V0.7.7-beta 21.04.2021
- update: Select2 V4.1.0-rc.0
- update: Simple Statistics V7.7.0
- replaced: moment.js with day.js
- added: CSP (Content Security Policy)
- changed: all version-numbers now in "versions.ftl"
- fixed: widged sizes
V0.7.6-beta 16.04.2021
- security fix: update to jQuery 3.6.0
- fixed: warning in LGTM / document.write
V0.7.4-beta 11.04.2020
- changed: renamed main.js to SHMI.js
V0.7.3-beta 10.04.2020
- changed: Renamed SHMI_status.html to SHMI_dashboard.html
- changed: Splitted SHMI_status.html into SHMI_dashboard.html and SHMI_dashboard.min.js
- changed: Unused panels are now no longer displayed on the dashboard
- added: Online-Help (only the github page)
V0.7.1-beta 22.02.2020
- changed all sources to FTL templates
- added CDN complete version
- Updated libs and files:
- moment.js to V.24.0
- select2 to V4.0.13
- added CDNs to files (not working)
V.6.9-beta 15.02.2020
- RI:
- added: Style selection for the widgets
- changed: style sheets for the widgets
- Recorder:
- fixed: removed "strange" values at the beginn of the statics curve
- Changed: moved styles from index.html to SHMI.css
- Recorder:
- added: Support for curve colors (CSS variables)
- RI:
- added: "snap to grid" for the widget positions (variable grid, default 10px)
- added: widget resize / drag: The coordinates and the size are now displayed in the status bar
- changed: splitted selection of D/A in input and output
- changed: darker background for meters and sparklines
V0.6.7-beta 13.02.2020
- Recoder:
- added: Compensation for the time differenz between value and statistics curve (optional)
- added: Statistics Harmonic Mean
- added: Statistics Geometric Mean
- added: Statistics Mode
- added: remaining time
- changed: only 0/1 recorded for digital (I/O)
- fixed: Timestamp on tooltips curve
- added: gauges for RI
- changed: only PNG as fallback for RI images
- changed: check for extisting RI images
- added: Timestamp to digital I/O-panels in RI
- changed: values for digitial I/Os
- changed: SHMI_randomdata.au3 for the now digital I/O values
- removed some useless code in SHMI_recorder.js
- fixed: no digital in/out in RI-panels
- fixed: "glow-style"
V0.6.2-beta 05.02.2020
- added: now you can show analog values direct in the SVG
- added: the DI/DO can now have values between 0-5. They are different colors in the RI / SVG
- added: small delay between the updates of DI, analog-level and sparklines (because of high CPU usage with FireFox)
- changed: changed the recorder axis to the right side (to see the current value better)
- changed: writing only changed values on the status page
- changed: decreased the reading of the values to 500ms
V0.6.1-beta 03.02.2020
- added: display for the time difference local / source
- added: shows the connection status now (to the data file)
- changed: removed some styles from the pages
- changed: removed some unused links from the menu
- fixed: data polling restarts after error now
- fixed: cleaned up the HTML (W3C validator)
- SHMI_randomdata.exe:
- added: support for live bit and timestamp
- changed: first AI ist now a triangle wave
V0.6.0-beta 01.02.2020
- added: DI/DO shows the timestamp of the last change now
V0.5.0-beta 31.01.2020
- added: more CSS-variables in SHMI_instruments.css
- added: more data points to data.json
- updated: design for the RI instruments
- updated: added sample animations (color change) to the RI SVG-image
- changed: spltted language files and changed suffix to json
- changed: renamed randomdata.exe to SHMI_randomdata.exe and added more data-points
- fixed: error with AO selection for RI
V0.4.1-beta 30.01.2020
- fixed: animation error with mixed style / attributes in svg files
V0.4.0-beta 30.01.2020
- added: direct animation (coloring) for DI/DO in the SVG-image
- added: fallback for the RI-images SVG -> PNG -> JPG
- removed: original bootstrap css
- removed fontawesome (because of the size)
V0.3.1-beta 28.01.2020
- added new type of level-meter for analog inputs:
V0.3.0-beta 26.01.2020
- SHMI_RI_x.html
- now you can add all datapoints as "instruments" to the P&ID
- updated all files
V0.2.3-beta 20.01.2020
- SHMI_status.html
- added scale for analog values
V0.2.3-beta 20.01.2020
- added sparklines for the analog values
- added SHMI_glow.css (if you rename it, you have the flat-design back)
V0.2.2-beta 17.01.2020
- updated iframe
- updated iframe
- removed some unused selectors
SHMI_recorder.html / SHMI_recorder.js
- changed layout
- changed default preferences (first analog-value viewed, SMA / 11, Zoom: Grow loosley)
- added "collapse" to the cards:
V0.2.1-beta 16.01.2020
- fixed some errors in index.htm
V0.2.0-beta 16.01.2020
minified all JavaScript-files
recorder.html renamed to SHMI_recorder.html (SHMI_recorder.js)
- updated Flot
- added statistics curve (SMA, median or RMs)
- added auto zoom functions
status.html renamed to SHMI_status.html
ri_01.html renamed to SHMI_RI_01.html
- updated layout
V0.1.5-beta 12.01.2020
- changed trasition of the progress bars
- changed background color of the instruments
- optimized file
- changed: shadow color on the top now the secondary color of the theme
recorder.html / recorder.js
- added: tooltip for data points
- changed: support for curvedLines-plugin with splines-plugin
- changed: colors of min / max markers
- changed: BootstrapDialog.confirm updated to Bootstrap V4 modal
- changed: Button layout
- removed: "light" function
- added: colors depends now of the thems (css variables)
- added: preferences for update intervall digital values
- added: preferences for update intervall analog values
- added: preferences for peak / valleys hold
- changed: smaller spaces
- added: shields.io for SHMI
V0.1.4-beta 09.01.2020
- recorder.html: updated design ot the chart
- recorder.html: chart now with tooltips
V0.1.3-beta 09.01.2020
- Analog- und Digital-Anzeigen an Bootstrap angepasst:
- Themes werden nun darauf angewandt
- Analog-Anzeige verwendet nun die Progress-Bar
V0.1.2-beta 08.01.2020
- status.html: added peak-hold to the analog levels
- status.html: changed the analog form
- status.html: fixed error in analog-out card (collapse)
- splitted default.css into SHMI.css and SHMI_Instruments.css
V0.1.1-beta 08.01.2020
- index.htm: updated About-dialog to Bootstrap V4
V0.1-beta 08.01.2020
- first release
- added peak-hold bar to html and css (not working now)
- now you can collapse all cards on the "Overview / Übersicht" page by clicking on the title
- removed glyphicons (not supported by Bootstrap 4)
- uploaded to GitHub
- first version