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376 lines (248 loc) · 22.7 KB

Nuke 6.0

About 8 months ago I finally started using Nuke in production. The project has matured from a playground for experimenting with Swift features to something that I rely on in my day's job.

There are three main areas of improvements in Nuke 6:

  • Performance. Nuke 6 is fast! The primary loadImage(with:into:) method is now 1.5x faster thanks to performance improvements of CancellationToken, Manager, Request and Cache types. And it's not just main thread performance, many of the background operations were also optimized.
  • API refinements. Some common operations that were surprisingly hard to do are not super easy. And there are no more implementation details leaking into a public API (e.g. classes like Deduplicator).
  • Fixes some inconveniences like Thread Sanitizer warnings (false positives!). Improved compile time. Better documentation.

New APIs

  • Implements progress reporting kean#81
  • Scaling images is now super easy with new convenience Request initialisers (Request.init(url:targetSize:contentMode: and Request.init(urlRequest:targetSize:contentMode:)
  • Add a way to add anonymous image processors to the request (Request.process(key:closure:) and Request.processed(key:closure:))
  • Add Loader.Options which can be used to configure Loader (e.g. change maximum number of concurrent requests, disable deduplication or rate limiter, etc).


  • Improve performance of CancellationTokenSource, Loader, TaskQueue
  • Improve Manager performance by reusing contexts objects between requests
  • Improve Cache by ~30% for most operations (hits, misses, writes)
  • Request now stores all of the parameters in the underlying reference typed container (it used to store just reference typed ones). The Request struct now only has a single property with a reference to an underlying container.
  • Parallelize image processing for up to 2x performance boost in certain scenarios. Might increase memory usage. The default maximum number of concurrent tasks is 2 and can be configured using Loader.Options.
  • Loader now always call completion on the main thread.
  • Move URLResponse validation from DataDecoder to DataLoader
  • Make use of some Swift 4 feature like nested types inside generic types.
  • Improve compile time.
  • Wrap Loader processing and decoding tasks into autoreleasepool which reduced memory footprint.


  • Get rid of Thread Sanitizer warnings in CancellationTokenSource (false positive)
  • Replace Foundation.OperationQueue & custom Foundation.Operation subclass with a new Queue type. It's simpler, faster, and gets rid of pesky Thread Sanitizer warnings kean#141

Removed APIs

  • Remove global loadImage(...) functions kean#142
  • Remove static Request.loadKey(for:) and Request.cacheKey(for:) functions. The keys are now simply returned in Request's loadKey and cacheKey properties which are also no longer optional now.
  • Remove Deduplicator class, make this functionality part of Loader. This has a number of benefits: reduced API surface, improves performance by reducing the number of queue switching, enables new features like progress reporting.
  • Remove Scheduler, AsyncScheduler, Loader.Schedulers, DispatchQueueScheduler, OperationQueueScheduler. This whole infrastructure was way too excessive.
  • Make RateLimiter private.
  • DataLoader now works with URLRequest, not Request

Nuke 6.0-beta2

  • Fix memory leak in Loader - regression introduced in 6.0-beta1
  • Get rid of Thread Sanitizer warnings in CancellationTokenSource (false positive)
  • Improve performance of CancellationTokenSource
  • Improve Cache hits and writes performance by ~15%
  • Improve Loader performance

Nuke 6.0-beta1

About 8 months ago I've started using Nuke in production. The project matured from being a playground for experimenting with Swift features to something that I rely on in my days work. The primary goal behind Nuke 6 is to simplify the project even further, and to get rid of the implementation details leaking into a public API.

Nuke is now Swift 4 only. It's simpler, smaller (< 1000 lines of code) , and faster. It features progress reporting and makes it simpler to create custom data loader (e.g. Alamofire data loader).


  • Implements progress reporting kean#81

Removed APIs

  • Remove global loadImage(...) functions kean#142
  • Remove Deduplicator class, make this functionality part of Loader. This has a number of benefits: reduced API surface, improves performance by reducing number of queue switching, enables new features like progress reporting.
  • Remove Scheduler, AsyncScheduler, Loader.Schedulers, DispatchQueueScheduler, OperationQueueScheduler. This whole infrastructure was way too excessive.
  • Make RateLimiter private.


  • Replace Foundation.OperationQueue & custom Foundation.Operation subclass with a new Queue type. It's simpler, faster, and gets rid of pesky Thread Sanitizer warnings kean#141
  • DataLoader now works with URLRequest, not Request
  • Loader now always call completion on the main thread.
  • Move URLResponse validation from DataDecoder to DataLoader
  • Make use of some Swift 4 feature like nested types inside generic types.

Nuke 5.2

Add support for both Swift 3.2 and 4.0.

Nuke 5.1.1

  • Fix Swift 4 warnings
  • Add DataDecoder.sharedUrlCache to easy access for shared URLCache object
  • Add references to RxNuke
  • Minor improvements under the hood

Nuke 5.1

  • De facto Manager has already implemented Loading protocol in Nuke 5 (you could use it to load images directly w/o targets). Now it also conforms to Loading protocols which gives access to some convenience functions available in Loading extensions.
  • Add static func targetSize(for view: UIView) -> CGSize method to Decompressor
  • Simpler, faster Preheater
  • Improved documentation

Nuke 5.0.1

  • #116 Manager can now be used to load images w/o specifying a target
  • Preheater is now initialized with Manager instead of object conforming to Loading protocol

Nuke 5.0


Nuke 5 is a relatively small release which removes some of the complexity from the framework.

One of the major changes is the removal of promisified API as well as Promise itself. Promises were briefly added in Nuke 4 as an effort to simplify async code. The major downsides of promises are compelex memory management, extra complexity for users unfamiliar with promises, complicated debugging, performance penalties. Ultimately I decided that promises were adding more problems that they were solving.


Removed promisified API and Promise itself

  • Remove promisified API, use simple closures instead. For example, Loading protocol's method func loadImage(with request: Request, token: CancellationToken?) -> Promise<Image> was replaced with a method with a completion closure func loadImage(with request: Request, token: CancellationToken?, completion: @escaping (Result<Image>) -> Void). The same applies to DataLoading protocol.
  • Remove Promise class
  • Remove PromiseResolution<T> enum
  • Remove Response typealias
  • Add Result<T> enum which is now used as a replacement for PromiseResolution<T> (for instance, in Target protocol, etc)

Memory cache is now managed exclusively by Manager

  • Remove memory cache from Loader
  • Manager now not only reads, but also writes to Cache
  • Manager now has new methods to load images w/o target (Nuke 5.0.1)

The reason behind this change is to reduce confusion about Cache usage. In previous versions the user had to pass Cache instance to both Loader (which was both reading and writing to cache asynchronously), and to Manager (which was just reading from the cache synchronously). In a new setup it's clear who's responsible for managing memory cache.

Removed DataCaching and CachingDataLoader

Those two types were included in Nuke to make integrating third party caching libraries a bit easier. However, they were actually not that useful. Instead of using those types you could've just wrapped DataLoader yourself with a comparable amount of code and get much more control. For more info see Third Party Libraries: Using Other Caching Libraries.

Other Changes

  • Loader constructor now provides a default value for DataDecoding object
  • DataLoading protocol now works with a Nuke.Request and not URLRequest in case some extra info from URLRequest is required
  • Reduce default URLCache disk capacity from 200 MB to 150 MB
  • Reduce default maxConcurrentOperationCount of DataLoader from 8 to 6
  • Shared objects (like Manager.shared) are now constants.
  • Preheater is now initialized with Manager instead of Loading object
  • Add new Third Party Libraries guide.
  • Improved documentation

Nuke 4.1.2

Bunch of improvements in built-in Promise:

  • Promise now also uses new Lock - faster creation, faster locking
  • Add convenience isPending, resolution, value and error properties
  • Simpler implementation migrated from Pill.Promise*

*Nuke.Promise is a simplified variant of Pill.Promise (doesn't allow throws, adds completion, etc). The Promise is built into Nuke to avoid fetching external dependencies.

Nuke 4.1.1

Nuke 4.1 ⚡️

Nuke 4.1 is all about performance. Here are some notable performance improvements:

  • loadImage(with:into:) method with a default config is 6.3x faster
  • Cache operations (write/hit/miss) are from 3.1x to 4.5x faster

Nuke 4.0 focused on stability first, naturally there were some performance regressions. With the version 4.1 Nuke is again the fastest framework out there. The performance is ensured by a new set of performance tests.

If you're interested in the types of optimizations that were made check out recent commits. There is a lot of awesome stuff there!

Nuke 4.1 also includes a new Performance Guide and a collection of Tips and Tricks.

Other Changes

  • Add convenience method loadImage(with url: URL, into target: AnyObject, handler: @escaping Handler) (more useful than anticipated).
  • #88 Add convenience cancelRequest(for:) function
  • Use @discardableResult in Promise where it makes sense
  • Simplified Loader implementation
  • Cache nodes are no longer deallocated recursively on removeAll() and deinit (I was hitting stack limit in benchmarks, it's impossible in real-world use).
  • Fix: All Cache public trim() methods are now thread-safe too.

Nuke 4.0 🚀


Nuke 4 has fully adopted the new Swift 3 changes and conventions, including the new API Design Guidelines.

Nuke 3 was already a slim framework. Nuke 4 takes it a step further by simplifying almost all of its components.

Here's a few design principles adopted in Nuke 4:

  • Protocol-Oriented Programming. Nuke 3 promised a lot of customization by providing a set of protocols for loading, caching, transforming images, etc. However, those protocols were vaguely defined and hard to implement in practice. Protocols in Nuke 4 are simple and precise, often consisting of a single method.
  • Single Responsibility Principle. For example, instead of implementing preheating and deduplicating of equivalent requests in a single vague ImageManager class, those features were moved to separate classes (Preheater, Deduplicator). This makes core classes much easier to reason about.
  • Principle of Least Astonishment. Nuke 3 had a several excessive protocols, classes and methods which are all gone now (ImageTask, ImageManagerConfiguration just to name a few). Those features are much easier to use now.
  • Simpler Async. Image loading involves a lot of asynchronous code, managing it was a chore. Nuke 4 adopts two design patterns (Promise and CancellationToken) that solve most of those problems.

The adoption of those design principles resulted in a simpler, more testable, and more concise code base (which is now under 900 slocs, compared to AlamofireImage's 1426, and Kingfisher's whopping 2357).

I hope that Nuke 4 is going to be a pleasure to use. Thanks for your interest 😄

You can learn more about Nuke 4 in an in-depth Nuke 4 Migration Guide.

Highlighted New Features

LRU Memory Cache

Nuke 4 features a new custom LRU memory cache which replaced NSCache. The primary reason behind this change was the fact that NSCache is not LRU. The new Nuke.Cache has some other benefits like better performance, and more control which would enable some new advanced features in future versions.

Rate Limiter

There is a known problem with URLSession that it gets trashed pretty easily when you resume and cancel URLSessionTasks at a very high rate (say, scrolling a large collection view with images). Some frameworks combat this problem by simply never cancelling URLSessionTasks which are already in .running state. This is not an ideal solution, because it forces users to wait for cancelled requests for images which might never appear on the display.

Nuke has a better, classic solution for this problem - it introduces a new RateLimiter class which limits the rate at which URLSessionTasks are created. RateLimiter uses a token bucket algorithm. The implementation supports quick bursts of requests which can be executed without any delays when "the bucket is full". This is important to prevent the rate limiter from affecting "normal" requests flow. RateLimiter is enabled by default.

You can see RateLimiter in action in a new Rate Limiter Demo added in the sample project.

Toucan Plugin

Make sure to check out new Toucan plugin which provides a simple API for processing images. It supports resizing, cropping, rounded rect masking and more.

Nuke 3.2

  • Swift 2.3 support
  • Preheating is now thread-safe #75

Nuke 3.1.2

  • #71 ImageViewLoadingController now cancels tasks synchronously, thanks to @adomanico

Nuke 3.1.1

  • Demo project update to support CocoaPods 1.0
  • #69 Bitcode support for Carthage builds, thanks to @vincentsaluzzo

Nuke 3.1.0

  • #64 Fix a performance regression: images are now decoded once per DataTask like they used to
  • #65 Fix an issue custom on-disk cache (ImageDiskCaching) was called setData(_:response:forTask:) method when the error wasn't nil
  • Add notifications for NSURLSessionTask state changes to enable activity indicators (based on kean/Nuke-Alamofire-Plugin#4)

Nuke 3.0.0

  • Update for Swift 2.2
  • Move ImagePreheatController to a standalone package Preheat
  • Remove deprecated suspend method from ImageTask
  • Remove ImageFilterGaussianBlur and Core Image helper functions which are now part of Core Image Integration Guide
  • Cleanup project structure (as expected by SPM)
  • Manager constructor now has a default value for configuration
  • nk_setImageWith(URL:) method no longer resizes images by default, because resizing is not effective in most cases
  • Remove nk_setImageWith(request:options:placeholder:) method, it's trivial
  • ImageLoadingView default implementation no longer implements "Cross Dissolve" animations, use ImageViewLoadingOptions instead (see animations or handler property)
  • Remove ImageViewDefaultAnimationDuration, use ImageViewLoadingOptions instead (see animations property)
  • ImageDisplayingView protocol now has a single nk_displayImage(_) method instead of a nk_image property
  • Remove nk_targetSize property from UI(NS)View extension

Nuke 2.3.0

  • #60 Add custom on-disk caching support (see ImageDiskCaching protocol)
  • Reduce dynamic dispatch

Nuke 2.2.0

  • ImageTask suspend method is deprecated, implementation does nothing
  • ImageLoader now limits a number of concurrent NSURLSessionTasks
  • Add maxConcurrentSessionTaskCount property to ImageLoaderConfiguration
  • Add taskReusingEnabled property to ImageLoaderConfiguration
  • Add Swift Package Manager support
  • Update documentation

Nuke 2.1.0

  • #57 ImageDecompressor now uses CGImageAlphaInfo.NoneSkipLast for opaque images
  • Add ImageProcessorWithClosure that can be used for creating anonymous image filters
  • ImageLoader ensures thread safety of image initializers by running decoders on a NSOperationQueue with maxConcurrentOperationCount=1. However, ImageDecoder class is now also made thread safe.

Nuke 2.0.1

  • #53 ImageRequest no longer uses NSURLSessionTaskPriorityDefault, which requires CFNetwork that doesn't get added as a dependency automatically

Nuke 2.0

Nuke now has an official website!

Main Changes

  • #48 Update according to Swift API Design Guidelines. All APIs now just feel right.
  • Add UIImage extension with helper functions for Core Image: nk_filter(_:), etc.
  • Add ImageFilterGaussianBlur as an example of a filter on top of Core Image framework
  • Add ImageRequestMemoryCachePolicy enum that specifies the way Manager interacts with a memory cache; NSURLRequestCachePolicy no longer affects memory cache
  • #17 Add priority to ImageRequest
  • Add removeResponseForKey() method to ImageMemoryCaching protocol and the corresponding method to Manager
  • Implement congestion control for ImageLoader that prevents NSURLSession trashing
  • Simplify ImageLoaderDelegate by combining methods that were customizing processing in a single high-level method: imageLoader(_:processorFor:image:). Users now have more control over processing
  • Add NSURLResponse? parameter to decode method from ImageDecoding protocol
  • DataLoading protocol no longer has isLoadEquivalentRequest(_:toRequest) and isCacheEquivalentRequest(_:toRequest). Those methods are now part of ImageLoaderDelegate and they have default implementation
  • ImageResponseInfo is now a struct
  • Improved error reporting (codes are now stored in enum, more codes were added, error is now created with a failure reason)

UI Extensions Changes

  • Move nk_imageTask(_:didFinishWithResponse:options) method to ImageLoadingView protocol, that's really where it belongs to
  • Add handler property to ImageViewLoadingOptions that allows you to completely override display/animate logic in ImageLoadingView
  • Remove nk_prepareForReuse method from ImageLoadingView extensions (useless)
  • Remove placeholder from ImageViewLoadingOptions, move it to a separate argument which is only available on ImageDisplayingViews
  • Add animated, userInfo to ImageViewLoadingOptions
  • ImageViewLoadingOptions is now nonull everywhere
  • Add setImageWith(task:options:) method to ImageViewLoadingController

Other Changes

  • If you add a completion handler for completed task, the response is now marked as isFastResponse = true
  • Fix an issue that allowed incomplete image downloads to finish successfully when using built-in networking
  • equivalentProcessors(rhs:lhs:) function is now private (and it also is renamed)
  • Remove public isLoadEquivalentToRequest(_:) and isCacheEquivalentToRequest(_:) methods from ImageRequest extension
  • Add ImageTaskProgress struct that represents load progress, move fractionCompleted property from ImageTask to ImageTaskProgress
  • Remove public helper function allowsCaching from ImageRequest extension
  • Remove deprecated XCPSetExecutionShouldContinueIndefinitely from playground

Nuke 1.4.0

  • #46 Add option to disable memory cache storage, thanks to @RuiAAPeres

Nuke 1.3.0

  • Add Core Image Integration Guide
  • Fill most of the blanks in the documentation
  • #47 Fix target size rounding errors in image downscaling (Pyry Jahkola @pyrtsa)
  • Add imageScale property to ImageDecoder class that returns scale to be used when creating UIImage (iOS, tvOS, watchOS only)
  • Wrap each iteration in ProcessorComposition in an autoreleasepool

Nuke 1.2.0

  • #20 Add preheating for UITableView (see ImagePreheatControllerForTableView class)
  • #41 Enhanced tvOS support thanks to @joergbirkhold
  • #39 UIImageView: ImageLoadingView extension no available on tvOS
  • Add factory method for creating session tasks in DataLoader
  • Improved documentation

Nuke 1.1.1

  • #35 ImageDecompressor now uses 32 bpp, 8 bpc, CGImageAlphaInfo.PremultipliedLast pixel format which adds support for images in an obscure formats, including 16 bpc images.
  • Improve docs

Nuke 1.1.0

  • #25 Add tvOS support
  • #33 Add app extensions support for OSX target (other targets were already supported)

Nuke 1.0.0

  • #30 Add new protocols and extensions to make it easy to add full featured image loading capabilities to custom UI components. Here's how it works:
extension MKAnnotationView: ImageDisplayingView, ImageLoadingView {
    // That's it, you get default implementation of all the methods in ImageLoadingView protocol
    public var nk_image: UIImage? {
        get { return self.image }
        set { self.image = newValue }
  • #30 Add UIImageView extension instead of custom UIImageView subclass
  • Back to the Mac! All new protocol and extensions for UI components (#30) are also available on a Mac, including new NSImageView extension.
  • #26 Add getImageTaskWithCompletion(_:) method to Manager
  • Add essential documentation
  • Add handy extensions to ImageResponse