This project is realized within the scope of the realization of the Estime application.
This project is an application which exposes REST services to simulate Pôle emploi unemployment benefits (ASS, AGEPI, mobility helps) and CAF family benefits (prime activité, RSA) for a period of 6 months in back to work context.
🔐 The access to these services is secured by an authentification with Pôle emploi Connect.
This project is realized in Java with Springboot framework.
This project has been generated with Spring initializr and use Maven to manage its external dependencies.
- src/main/java :
- fr.poleemploi.estime.configuration : Springboot configuration classes (Cors, Security, etc.)
- : REST service classes
- fr.poleemploi.estime.logique : business logic classes
- fr.poleemploi.estime.clientsexternes : external REST client classes (Emploi Store Dev, OpenFisca, etc.)
- fr.poleemploi.estime.commun : common classes (enum, etc.)
- src/main/resources : configuration files (Springboot, Log4J, etc.)
- src/test/java : test classes
- src/test/resources : test configuration
- docker : Docker configuration files
- Install Java with 11.x.x minimum version version
- Install Maven with 3.6.x minimum version
🔧 Easily install these tools with SDKMAN. For Windows, see sdkman-on-windows.
Install Java :
foo@bar:~$ sdk install java 11.0.5.hs-adpt
Install Maven :
foo@bar:~$ sdk install maven 3.6.3
Check your installation :
foo@bar:~$ java -version
foo@bar:~$ mvn -v
Clone the project
Open it with Spring Tool Suite
👍 Spring Tool Suite is a free IDE based on Eclipse.
SpringToolSuite4.ini file, replace %% à renseigner %% by your JDK path (ex : /home/user/.sdkman/candidates/java/current/bin).
-startup plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.5.700.v20200207-2156.jar --launcher.library plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.linux.x86_64_1.1.1200.v20200508-1552 -product org.springframework.boot.ide.branding.sts4 --launcher.defaultAction openFile -vm %% à renseigner %%
Steps to follow to launch the application with Spring Tool Suite :
Create a workspace dedicated to the estime-backend project and launch Spring Tool Suite
Import the prefences file ./springboot-tool-preferences/preferences_eclipse.epf in File -> Import -> General -> Preferences
Select Java Custom perspective in Window -> Perspective -> Open Perspective -> Other
Configure Java 11 as Execution Environment in Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs
Configure Maven in Window -> Preferences -> Maven -> Installation to indicate 3.6.x version
Import the estime-backend Maven project in File -> Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven Project
Install dependencies, right click via click droit on estime-backend and Run As -> Maven install
Create configuration file named application.yml in src/main/resources
- Copy the next lines and replace all variables %% à renseigner %%
- For the openfisca-api-uri parameter, see Application OpenFisca section.
application.yml file :
server: servlet: contextPath: "/estime/v1" spring: application: name: "estime-backend" profiles: active: "localhost" security: oauth2: client: provider: oauth-pole-emploi: token-uri: "%% à renseigner %%" user-info-uri: "%% à renseigner %%" registration: estime: authorization-grant-type: "authorization_code" client-id: "%% à renseigner %%" client-secret: "%% à renseigner %%" provider: "oauth-pole-emploi" resourceserver: jwt: jwk-set-uri: "%% à renseigner %%" issuer-uri: "%% à renseigner %%" jpa: hibernate: ddl-auto: none datasource: url: %% à renseigner %% username: %% à renseigner %% password: %% à renseigner %% driver-class-name: %% à renseigner %% management: endpoint: health: show-details: "ALWAYS" endpoints: web: exposure: include: "*" poleemploiio-uri: "%% à renseigner %%" openfisca-api-uri: "%% à renseigner %%"
Create a Springboot launcher in Run -> Debug Configurations
Launch it and watch it starting in Console View
Once the application has Started EstimeApplication status, test it by accessing to http://localhost:8081/estime/v1/actuator/health
Unit tests and integration tests are implemented with JUnit in src/test/java.
Right click on src/test/java => Run As -> Junit Test
- ./docker/local : configuration files to launch the application in local environment with Docker Compose
- ./docker/dist : configuration files for staging and production environments and a deployment on a Docker Swarm server
- ./docker/commun : common files (bash scripts, etc.)
Prerequisites : Install Docker and Docker Compose.
Launch application build :
foo@bar:~estime-backend$ mvn clean install
1.Launch Docker image build :
foo@bar:~estime-backend$ docker build . -f ./docker/local/Dockerfile -t estime-backend
Create a docker-compose.yml file
- Copy the next lines and remplace all %% à renseigner %% variables
version: '3.8' services: estime-backend: image: estime-backend environment: ENVIRONMENT: "localhost" MAILJET_API_URL: "%% à renseigner %%" MAILJET_API_SECRET_KEY: "%% à renseigner %%" MAILJET_API_KEY: "%% à renseigner %%" MAILJET_CONTACT_LIST_ID: "%% à renseigner %%" PE_CONNECT_CLIENT_ID: "%% à renseigner %%" PE_CONNECT_CLIENT_SECRET: "%% à renseigner %%" PE_CONNECT_ISSUER_URI: "%% à renseigner %%" PE_CONNECT_JWK_SET_URI: "%% à renseigner %%" PE_CONNECT_TOKEN_URI: "%% à renseigner %%" PE_CONNECT_USER_INFO_URI: "%% à renseigner %%" POLE_EMPLOI_IO_URI: "%% à renseigner %% SENDINBLUE_API_URL: "%% à renseigner %% SENDINBLUE_API_KEY: "%% à renseigner %% SENDINBLUE_CONTACT_LIST: "%% à renseigner %% TZ: "Europe/Paris" ports: - 8081:8080
Go to your docker-compose file directory and run the container :
foo@bar:~docker-compose-directory$ docker-compose up -d
The application should be accessible on http://localhost:8081, test it by accessing to http://localhost:8081/estime/v1/actuator/health.
See gitlab-ci.yml file.
Dashboard with Sonarqube :
Check application status :
foo@bar:~$ docker container ls | grep estime-backend
Containers must be in status UP and healthy.
Watch logs :
foo@bar:~$ docker service logs estime-backend_estime-backend
Start or restart the service
- Go to /home/docker/estime-backend directory
- Execute the next command :
foo@bar:/home/docker/estime-backend$ docker stack deploy --with-registry-auth -c estime-backend-stack.yml estime-backend
Stop the service :
foo@bar:~$ docker stack rm estime-frontend
The Docker service is configured to get zero downtime during deployment.
test: curl -v --silent http://localhost:8080/estime/v1/actuator/health 2>&1 | grep UP || exit 1
timeout: 30s
interval: 1m
retries: 10
start_period: 180s
replicas: 2
parallelism: 1
order: start-first
failure_action: rollback
delay: 10s
parallelism: 0
order: stop-first
condition: any
delay: 5s
max_attempts: 3
window: 180s
This configuration allows to replicate the service with 2 replicas. When a restart coming, a service will be considered operationnal if healthcheck test succeeded. If a restart comming, Docker restart one service and when this first service is operationnal (healthy status), Docker updates the second service.
To control server resources, limitations on CPU and memory usage have been configured :
cpus: '0.20'
memory: 512Mi
cpus: '0.40'
memory: 1536Mi
To see CPU and memory used by Docker containers, execute this command :
foo@bar:~$ docker stats
You just have to access to
2 posibilities :
Use public instance, application.yml file :
Install OpenFisca in your local environment :
Follow the project README
application.yml file :
openfisca-api-uri: http://localhost:5000/calculate
Use Actuator module.
Only the next 2 endpoints are accessibles (see if you want to change it) :