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Artist List

Taiko2k edited this page Mar 20, 2020 · 17 revisions

The left side panel can show a list of artists from the current playlist in alphabetical order.

Screenshot from 2019-09-12 22-17-56

To switch, click the top corner panel button open the panel, then right click and choose Artist List from the menu.

How it works

  • Click an artist to locate their first appearance in the playlist
    • Double click to play
  • A right click context menu allows you to create a new playlist of that artist

    Feature: The artist list will stay linked to the original playlist, replacing the artist in the new playlist on further clicks

  • Playing artist will be located in list when using Go To Playing
  • With cursor over the artist list, pressing a letter on the keyboard will jump to corresponding alphabetical position

Artist thumbnails

Artists are looked up automatically. If an image was not loaded, a matching artist was likely not found. If an image was not successfully found, that artist will be blacklisted from further download attempts. You can reset this by selecting MENU > Database.... > Reset Image Cache.

Ways of getting artist thumbnails:

Thumbnails were previously sourced from and provided good coverage for artists, but unfortunately they now deemed it against their TOS and have stopped providing this service.

This is enabled by default, however doesn't a large range of images.


This is not enabled by default. You will need a discogs Personal access token from the discogs website, then enter this token into Tauon Music Box from clipboard by going MENU > Settings > Accounts > Discogs > Paste token.

This provides a slightly wider range of artist images, but not as much as did.


You can manually place artist images in the user data older, inside a folder named artist-pictures. The name of the picture needs to match the artist name exactly, e.g. Coldplay.jpg, or The Killers.png.

You may wish to center and crop the images as squares

You can locate the data folder by going MENU > Settings > Function > Open data folder

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