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File metadata and controls

89 lines (76 loc) · 7.45 KB


This is a partial, probably wrong and comparatively slow Haskell port of the word2vec freamework for computing the vector space of a text corpus. I have started this development following a job post: I wanted to know whether or not I was able to develop this piece of software, given I have not been programming anything related to machine learning since my Master degree and I am really no data scientist, whatever that mean...

What it does?

Following the rules of Zalora's challenge, this code is separated in two parts:

  1. crawl downloads all documents corresponding to a given query on Arxiv, a repository of scientific papers. It also converts all those PDFs into text documents using the pdftotext utility program which must be installed on the host system,
  2. word2vec builds a vector model from all the .txt documents in a given directory, and outputs 3 files: A model.vec file containing the complete description of the neural network trained from the corpora, a model.pcamapping all the words in the model in a 2-dimensional space using Principal Component Analysis, a model.svg which is an image containing the 100 most frequent words of the corpus drawn in 2D according to previous mapping.

On my recent MacBook Air, training 390 documents, (2M total words) over 56k different words with 100 dimensions takes approximatively 20minutes. It looks like the words/sec ratio is around 2000, which is much much lower than the optimized C and Python version but better than the unoptimized pure Python!

How it works?

This piece of code is 99% Haskell, the remaining 1% being the pdftotext utility I did not find a replacement for. The Haskell port is not the most brilliant code I ever wrote nor is it intensively tested, but it does the job (at least, it works on my machine). Here is a short summary of how I implemented it:

  • The crawling stuff uses mostly plain Network.Browser package with a bit of http-client-conduit. The retrieval of the documents' ids is sequential but the download of the PDF files is done concurrently using a custom built thread pool communicating through plain old MVars. I should have used a more sophisticated concurrent package like async but...
  • There is some parsing of the retrieved page to be done that is handled by tagsoup to retrieve the documents' ids and navigate between the pages of the query.
  • Text extraction relies on pdftotext which is spawned using standard process control.
  • I used the tokenize package to tokenize the corpus in proper words, removing anything that does not contain only letters.
  • Tricky part starts with construction of Huffmann encoding of the words sorted by frequency. I have used heap package to build the binary tree after inserting (word,frequency) tuples and the hashmap from unordered-containers to map words to their encoding
  • The meat of the algorithm is training of a neural network made of an words x dimensions input layer and an identically sized hidden layer. This practically means that both layers are represented as matrices of doubles and we need to run operations on part of these matrices for each word in the corpus. I started trying to use hmatrix to compute directly matrix operations on layers as is done in the python port of word2vec (at least in the inefficient training algorithm...). But 99% of the time was spent updating the global matrix using the computations from a submatrix. I tried to profile my code and started sprinkling over strictness annotations but was not able to improve significantly the situation. So I went for a simpler and uglier solution: Replicate the C loops using mutable array in the IO monad. Given the obfuscated nature of the C code, this was not an easy task but I finally managed to get something working with at least acceptable performances (for testing purpose of course...). I toyed with the idea of delving into the repa library but finally gave up due to lack of time.
  • A surprisingly difficult task was slicing the input sequence of words into random "windows" uniformely distributed around some mean value (10) in order to retrieve the central word of the window (the training word) and the list of words around it. I devoted a complete module Window.hs to this task and it is the best unit-tested of all modules in this code.
  • Speaking of tests, while in my daily work I am a big fan and champion of TDD, I admit I forego any tentative whatsoever to do TDD on this project and simply relied on types, the REPL and manual coding to get something working. The few existing tests use doctest to embed small text-based unit tests in documentation of functions.
  • The final part of the challenge needed applying PCA on the trained model to extract a 2D mapping of words and generating a graph from this mapping. I used hmatrix-nipals to do PCA and Chart with a diagrams backend. The only complex task in this last step was cleaning the mess with cabal after a --force-reinstalls due to some mismatch in obscure semigroups and category related packages, which was quite painful until I discovered that cabal-dev has been integrated in cabal as cabal sandbox.

About Parallelization


This was fun. And challenging. The most challenging part was trying to understand the training algorithm. The python code was very helpful as it is thoroughly commented and well written. I would not say the same thing about the C code. YMMV of course...

I learnt a things or two:

  • Haskell is really, really a great language. I want and need to do more of it!
  • Its eco-system is complex, with lot of half-baked and underdocumented libraries, but one can do anything with it, most of the times using beautiful and concise code, sometimes using other forms of beauty...
  • Machine learning is really, really fun. While working at Polyspot I touched a little bit on this subject but had not had the opportunity to code anything interesting in this domain. I read Introduction to Information Retrieval to gain a better knowledge of the subject but have never applied it on the field.