee: IoveIikes

  • A1: It was really early in the morning and I woke up for a shift but then saw that I got LROTW so I was very surprised but also excited!

  • A2: I think you should work hard and play to have fun instead of trying to chase LROTW! If the HRs notice your hard work they will give you LROTW no matter how hard youre chasing it!

  • A3: I hope to become an MR in the future and help other OS achieve their future goals! 🥰


Interviewer: svphiees

Interviewee: fashionistqs

  • A1: I woke up on a school day and checked discord as usual, ( I think this was at like 5am.. ) Teethyz was at the bottom of my server list so it took a while for me to get there but I did have 26 pings on there? When I saw I got LROTW my heart DROPPED. I was so shocked and happy I started hugging my cat so much and when I let her go she ran off she fell off my bed! ( She landed on her feet don’t worry. ) 😭

  • A2: Don’t push yourself over the line. Make some notes on procedures with extra detail so you know what to type, including guides! These can help if you’re not in the mood to type all those words! 🫶🏽

  • A3: My current goal is to reach MI! If I ever do reach that, doing my first training would be a milestone, especially hosting a shift!

Thank you for reading!

  • Sav 🎀


Interviewer: svphiees

Interviewee: aeuvna

  • A1: Honestly, I was really surprised and didn’t expect it at all, but I’m incredibly grateful for receiving LROTW. I would like to thank all my friends who helped me achieve this as it wouldn’t have been possible without their constant support. They always encouraged me to keep going and pushed me to always try my best and never give up.

  • A2: My advice would be to stay consistent and dedicated. Always try your best, be respectful, help others who need assistance, and create a positive environment overall. You might not notice it at first, but hard work always pays off. Remember that nothing is impossible to achieve because even the word "impossible" has "I’m possible" in it. Believe in yourself, because whatever you set your mind to, you can achieve it with effort and determination.

  • A3: Yes, I have a few goals. Firstly, I would love to connect with more people in the community, getting to know everyone better and possible making new friendships along the way. Additionally, I aim to engage more and take on additional responsibilities as I continue growing throughout my Teethyz journey. Overall, I’m excited to keep learning, improving, making new friendships, and possibly contributing even more to the team in the future!


Interviewer: svphiees

Interviewee: amicadiFYA

  • A1: My reaction when I received the LROTW was happy and excited because it's like the first time I've received it and I honestly wasn't expecting it!

  • A2: The advice I would give to people or my friends who want to become a LROTW would be to be positive, work every day max 30 minutes a day, make nice and decorative guides, be kind and try to join shifts!

  • A3: Yes my goal that I would like to achieve in the future is to try to become a MR even if I failed the MI I want to try again one more time and I am sure that I will make it and my time will come one day!

︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵﹒︵

. ੭ 🤍 MROTM Interview

Interviewer: 1stIovee

Interviewee: fiinelines

Q1: What was your reaction to receiving MROTM?

  • A1: I was at a choir festival and was very busy and overwhelmed with my real life stuff, so when I saw that I got MROTM, I was SOOO EXCITED! my heart was full of joy and accomplishment!

Q2: What advice would you share to LRs who would like to become MRs in the future?

  • A2: My advice would be to be consistently active within the discord channel and in game, but to not overwork yourself! 15-30 minutes a day in game is amazing and shows so much dedication! Also, make friends and memories!!! You’re only an LR for so long, before you get that MR promo!!!

Q3: Do you have any goals for your future journey as a MR?

  • A3: My #1 goal as an MR would probably be to end up as a Dental Board in the future!! I never would have thought it was possible if I didn’t get MROTM, or really any promotion but I am really looking forward to my future here at Teethyz!!

Thank you so much for MROTM!! 💕💕💕

︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵﹒︵

. ੭ 🍪 HROTM Interview

Interviewer: 1stIovee

Interviewee: lvsvnnyy

Q1: What was your reaction to receiving HROTM?

  • A1: I woke up at 6 am to see a bunch of pings and I check staff announcements to see that I got HRTOM! I was so happy, the adrenaline woke me up and I couldn’t fall back asleep for like an hour.

Q2: What advice would you share to people who would like to become HROTM in the future?

  • A2: Pace yourself! Don’t feel pressured to do too much, just enjoy your time as an HR and make the best of it. If you’re enjoying what you’re doing and not burning yourself out, you can reach great heights!

Q3: What has been the best part of your Teethyz journey so far?

  • A3: It’s probably now! I’ve made so many great friends and I just feel so integrated into the community. There’s so many amazing people here and although there may be low points I’ve persevered and I couldn’t have made it this far without my friends.

︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵﹒︵

. ੭ 🌸 AOTM Interview

Interviewer: 1stIovee

Interviewee: aussence - Maki Representative

Q1: What is it like to be working in Maki’s Public Relations Department?

  • A1: It is amazing to work in Maki's Relations Subdivision. You get to meet a lot of creative individuals with unique ideas and approaches. Furthermore, the group concept allows us to host many unexplored and unique events.

Q2: What advice would you share to people who would like to get into PR in the future?

  • A2: I highly recommend focusing on one group first. This way, your focus won't shift and you are more likely to accomplish your goal.

Q3: What is it like working with Teethyz as an alliance?

  • A3: We are so thankful for Teethyz as our affiliate. They care a lot about their affiliates and are overall a great partner to work with. We are looking forward to the future of our partnership.

Q4: What is your favorite memory during your time in PR?

  • A4: My favorite memory of working in the PR industry was getting my first HR role, which I worked in for over three years.

︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵﹒︵ ﹒︵

Thank you so much for reading the OTM & LROTW section of our newsletter! We hope you enjoyed. 🤍

Section written by: svphiees & 1stIovee


November Promotions 2024


New Staff Assistants

  • twilightdreamzx

  • Limonaka_Youtube

  • stargvrlavie

  • lvauraas

  • iinthestarrs

  • s7icy

  • macedonicvsbsf

  • lvc1qa

New Supervisors

  • Bobbybaubles

  • snwflvkes

  • Everest_GamerGirl

  • baconglowz

  • fashionhrts

New Assistant Managers

  • Lietogzirls

New Office Managers

  • ribbvnns

  • vcrsity

Section written by: SiimplyBunnwy & swtcakey


November Birthdays 2024


This month we have been celebrating multiple MR+ birthdays! Below is how they celebrated their birthdays!

⋆✴︎˚。⋆ iikqtieee - (November 2nd) : For my 16th birthday, I celebrated by going in town with a few of my close friends! I also had a few of my family members come and celebrate! 𐙚 ‧₊˚


⋆✴︎˚。⋆ dev_chloe - (November 10th) : I went to the mall to have my second ear piercing! 𐙚 ‧₊˚


⋆✴︎˚。⋆ iiSvnny_OfficalYT - (November 21st) : For my birthday I’m going to be spending a lot of time with my mum as I get a day off school and rarely get to see her anymore due to her working. We are going to Greg’s to get a mint hot chocolate (we go there every year together for my birthday). Unfortunately for me, I’ve got to spend at least an hour revising for GCSE exams.💪 My extended family is also coming over to celebrate with cake. And finally, I will be playing a ton of games and watching movies on my new PC with close friends. 𐙚 ‧₊˚


⋆✴︎˚。⋆ lvauraas - (November 23rd) : I’m spending the whole weekend with my friends and family! So on the Friday I’m going out to eat then going out, then on the Saturday (my actual birthday) I’m teaching dance in the morning then going to a brunch and meal with some family, then on the Sunday I’m out with some of my dance friends!! 𐙚 ‧₊˚


⋆✴︎˚。⋆ RBLXWithEmily - (November 28th) : When I celebrate my birthday, I usually go shopping with my family and friends and eat Korean BBQ. 𐙚 ‧₊˚


Section written by: eviegracea and cbvopppl


November Memories 2024


.˚ Hi Teethyz community! As you all may know, the month November is a special very time of the year. Our management team has made a lot of memories to share with you all! The photography team worked together to put them into collages. We hope you enjoy these awesome pictures; you might even see yourself in one! Enjoy. ۶ৎ

Shift Photos 🤍

  • Let‘s start with our shift photos from this month. This month we were able to collect a lot of wonderful pictures as memories during our shifts. We have put many of them into a collage and we hope you like it! Maybe you can recognize yourself in any of these photos? +︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵

    . ੭ 🧸 LROTW Interviews

    Q1: What was your reaction to getting LROTW?

    Q2: What advice would you share to people who would like to become LROTW in the future?

    Q3: Do you have any goals for your future Teethyz journey?


    Interviewer: 1stIovee

    Interviewee: IoveIikes

    • A1: It was really early in the morning and I woke up for a shift but then saw that I got LROTW so I was very surprised but also excited!

    • A2: I think you should work hard and play to have fun instead of trying to chase LROTW! If the HRs notice your hard work they will give you LROTW no matter how hard youre chasing it!

    • A3: I hope to become an MR in the future and help other OS achieve their future goals! 🥰


    Interviewer: svphiees

    Interviewee: fashionistqs

    • A1: I woke up on a school day and checked discord as usual, ( I think this was at like 5am.. ) Teethyz was at the bottom of my server list so it took a while for me to get there but I did have 26 pings on there? When I saw I got LROTW my heart DROPPED. I was so shocked and happy I started hugging my cat so much and when I let her go she ran off she fell off my bed! ( She landed on her feet don’t worry. ) 😭

    • A2: Don’t push yourself over the line. Make some notes on procedures with extra detail so you know what to type, including guides! These can help if you’re not in the mood to type all those words! 🫶🏽

    • A3: My current goal is to reach MI! If I ever do reach that, doing my first training would be a milestone, especially hosting a shift!

    Thank you for reading!

    • Sav 🎀


    Interviewer: svphiees

    Interviewee: aeuvna

    • A1: Honestly, I was really surprised and didn’t expect it at all, but I’m incredibly grateful for receiving LROTW. I would like to thank all my friends who helped me achieve this as it wouldn’t have been possible without their constant support. They always encouraged me to keep going and pushed me to always try my best and never give up.

    • A2: My advice would be to stay consistent and dedicated. Always try your best, be respectful, help others who need assistance, and create a positive environment overall. You might not notice it at first, but hard work always pays off. Remember that nothing is impossible to achieve because even the word "impossible" has "I’m possible" in it. Believe in yourself, because whatever you set your mind to, you can achieve it with effort and determination.

    • A3: Yes, I have a few goals. Firstly, I would love to connect with more people in the community, getting to know everyone better and possible making new friendships along the way. Additionally, I aim to engage more and take on additional responsibilities as I continue growing throughout my Teethyz journey. Overall, I’m excited to keep learning, improving, making new friendships, and possibly contributing even more to the team in the future!


    Interviewer: svphiees

    Interviewee: amicadiFYA

    • A1: My reaction when I received the LROTW was happy and excited because it's like the first time I've received it and I honestly wasn't expecting it!

    • A2: The advice I would give to people or my friends who want to become a LROTW would be to be positive, work every day max 30 minutes a day, make nice and decorative guides, be kind and try to join shifts!

    • A3: Yes my goal that I would like to achieve in the future is to try to become a MR even if I failed the MI I want to try again one more time and I am sure that I will make it and my time will come one day!

    ︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵

    . ੭ 🤍 MROTM Interview

    Interviewer: 1stIovee

    Interviewee: fiinelines

    Q1: What was your reaction to receiving MROTM?

    • A1: I was at a choir festival and was very busy and overwhelmed with my real life stuff, so when I saw that I got MROTM, I was SOOO EXCITED! my heart was full of joy and accomplishment!

    Q2: What advice would you share to LRs who would like to become MRs in the future?

    • A2: My advice would be to be consistently active within the discord channel and in game, but to not overwork yourself! 15-30 minutes a day in game is amazing and shows so much dedication! Also, make friends and memories!!! You’re only an LR for so long, before you get that MR promo!!!

    Q3: Do you have any goals for your future journey as a MR?

    • A3: My #1 goal as an MR would probably be to end up as a Dental Board in the future!! I never would have thought it was possible if I didn’t get MROTM, or really any promotion but I am really looking forward to my future here at Teethyz!!

    Thank you so much for MROTM!! 💕💕💕

    ︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵

    . ੭ 🍪 HROTM Interview

    Interviewer: 1stIovee

    Interviewee: lvsvnnyy

    Q1: What was your reaction to receiving HROTM?

    • A1: I woke up at 6 am to see a bunch of pings and I check staff announcements to see that I got HRTOM! I was so happy, the adrenaline woke me up and I couldn’t fall back asleep for like an hour.

    Q2: What advice would you share to people who would like to become HROTM in the future?

    • A2: Pace yourself! Don’t feel pressured to do too much, just enjoy your time as an HR and make the best of it. If you’re enjoying what you’re doing and not burning yourself out, you can reach great heights!

    Q3: What has been the best part of your Teethyz journey so far?

    • A3: It’s probably now! I’ve made so many great friends and I just feel so integrated into the community. There’s so many amazing people here and although there may be low points I’ve persevered and I couldn’t have made it this far without my friends.

    ︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵

    . ੭ 🌸 AOTM Interview

    Interviewer: 1stIovee

    Interviewee: aussence - Maki Representative

    Q1: What is it like to be working in Maki’s Public Relations Department?

    • A1: It is amazing to work in Maki's Relations Subdivision. You get to meet a lot of creative individuals with unique ideas and approaches. Furthermore, the group concept allows us to host many unexplored and unique events.

    Q2: What advice would you share to people who would like to get into PR in the future?

    • A2: I highly recommend focusing on one group first. This way, your focus won't shift and you are more likely to accomplish your goal.

    Q3: What is it like working with Teethyz as an alliance?

    • A3: We are so thankful for Teethyz as our affiliate. They care a lot about their affiliates and are overall a great partner to work with. We are looking forward to the future of our partnership.

    Q4: What is your favorite memory during your time in PR?

    • A4: My favorite memory of working in the PR industry was getting my first HR role, which I worked in for over three years.

    ︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵

    Thank you so much for reading the OTM & LROTW section of our newsletter! We hope you enjoyed. 🤍

    Section written by: svphiees & 1stIovee


    November Promotions 2024


    New Staff Assistants:

    • twilightdreamzx

    • Limonaka_Youtube

    • stargvrlavie

    • lvauraas

    • iinthestarrs

    • s7icy

    • macedonicvsbsf

    • lvc1qa

    ︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵

    New Supervisors:

    • Bobbybaubles

    • snwflvkes

    • Everest_GamerGirl

    • baconglowz

    • fashionhrts

    ︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵

    New Assistant Managers:

    • Lietogzirls

    ︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵ ﹒︵

    New Office Managers:

    • ribbvnns

    • vcrsity

    Section written by: SiimplyBunnwy & swtcakey


    November Birthdays 2024


    This month we have been celebrating multiple MR+ birthdays! Below is how they celebrated their birthdays!

    ⋆✴︎˚。⋆ iikqtieee - (November 2nd) : For my 16th birthday, I celebrated by going in town with a few of my close friends! I also had a few of my family members come and celebrate! 𐙚 ‧₊˚


    ⋆✴︎˚。⋆ dev_chloe - (November 10th) : I went to the mall to have my second ear piercing! 𐙚 ‧₊˚


    ⋆✴︎˚。⋆ iiSvnny_OfficalYT - (November 21st) : For my birthday I’m going to be spending a lot of time with my mum as I get a day off school and rarely get to see her anymore due to her working. We are going to Greg’s to get a mint hot chocolate (we go there every year together for my birthday). Unfortunately for me, I’ve got to spend at least an hour revising for GCSE exams.💪 My extended family is also coming over to celebrate with cake. And finally, I will be playing a ton of games and watching movies on my new PC with close friends. 𐙚 ‧₊˚


    ⋆✴︎˚。⋆ lvauraas - (November 23rd) : I’m spending the whole weekend with my friends and family! So on the Friday I’m going out to eat then going out, then on the Saturday (my actual birthday) I’m teaching dance in the morning then going to a brunch and meal with some family, then on the Sunday I’m out with some of my dance friends!! 𐙚 ‧₊˚


    ⋆✴︎˚。⋆ RBLXWithEmily - (November 28th) : When I celebrate my birthday, I usually go shopping with my family and friends and eat Korean BBQ. 𐙚 ‧₊˚


    Section written by: eviegracea and cbvopppl


    November Memories 2024


    .˚ Hi Teethyz community! As you all may know, the month November is a special very time of the year. Our management team has made a lot of memories to share with you all! The photography team worked together to put them into collages. We hope you enjoy these awesome pictures; you might even see yourself in one! Enjoy. ۶ৎ

    Shift Photos 🤍

    • Let‘s start with our shift photos from this month. This month we were able to collect a lot of wonderful pictures as memories during our shifts. We have put many of them into a collage and we hope you like it! Maybe you can recognize yourself in any of these photos? Shift collage

    November Shift Collage

    Training Photos 🤍

    • As every month, in our training sessions we can’t miss the creative pictures. Here do you have a review of the best ones! Training collage

    November Training Collage

    Alliance Photos 🤍

    • We really enjoy visiting our lovely affiliates, and are happy when they visit us! These visits make our team and friendships even stronger. Enjoy this joyful collage, made by us! Alliance collage

    November Alliance Collage

    Funny Photos 🤍

    • We have definitely had some humorous moments this month! We appreciate each and every person that puts a smile on other’s faces throughout the day! Check out some of the funny photos from this month made into a collage by the Photography Team! Funny collage

    November Funny Collage

    That officially concludes our amazing memory section! We hope you enjoyed looking at these special moments as much as we loved capturing them! We're super excited to bring you even more wonderful memories next time!

    Section written by: Photography Team


    ► Thank you for reading our November Newsletter! See you all next month.

    ~ ♚ Credits! ♚ ~

    Lead Newsletter Board: RBLXWithEmily

    Newsletter Board: PerfectlyAnnie, vaemmlaqx, mckcnzies, & witty20007

    Site Provider/Advisor: Jyrezo

    Graphics: michallol7, lvsvnnyy, Synceps, & vcrsity

    Section Authors: vcorria, steveygamer2, 1stIovee, mariesluvqs, svphiees, lvsvnnyy, avvieqs, svncereiy, Everest_GamerGirl & frnkoceaan

    Photographers: UhMeliaa, ethvrweal, Vinnielittle14, iikqtieee, adsianmendsiam, AlfiundJo, mcllorys, stcrlightts, & Awriaz

    Social Assistants: Tradewinds2810, eviegracea, 17thwish, SiimplyBunnwy, aIessqi, swtcakey, cbvopppl, & s7icy

    Editors: TailaBzp, Lukefromthedead, kkennedys, 1uvxflqra, OceanAvny, blvcssed, n1ghtfvllz, vawerwii, BunnyEmma111, & BffBellebff

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/issues/October Newsletter 2023/index.html b/issues/October Newsletter 2023/index.html index 0100c6f..90fefff 100644 --- a/issues/October Newsletter 2023/index.html +++ b/issues/October Newsletter 2023/index.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ October Newsletter 2023 | Teethyz Newsletter - + @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Interviewee: equcp

    (Q) | Share one memorable factor about Teethyz Dentist that stands out most to you.

    (A) Most memorable factor about Teethyz would have to be how unique the group is. It was not only the first dentist group of the industry but it is and always will be the biggest one. The games really show off how unique it is and how much they have revolutionized the industry!

    (Q) | How has the experience been for Kanji Teahouse while collaborating with Teethyz Dentist?

    (A) When collaborating with Teehtyz the relations team has always been the most kind. They have always been active, hard working, and kind It is so easy to plan events with them as they always have the best ideas and respond so quick. Even after finishing the event they always make sure that the winners got the prize!

    With this, We've reached the end of our monthly spotlight for MR/HR/Alliance OTM. It's always a pleasure to celebrate the hard work and dedication of these exceptional members! Thank you all for your time.

    ~ Section by Blueqxia and Mariesluvqs




    ► Ello everyone! Our social assistants have yet again created a Tiktok just in time for the spooky season. The link to the Tiktok will be below! While your there, make sure to give us a like and follow.

    October TT

    ~ Section by EleqantEmma & e2milys ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂



    ⋞↬⌈𝓞𝓬𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓫𝓲𝓻𝓽𝓱𝓭𝓪𝔂𝓼⌉≽

    🍂ღ『October went by so fast, in this time we were able to celebrate some amazing birthdays of amazing people, let’s see what they have to say about their birthday!』ღ🍂

    *🎂➯ shiny_laccy October 7th.

    🎂➯ Lucus_Elliot - October 3rd.

    🎂➯ kpopbkiana - October 21st

    🎂➯ EvaRoblox2hello - October 16th.

    🎂➯ zwaliis - October 24th

    🎂➯ pvnecxne October 4th.

    🎂➯ louiseh12 - October 9th.

    🎂➯ aavrorqa - October 18th.


    🎂➯That’s all about birthday for now! Happy birthday to everyone, I’m sure we are all excited about the birthdays coming up next month! PerfectlyAnnie

    Ღ 🧁Interviewer vaemmlaqx + Graphics Team (bearfuhl & michallol7)


    ► Thank you for reading our October Newsletter! See you next month.

    ~ ♚ Credits! ♚ ~

    Lead Newsletter Board: XxCandy2372xX

    Newsletter Board: lovqmais, missel_k2, RBLXWithEmily, mckcnzies, & witty20007

    Site Provider/Advisor: Jyrezo

    Graphics: bearfuhl, michallol7

    Section Authors: vwrsions, szarlight, PerfectlyAnnie, mvrthxaa, mariesluvqs, havivq, Furnface, ashlvqh, vcorria, steveygamer2

    Photographers: echvanted, riyesn, Mrs_KawaiiCat

    Social Assistants: avvIeqs, Blueqxia, e2milys, islafq, JasJolly, shiny_laccy, vaemmlaqx, EleqantEmma

    Editors: dietvivi, TailaBzp, Cas6nx, e2anores

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/issues/October Newsletter 2024/index.html b/issues/October Newsletter 2024/index.html index 4196978..31ab0b9 100644 --- a/issues/October Newsletter 2024/index.html +++ b/issues/October Newsletter 2024/index.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ October Newsletter 2024 | Teethyz Newsletter - + @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ ‌‌ Black Cat Day:

    Black Cat Day, celebrated on October 27, is dedicated to raising awareness about the misconceptions and superstitions surrounding black cats. It promotes the idea that black cats are not unlucky but rather deserving of love and care, just like any other pet. The day encourages the adoption and appreciation of black cats, highlighting their unique beauty and companionship.

    ʚ ݁ ˖ This is now the end of the awareness section! I truly hope you enjoyed the section. Hopefully, you learned some new stuff today as well! Thank you so much for reading, hope to see you again soon! I would definitely recommend reading the other Newsletters as well as our team really worked hard on it!

    Section written by: flowersandrainbowzz


    October OTM/OTW 2024


    Hello, Teethyz community! Throughout October, several outstanding members of the community were awarded OTM/OTW titles for their hard work and dedication. We had the opportunity to interview some of them to hear their perspectives on their remarkable achievements.

    •༶•┈┈┈┈┈┈.˚₊౨ৎ ₊˚. ┈┈┈┈┈┈•༶•

    MR and HR of the Month

    Interviewer: SiimplyBunnwy

    Interviewee: flowersandrainbowzz

    What was your initial reaction to seeing you receive mr of the month?

    My initial reaction when I first received MR of the Month was confused. STORY TIME!! When I got home from school I opened my DMs first, and saw a bunch of people congratulating me, and my first thought was "Oh! Did I get a position I applied for in another group?!" but then I also thought, "All the people congratulating me are from Teethyz though.." BUT the last DM I opened said "CONGRATS ON MROTM!!" and I was SO confused. I then went into Staff Chat to congratulate the people who got promoted that day, but then I saw a badge next to my name! I scrolled down and saw that I had a role saying MR of the Month..I felt so excited of how I got noticed! All the MRs are so amazing, so it just made me feel so lucky to be the one standing out for September. AND UHM, I actually nearly fell off my chair... I would definitely say the excitement took over!!

    What advice would you give to LR’s who are trying to become an MR in the future?

    Some advice I would give to LRs who are trying to become an MR in the future would be to never give up on your dream of being on the Management Team! Your hard work will always pay off, you just need to believe in yourself! Everyone who is an MR+ here has been an LR like you, and we all had similar experiences! If you ever need someone to encourage you not to give up, I'm always here if you need me! As an LR I almost decided to give up, but then one amazing person told me not to, and I'm so glad they did. It's all sooo worth it in the end. Being an LR has a lot of fun perks to it; you can attend Recruitment Shifts, you can earn Hardest Worker in shifts, you also have a chance of earning some recognition if you get LR of the Week! My advice would definitely be to never give up, and always follow your dreams. You got this! ❤️

    How has your experience been at Teethyz Dentist so far?

    My experience at Teethyz has been absolutely amazing so far!! The community here is so awesome, and I'm so excited to see what Teethyz will hold for us in the future. A special shoutout to the amazing LRs, MRs, HRs, SHRs, and developers of Teethyz that made this possible! All of you amazing Teethyzians are what makes the community so special and unique! Everyone here is super friendly and supportive. I have definitely made some special and unforgettable memories here. Teethyz is for sure one of the best communities I have even been in! As always, keep being you! You are all sooo wonderful and amazing and what makes Teethyz Dentist stand out. Love you all so much!

    Interviewer: SiimplyBunnwy

    Interviewee: vcorria

    What was your initial reaction to seeing you receive HR of the month?

    I was playing one of those line simulator games on Roblox when I started hearing all these pings go off on my phone. I was a bit shocked since I didn't expect it!

    *What advice would you give to LR’s who are trying to become MR in the future?

    My personal advice would be don't overwork yourself! Spending 30 minutes to one hour a day is more than enough. Attend shifts, recruitment shifts, and communicate in the discord from time to time. Prioritize maintaining consistent activity along with being involved within the community. Your hard work is always being recognized and is definitely appreciated! 🤍

    How has your experience been at Teethyz Dentist so far?

    I’ve been an MR since March 2023 and it's been great so far!

    LR of the Week

    Interviewer: SiimplyBunnwy

    Interviewee: starlqcies

    What was your initial reaction upon seeing that you received the "Low rank of the Week" award?

    I was very surprised but at the same time knew I deserved it because of my hard-work and dedication that I had done. I’ve been very respectful and responsible with my rank, and knew I could achieve LROW I’m very grateful and thankful for it as well!

    What advice would you give to others aspringing to be LR of the week?

    To always show dedication, hard-work, honesty, professionalism, and to show respect and responsibility with your rank. Always think positive don’t ever think other wise, the most important thing is to have fun and interact with others!

    How has your experience been at Teethyz Dentist so far?

    My experience at Teethyz Dentist has been phenomenal! I’ve met so many great people, and being able to interact with even more people and work has boosted my experience up above anything.

    Interviewer: SiimplyBunnwy

    Interviewee: iluvseoul

    What was your initial reaction upon seeing that you received the "Low rank of the Week" award?

    I was initially shocked as I was in-game and checked my Discord to 21 pings 😭. When I saw the announcement, I was very excited and shaking.

    What advice would you give to others aspringing to be LR of the week?

    Honestly, just be active. Join and participate in shifts, complete appointments, and try to meet new people. Keep it all balanced. 💗

    How has your experience been at Teethyz Dentist so far?

    It's been really great. Earning points has been both easy and challenging. Sometimes it can be a little demotivating, but the people I've met here have already warmed my heart. They have been nothing but welcoming to me. I always look forward to shifts because I think they're so fun!

    Interviewer: alzssi

    Interviewee: Limonaka_Youtube

    What was your initial reaction upon seeing that you received the "Low rank of the Week" award?

    When I got up in the morning... I took my phone in my hand and I see that I have a lot of notifications, which surprised me a lot. I opened Discord, entered the Teethyz communication server and saw that I was Low rank of the week! I was really happy! I was so happy I jumped! I was so grateful for that title.

    What advice would you give to others aspringing to be LR of the week?

    The most important advice for those who want to be LR of the week - never give up, believe in yourself! This will help you stay motivated. Try to be active, be on every shift you can and try to get Hardworker on shifts! Also, don't forget to write or talk on the communications server Teethyz! If you manage to do this, you have a chance to be LR of the week!

    How has your experience been at Teethyz Dentist so far?

    As soon as I joined teehyz I knew I would love this game! After becoming a Staff member I would enter the game every day and claim appointments. That's how fast I became an Oral Surgeon, in less than 2 weeks! Back then, you had to have a lot more points to become an Oral Surgeon. After becoming an Oral Surgeon, I took a break because I didn't have time for teethyz. Just about a month ago I decided to come back! C:

    Interviewer: alzssi

    Interviewee: crimetats

    What was your initial reaction upon seeing that you received the "Low rank of the Week" award?

    1) I think I was initially shocked when I got pinged and saw the message in staff announcements, but I was very happy getting it and I am very thankful for being selected as LR of the week.

    What advice would you give to others aspringing to be LR of the week?

    2) Advice I’d give.. hm very tricky question but I believe my advice will be it’s very easy to be unmotivated so I suggest playing with friends during shifts or try connecting with others, and of course, y’all probably heard this many times but putting in hard work does pull off, so don’t feel saddened if you feel like your efforts aren’t showing, I promise they are! 🙂

    How has your experience been at Teethyz dentist so far?

    3) I’ll be 100% honest.. at first it was intimidating mostly because of how tight knit Teethyz was, so I felt unsure and a bit shy I suppose, haha, but after few days I got to meet plenty of friendly and supportive people. I plan on improving my communication skills to hopefully make more friends at the dentist. 😄 Last but not least, Alliance of the Month!

    Interviewer: SiimplyBunnwy

    Interviewee: Hokui PR

    What has working with Teethyz been like form an affiliate perspective?

    Working with Teethyz over these past few months has been an incredible experience! We're very thankful for what the partnership has brought us and we hope to be able to collaborate on some exciting events for both communities to enjoy for the upcoming months. Their relations team has shown a lot of commitment and ensured stable communication within both groups despite not having the chance to collaborate yet. Overall, Hokui's relations team is very happy to be affiliated with Teethyz and we're very excited to see what this partnership has in store for us in the future.

    What advice would you share with people who would like to get into PR in the future?

    If you wish to become a Public Relations member in the future, I'd definitely say that it's important to be dedicated to the group, but to also find balance. Don't overwork yourself and demotivate yourself, you should enjoy working up. I promise that you'll enjoy your position more if you find balance and that your time will come. Moreover, It's important to be very communicative with your peers as it will be an essential skill once you do join the department, especially when it come to planning events and talking to alliances.

    What is your favourite memory as a PR member with Teethyz?

    I just recently joined the Hokui relations team so there isn't much yet, but from my knowledge our team enjoys the check-ins that Teethyz does. But one of our greatest memories was most likely the start of our partnership as we knew it would lead to great things for both groups, and we're very excited to collaborate on future events with Teethyz.

    Section written by: SiimplyBunnwy


    October Tiktok 2024


    October Tiktok 2024

    Section made by: 17thwish


    October Birthdays 2024


    This month we have been celebrating multiple MR+ birthdays! Below is how they celebrated their birthdays!

    ⋆✴︎˚。⋆ OceanAvny: It was my 18th birthday so I went out with my friends! I saw some of my family and had a small gathering too. Later, I got surprised with a trip to Vegas. I went with my friends and my cousin, we stayed there for a week and I had sooo much fun! 𐙚 ‧₊˚


    ⋆✴︎˚。⋆ 17thwish: for my birthday, i celebrated after school with my friends at starbucks and went out to the river and hung out there! after going to the river we went back home where there was cake and other food that we ate and then everyone went home. the next day my parents celebrated with me by giving gifts and going out to eat somewhere that i wanted too! it was a great day and i wouldn’t trade it for anything!!! ❤️ 𐙚 ‧₊˚


    ⋆✴︎˚。⋆ Linatheunicorn: I celebrated my birthday with a few of my close friends and family. We went to a new outdoor place and had lunch together. Then, we went home, ate the cake, and opened the presents. It was a beautiful birthday! 𐙚 ‧₊˚


    ⋆✴︎˚。⋆ July_IsAMonth: i went out for dinner and hang out with my friends for the rest of the night! 𐙚 ‧₊˚


    ⋆✴︎˚。⋆ iamjan12312: For my birthday, I went out with my friend until 5am in the morning. We won't say why but it was amazing to turn 21! I had cake once I got home and Laura, Luke and Harv made the cutest server for me which was a nice way to go into my 21st at 12am.🎂 𐙚 ‧₊˚


    ⋆✴︎˚。⋆ Vinnielittle14: Well I had a party with family and another party with some friends! Had some delicious cake. 𐙚 ‧₊˚


    ⋆✴︎˚。⋆ mwaxaurora: I’m going to dinner and shopping with my friends! 𐙚 ‧₊˚


    ⋆✴︎˚。⋆ Witty20007 𐙚 ‧₊˚


    ⋆✴︎˚。⋆ dxmvix: I didn't do alot!! Some of my family came though which was really fun! I did go shopping the next day as that wasn't possible on my birthday!! c:

    Section written by: eviegracea & Tradewinds2810


    October Memories 2024


    ₊ ⊹ Hey, Teethyz community! During the month of October we have had a lot of memories made by our Management Team and amazing community. Our photography team put them all into different collages! We hope you enjoyed this month and you will like the pictures. Now is the time to check it out, maybe you can find yourself between one!

    ・❥・.ᐟ Shift Photo's

    Let‘s start with some of our amazing shift photos! This month we‘ve had so much wonderful shifts together and we were able to collect some special moments by putting them into a collage. Can you recognize yourself in any of these photos?

    October Shift Collage

    ・❥・.ᐟTraining Photo's

    As you may know, our management team enjoys taking photos after every session, so we've assembled a collage for you all to enjoy! Can you spot anyone you know?

    October Training Collage

    ・❥・.ᐟ Alliance Photo's

    The management team have visited some amazing alliances this month, along with our awesome alliances visiting us at Teethyz! We are all so grateful for our alliances and the diversity of different games that we are able to visit and learn about! Enjoy the collage made by the photography team with some of our best alliance photos!

    October Alliance Collage

    ・❥・.ᐟ Funny Photo's

    As always, laughter and fun moments are never missing from our memories. Here’s a collage of the funniest moments, we hope you have a great laugh!

    October Funny Collage

    ・❥・.ᐟ 8 Years Photo's

    This month, we celebrated our 8th anniversary! We had a lot of fun at the dentist, and Dany later teleported us to v2. Enjoy this collage and thank you so much for playing the game!

    8 Years Photos Collage

    ・❥・.ᐟ Halloween Photo's

    Special for this month, the photography team is bringing back the old tradition of counting down till halloween! We brought our mrs with us, here are the 10 pictures countding down till halloween, may you all have a spooky halloween!

    October Halloween Photos Collage

    ღ。.。That's all for this month's memories section! From behalf of the photography team, we hope you all loved taking a look at all the memories we collected during October, from 8 Year Anniversary to some training and alliance photos! See you next time!

    - Section written by: Photography team

    ► Thank you for reading our October Newsletter! See you all next month.

    ~ ♚ Credits! ♚ ~

    Lead Newsletter Board: RBLXWithEmily

    Newsletter Board: PerfectlyAnnie, vaemmlaqx, mckcnzies, & witty20007

    Site Provider/Advisor: Jyrezo

    Graphics: michallol7, foundlilly, Synceps, & vcrsity

    Section Authors: vcorria, steveygamer2, 1stIovee, mariesluvqs, svphiees, lvsvnnyy, carolineinthemorning, ayakoos, avvieqs, & svncereiy

    Photographers: UhMeliaa, ethvrweal, Vinnielittle14, iikqtieee, adsianmendsiam, AlfiundJo, & mcllorys

    Social Assistants: Tradewinds2810, eviegracea, 17thwish, SiimplyBunnwy, aIessqi, swtcakey, & cbvopppl

    Editors: TailaBzp, Lukefromthedead, kkennedys, 1uvxflqra, OceanAvny, blvcssed, n1ghtfvllz, & vawerwii

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/issues/September Newsletter 2023/index.html b/issues/September Newsletter 2023/index.html index 1e3cca7..49f084d 100644 --- a/issues/September Newsletter 2023/index.html +++ b/issues/September Newsletter 2023/index.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ September Newsletter 2023 | Teethyz Newsletter - + @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Interviewee: stqrlls (Lily)

    1. Q(Furnface) What was your reaction to getting HR of the month?
    • A(Lily) I was very shocked! I was not expecting it at all.
    1. Q(Furnface) What’s some advice you would give to LR’s trying to be an HR one day.
    • A(Lily) Don’t be afraid to speak up and share your opinions!
    1. Q(Furnface) What’s some advice you would give to MR’s or even HR’s trying to one day get MR or HR of the month.
    • A(Lily) Do not give up, maintain good activity and communicate with others as much as you can. Don’t overwork yourself though!

    ► Some great words from Lily and we are all very proud of her momentous achievement as earning an award like HR of the month is no easy task! Now our next section is our alliance of the month! This is a section where our team hand picks an alliance then we think is professional, kind, and respectful! For this months alliance of the month it is… Fresh Dentist! Congratulations Fresh Dentist! As apart of this, I got an exclusive interview with one of Fresh's PR Members... glowinqhrt!

    Interviewer: Furnface Interviewee: glowinqhrt

    1. Q(Furnface) What is it like working with Teethyz Dentist from an alliance perspective.
    • A(glowinqhrt) Working alongside Teethyz Dentist has been an incredible experience for our Public Relations team. We're extremely thankful & grateful for Teethyz due to their incredible communication skills, kindness, and patience they've shown us over the last few months of our partnership. The Public Relations team has proven to us that Teethyz Dentist is an overall astonishing corporation filled with loyal, devoted, professional, and most importantly positive and understanding staff members. We've never faced any issues working with Teethyz, and we're glad to be allied with them. We've always appreciated our time with Teethyz Dentist as their community is incredibly educational, helpful, and considerate of everyone.
    1. Q(Furnface) What is it like working with Teethyz to make these PR events that both of our staff teams love very much.
    • A(glowinqhrt) Collaborating with Teethyz Dentist for community events has been a positive experience every time. Our Public Relations Department is always ecstatic to organize projects with Teethyz due to their positivity and excitement to work with us. We're always looking forward to hosting events with Teethyz Dentist and feel appreciative of their amazing teamwork and always having satisfactory outcomes after events. While we see consistent activity from the Teethyz Dentist PR department, it offers us many possible opportunities to engage. Whether it's alliance events or even public events. Teethyz Dentist is an extraordinary organization we have the privilege of having an alliance with. We cannot wait to see what else this partnership will benefit in the future.

    That is all for the MR/HR/Alliance of the month section thank you for reading and have an amazing rest of your day! <3

    • Section by Furnface and 1ndvie




    ► Ello everyone! We are back at it again with our monthly tiktok. Our social assistants islafq and avvIeqs have decided to give a go with creating the tiktok this time. Make sure to check it out on our official page!

    September TT

    • Section by islafq and avvIeqs




    Interviewer: adorlites

    ► Like all months, September was full of surprises, and even a few birthdays here at Teethyz! Here’s a few statements from management members who celebrated wonderful their birthdays this month.


    Birthday 2

    Well, that was a long list! Happy belated birthdays to everyone, we really hope you enjoyed your day, and we can’t wait to see whose birthdays are yet to come next month!

    • Section by adorlites and bearfuhl


    ► Thank you for reading our September Newsletter! See you next month.

    ~ ♚ Credits! ♚ ~

    Lead Newsletter Board: XxCandy2372xX

    Newsletter Board: stqrlls, julvqs, mckcnzies, & witty20007

    Site Provider/Advisor: Jyrezo

    Graphics: bearfuhl, michallol7

    Section Authors: ashlvqh, havivq, PerfectlyAnnie, Furnface, 1ndvie, vwrsions, K6TIEXISHOT, mariesluvqs

    Photographers: echvanted, riyesn, Mrs_KawaiiCat

    Social Assistants: e2milys, EleqantEmma, JasJolly, avvIeqs, islafq, shiny_laccy, vaemmlaqx

    Editors: dietvivi, TailaBzp, Cas6nx, e2anores, assortedcupcake22, RBLXWithEmily

    - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/issues/September Newsletter 2024/index.html b/issues/September Newsletter 2024/index.html index 7e4bff5..ef4b84a 100644 --- a/issues/September Newsletter 2024/index.html +++ b/issues/September Newsletter 2024/index.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ September Newsletter 2024 | Teethyz Newsletter - + @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ National Suicide Prevention

    • National Suicidal Prevention month is a time to raise awareness of this urgently important crisis. This month we try our best to spread hope and share vital information to people affected by suicide. Our goal is ensuring that individuals, friends and families have access to the resources they need to discuss suicide prevention and to seek help.

    World Alzheimer's Month

    • World Alzheimer's month is a global opportunity to raise dementia awareness and support people affected by the disease. To spread awareness they are asking you to share your story. Make sure your voice is heard and share your experience of dementia – however it affects you and your family.


    • 9/11 is a month to raise awareness of all the families who sadly passed away during this attack. The September 11 attacks, commonly known as 9/11, were four coordinated Islamist terrorist suicide attacks carried out by al-Qaeda against the United States in 2001. On that morning, 19 terrorists hijacked four commercial airliners scheduled to travel from the East Coast to California.

    Terry Fox Day

    • Terry Fox Day is to spread awareness of Terry Fox who lost his right leg due to cancer at the age of 18. Terry Fox decided to run across Canada to raise awareness and money for cancer research. With the use of a customized running prosthesis, he set out from St. John's, Newfoundland, on 12 April 1980 and covered 5,373 km in 143 days — an average of 42 km (26 miles) per day. Almost every Canadian school is asked to do a Terry Fox run somewhere in September to show respect for Terry.

    ʚ ݁ ˖ This is now the end of the awareness section! I truly hope you enjoyed the section. Maybe you learnt some new stuff today as well! Thank you so much for reading, hope to see you again soon! I would definitely recommend reading the other Newsletters as well as our team really worked hard on them!

    Section written by: flowersandrainbowzz


    September OTM/OTW


    Hey, Teethyz community! During the course of September, we had multiple incredible members of the community get awarded OTM/OTW titles for their hard work and dedication to the community! We got the chance to interview a few of them to get their perspectives on their incredible accomplishments.


    MR and HR of the Month

    Interviewer: mythwical

    Interviewee: n1ghtfvllz

    MROTM: n1ghtfvllz (Joseph)

    1. What was your initial reaction when you saw that you were awarded MROTM?
    • When I first saw that I got MROTM, I was completely shocked and couldn’t believe it.
    1. What advice would you give to others aspiring to be MROTM?
    • For anyone trying to get MROTM, I would say never give up, and always keep trying and be active!
    1. How has your journey been in Teethyz Dentist so far?
    • My journey at Teethyz Dentist has been a completely positive experience so far, and I can’t wait to stay and make more amazing memories!

    Interviewer: mythwical

    Interviewee: marieluvqs

    HROTM: marieluvqs (Marie)

    1. What was your initial reaction when you saw that you were awarded HROTM?
    • I was surprised! I suddenly started getting many pings and DMs, and at first, I didn’t even know what for. Once I found out, I was really happy and excited about it!
    1. What advice would you give to others aspiring to be HROTM?
    • I don’t think there’s a specific way to get HROTM! If you work hard and always try to do more than what’s expected, it will be noticed and appreciated. I’m really glad that my efforts paid off like this!
    1. How has your journey been in Teethyz Dentist so far?
    • I've enjoyed my journey so far. Of course, I've had highs and lows, but I'm glad I have some friends who make my experience more fun. I try to make as much of an impact as I can on the community and push for what I feel is right. Overall, I'm really grateful that I can be a part of the team!


    LR of the Week

    Interviewer: lvsvnnyy

    Interviewee: lovelettterss

    LROTW: lovelettterss (Bentley)

    1. What was your initial reaction when you saw that you were awarded LROTW?
    • I had just woken up, and I realized I got a ping in Staff Announcements. I thought it was for an update, but it turns out I got LROTW! I was so happy, and I couldn’t believe it, and I was getting so many pings!! It was truly a time to remember.
    1. What advice would you give to others aspiring to be an LROTW?
    • A piece of advice I would give to others is don’t pressure yourself into doing something you don’t want to do. I had to take a week or two off from Teethyz because I was just playing consistently. Move at your own pace, don’t let others tell you what to do!! You’re awesome, and don’t forget that!!
    1. How has your journey been at Teethyz Dentist so far?
    • It has been absolutely wonderful, and I have made some great friends along the way, and I’m looking forward to making more! I’m so excited to see what the future has for me, and I can’t wait to continue my journey!

    Interviewer: lvsvnnyy

    Interviewee: S7icy

    LROTW: S7icy (Marielle)

    1. What was your initial reaction when you saw that you were awarded LROTW?
    • I remember waking up to a bunch of pings, feeling so confused about what was going on. Then I realized people were congratulating me for LROTW. I was actually shocked and excited because I never expected to get it one day. It was the best thing to see right after waking up, LOL!!
    1. What advice would you give to others aspiring to be an LROTW?
    • I'd say don't overwork yourself, just be yourself, and always socialize with others. I’m sure LROTW will be yours when the right time comes!
    1. How has your journey been at Teethyz Dentist so far?
    • My journey at Teethyz has been really fun. I reconnected with close friends and made some new lovely friends, which I’m so grateful for. I feel so happy to have joined this Teethyz community, honestly, or I wouldn’t have met these amazing people! ❤️ x

    Interviewer: lvsvnnyy

    Interviewee: Em1lin3

    LROTW: Em1lin3 (Emiline)

    1. What was your initial reaction when you saw that you were awarded LROTW?
    • I was very excited and didn’t even think that would happen.
    1. What advice would you give to others aspiring to be an LROTW?
    • Hmm, try to work hard, attend shifts, and work hard at shifts.
    1. How has your journey been at Teethyz Dentist so far?
    • It’s been awesome! I’ve made great friends, played an awesome game, and made memories of a lifetime!

    Interviewer: lvsvnnyy

    Interviewee: stargvrlavie

    LROTW: stargvrlavie (Avie)

    1. What was your initial reaction when you saw that you were awarded LROTW?
    • I was jumping with happiness, and I immediately DM’ed my best friend Maddi to tell her. I was so overly happy and excited!! I was quite grateful that I got LROTW.
    1. What advice would you give to others aspiring to be an LROTW?
    • Try your hardest, don’t overwork yourself, and keep working hard. I believe in you, and you’ve got this!
    1. How has your journey been at Teethyz Dentist so far?
    • Absolutely awesome! I met a wonderful MR, made so many awesome new friends along the way, and I’ve had tons of amazing and fun memories at Teethyz!


    Alliance of the Month

    Interviewer: lvsvnnyy

    Interviewee: stvcrgazer

    AOTM: Boba Cafe 🧋

    1. What has working with Teethyz been like from an affiliate perspective?
    • Working alongside Teethyz is such a great feeling. They have an amazing community and management team that welcomes us with open arms whenever we come down to visit. Working with their Public Relations Team has also been a great experience. Teethyz is such an amazing alliance to collaborate with, so having the chance to work with them on various events is just awesome!
    1. What advice would you share with people who would like to get into PR in the future?
    • My advice would be, just be yourself and do what you like! Public Relations has many great aspects, but if you don't enjoy yourself, then it’s not as fun. I feel like a lot of people see PR members as 'outgoing' and 'creative', but you don’t have to be all that to be a part of public relations, as long as you like the numerous aspects of PR! If you ever have the chance to try Public Relations, then I would say go for it. Who knows, maybe you'll develop a liking for anything PR-related!
    1. What is your favorite memory during your time in PR?
    • Hmm, I actually have quite a few! But I think my ultimate favorite was when I got promoted to Public Relations Director! It was so random at such a random time too, so I didn’t expect any of it! I think the feeling of not knowing I would get promoted is what made the moment more special to me. Especially since Boba's PR team really welcomed me with lots of love, I felt like this was the best thing ever. My promotion to PRD really made me discover more about Public Relations, but also helped me discover amazing friends, which I will forever be grateful for! I have so many good memories of events and much more, but I think nothing will beat my PRD promotion!


    That’s it for our OTM/OTW interviews! Thank you so much for reading through until the end! On behalf of the entire newsletter team, we’re unbelievably proud of all of your accomplishments and can’t wait to see what you achieve in the future.

    Section written by: lvsvnnyy & mythwical


    September Promotions


    Hello, everyone! For this months newsletter, Grace and I have gathered a few MRs+ who got promoted this month. Followed by a list of all the promotions or this month!


    Question - What was your reaction to being promoted?

    dxmvix: ‘Promoted to staff assistant.’

    • I was sooooo happy and like I never expected it so I was quite proud of myself!!

    lcvelyjans: ‘Promoted to Office Manager.’

    • When I got promoted, I was in a training which meant I could not be active on discord during the time whilst I was training I got a message from Laura saying I was promoted and I was very shocked when this happen. I could not believe it at the time but as time went on I really started to realise I was an OM.

    Glowingxlightzz: ‘Promoted to Supervisor.’

    • I was a bit shocked at first because I had been told earlier that I might be getting demoted, so when I heard that I was being promoted to a Supervisor instead, it caught me off guard. I didn't see it coming at all! But once the news sank in, I felt incredibly happy.

    Lukefromthedead: ‘Promoted to Executive Assistant.’

    • When I got promoted to EA I was a bit surprised but the way I was promoted sort of gave me a hint to what was going to happen. I was happy to see that my effort was clear to others, so much so that they'd given me a chance to become EA.

    avvleqs: ‘Promoted to Staff Assistant.’

    • I absolutely loved being promoted to Staff Assistant! It’s such an amazing experience and I got to know so many members of the MR team. It made me feel very proud of how hard I worked as an Oral Surgeon and was totally worth it! I was able to get so much help during my promotion and it was a lovely warm welcome from the team!

    marieluvqs: ‘Promoted to Executive director .’

    • I was really so surprised, I was not expecting it the tiniest bit! I honestly didn't believe it at first, it took me a couple days to fully process that I actually did get promoted. I'm really grateful for it!

    oceanqzx: ‘Promoted to Supervisor .’

    • Hey!! I was super happy to be promoted!! Leah knows I’m a big swiftie so the way she promoted me was super creative and clever. I wasn’t really expecting it but I’m happy it happened

    foundlilly: ‘Promoted to Assistant manager .’

    • I actually had my hopes down and didn’t expect to get promoted. As soon as I saw the message, I was so shocked and didn’t expect it. That same second, I got a ton of messages and I was really happy and excited! 🩷

    NewSwitcherop: ‘Promoted to Dental Board.’

    • I was in a big shock. I got out of ballet class and checked my pings. I had more than 100 pings and so many direct messages. When I saw #staff-announcements, my jaw honestly dropped. I am so grateful to be promoted!


    New Staff Assistants

    • Carqliness, Pureswl, dxmvix, avvleqs & VivianPlays_123

    New Supervisors

    • blvcssed, fwoIklore, duIcetlly, oceanqzx, swtcakey, svncerely, Iluvura, vawerwii, kkvylas, Glowingxlightzz, pvrffect, bellqvx, & magsslolstupid

    New Assistant Managers

    • foundlilly, dev_chloe, aIessqi, vwrsions, & whosymme

    New Office Managers

    • lcvelyjans, ioviinqbr, iikqtieee, & n1ghtfvllz

    New Dental Boards

    • Newswitcherop, OceanAvny, & Lvsvnny

    New Executive Assistant

    • lukefromthedead

    New Executive Director

    • mariesluvqs

    Section written by: Tradewinds2810 & eviegracea


    September Birthdays


    Heyhey everybody! Hope you've been enjoying the newsletter so far! Today, myself and Eleanor put together interviews of all the MRs who celebrated their birthday in September!

    ⋆𐙚 ₊ Question : What did you do to celebrate your birthday?

    Foundlilly - 3rd of September

    ˙ . ꒷🍰 . 𖦹˙—

    • I threw a birthday party! I invited all my friends to go out and eat together, we did fun activities and celebrated with a cake!

    Bvubblys - 17th of September

    ˙ . ꒷🍰 . 𖦹˙—

    • For my birthday I went to a place with many different High Ropes and I did some super fast slides which was so fun and they were almost as high as my house! I had McDonald’s for dinner and then I had lots of presents, and my family came! It was the best birthday!

    Kkvylas - 6th of September

    ˙ . ꒷🍰 . 𖦹˙—

    • For my birthday, I went to dinner with my family! I had great laughs and an unforgettable night. I am forever grateful to my family and friends for celebrating my special day with me!

    Test_account3310 - 11th of September

    ˙ . ꒷🍰 . 𖦹˙—

    • I went out to get dinner with my family and just enjoyed the rest of my day with friends and family!

    gvbbiess - 10th of September

    ˙ . ꒷🍰 . 𖦹˙—

    • For my birthday, I had an amazing time at the lake swimming with some friends. Afterward, we headed to The Cheesecake Factory for dinner!

    J6NN4 - 9th of September

    ˙ . ꒷🍰 . 𖦹˙—

    • I went to dinner with friends and there was a birthday server made for me! <33 ‌ bellqvx - 14th of September

    ˙ . ꒷🍰 . 𖦹˙—

    • The day before my birthday, I took a couple photos with a few birthday decorations. On the day of, I celebrated my birthday by heading to lunch with my mom and dad. There, I ate some steak and made my way back home where my sisters and brother sang happy birthday and ate cake. After eating a slice of cake, we made our way to a fun hangout spot where we played a round of mini golf, bowling, and played a couple of arcade games! 👯‍♀️👯‍♀️

    soflyia - 27th of September

    ˙ . ꒷🍰 . 𖦹˙—

    • So for my last birthday, my 15th, I had a quinceañera.

    Section written by: vcorria and SiimplyBunnwy


    September Memories


    ৎ⁝ Hello everyone, during this month we have had some amazing pictures made by our management team and community! Maybe you will see yourself between one! We hope you had a good month enjoy this time to look back on the month of September!

    Shift Photos ♡

    Let's get started with some shift photo’s! We have joined them all into a collage. Are you able to spot yourself in any of this photos? Let's check it out!

    Shift Collage

    Training Photos ♡

    Our management team has captured many photos for you all to enjoy! Take a look and see how creative our team is with their photos!

    Training Collage

    Alliance Photos ♡

    As we do every month, we have visited our alliances just as they have visited us, and we’ve enjoyed it a lot. Alliances are very important to us because we help each other. Here you have a collage where you can see our best alliance photos, we hope you enjoy it!

    Alliance Collage

    Funny Photos ♡

    We have definitely had some laughable moments this month. This collage displays a few humorous moments! I hope the photos make you laugh like it made the Photography Team laugh. Enjoy!

    Funny Collage

    ⤹: And that's sadly everything from us. We hope you enjoyed these fabulous collages, and perhaps found yourself in one of them too! Have fun reading the rest of this newsletter. ❧

    Section written by: Photography team


    ► Thank you for reading our September Newsletter! See you all next month.

    ~ ♚ Credits! ♚ ~

    Lead Newsletter Board: RBLXWithEmily

    Newsletter Board: PerfectlyAnnie, vaemmlaqx, mckcnzies, & witty20007

    Site Provider/Advisor: Jyrezo

    Graphics: michallol7 & foundlilly

    Section Authors: vcorria, steveygamer2, Ioviinqbr, mariesluvqs, svphiees, & lvsvnnyy

    Photographers: UhMeliaa, ethvrweal, NewSwitcherop, Vinnielittle14, iikqtieee & adsianmendsiam

    Social Assistants: Tradewinds2810, eviegracea, fwoIklore, SiimplyBunnwy, & aIessqi

    Editors: TailaBzp, Lukefromthedead, flowersandrainbowzz, kkennedys, 1uvxflqra, & OceanAvny

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