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This page gives XSPEC (and shell) scripts for performing Monte Carlo tests within XSPEC.

  • source.pha - The "real" dataset for the worked example
  • xmmpn.rmf - The response matrix for the data
  • xmmpn.arf - The ancillary response file for the data
  • sim-rand.xcm - XSPEC script to produce simulated spectra
  • groupall - Bash script to run GRPPHA over all simulated spectra
  • fit.xcm - XSPEC script to fit all (grouped) simulated spectra

Read the mc.pdf file for my (circa 2006) explanation.


These scripts were written 2005-2006, tested using XSPEC v12.2.1ao running under Scientific Linux 4.2. They have not been maintained since then. I offer no guarantee they will work on other systems.

Referencing the scripts

If you make use of this code in your work, please do cite the following paper for which these scripts were originally developed.

Hurkett, C., Vaughan S., et al. 2008, ApJ, v679, p587


Monte Carlo methods

Monte Carlo methods use random (or quasi-random) data to solve problems. In the context of hypothesis testing, one generates randomised data based on the null hypothesis model, taking care to make the fake data as realistic as possible, and uses them as a 'control' sample with which to calibrate the test statistic. In the source detection example one would simulate a large ensemble of images, by randomising the background level, and measure the flux at the source position in each one. The frequency distribution (histogram) of the fluxes produced from the fake data is a Monte Carlo estimate of the reference PDF. As well as making sure the data are simulated as accurately as possible one must also simulate a large number of datasets so that the histogram of the test statistics from the simulations converges on the true PDF. Even if there is no analytical expression for the reference distribution, it is always possible to find it using the Monte Carlo method so long as one can simulate a sufficient number of (realistic) fake data.

Monte Carlo methods are extremely powerful and conceptually simple. The drawback is that they may require a large amount of computer processing time to generate and analyse a large quantity of simulated data.

Application to the F-test

Maybe you are trying to test for an emission line in a spectrum; adding the line to the model improves the fit a bit, but you don't know whether the improvement should be considered significant or not. You could use the F-test but one of the assumptions behind the F-test is not valid in this case [1]. Normally you would measure the F-statistic and compare this with a reference distribution -- this tells you how unexpected your value of F is. (In this case the reference distribution for the F-test is the Fisher-Snedecor distribution.) The reference distribution gives you a probability, or p-value, for the given value of F. If the probability is small (let's say p=0.001) then you conclude this result is unlikely to have occurred by chance, so it must be a significant detection (people often quote this by inverting the false alarm probability: 100*[1-p] = 99.9 per cent confidence). But, as we just said, the case of adding a line violates one of the fundamental assumptions behind the F-test and so you cannot use the textbook reference distribution to go from an F-value (what you measure from the data) to a p-value (how significant it is). But we can solve the problem using a Monte Carlo approach.

An overview of the method

The general idea is as follows. First you need to define exactly what it is you want to test. If you want a clear answer you need a clear question! In the case of line detection, perhaps you are comparing a power law to a power law plus an emission line. The null hypothesis is that the simpler of these two models is true -- in this example the null hypothesis is that the spectrum is just a power law. The alternative hypothesis is that the spectrum is a power law plus an emission line. The way you go about making a hypothesis test is to measure some test statistic from the data. Maybe you used the F-test and measured an F-value. (The F-value comes from the decrease in chi-square when you add a line to the model, and the number of degrees of freedom.) But you don't know the reference distribution to turn this into a probability. What you need to do is make a large batch of fake data for which the null hypothesis is true, and measure the same test statistic for each of the fake datasets. So you make a fake dataset, measure the test statistic, make another one, measure the test statistic, etc. etc. If you keep doing this you will build up the distribution of the test statistic assuming the null hypothesis is true (because all your fake data are produced using the null hypothesis). In the 'power law vs. power law plus line' example what we do is simulate a spectrum of a power law, then fit the data using a power law with and without a line, and then measure the F-value. Over and over again. As you perform more simulations you build up a clearer picture of the distribution of F-values (if the null hypothesis is true).

You can then ask the question: how many simulations show a larger test statistic (e.g. F-value) than the one I got for my real data? Did the value I got for my test statistic appear in many of the simulations or only very rarely? Maybe the F-value was 6.71 from the real data. And when we ran the 1,000 simulations we found only 3 out of the 1,000 had a value bigger than this. We could conclude there is a 3/1000 chance of getting an F-value like the one observed if the null hypothesis is true. This is the false alarm probability, and since it is quite small we may interpret it as indicating the null hypothesis is false, and we therefore favour the alternative hypothesis. In other words we could say the line is detected at 99.7 per cent confidence (because 997/1000 simulations showed a smaller F-value).

Outline of a simple MC method

A simple Monte Carlo significance test works along the following lines:

  1. Define the null and alternative hypotheses

  2. Choose a test statistic: call it T

  3. Measure the test statistic of the real data: call it T_0

  4. Definite loop. For each i=1,2,...,N:

    a. Produce a simulated data set: D_i

    b. Measure the test statistic from the simulated data: T_i

  5. Calculate where T_0 falls in the distribution of T_i

The p-value is fraction of the T_i values that exceed the measured T_0 value: p = n[ T_i >= T_0 ]/N. Inverting this the significance is 1-p = n[ T_0 > T_i ]/N. Ensure N is large or this will not be a very accurate representation (the error on the p value is sqrt[p(1-p)/N], which comes from the binomial formula).

It is vital that you make a fair measurement of the test statistic from the simulated data -- you must be careful not to bias this measurement based on your prior experience of the real data. What ever you did to the real data, you must also do to the simulated ('control') data, otherwise you are not performing a fair like-for-like test.

Script files for XSPEC

That's the theory dealt with. Now for a worked example of running a Monte Carlo test using XSPEC.

XSPEC will allow you to run a sequence of commands from a script. This means you can automate the process of generating and fitting a large sequence of fake data. If you are trying to examine 1,000 spectral simulations this really is the only way to do it. Basically all you do is write the appropriate commands into an XSPEC script file '*.xcm' and then you can run it from within XSPEC. XSPEC uses TCL (Tool Command Language) to control its operation, so you can also add basic control structures (like loops) and input/output commands to your script. In this way an XSPEC script with a few TCL commands is quite a powerful tool.

A slight technical problem is that you may need more than just XSPEC. If your real data were grouped have have 20 counts per bin, then you must do this to your fake data too. But this needs to be done by GRPPHA -- outside of XSPEC. What I do is break down the process into a set of basic tasks, each of which has its own script.

  1. I use one XSPEC script to produce N fake datasets.
  2. Then I use a shell script (from the UNIX command line, outside of XSPEC) to run GRPPHA on each of the fake data files.
  3. Then I have another XSPEC script to load each of the (now grouped!) fake data files in turn, fit them, and save the results to a text file.
  4. Then I use an R script, or a Fortran program (or whatever) to examine the results and see how the simulated distribution of the test statistic compares to the 'real' number.

There are a number of ways to run an XSPEC script like this. One is to simply use the '@' symbol, like you would a normal XSPEC '*.xcm' file.

xspec>  @script.xcm 

A better way is to use the following from the UNIX command line

unix>  xspec - script.xcm 

This will start XSPEC and run the script. If you end the script with an exit command it will then return you to the UNIX command line.

[1]: There are two conditions that must be satisfied for the F-test to follow its expected theoretical reference distribution. These are that the two models being compared are nested, and that the null values of the additional parameters are not on the boundary of possible parameter space. This second condition is violated when testing for a line (or any other additive component) because the null value of one of the new parameters (normalisation) is zero, which is the boundary of the parameter space. You should also have enough counts per bin to be able to use chi-square properly as well. (Or use direct maximum likelihood fitting.) See Protassov et al. (2002).