You must follow the format of ## [VERSION-NUMBER]
for the GitHub workflow to pick up the text.
- Throw an error during validation if a user adds duplicate verified queries to their semantic model.
- Bump context length validation limit.
- Fix union type hints for support with Python <3.10.
- Include new
extra package forsnowflake-python-connector
- Restrict Python version to < 3.12 in order to avoid issues with pyarrow dependency.
- Allow single sign on auth.
- Allow auto-generation of descriptions for semantic models.
- Fix VQR validation for measures with aggregation calculation.
- Update pulling sample value by dimension vs. measures; fix length validation logic.
- Semantic model size validation allows for many more sample values. This corresponds with a release of the Cortex Analyst that does dynamic sample value retrieval by default.
- Plumb through column and table comments
- Skip host name match verification for now
- Consolidate validations to use the same set of utils
- Handle the validation for expr with aggregations properly
- Remove VQR from context length calculation.
- Add toggle for number of sample values.
- Fix small streamlit app components to be compatible with python 3.8
- Add validation for verified queries;
- Add streamlit admin app for semantic model generation, validation and verified query flow.
- Fix for validation CLI and README
- Fix protobuf version to be compatible with streamlit
- Small refactor in validation file
- Add proto definition for verified queries; also add proto for Column (for backward compatibility only)
- Allow flow style in yaml validation
- Remove validation of context length to after save.
- Uppercase db/schema/table(s)
- Use strictyaml to validate the semantic model yaml matches the expected schema and has all required fields
- Fix aggregations
- Context limit
- Object types not supported in generation or validation.
- Naming
- Validate no expressions in cols in yaml
- Save path location
- Save path location
- Add additional validation for mismatched quotes. Test incorrect enums.
- run select against given cols in semantic model for validation
- Parse yaml model into protos, validate cols and col naming
- First yaml validation included.
- Downgrade pyarrow
- Spacing typo
- Fix 3.8 typing
- Some function renaming
- Support all Snowflake datatypes
- Downgrade to python 3.8 and resolve typing issues with optional.
- Fix FQN parts for pydantic errors.
- Update README to be less restrictive for installs.
- Verify release workflow works as intended
- Initial release of the project.