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Tino's analysis workflow

used Monte Carlo

Everything so far — if not mentioned otherwise — was done on the ASTRI mini-array; exclusively on the innermost 3×3 grid.

ASTRI mini array

For this array, both Gammas and Protons have been simulated with an E^-2 energy spectrum. For Gammas in an energy range from 0.1 TeV to 330 TeV as a point source and for Protons in an energy range from 0.1 TeV to 600 TeV as a diffuse flux 6° around the pointing direction.

Reconstruction Workflow

The reconstruction is done by the FitGammaHillas class that has already been merged into ctapipe.
Only events with at least 2 telescopes are considered.


The cleaning is done either with wavelets or with tailcuts:


The wavelet cleaning algorithm expects a 2D array of a rectangular image. Therefore, the non-rectangular image of the ASTRI cameras needs to be cut down for now.
The wavelet cleaning is applied as provided by Jérémie.

The wavelet cleaning leaves few isolated pixels or islands that can have a negative impact on the Hillas parametrisation. Remove these islands and only leave the biggest patch of connected pixels using a method provided by scipy.ndimage and implemented by Fabio.


Uses the standard 2-step threshold implementation of ctapipe with the two values at 5 and 10.

edge rejection

Previously only applied to wavelets, now to both:
If any pixel in the outermost pixel layer records a charge (after cleaning) of more than a fifth of the maximum pixel's charge (rough by-eye optimisation), the whole image is rejected.

Hillas Parametrisation

The cleaned images are given to the Hillas parametrisation implemented in ctapipe.


The reconstruction uses three of the provided Hillas parameters: The position of the image core (x and y) and the tilt of the Hillas ellipsis (ψ). From these parameters (position c and tilt ψ), a second position, b, on the camera can be calculated. Both these points should lie on the shower axis.



The two positions on the camera correspond to two directions in the sky. These two directions define a plane (or GreatCircle) in the horizontal frame. Since the shower on the image passes through the two points c and b on the camera, the shower should also lie in the plane of the GreatCircle.
The distribution of the angle between the shower and the GreatCircle can be seen in the following figure:

Direction Reconstruction

Two cameras will see the shower from different directions. The GreatCircle defined by their image will in most cases not be parallel, though the shower direction should lie in both planes. Therefore, the shower direction should be the orientation of the cross section of two planes.
If more than two telescopes observe the shower, every unique pair of telescopes provides an estimator of the cross section. All direction estimators get summed (while normalised to a length of 1) with a weight provided by:

  • the cosine of the angle between the two planes that were crossed
  • the total size of each cleaned image of the two cameras used for the two GreatCircle
  • the ratios of the Hillas length and width from the two cameras.


Shower Core Reconstruction

For the impact position, the normal vector of the trace on the ground of each GreatCircle is defined as the the GreatCircle's normal vector with the z component set to zero. Again, for ever GreatCircle the shower should lie in the circle and hit the ground where the GreatCircle crosses the ground, too. That means: The shower's impact position is somewhere on the trace. Since this is true for all traces, the shower core position (x, y) ought to lie where all the traces cross. This is can be expressed with an equation system in matrix form: full_equation_system


where is the normal vector of the trace of telescope i and is the position of telescope i.

Since we do not live in a perfect world and there probably is no point (x, y) that fulfils this equation system, it is solved by the method of least linear square:


minimises the squared difference of ; with weights like the parameters in last two points from the enumeration above.


For the discrimination, the images get cleaned and parametrised and the event reconstructed as above.


Consecutively, a RandomForestClassifier is trained on the separate images with the following features:

  • distance of the shower impact to the telescope,
  • signal on the telescope,
  • total signal on all selected telescopes,
  • number of selected telescopes,
  • Hillas parameters:
    • width and length
    • Skewness,
    • Kurtosis,
    • Asymmetry


For the prediction which class (gamma/proton) an event belongs to, all selected telescopes (with the parameters as in the training) are given to the classifier.
Note: for the learning, the impact distance to the MC shower core is used, for the prediction, the reconstructed shower core)
The event is selected as a gamma-shower when more 4 (for now) telescopes have participated in the classification and more than 75 % of the telescopes were classified as gammas.


To calculate the sensitivity, the (energy-dependent) effective Area has to be determined. For this, the number of selected events is to be divided by the number of simulated events:

simulated = generated * N_reuse * N_files
efficiency = selected / simulated

with generated the number generated showers per file (5000). Each shower is used N_reuse times with the impact position randomised within the generation_area. N_reuse is 10 for gamma events and 20 for proton events. N_files is the number of files used here, 9 for the gamma channel, 51 for protons. The effective_area then is the product of the generation_area and the efficiency:

generation_area = π * radius²
effective_area = efficiency * generation_area

with radius being 1000 m for gammas and 2000 m for protons.

The number of expected events from any given source can be determined by multiplying the source's (non-differential) flux with an assumed observation duration and the effective_area of the detection-reconstruction-discrimination chain.


The gamma events have been simulated coming from a point-source while the proton events were simulated as a diffuse flux. To calculate the significance, an on- and an off-region can be defined around the direction point-source. With the numbers of events in both regions, a significance can be calculated according to equation (17) of Li & Ma (1983):

Non   - Number of on counts
Noff  - Number of off counts
alpha - Ratio of on-to-off exposure

alpha1 = alpha + 1.0
sum    = Non + Noff
arg1   = Non / sum
arg2   = Noff / sum
term1  = Non  * np.log((alpha1/alpha)*arg1)
term2  = Noff * np.log(alpha1*arg2)
sigma  = np.sqrt(2.0 * (term1 + term2))

A sensitivity, binned in energy, can be defined as the signal flux needed to claim

  • 5 sigma significance
  • within 50 hours of observation
  • with at least 10 events per energy bin and
  • a background contamination of less than 5 % per energy bin.