This is the working cronjob where it is configured to shutdown at minute:00
hour:22 (i.e 10pm)
*this is also the time when this script runs and then counts down to the given seconds.convert hours to seconds with: 60x60xh
where h is how many hours till the system restarts to.
There is a process where we can use time but its not compatable with every systems, which is why im using seconds
use this to check if the clock is synced to the time you are in or your server will not shutdown or restart on given time.
timedatectl | grep Time
timedatectl list-timezones
After listing the timezones find your time zone and place it in the blow command
timedatectl set-timezone "Asia/Kathmandu"
Find the rtcwake with which rtcwake
and change the vlaue below if different. In most case its same.
00 22 * * * root /usr/sbin/rtcwake -u -m off -s 46800
rtcwake -u -m off -s 60
With this command your server will shutdown and wait for 1 minute to check if its worked or not.