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Setup instructions

The following instructions will help you to get ready for Le Wagon fullstack bootcamp:

  • Grab a text editor, where you will spend your days and nights
  • Install a package manager
  • Pimp your Terminal
  • Setup git and GitHub
  • Install Ruby

Remote tools

To be able to interact when we are not in the same physical room, we will be using two tools:


Zoom is a video conferencing tool. To create an account and install the app, go to and under Zoom Client for Meetings click the Download button. Open the file you have just downloaded. A progress bar will appear, then Zoom will start. Click on Connection and create an account with the Sign Up Free option:


Once connected, you should see:


You can close Zoom now.


For the most complicated problems, a teacher might have to take control of your computer. To be able to do this, we will need to use the Teamviewer tool. Go to the Teamviewer download page. It should automatically detect your operating system. If it doesn't, choose your operating system from the list at the top of the page. Click on Download Teamviewer and open the file you just have downloaded. Leave the default settings as they are and click on Accept. A progress bar will appear, then Teamviewer will start when the installation is over. It should look like this:


This will only be used as last resort when debugging becomes too tricky through spoken word. Nobody will ever be able to take control of your screen without you knowing it 👌

You can close Teamviewer now.

If you are not familiar with video calls, here is a great article full of good practices 📷 🎤

GitHub account

Have you signed up to GitHub? If not, do it right away.

👉 Upload a picture and put your name correctly on your GitHub account. This is important as we'll use an internal dashboard with your avatars. Please do this now, before you continue with this guide.


To install git, first open a terminal. To open a terminal, you can click on the Ubuntu Start button in the sidebar and type Terminal. Then click on the terminal icon.

Then copy this line with Ctrl + C:

sudo apt install -y git

💡 To paste it in the terminal, you need to use Ctrl + Shift + V.

Let's now install GitHub official CLI (Command Line Interface) with the following commands:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-key C99B11DEB97541F0
sudo apt-add-repository
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y gh

To check that gh has been successfully installed on your machine, you can run:

gh --version

If you don't get a prompt saying gh version X.Y.Z (YYYY-MM-DD) with at least version 1.4, please refer to the documentation where they list some troubleshooting information. In doubt, ask a TA.

Sublime Text 3 - Your text editor

A text editor is one of the most important tools of a developer. Follow these instructions in the Terminal:

wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -

☝️ This command will ask for your password with: [sudo] password for <username>:. Don't panick! Calmy type your password key by key. You won't have a visual feedback (like little *), that's perfectly normal, keep on typing. When you're done, hit Enter 💪.

sudo apt install -y apt-transport-https
echo "deb apt/stable/" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sublime-text.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y sublime-text

Sublime Text is free without any time limitation but a popup will appear every ten saves to remind you there is a license to buy. You can hit Esc when this happens, but feel free to buy Sublime Text if you really like this one (there are alternatives).

Oh-my-zsh - Fancy your Terminal

We will use the shell named zsh instead of bash, the default one.

sudo apt install -y zsh curl vim imagemagick jq
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
# it will ask for your session password

Be careful, those commands will ask you to type your password twice. At the end your prompt should look like this:

If it doesn't, ask a teacher.

To make this change stick, restart your laptop (or virtual machine):

sudo reboot


We need to generate SSH keys which are going to be used by GitHub and Heroku to authenticate you. Think of it as a way to log in, but different from the well known username/password couple. If you already generated keys that you already use with other services, you can skip this step.

Open a terminal and type this, replacing the email with yours (the same one you used to create your GitHub account). It will prompt for information. Just press enter until it asks for a passphrase.

mkdir -p ~/.ssh && ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -o -a 100 -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -C "[email protected]"

NB: when asked for a passphrase, put something you want (and that you'll remember), it's a password to protect your private key stored on your hard drive. You'll type, nothing will show up on the screen, that's normal. Just type the passphrase, and when you're done, press Enter.

Then you need to give your public key to GitHub. Run:

cat ~/.ssh/

It will prompt on the screen the content of the file.

- Copy that text from ssh to the end of your email address - Go to - Click on the green button New SSH key - Fill in the Title with your computer name (Macbook Pro for instance) - Paste the Key - Finish by clicking on the Add key green button.

To check that this step is completed, in the terminal run this.

⚠️ You will be prompted a warning, type yes then Enter.

This is the expected result:

# Hi --------! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access


    ✅ If you got this message, the keys were added successfully!

    ❌ If you encountered an error, you will have to try again. Do not hesitate to contact a teacher.

🔧 Troubleshooting

If ssh -T [email protected] does not work


Try running this command before trying again:

ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519

Don't be in a rush, take time to read this article to get a better understanding of what those keys are used for.

GitHub CLI

CLI is the acronym of Command-line Interface.

In this section, we will install GitHub CLI to perform useful actions with GitHub data directly from the Terminal.

It should already be installed on your laptop from the previous commands. First you need to login:

gh auth login -s 'user:email' -w

You will get the following output:

- Logging into

! First copy your one-time code: 0EF9-D015
- Press Enter to open in your browser...

Select and copy the code (0EF9-D015 in the example), then type Enter. Your browser will open and ask you to authorize GitHub CLI to use your GitHub account. Accept and wait a bit. Come back to the terminal, type Enter again, and that should be it 🎉

To check that you are properly connected, type:

gh auth status

If you get Logged in to as <YOUR USERNAME> , then all good. If not, ask a teacher.

Then run the following configuration line:

gh config set git_protocol ssh

Finally, create a gist to make sure gh is working:

echo "Hello [Le Wagon]( :wave:" | gh gist create -d "Starting my coding journey..." -f "" -p -w

This line should open your browser on the newly created gist page. See, we've just created a Markdown file!

Dotfiles (Standard configuration)

Hackers love to refine and polish their shell and tools.

We'll start with a great default configuration provided by Le Wagon: lewagon/dotfiles.

As your configuration is personal, you need your own repository storing it. Forking means that it will create a new repo in your GitHub account, identical to the original one. You'll have a new repository on your GitHub account, $GITHUB_USERNAME/dotfiles. We need to fork because each of you will need to put specific information (e.g. your name) in those files.

Open your terminal and run the following command:

export GITHUB_USERNAME=`gh api user | jq -r '.login'`

You should see your GitHub username printed. If it's not the case, stop here and ask for help. There seems to be a problem with the previous step (gh auth).

Time to fork the repo and clone it on your laptop:

mkdir -p ~/code/$GITHUB_USERNAME && cd $_
gh repo fork lewagon/dotfiles --clone

Run the dotfiles installer.

cd ~/code/$GITHUB_USERNAME/dotfiles && zsh

Check the emails registered with your GitHub Account. You'll need to pick one at the next step:

gh api user/emails | jq -r '.[].email'

Run the git installer:

cd ~/code/$GITHUB_USERNAME/dotfiles && zsh

☝️ This will prompt you for your name (FirstName LastName) and your email. Be careful you need to put one of the email listed above thanks to the previous gh api ... command. If you don't do that, Kitt won't be able to track your progress.

Please now quit all your opened terminal windows.

Sublime Text auto-configuration

Open a new terminal and type this:

cd ~/code

It will open Sublime Text in the context of your current folder. That's how we'll use it.

Close Sublime text and open it again:


Wait 1 minute for additional packages to be automatically installed (New tabs with text will automatically open, containing documentation for each new package installed). TO follow package installation, you can go to View > Show console.

To check if plugins are installed, open the Command Palette ( + + P on OSX, Ctrl + + P on Linux), type in Packlist and then Enter, you should see a couple of packages installed (like Emmet).

If you don't, please install all of them manually. The list is referenced here.

When it's done, you can close Sublime Text.

Installing Ruby (with rbenv)

First, we need to clean up any previous Ruby installation you might have:

rvm implode && sudo rm -rf ~/.rvm
# If you got "zsh: command not found: rvm", carry on. It means `rvm` is not
# on your computer, that's what we want!

rm -rf ~/.rbenv

Then in the terminal, run:

sudo apt install -y build-essential tklib zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libffi-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libreadline-dev
sudo apt clean
git clone ~/.rbenv
git clone ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build

Close your terminal and open it again (Alt+F4 and restart it). If you get a warning, just ignore it from now (Ruby is not installed yet).

Now, you are ready to install the latest ruby version and set it as the default version.

Run this command, it will take a while (5-10 minutes)

rbenv install 2.6.6

Once the ruby installation is done, run this command to tell the system to use the 2.6.6 version by default.

rbenv global 2.6.6

Then restart your Terminal again (close it and reopen it).

ruby -v

You should see something starting with ruby 2.6.6p. If not, ask a teacher.

Installing some gems

Click here if you are in 🇨🇳 China


⚠️ If you are in China, you should update the way we'll install gem with the following commands.

# China only!
gem sources --remove
gem sources -a
gem sources -l
# must be in the list now

All, please run the following line:

gem install rake bundler rspec rubocop rubocop-performance pry pry-byebug colored http

If you encounter the following error:

ERROR: While executing gem ... (TypeError) incompatible marshal file format (can't be read) format version 4.8 required; 60.33 given

Run the following command:

rm -rf ~/.gemrc

Rerun the command to install the gems.

Never install a gem with sudo gem install! Even if you stumble upon a Stackoverflow answer (or the Terminal) telling you to do so.

Installing Node (with nvm)

curl -o- | zsh

Restart your terminal and run the following:

nvm -v

You should see a version. If not, ask a teacher.

Now let's install node:

nvm install 14.15.0

When the command returns, run

node -v

You should see v14.15.0. If not, ask a teacher.


In a few weeks, we'll talk about SQL and Databases and you'll need something called PostgreSQL, an open-source robust and production-ready database. Let's install it now.

sudo apt install -y postgresql postgresql-contrib libpq-dev build-essential
sudo -u postgres psql --command "CREATE ROLE `whoami` LOGIN createdb;"

Ubuntu inotify

Ubuntu is always tracking changes in your folders and to do this it uses inotify. By default the Ubuntu limit is set to 8192 files monitored.

As programming involves a lot of files, we need to raise this limit. In your terminal run:

echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p


Install video codec H264

On our pedagogical platform (Kitt, you'll soon discover it!), we have some videos. By default Firefox on Linux cannot play them as they use an unsupported codec (H264). To get those videos working for you, you need to run this:

sudo apt install libavcodec-extra -y

Install useful terminal tools

tree is a nice tool to visualize a directory tree inside the terminal:

ncdu is a text-based interface disk utility.

htop is an interactive process viewer.

tig is a text-mode interface for git.

sudo apt install tree ncdu htop tig


Let's check if you successfully installed everything.

Quit all opened Terminal, open a new one and run the following commands:

curl -Ls > _.rb && ruby _.rb || rm _.rb

It should tell you if your workstation is ready :) If not, ask a teacher.


⚠️ If you have received an email from Le Wagon inviting you to sign up on Kitt (our learning platform), you can safely skip this step. Instead, please follow the instructions in the email you received if you haven't done so already. If you are unsure about what to do, you can follow this link. If you are already logged in, you can safely skip this section. If you are not logged in, click on Enter Kitt as a Student. If you manage to login, you can safely skip this step. Otherwise ask a teacher whether you should have received an email or follow the instructions below.

Register as a Wagon alumni by going to Select your batch, sign in with GitHub and enter all your information.

Your teacher will then validate that you are indeed part of the batch. You can ask him to do it as soon as you completed the registration form.

Once the teacher has approved your profile, go to your email inbox. You should have 2 emails:

  • One from Slack, inviting you to the Le Wagon Alumni slack community (where you'll chat with your buddies and all the previous alumni). Click on Join and fill the information.
  • One from GitHub, inviting you to lewagon team. Accept it otherwise you won't be able to access the lecture slides.


Install Slack for Linux (beta).

Launch the app and sign in to lewagon-alumni organization.

Make sure you upload a picture there.

You can also sign in to Slack on your iPhone or Android device!

The idea is that you'll have Slack open all day, so that you can share useful links / ask for help / decide where to go to lunch / etc.

In case of remote tickets, you will use Slack audio or video call to get help. To ensure that everything is working fine, test your camera and microphone. If your browser is asking your permission to access your microphone and camera, click on yes.

After the test are finished, you should have green "All clear" messages at least for your microphone and camera. If not, ask a teacher.