Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | AllOfFileId | [optional] | |
name | String | Original File name. | [optional] |
extension | String | The File extension. | [optional] |
description | String | The File description. | [optional] |
tags | Array<String> | The tags list. | [optional] |
mime | String | The mime type. | [optional] |
size | Integer | The File size in bytes. | [optional] |
width | Integer | Image width, applicable to images only. | [optional] |
height | Integer | Image height, applicable to images only. | [optional] |
sha1 | String | Hash sum of the file. | [optional] |
created_time | AllOfFileCreatedTime | The upload date/time. | [optional] |
updated_time | AllOfFileUpdatedTime | The latest update date/time. | [optional] |
is_public | BOOLEAN | Is the file available publicly (without authentication). If true, the permalink in the _links section contains the public URL. | [optional] |
_links | Array<AnyOfFileLinksItems> | The links related to resource. | [optional] |