# fork and clone the diff-so-fancy repo.
git clone https://github.com/so-fancy/diff-so-fancy/ && cd diff-so-fancy
# test a saved diff against your local version
cat test/fixtures/ls-function.diff | ./diff-so-fancy
# setup symlinks to use local copy
npm link
cd ~/projects/catfabulator && git diff
You'll need to install bats, the Bash automated testing system. It's also available as brew install bats
git submodule sync
git submodule update --init # pull in the assertion library, bats-assert
# run the test suite once:
bats test
# run it on every change with `entr`
brew install entr
ls --color=never diff-so-fancy test/*.bats | entr bats test
When writing assertions, you'll likely want to compare to expected output. To grab that reliably, you can use something like git --no-pager diff | diff-so-fancy > output.txt
You can lint your scripts via shellcheck, our CI bots will also check.
brew install shellcheck
shellcheck diff-so-fancy update-deps.sh