diff --git a/docs/resources/notification_channel.md b/docs/resources/notification_channel.md
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--- a/docs/resources/notification_channel.md
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-# generated by https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-docs
-page_title: "traceable_notification_channel Resource - terraform-provider-traceable"
-subcategory: ""
-description: |-
-# traceable_notification_channel (Resource)
-## Example Usage
-resource "traceable_notification_channel" "testchannel" {
- channel_name = "example_channel1"
- email = [
- "example4@example.com",
- "example2@example.com"
- ]
- slack_webhook = "https://hooks.slack.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
- splunk_id=data.traceable_splunk_integration.splunk.splunk_id
- # syslog_id=""
- custom_webhook {
- webhook_url = "https://example.com/webhook"
- custom_webhook_headers {
- key = "Authorization"
- value = "Bearer token123"
- is_secret = false
- }
- custom_webhook_headers {
- key = "Authorization1"
- value = "Bearer token1232"
- is_secret = true
- }
- custom_webhook_headers {
- key = "tets"
- value = "Bearer"
- is_secret = false
- }
- }
- s3_webhook {
- bucket_name = "your-s3-bucket"
- region = "us-west-2"
- bucket_arn = "arn:aws:s3:::your-s3-bucket"
- }
-## Schema
-### Required
-- `channel_name` (String) Name of the notification channel
-### Optional
-- `custom_webhook` (Block List, Max: 1) Your custom webhook url (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--custom_webhook))
-- `email` (Set of String) Email address for notification channel
-- `s3_webhook` (Block Set, Max: 1) S3 bucket configuration for notification channel (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--s3_webhook))
-- `slack_webhook` (String) Slack webhook config for notification channel
-- `splunk_id` (String) Your splunk integration id
-- `syslog_id` (String) Your syslog integration id
-### Read-Only
-- `id` (String) The ID of this resource.
-### Nested Schema for `custom_webhook`
-- `webhook_url` (String) Url of custom webhook
-- `custom_webhook_headers` (Block Set) Headers for custom webhook (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--custom_webhook--custom_webhook_headers))
-### Nested Schema for `custom_webhook.custom_webhook_headers`
-- `is_secret` (Boolean) Header is secret or not
-- `key` (String) Test header key
-- `value` (String) Test header value
-### Nested Schema for `s3_webhook`
-- `bucket_arn` (String) S3 bucket arn
-- `bucket_name` (String) Name of your s3 bucket
-- `region` (String) Region of your s3 bucket
diff --git a/docs/resources/notification_rule_actor_severity_change.md b/docs/resources/notification_rule_actor_severity_change.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 0945695..0000000
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-# generated by https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-docs
-page_title: "traceable_notification_rule_actor_severity_change Resource - terraform-provider-traceable"
-subcategory: ""
-description: |-
-# traceable_notification_rule_actor_severity_change (Resource)
-## Schema
-### Required
-- `actor_ip_reputation_levels` (Set of String) Severites of threat events you want to notify (LOW,MEDIUM,HIGH,CRITICAL)
-- `actor_severities` (Set of String) Threat types for which you want notification
-- `channel_id` (String) Reporting channel for this notification rule
-- `environments` (Set of String) Environments where rule will be applicable
-- `name` (String) Name of the notification rule
-### Optional
-- `notification_frequency` (String) No more than one notification every configured notification_frequency (should be in this format PT1H for 1 hr)
-### Read-Only
-- `id` (String) The ID of this resource.
diff --git a/docs/resources/notification_rule_blocked_threat_activity.md b/docs/resources/notification_rule_blocked_threat_activity.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5218d8f..0000000
--- a/docs/resources/notification_rule_blocked_threat_activity.md
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-# generated by https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-docs
-page_title: "traceable_notification_rule_blocked_threat_activity Resource - terraform-provider-traceable"
-subcategory: ""
-description: |-
-# traceable_notification_rule_blocked_threat_activity (Resource)
-## Schema
-### Required
-- `channel_id` (String) Reporting channel for this notification rule
-- `environments` (Set of String) Environments where rule will be applicable
-- `name` (String) Name of the notification rule
-- `threat_types` (Set of String) Threat types for which you want notification
-### Optional
-- `notification_frequency` (String) No more than one notification every configured notification_frequency (should be in this format PT1H for 1 hr)
-### Read-Only
-- `id` (String) The ID of this resource.
diff --git a/docs/resources/notification_rule_logged_threat_activity.md b/docs/resources/notification_rule_logged_threat_activity.md
deleted file mode 100644
index b1e6b81..0000000
--- a/docs/resources/notification_rule_logged_threat_activity.md
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-# generated by https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-docs
-page_title: "traceable_notification_rule_logged_threat_activity Resource - terraform-provider-traceable"
-subcategory: ""
-description: |-
-# traceable_notification_rule_logged_threat_activity (Resource)
-## Example Usage
-resource "traceable_notification_rule_logged_threat_activity" "rule1" {
- name = "example_notification_rule"
- environments = []
- channel_id = data.traceable_notification_channels.mychannel.channel_id
- threat_types = ["SQLInjection","bola"]
- severities = ["HIGH", "MEDIUM","LOW","CRITICAL"]
- impact = ["LOW", "HIGH"]
- confidence = ["HIGH", "MEDIUM"]
-## Schema
-### Required
-- `channel_id` (String) Reporting channel for this notification rule
-- `confidence` (Set of String) Confidence of threat events you want to notify (LOW,MEDIUM,HIGH)
-- `environments` (Set of String) Environments where rule will be applicable
-- `impact` (Set of String) Impact of threat events you want to notify (LOW,MEDIUM,HIGH)
-- `name` (String) Name of the notification rule
-- `severities` (Set of String) Severites of threat events you want to notify (LOW,MEDIUM,HIGH,CRITICAL)
-- `threat_types` (Set of String) Threat types for which you want notification
-### Optional
-- `notification_frequency` (String) No more than one notification every configured notification_frequency (should be in this format PT1H for 1 hr)
-### Read-Only
-- `id` (String) The ID of this resource.
diff --git a/docs/resources/notification_rule_threat_actor_status.md b/docs/resources/notification_rule_threat_actor_status.md
deleted file mode 100644
index d3df857..0000000
--- a/docs/resources/notification_rule_threat_actor_status.md
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-# generated by https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-docs
-page_title: "traceable_notification_rule_threat_actor_status Resource - terraform-provider-traceable"
-subcategory: ""
-description: |-
-# traceable_notification_rule_threat_actor_status (Resource)
-## Schema
-### Required
-- `actor_states` (Set of String) Actor states for which you want notification
-- `channel_id` (String) Reporting channel for this notification rule
-- `environments` (Set of String) Environments where rule will be applicable
-- `name` (String) Name of the notification rule
-### Optional
-- `notification_frequency` (String) No more than one notification every configured notification_frequency (should be in this format PT1H for 1 hr)
-### Read-Only
-- `id` (String) The ID of this resource.
diff --git a/provider/provider.go b/provider/provider.go
index 2c0668a..62a1573 100644
--- a/provider/provider.go
+++ b/provider/provider.go
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ func Provider() *schema.Provider {
"traceable_user_attribution_rule_response_body": resourceUserAttributionResponseBodyRule(),
"traceable_user_attribution_rule_custom_json": resourceUserAttributionCustomJsonRule(),
"traceable_user_attribution_rule_custom_token": resourceUserAttributionCustomTokenRule(),
- "traceable_notification_channel": resourceNotificationChannelRule(),
- "traceable_notification_rule_logged_threat_activity": resourceNotificationRuleLoggedThreatActivity(),
- "traceable_notification_rule_blocked_threat_activity": resourceNotificationRuleBlockedThreatActivity(),
- "traceable_notification_rule_threat_actor_status": resourceNotificationRuleThreatActorStatusChange(),
- "traceable_notification_rule_actor_severity_change": resourceNotificationRuleActorSeverityChange(),
+ // "traceable_notification_channel": resourceNotificationChannelRule(),
+ // "traceable_notification_rule_logged_threat_activity": resourceNotificationRuleLoggedThreatActivity(),
+ // "traceable_notification_rule_blocked_threat_activity": resourceNotificationRuleBlockedThreatActivity(),
+ // "traceable_notification_rule_threat_actor_status": resourceNotificationRuleThreatActorStatusChange(),
+ // "traceable_notification_rule_actor_severity_change": resourceNotificationRuleActorSeverityChange(),
"traceable_api_naming_rule": resourceApiNamingRule(),
// "traceable_api_exclusion_rule": resourceApiExclusionRule(),
"traceable_label_creation_rule": resourceLabelCreationRule(),