Formality is a minimal programming language featuring theorem proving. Its implementation is orders of magnitude smaller than proof assistants such as Agda, Idris, HOL/Isabelle and Lean, but it is no less powerful: a rich system of inductive datatypes is derived from a set of simple primitives. In this paper, we will specify its syntax and semantics informally, and then formalize it in itself. That will include a simple backtracking parser, a fast equirecursive equality algorithm and an efficient and a high-order evaluator and bidirectional type-checker. The result is a self-contained, sub 2000-LOC implementation of Formality in Formality, which can be easily audited, independently implemented, and used to reason and prove theorems about itself.
For a long time, mathematicians have wondered what is the minimal set of axioms capable of serving as a foundation for all of mathematics. Gödel's incompleteness theorems demonstrated that no such a thing exists: any axiomatic system capable of modelling basic arithmetic is either inconsistent or limited, in the sense it has true statements that can't be proven. This doesn't invalidate the original intent of the question, though: one can still look for a minimal set of axioms capable of serving as a practical foundation for mathematics.
Similarly, software engineers have long struggled with the constant battle against software bugs. (TODO: talk about software that can't go wrong; talk about Ethereum; talk about efficiency; talk about productivity.)
Within the field of type theory, mathematical proofs and theorems are represented by functional programs and their associated types. This is called the Curry-Howard correspondence, and is the basis of modern proof assistants such as Agda, Idris, Coq and HOL/Isabelle. Sadly, those are complex software with monolithic implementations that are hard to audit and reason about. We're interested in a simpler alternative: a fully-featured proof assistant that can be turned into a small standard that is easy to analyze and implement independently.
Under that perspective, one may be interested on the Calculus of Constructions (CoC), a small type theory that easily fits 1000 lines of code in a modern programming language. Sadly, that and similar languages aren't capable of deriving mathematical induction, an important proof technique without which any non-trivial theorem isn't proveable. Moreover, it isn't capable of expressing efficient (constant space and time) pattern-matching, without which functional programming isn't viable. The usual solution to both problems is to supplement CoC with a native datatype system, but this results in the complexity explosion that is seen on the mentioned languages.
A simple, clever alternative was proposed by Aaron Stump. With just one additional primitive, the "self type", coupled with mutually recursive definitions, one can easily derive induction for lambda encodings, i.e., a way to represent datatypes with native lambdas, subsuming the need for a separate implementation. This also solves the efficiency problem, as we're able to pattern-match in constant time with certain lambda encodings. The problem with that solution is that providing a semantics and, thus, proving the consistency of the resulting system becomes extremely hard.
Aaron Stump moved on from self types towards a very similar solution based on dependent intersections. The idea is theat, instead of relying on mutual recursion, inductive datatypes can refer to themselves in simplified, erased forms. This results in a comparably small language that is much easier to provide a semantics for, which Aaron Stump called Cedille-Core. In exchange, programming on it is hard. The simple task of defining a datatypes with efficient pattern-matching and recursion becomes a complex task involving non-trivial type-level manipulations and many intermediate proofs. While doable, programming in Cedille-Core without a supplementary language to do all that work for you is not practical.
Formality has a different take on consistency that comes from the realization that consistency isn't hard, it is complex. The reason is that consistency demands termination, which, due to the halting problem, simply can't be implemented without either forbidding a program that is "important to someone", or by making the language extremelly more complex.
For example, there is a very easy way to make a proof language consistent: disable recursion and non-affine lambdas. This would be sound even with self-types, type-level recursion or other "dangerous" features such as Type in Type. The proof is trivial: as long as types are preservation, consistency follows from termination, which is clear since only thing you can do is create datatypes and pattern-match on them a constant amount of times. But that language would be utterly useless and nobody would want to use it.
To make it more attractive, one could extend it with more computing power, but
each attempt to do so would result in an increase in implementation complexity.
For example, we could add non-affine lambdas, but that would require an universe
of types (Type0 : Type1 : Type2...
), in order to avoid Girard's paradox. We
could add recursion, but that would require complex checks for well-foundedness
and positivity in order to avoid loops. We could add corecursion and the
associated guards. At that point, we'd have an extremely complex core language,
and there would still be perfectly valid programs that aren't admissible, such
as high-order abstract syntax, which is extremely useful for interpreters.
In other words, consistency is complex because the natural state of languages is to be inconsistent. Processes always finds a way to loop, and there are infinitely many creative ways to express them. Since there is no general purpose termination check to avoid all of them, the only way to build an expressive, consistent proof assistant is by adding safe features, one by one, and proving that nothing broke so far. In other words, consistency is nothing but a white-list of programming styles. That list carries a lot of information and, thus, necessarily reflects on the complexity of the language implementation. Cedille makes self types consistent by adding complexity (hiding it under dependent intersections). Coq makes recursion consistent by adding complexity.
Not only that, consistency is not a property of a term, but rather of a set of
terms. For example, in Agda, one is able to implement a function that returns
two copies of its input (λx -> pair x x
), but not a high-order evaluator the
λ-calculus (as in, HOAS, not PHOAS). But in an hypothetical language with
structural recursion and only affine lambdas, one could implement such HOAS
evaluator, but not the copying function. Both languages are consistent, so both
terms are admissible in a consistent language, but not together! In other words,
forcing a language to be consistent necessarily excludes certain proofs that
would be perfectly sensible in some context.
Because of the reasons above, Formality's take on consistency is to be inconsistent by default, with opt-in consistency. As a programming language, this allows it to feel very similar to Haskell. Algebraic datatypes, pattern-matching, recursion, infinite lists, monads, lenses; every tool that a Haskeller adores is available or easy to implement. Other than some added boilerplate, writing a program in Formality should not be inherently harder than doing so in Haskell, making it very flexible and powerful.
As a proof assistant, it can still be used to aid someone's theorem proving tasks by automating type-checking. Then, if one is interested in making sure a proof isn't paradoxal, then he/she simply uses a separate termination checker. Ultimately, the result is the same, with the added benefit that one may combine programs that wouldn't be allowed in traditional proof assistants into a proof that turns out to be valid in some context. Not only that, we may pick different termination checkers for different purposes: for example, by restricting ourselves to Elementary Affine Logic, we're able to compile our programs to optimal interaction net runtimes.
In practice, this is nothing more than a separation of concerns that allows Formality's core to remain simple and powerful, while making theorem proving more flexible. For all that, I consider mixing consistency and type checker an engineering mistake that makes a language inherently worse, and that having both separate is always desirable.
Formality programs are represented by terms, or expressions. A term can be one of 8 possible variants:
: represents a variable. It stores a number representing the location where it was bound, also known as its Bruijn level. -
: represents a reference to a top-level definition. Thename
field stores the name of the definition. -
: represents the type of a type. Formality doesn't feature multiple universes. -
: represents a function type, also known as an universal quantification. Theself
field stores a name for the value typed. Thename
field stores a name for its bound variable name. Thebind
field stores the type of its argument. Thebody
field stores its return type. Theeras
field represents its computational relevance. -
: represents an anonymous function, also known as a lambda. Thename
field stores its bound variable name. Thebody
field stores its returned expression. Theeras
field represents its computational relevance. -
: represents a function application. Thefunc
field stores the function to be applied. Theargm
field stores the argument. Theeras
field represents its computational relevance. -
: represents a local assignment. Thename
field stores the name of the assigned value. Theexpr
fields stores the assigned value. Thebody
field stores the context on whichname
. -
: variant represents an inline type annotation. Theexpr
field represents the annotated expression. Thetype
field represents its type.
Formality-Core programs are split in modules. A module is a sequence of top-level definitions with an unique global name, a type and a value.
Term variants can be represented by different syntaxes, as specified below:
TERM ::=
NAME -- Var: a variable
NAME -- Ref: a reference
Type -- Typ: type of types
TERM -> TERM -- All: function type (simple)
NAME(NAME: TERM) -> TERM -- All: function type
NAME<NAME: TERM> -> TERM -- All: function type (erased)
(NAME) TERM -- Lam: function
<NAME> TERM -- Lam: function (erased)
TERM(TERM) -- App: application (inline)
TERM | TERM; -- App: application
TERM<TERM> -- App: application (erased)
TERM :: TERM -- Ann: annotation
(TERM) -- parenthesis
Names are represented by a sequence of characters on the table below:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m
n o p q r s t u v w x y z
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . _
An example term is fn(x: Bool) -> Bool
, which is a function type that calls
itself fn
. It receives a Bool
, locally called x
, and returns another
. Another example is (x) x
, which is the identity function, i.e., one
that returns the same argument it receives. A last example is f(x)
, which is
an application of the function f
to the argument x
. Notes:
Consecutive spaces are ignored, but single spaces matter. For example,
(x) (x)
is a function, but(x)(x)
is an application. -
Names can be omitted in function and function types:
(x: Bool) -> Bool
,(:Bool) -> Bool
andBool -> Bool
all represent the same term. -
A line starting with
is considered a comment and is ignored. -
Anything inside a pair of
is considered a comment and is ignored.
Modules are represented by a sequence of name: TERM TERM
assignments. An
example module is:
// The polymorphic identity function
id: <A: Type> -> A -> A
<A> (a) a
// The polymorphic constant function
const: <A: Type> -> <B : Type> -> A -> B -> B
<A> <B> (a) (b) b
// Applies a function twice to an argument
twice: <A: Type> -> (A -> A) -> A -> A
<A> (f) (x) f(f(x))
// The boolean type, Bool
Bool: Type
bool<P: Bool -> Type> -> P(true) -> P(false) -> P(bool)
// The true Bool
true: Bool
<P> (t) (f) t
// The false Bool
false: Bool
<P> (t) (f) f
// The "induction principle" for booleans
bool : (b: Bool) -> <P: Bool -> Type> -> P(true) -> P(false) -> P(b)
(b) <P> (t) (f)
// Boolean negation
not: Bool -> Bool
b<() Bool>
| false;
| true;
In this example, id
is a top-level definition with the <A: Type> -> A -> A
type and the <A> (a) a
value. In some implementations, we use JSON to
represent files and terms. For illustration, below is the internal
representation of the value of the Bool
definition above:
// bool<P: Bool -> Type> ->
"ctor": "All",
"eras": true,
"self": "bool",
"name": "P",
"bind": {
"ctor": "All",
"eras": false,
"self": "",
"name": "",
"bind": {"ctor": "Ref", "name": "Bool"},
"body": {"ctor": "Typ"}
// P(true) ->
"body": {
"ctor": "All",
"eras": false,
"self": "",
"name": "",
"bind": {
"ctor": "App",
"eras": false,
"func": {"ctor": "Var", "indx": 1},
"argm": {"ctor": "Ref", "name": "true"}
// P(false) ->
"body": {
"ctor": "All",
"eras": false,
"self": "",
"name": "",
"bind": {
"ctor": "App",
"eras": false,
"func": {"ctor": "Var", "indx": 3},
"argm": {"ctor": "Ref", "name": "false"}
// P(bool)
"body": {
"ctor": "App",
"eras": false,
"func": {"ctor": "Var", "indx": 4},
"argm": {"ctor": "Var", "indx": 5}
Computationally, Formality-Core is just the lambda calculus. As such, its main
operation is the beta-reduction. It says that the evaluation of a function
application ((x) <body>)(<argm>)
is the function's <body>
, with all
occurrences of x
replaced by <argm>
. This can be written down as:
((x) f)(a)
---------- beta-reduction
f[x <- a]
Before evaluating a term, erased lambdas <x> t
are replaced by t
and erased
applications f<x>
are replaced by f
. During evaluation, top-level
definitions, addressed by the Ref
variant, are dereferenced as their
respective values. Beta-reductions and dereferences are applied repeatedly until
there is nothing else to do. For example, the main
term below:
main: Bool
Using the Bool
, not
and true
defined previously, is evaluated as:
((b) b(false)(true))(true) -- deref `not`
true(false)(true) -- subst `b` by `true`
((t) (f) t)(false)(true) -- deref `true`
((f) false)(true) -- subst `t` by `false`
false -- subst `f` by `true`
(t) (f) f -- deref `false`
Substitution is a delicate operation due to name capture. For example, a naive
attempt of evaluating the (x) ((a) (x) a)(x)
term would result in (x) (x) x
which is incorrect, since the occurrence of x
refers to the outer lambda, but,
after substitution, it accidentally refers to the inner lambda. This must be
somehow avoided.
Formality-Core doesn't define any evaluation order. It could be evaluated
strictly as in JavaScripy and Python, lazily as in Haskell, or optimally through
interaction nets. The reference implementation uses high-order abstract syntax
(HOAS). That is, in the syntax tree, Var
variants can be replaced by
host-language variables bound in the respective Lam
, All
or Let
. For
example, term (a) (b) b(a)
could be represented in a low-order format as:
"ctor": "Lam",
"name": "a",
"body": {
"ctor": "Lam",
"name": "b",
"body": {
"ctor": "App",
"func": {"ctor": "Var", "indx": 0},
"argm": {"ctor": "Var", "indx": 1}
Converted to a "high-order", it is represented instead as:
"ctor": "Lam",
"body": a => {
"ctor": "Lam",
"body": b => {
"ctor": "App",
"func": b,
"argm": a
The reference implementation uses high-order terms exclusively, including for type-checking. This greatly improves performance as it delegates evaluation to native functions of the host language, which are usually fast, and makes the implementation simpler, as we don't need separate functions for variable shifting, renaming and substitution.
Type-systems prevent runtime errors by statically checking that certain
expectations hold. For example, if a function assumes an Int
argument, calling
it with a String
would be incorrect. Without types, that would result in a
(potentially disastrous) runtime error. With types, we can assert, at compile
time, that the function is never called with anything other than an Int
In Formality, types and programs coexist in the same level, there isn't a distinction between them. Types can can be stored in lists, returned from functions and so on. This flexibility allows programmers to state and prove arbitrarily complex invariants about the runtime behavior of their programs; it is the reason it can be seen as a proof language.
For example, suppose you want to write a division function that can't go wrong. A way to do it would be to validate the inputs:
function safe_div(a, b) {
// Prevents non-numeric dividends
if (typeof a !== "number") {
throw "Dividend is not a number.";
// Prevent non-numeric divisors
if (typeof a !== "number") {
throw "Divisor is not a number.";
// Prevents division by zero
if (b === 0) {
throw "Attempted to divide by zero.";
return a / b;
There are two problems with this approach:
The error only manifests at runtime.
It has added runtime costs.
Static type systems improve that. For example, in TypeScript, we can write:
function safe_div(a: Number, b: Number): Number {
// Prevents division by zero
if (b === 0) {
throw "Attempted to divide by zero.";
return a / b;
Since here a
and b
have the static Number
type, we don't need to check
that at runtime. Moreover, calling safe_div
with a String
results in a nice
compile-time error. Problem is, we still need to check that b
is larger than
. Is it possible to perform that check at runtime too? Indeed, that's
precisely what dependent types do. In Formality-Core, we can write:
safe_div : (a: Number) -> (b: Number) -> NonZero(b) -> Number
Here, NonZero(a)
represents a symbolic proof that b
isn't zero. In order to
call safe_div
, the compiler would demand us to assert that this is true by,
for example, using if b != 0
before calling safe_div
. In another words, the
type-system is Turing complete, allowing all sorts of invariants to be
symbolically enforced at compile time. That's what makes it suitable as a proof
Formality's type system is brief and can be described compactly as:
x : T ∈ ctx
------------ variable
ctx |- x : T
------------------ type in type
ctx |- Type : Type
ctx |- A : Type
ctx, s : self, x : A |- B : Type
-------------------------------- function type
ctx |- s(x: A) -> B : Type
ctx, x : A |- t : B
---------------------------- function introduction
ctx |- (x) t : s(x: A) -> B
ctx |- x : A
ctx |- f : s(x: A) -> B
------------------------------- function elimination
ctx |- f(x) : B[s <- f][x <- a]
ctx |- x : A
ctx, x : A |- y : B
------------------------- let expansion
ctx |- let x = t in y : B
x : A in defs
------------- dereference
ctx |- x : A
Or, in plain English:
- (TODO)
Those are, essentially, the standard typing rules for function types,
introduction and elimination, with one caveat: the type of a function may refer
to its typed value. This essential difference allows inductive reasoning through
λ-encodings, which is absent in similar languages such as the Calculus of
Constructions. For example, take the type of inductive natural numbers Agda
data Nat : Set where
zero : Nat
succ : Nat -> Nat
Its dependent elimination can be implemented as:
elim : (nat : Nat) -> {P : Nat -> Set} -> P zero -> ((n : Nat) -> P (succ n)) -> P nat
elim zero {P} z s = z
elim (succ n) {P} z s = s n
In Formality, we don't have a complex native datatype system. Instead, we represent data with just lambdas, by exploiting their own elimination principle:
Nat: Type
nat<P: Nat -> Type> -> P(zero) -> ((n:Nat) -> P(succ(n))) -> P(nat)
In other words, we just took the type of Agda's elim
and replaced the first
lambda ((nat : Nat)
) by a name, (nat
). The problem is that the type of
refers to the zero
and succ
constructors, which do not exist yet! To
solve that, we must define them simultaneously:
zero: Nat
<P> (z) (s) z
succ: Nat -> Nat
(n) <P> (z) (s) s(n)
This is only possible due to mutual recursion on top-level definitions. Once we
have that, though, we can use Formality's Nat
exactly the same as Agda's
. For example, the induction principle can be derived by simple recursion:
ind : (n : Nat) -> <P: Nat -> Type> -> P(zero) -> ((n : Nat) -> P(n) -> P(succ(n))) -> P(n)
(n) <P> (z) (s)
| z;
| (n) s(n)(ind(x)<P>(z)(s));
The reason this works is that the type of our λ-encoded Nat
refers to its own
value under the name nat
, so, when we eliminate it (by function application),
is replaced by the applied function; in this case, n
; resulting in a
return type of P(n)
, which is what we needed. Compare this to Agda's ind
ind : (n : Nat) -> {P : Nat -> Set} -> P zero -> ((n : Nat) -> P n -> P (succ n)) -> P n
ind zero {P} z s = z
ind (succ n) {P} z s = s n (ind n {P} z s)
Of course, Formality-Core
's definition is not as terse, but, for a language
implemented in 1000 lines of code, that is pretty good. This simplicity is why
we chose to allow the type of a function to access its own value. Every
inductive datatype expressive in a traditional proof language can be written in
Formality in a similar fashion.
A Formality-Core term is defined by the following inductive datatype:
As well as its 8 constructors:
Core.var.fmc Core.ref.fmc Core.typ.fmc Core.all.fmc Core.lam.fmc Core.let.fmc Core.ann.fmc
A Formality-Core term can be reduced to weak normal form as follows:
This function reduces as much as necessary until the top constructor is either
an All
, a Lam
or an App
of a bound variable to something else. A term can
be fully normalized as follows: