- This paper shows that existing Neural network models can be constructed upon to make use of queries to produce summaries. They show this by training a pointer generator.
- The model is designed for brief summaries, mostly single sentence.
- Summarizing with respect to a query is somewhat similar in idea to topic, which asks the question "What is the summary of the document with respect to query X?"
- There is a document and query encoder respectively, the outputs are then passed to an attentive decoder which generates a summary. The encoder and decoder are GRU RNNs.
- The idea that QA datasets can be looked at as Query Based Summarization is useful for the problem in general.
- A proof of concept for usage of queries in abstractive summarization.
- The results are underwhelming, failing to cross even 20 R-1 scores, which makes me wonder if the architecture or the dataset remodeling wasn't suited for this particular task.