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Christian Koop edited this page Nov 3, 2020 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the BetterChairs Wiki!

BetterChairs aims to be compatible with all major versions and to be as lightweight as possible.

If you got a problem or want a version to be fully supported, please create an Issue or join my Discord Server.

How do I install and configure BetterChairs?

The same procedure as for all Bukkit/Spigot plugins:

Download the plugin from and put it inside your plugins/ directory,

restart the server and configure the generated files inside the newly created plugins/BetterChairs/ directory.

How do I use BetterChair's API inside my own plugin?

You'll need to add the plugin to your IDE (e.g. with maven) to access the API.

You can find more information at BetterChairs API

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