ships with a plugin called storybook
This plugin, when configured properly, allows the switching to Storybook from the reactotron interface
The storybook plugin gets turned on automatically when you use .useReactNative()
. If you don't want to use that method you can manually wire up the plugin:
Wherever you setup your Reactotron in your app, you also add the additional plugin on the import
import Reactotron, { storybook } from 'reactotron-react-native'
Next, add it as a plugin to Reactotron.
.use(storybook()) // <--- here we go!
Once the plugin is configured you have to wrap your entire app in a HOC provided by Reactotron. In addition to that Storybook requires some configuration. Here is an example:
import { getStorybookUI, configure } from '@storybook/react-native'
configure(() => {
require('../../storybook/stories') // This should point to your "root" set of stories
}, module)
const StorybookUIRoot = getStorybookUI({ port: 7007, onDeviceUI: true }) // This configuration can be changed based upon personal wants
class StorybookUIHMRRoot extends Component {
render () {
return <StorybookUIRoot />
// Assuming you have Reactotron on console.tron
export default console.tron.storybookSwitcher(StorybookUIHMRRoot)(RootContainer)