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Gary Berg-Cross edited this page Nov 1, 2018 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the VocampDC2018 wiki The 2018 VoCamp rougly followed the following schedule:

Day 1 Monday Oct. 22nd 8 -9 Arrival and Coffee 9:00 - 9:30 Introductions, Welcome, Logistics & Schedule Overview –Note - Morning session includes a WebEx connect virtual meeting (Natcher Building Bldg 45/Conference Rm A/B ) 9:30 - 10:00 Workshop Vision, Schedule, Strategy, Methods, tools... - Gary Berg-Cross and others 10:00 -11:00 Working Topics (Presented by Topic Leaders) 11:00- 11:15 Break 11:15 – 12:15 Group organization and introductions - setting goals, scope and process (In Breakout Rooms) 12:15 – 1:30 Lunch 1:30 – 4:00 Resume topic breakout meetings Concepts, Vocabulary and Models 4:00-5:30 Group Reports to the Whole – Natcher Building -Bldg45/Conference Rm A/B ) Post 5:30 PM – Groups may make arrangements for dinner on their own Day 2: Tuesday Oct. 23rd 9:00~9:45 Updates, Q & A Methods of the day etc. (schedule etc.) Main room (Natcher Building Bldg45/Conference Rm D ) 9:45-10:45 Group Work on Competency Questions, connection terms to patterns (Breakout Rooms D and J) ~ 10:45 -11 Break

11:00-12:15 Group Work on Draft Models (Breakout Rooms) 12:15 -1:15 Lunch and Networking – on your own 1:15- 2:45 Work Groups – modeling choices & draft final conceptual model (Breakout Rooms) 2:45- 3:15 Work Groups identify data to test model & Prepare axioms for initial formalizations

          3:15-3:30 Break    

3:30-4:30 Prepare Brief Back Report (Breakout Rooms) 4:30-5:30 Interim Group reports and discussion of Machine Learning as an Aid to ODP development Main Room (Broadcast as Virtual Meeting) Day 3 Wednesday Oct. 24th 9:00-9:30 Updates, Q & A etc. (schedule, Tool advice etc.) Main Meeting Room 9:30-10:45 Work Groups Model Integration and alignments, Firming up products, check against data and competency questions (Breakout Rooms)

Participants included:

  • Gary Berg-Cross (Ontolog and RDA) (general & local coordinator)
  • Evan Bolton PubChem (NCBI) (local coordinator)
  • Charles F. Vardeman (University of Notre Dame)
  • Hande Küçük-McGinty (Collaborative Drug Discovery)
  • Leah McEwen (Cornell University)
  • Cogan Shimizu (Wright State)
  • Torsten Hahmann (University of Maine) Tuesday only
  • Vinh Nguyen (NIH)
  • Patrick Stingley (CTO BLM)
  • Gaurav Sinha (Ohio University) (remotely)
  • Ruth Duerr (remotely)
  • Pier Buttigieg (remotely)
  • Nancy Wiegand (remotely) and
  • Dalia E Varanka also remotely

Our Topics were:

  1. Knowledge Model of ChemDB A number of people including several from NIH such as Evan Bolton will be involved in this modeling effort.

2 Glacier Modeling This is a broad topic which a number of people have worked on as part of a virtual VoCamp. The intent was to follow up this prior work and polish off some of the models and vocaularies developed. Early work focused on entities and this session included work on glacial processes and how these are affected by terrain. There is available data on glacier expansion and shrinkage, advances and retreats. While ontologies like ENVO capture some of these concepts they may currently have too shallow an understanding of how scientists view glaciers as systems that are influenced by a number of inputs and outputs.

There was a discussion on Tuesday about extending the Hyfo reference model to Glaciers The Hydro Foundational Ontology or HyFo (Brodaric et al.,2016) is a domain reference ontology driven by foundational principles. It attempts to resolves some semantic heterogeneity issues of water bodies, as inclusive of it water matter, along with containment and spatial ideas. Each of these seems relevant to a frozen body of water such as a glacier and some effort will be focused on Tuesday to investigate this question as well as look out how HyFO and ENVO might be aligned.

A relevant publication is Brodaric, Boyan, Torsten Hahmann, and Michael Gruninger. "An Ontological Analysis of Water Features." International Conference on GIScience Short Paper Proceedings. Vol. 1. No. 1. 2016.

Chem Safety This was a follow up on the 2017 This session will follow up on prior work such as at the 2017 Vocamp on chemical process/safety/rxn patterns/chemical health & safety data issues. One particular idea is to integrate more closely with the large chemistry based datasets, such as PubChem and M/SDS. In addition, there are existing patterns that may be integrated to enhance the functionality of the core pattern and complete other pieces, such as QUDT16 for measurements and units, the Modified Hazardous Material Pattern for modelling hazardous states, and the Material Transformation for extending Chemical Activity.

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