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NPM David


A generic NodeJS API for creating bots.

Originally by Chris Vickery, now maintained by TAT and The plug³ Team.

NOTE: Currently not supporting facebook login.

How to use

Run the following:

npm install plugapi --production

You can choose to instantiate plugAPI with either Sync or Async


var PlugAPI = require('plugapi');
var bot = new PlugAPI({
    email: '',
    password: ''

bot.connect('roomslug'); // The part after

bot.on('roomJoin', function(room) {
    console.log("Joined " + room);


var PlugAPI = require('plugapi');

new PlugAPI({
    email: '',
    password: ''
}, function(bot) {
    bot.connect('roomslug'); // The part after

    bot.on('roomJoin', function(room) {
        console.log("Joined " + room);


Here are some bots that are using this API.

Botname Room
AuntJackie Mix-N-Mash
BeavisBot I <3 the 80's and 90's
-DnB- Drum & Bass
FlavorBar Flavorz
FoxBot Approaching Nirvana
TFLBot The F**k Off Lounge | TFL

Have a bot that uses the API? Let us know!


You can listen on essentially any event that plug emits.

// basic chat handler to show incoming chats formatted nicely
bot.on('chat', function(data) {
    if (data.type == 'emote')
        console.log(data.from + data.message);
        console.log(data.from + "> " + data.message);

Here's an example for automatic reconnecting on errors / close events!

var reconnect = function() { bot.connect(ROOM); };

bot.on('close', reconnect);
bot.on('error', reconnect);


Please Refer to the Wiki for both the Events and Actions.


If you are having issues connecting, please check if cookies.tmp exists in node_modules/plugapi, if it does delete that and try to connect again.

Please note that at this current time only one account may be used per plugAPI installation due to the cookies.tmp file.


  1. Clone repository to empty folder.
  2. Cd to the folder containing the repository.
  3. Run npm install to set up the environment.
  4. Edit your changes in the code, and make sure it follows our Style Guidelines.
  5. Run grunt to compile the code and test your changes.
  6. After it's bug free, you may submit it as a Pull Request to this repo.


Multi line chat

Since cuts off chat messages at 250 characters, you can choose to have your bot split up chat messages into multiple lines:

var bot = new PlugAPI(auth);

bot.multiLine = true; // Set to true to enable multi line chat. Default is false
bot.multiLineLimit = 5; // Set to the maximum number of lines the bot should split messages up into. Any text beyond this number will just be omitted. Default is 5.

TCP Server

You can start up a TCP server the bot will listen to, for remote administration


    bot.tcpListen(6666, 'localhost');
    bot.on('tcpConnect', function(socket) {
        // executed when someone telnets into localhost port 6666

    bot.on('tcpMessage', function(socket, msg) {
        // Use socket.write, for example, to send output back to the telnet session
        // 'msg' is whatever was entered by the user in the telnet session