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106 lines (85 loc) · 2.95 KB


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argo is a compact binary serialization format for GraphQL.

This library provides support for Erlang and Elixir following the Argo 1.2.0 specifications.

See the CONTRIBUTING file for how to help out.


Add argo_graphql to your project's dependencies in mix.exs

defp deps() do
    {:argo, "~> 1.0", hex: :argo_graphql}

Add argo_graphql to your project's dependencies in your Makefile for or the following to your rebar.config

{deps, [
    {argo, "~> 1.0", {pkg, argo_graphql}}


Using the "Introduction to GraphQL" example:

% Load the GraphQL Service Document.
SD = argo_graphql_service_document:from_string("
  type Query {
    me: User

  type User {
    id: ID
    name: String
% Load the GraphQL Executable Document.
ED = argo_graphql_executable_document:from_string("
  query MyQuery {
    me {
% Derive the Argo Wire Type based on the GraphQL Service Document
% and the GraphQL Executable Document.
{{some, <<"MyQuery">>}, ArgoWireType} = argo_typer:derive_wire_type(SD, ED, none).

% Convert a JSON response to an Argo Value.
JsonValue = #{<<"data">> => #{<<"me">> => #{<<"name">> => <<"Luke Skywalker">>}}},
ArgoValue = argo_value:from_json(ArgoWireType, JsonValue),
% Encode Argo Value using default settings.
ArgoEncoded = argo_value:to_writer(ArgoValue),
% Compare output size to the JSON encoding.
JsonEncoded = jsone:encode(JsonValue),
41 = byte_size(JsonEncoded),
22 = byte_size(ArgoEncoded),
% Argo encoding is roughly 46% smaller than JSON encoding in this case.
46 = trunc((1 - (byte_size(ArgoEncoded) / byte_size(JsonEncoded))) * 100).

% For decoding, use the Argo Wire Type and the Argo encoding bytes.
{<<>>, ArgoValue} = argo_value:from_reader(ArgoWireType, ArgoEncoded).

% Optionally convert back to JSON representation.
JsonResponse = argo_value:to_json(ArgoValue).

Use argo:display/1 or argo:display_with_lines/1 to inspect Argo Wire Types, Argo Values, and GraphQL related data structures:

% {
%   data: {
%     me: {
%       name: STRING<String>?
%     }?
%   }?
%   errors?: ERROR[]
%   extensions?: EXTENSIONS
% }

% {
%   data: NON_NULL({
%     me: NON_NULL({
%       name: NON_NULL(STRING(<<"Luke Skywalker">>)<String>)
%     })
%   })
%   errors?: ABSENT
%   extensions?: ABSENT
% }


argo is MIT licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.