- Open a serial screen to the hardware
- Use the screen command (STRG+y or STRG+a) to send a break signal :break
- Hit the sysrq char "b" multiple times
- Watch the hardware booting :-)
show version|less show platform syseeprom # in the case when the previous command does not show the serial
onie-sysinfo -s # Serial onie-sysinfo -m -s -e 463054TE2315074 d0:77:ce:2b:31:c4 accton_as4630_54te
- Enter the ONIE install OS mode Note: Switch will automatically enter the ONIE install mode if there’s no NOS installed.
GNU GRUB version 2.02
|*ONIE: Install OS <----- Select this one |
| ONIE: Rescue |
| ONIE: Uninstall OS |
| ONIE: Update ONIE |
| ONIE: Embed ONIE |
Use the ^ and v keys to select which entry is highlighted.
Press enter to boot the selected OS, `e' to edit the commands
before booting or `c' for a command-line.
- Stop ONIE Service Discovery :
ONIE:/ # onie-stop
discover: installer mode detected.
Stopping: discover... done.
- Install the image from the remote URL
We assume you have uploaded SONiC image onto a http server (
ONIE:/ # onie-nos-install
When NOS installation finishes, the box will reboot into SONiC by default.
- Reboot the switch:
admin@sonic:~$ sudo reboot
- While booting from ONIE enter "Uninstall OS"
GNU GRUB version 2.02
|*ONIE: Install OS |
| ONIE: Rescue |
| ONIE: Uninstall OS <----- Select this one |
| ONIE: Update ONIE |
| ONIE: Embed ONIE |
Use the ^ and v keys to select which entry is highlighted.
Press enter to boot the selected OS, `e' to edit the commands
before booting or `c' for a command-line.
ONIE will completely uninstall SONIC OS including erasing the disk storage and the device will be clean from any installed NOS.
Check the images:
# sonic-installer list
Install an image from remote HTTP server:
# sonic-installer install
Reboot device:
$ sudo reboot
Specify the default image: Check the images:
# sonic-installer list Current: SONiC-OS-master-nb-inno.0-2d2d4bce Next: SONiC-OS-master-nb-inno.0-2d2d4bce Available: SONiC-OS-master-nb-inno.0-2d2d4bce SONiC-OS-202012-nb-inno.0-25af05a8
Set the default boot-up image:
# sonic-installer set-default SONiC-OS-202012-nb-inno.0-25af05a8
Check the image status:
# sonic-installer list Current: SONiC-OS-master-nb-inno.0-2d2d4bce Next: SONiC-OS-202012-nb-inno.0-25af05a8 Available: SONiC-OS-master-nb-inno.0-2d2d4bce SONiC-OS-202012-nb-inno.0-25af05a8
Remove and check the images:
# sonic-installer list Current: SONiC-OS-202012-nb-inno.0-25af05a8 Next: SONiC-OS-202012-nb-inno.0-25af05a8 Available: SONiC-OS-master-nb-inno.0-2d2d4bce SONiC-OS-202012-nb-inno.0-25af05a8 # sonic-installer remove SONiC-OS-master-nb-inno.0-2d2d4bce # sonic-installer list Current: SONiC-OS-202012-nb-inno.0-25af05a8 Next: SONiC-OS-202012-nb-inno.0-25af05a8 Available: SONiC-OS-202012-nb-inno.0-25af05a8
“Current” image, it mean the running image
“Next” image, it mean the next boot up image
“Available” images, it mean installed SONiC images
sonic-installer install
sonic-installer list
sonic-installer set-default SONiC-OS-Edgecore-SONiC_20230420_055428_ec202111_370
- Create a backup of the current config
./switch_ctl --backup_cfg both <system name>
- Shutdown all ports on the environmental switches
ssh <environmental switch> lldpshow config interface shutdown EthernetX,EthernetX,...
- Restart the device and select "ONIE" in the grub prompt and "Install OS"
- Start the installation
ssh scs-jumphost ssh $SWITCH scs_serial_access -> STRG+y, :break + b onie-nos-install
- Boot the system
- Reestablish the configuration
./switch_ctl --restore_cfg both <system name>
- Startup the ports on the environmental switches
ssh <environmental switch> sudo config interface shutdown EthernetX,EthernetX,...
- Rexecute a backup to check if the righ config is established i
(no differences should appear)
./switch_ctl --backup_cfg both <system name> git diff
- Set a proxy
export http_proxy="" export https_proxy=""
- Install extra software
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install git
- Use package manager:
- Add additional Domains
ssh scs-jumphost /etc/tinyproxy/filter-allow systemctl restart tinyproxy
Show all connected interfaces
show interfaces status|awk '/"Oper Speed/{print $0} $9 ~ "up" && $8 == "up" {print $0;count++}END{print "\n" count " links"}' lldpshow
Disable all interfaces
INTERFACES="$(show interfaces status|awk '$9 ~ "up" {print $1}'|tr '\n' ',')" sudo config interface shutdown $INTERFACES
Enable all interfaces
INTERFACES="$(show interfaces status|awk '$9 ~ "down" {print $1}'|tr '\n' ',')" sudo config interface startup $INTERFACES
Disable all Ports which do not have a link
INTERFACES="$(show interfaces status|awk '$9 ~ "up" && $8 == "down" {print $1}'|tr '\n' ',')" sudo config interface shutdown $INTERFACES
Enable use-link-local-only for nodes
INTERFACES="$(show interfaces status|awk '/25G/{print $1}')" for INTERFACE in $INTERFACES; do sudo config interface ipv6 enable use-link-local-only $INTERFACE; done
Interface status show interfaces counters show interfaces transceiver error-status
config vlan add 23
config vlan member add -u 23 Interface0
config vlan member add -u 24 Interface0
config vlan member add -u 25 Interface0
config vlan member add 23 Interface0
config vlan member add 24 Interface0
config vlan member add 24 Interface0
show vlan brief
show interfaces status|awk '$8 == "up" && $7 x== "routed" {printf("config vlan member del 23 %s\n",$1)}'
show vlan brief
config portchannel add PortChannel01
config vlan member del 25 Ethernet120
config vlan member del 25 Ethernet124
config vlan member del 26 Ethernet124
config vlan member del 26 Ethernet120
config portchannel member add PortChannel01 Ethernet120
config portchannel member add PortChannel01 Ethernet124
config vlan member add 25 PortChannel01(
config vlan member add 26 PortChannel01
show interfaces status PortChannel01
rm /etc/sonic/config_db.json
config-setup factory
sonic-db-cli CONFIG_DB HSET 'DEVICE_METADATA|localhost' mac 02:77:ce:2b:3f:c4
sonic-db-cli CONFIG_DB HGET 'DEVICE_METADATA|localhost'
Config can be overwritten, when restarting containers when docker_routing_config_mode=split is not active. COnfiguration wille be created from /etc/sonic/config_db.json.
sudo grep -P "docker_routing_config_mode|frr_mgmt_framework_config" /etc/sonic/config_db.json
sonic-db-cli CONFIG_DB HSET 'DEVICE_METADATA|localhost' docker_routing_config_mode split
sudo config save -y
- Setup: "Prevent duplicate MAC addresses"
vi /etc/sonic/config_db.json config load reboot
- Configure on VLAN
sudo bash HOSTN="$(hostname)" IP="$(ip --json addr ls eth0|jq -r '.[0].addr_info[] | select(.family == "inet").local')" config interface ip remove eth0 ${IP} ip addr ls eth0 show management_interface address # no result config vlan add 23 #config interface ip add Vlan23 ${IP}/24 config interface ip add Vlan23 ${IP}/24 ip addr ls Vlan23 config route add prefix nexthop show ip route |grep config save -y
Unreliable, SONiC forgets that after a few minutes.
config route add prefix nexthop
./switch_ctl --backup_cfg both all
./switch_ctl --backup_cfg both <system name>
git diff
./switch_ctl --restore_cfg both <system name>
- Before perfoming a restore the scripts takes a backup fo the current configuration
- The previous configuration is backuped at
A fresh sonic system assigns the mac addresses of the management interface also to all front interfaces.
# ip -json link ls | jq -r '.[] | "\(.ifname) \(.address)"'
lo 00:00:00:00:00:00
eth0 90:2d:77:58:26:50
eth1 90:2d:77:58:26:51
eth2 90:2d:77:58:26:52
bcm0 02:10:18:41:a9:50
docker0 02:42:50:f5:1e:e7
Ethernet0 90:2d:77:58:26:50
Ethernet4 90:2d:77:58:26:50
This can be a problem when the switch is connected by management port and by i.e. Ethernet0 to the same vlans/networks. This means that the same MAC address appears on different ports of your switch infrastructure. Packets appear then alternately or randomly to the port on which the IP address is configured or to the port on which the IP address is not configured. That results in very unstable connections.
You can fix that by defining a dedicated mac address for the EthernetX ports.
Change the mac address to an address which is in one of the private MAC address ranges.
diff --git a/hardware/network/config/Edgecore_4630-54TE-O-AC-B_st01-sw1g-r01-u32.json b/hardware/network/config/Edgecore_4630-54TE-O-AC-B_st01-sw1g-r01-u32.json
index 2e5455a..0071378 100644
--- a/hardware/network/config/Edgecore_4630-54TE-O-AC-B_st01-sw1g-r01-u32.json
+++ b/hardware/network/config/Edgecore_4630-54TE-O-AC-B_st01-sw1g-r01-u32.json
@@ -311,21 +311,21 @@
"localhost": {
"buffer_model": "traditional",
"default_bgp_status": "up",
"default_pfcwd_status": "disable",
"docker_routing_config_mode": "split",
"frr_mgmt_framework_config": "true",
"hostname": "st01-sw1g-r01-u32",
"hwsku": "Accton-AS4630-54TE",
- "mac": "d0:77:ce:2b:3f:c4",
+ "mac": "02:77:ce:2b:3f:c4",
"platform": "x86_64-accton_as4630_54te-r0",
"synchronous_mode": "enable",
"type": "LeafRouter"
sed -i '~s,d0:77,d2:77,g;~s,90:2d,92:2d,g' *.json
sonic-db-cli CONFIG_DB HSET 'DEVICE_METADATA|localhost' mac $(sonic-db-cli CONFIG_DB HGET 'DEVICE_METADATA|localhost' mac |sed '~s,^\(.\).,\12,')
Restart the switch, and check the settings:
lo 00:00:00:00:00:00
docker0 02:42:2d:27:64:56
eth3 d0:77:ce:2b:3f:c5
eth1 d0:77:ce:2b:3f:c6
eth0 d0:77:ce:2b:3f:c4 <- still the same
bcm0 02:10:18:09:10:15
Bridge 02:77:ce:2b:3f:c4
dummy 3a:1f:2d:41:ff:0f
Vlan23 02:77:ce:2b:3f:c4
Ethernet25 02:77:ce:2b:3f:c4 <- changed
Ethernet24 02:77:ce:2b:3f:c4
The setting does not change the Mac address to eth0, but to EthernetX or the bridge interface.
Outputs the suitable commands
ip -json addr ls | jq -r '.[] | select(.ifname | startswith("Ethernet")) | "config interface ip remove \(.ifname) \(.addr_info[].local)"'