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A ROS2 node intended for the publishing of human readable messages from a companion computer to QGroundControl via a flight controller running PX4. The node subscribes to the LogMsg defined in this package and published a MavlinkLog message to the flight controller via the XRCE-DDS bridge. This functionality enables ROS2 nodes on the companion computer to display messages in QGroundControl, which is especially useful when operating in offboard mode.

Screenshot from 2024-10-17 13-34-20


The mavlinklog_publisher package is built and run like any other ROS2 package.

source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash 
cd ~/ros2_ws/
colcon build --packages-select mavlinklog_publisher
source install/local_setup.bash
ros2 run mavlinklog_publisher mavlinklog_publisher_node

Command-Line Arguments

Argument Description Default Value Required?
uav_name Prepends uav_name to ROS topics. Useful if using a topic namespace. None No
message_on_start Prints message to QGC when node is started True No

NOTE See more in depth instructions on how to build and run below.

Testing in SITL


These instructions assume you have already installed and tested the following:

NOTE Exact commands may vary depending on the PX4 and gazebo versions you are using.

  1. If you have not done so already, clone and build the px4_msgs and Micro-XRCE-DDS-Agent packages.

    cd ~/ros2_ws/src/
    git clone
    git clone -b ros2
    cd ~/ros2_ws/
    colcon build --packages-select px4_msgs microxrcedds_agent

    NOTE Ensure you have checked out the branch corresponding to the version of PX4 you are using. You must already have ROS2 Humble installed.

  2. Clone and build mavlink_log_publisher repo

    git clone
    cd ~/ros2_ws/
    source install/local_setup.bash 
    colcon build --packages-select mavlinklog_publisher
  3. Update PX4 dds_topics.yaml file to add the mavlink_log uorb message to the list of subscriptions

    nano ~/PX4-Autopilot/src/modules/uxrce_dds_client/dds_topics.yaml

    Add the following 2 lines under subscriptions:

      - topic: /fmu/in/mavlink_log
        type: px4_msgs::msg::MavlinkLog

    NOTE More detailed instruction on updating this yaml file can be found here

  4. Launch px4 sitl gazebo simulation. In this example a topic namespace is being used.

    cd ~/PX4-Autopilot/
    PX4_UXRCE_DDS_NS=uav1 make px4_sitl gz_x500 

    NOTE you will need to make clean first if you previously built the target.

  5. Start uXRCE-DDS bridge

    source ~/ros2_ws/install/local_setup.bash
    MicroXRCEAgent udp4 -p 8888

    Confirm mavlink_log ROS2 has been created with ros2 topic list. Look for the output.

  6. Open QgroundControl

  7. Start mavlinklog_publisher

    uav_id parameter needs to be specified as as a topic namespace was used when launching px4_sitl

    ros2 run mavlinklog_publisher mavlinklog_publisher_node --ros-args -p uav_name:=uav1

    Confirm the log_msg topic has been created with ros2 topic list


    Publish a message from the command line to QGroundControl:

    ros2 topic pub --once /uav1/log_msg mavlinklog_publisher/msg/LogMsg '{level: 1, message: "Hello World!"}'

    Confirm the message has been displayed by QGroundControl

Screenshot from 2024-10-17 13-26-35

Integrating into other ROS nodes

The script /src/logmsg_publisher.cpp is an example of how to publish to the mavlinklog_publisher_node from other nodes.

To run:

ros2 run mavlinklog_publisher talker

The severity of the message sent to QGC can can be modified. See the LogMsg definition