Siri Validator is a java open source project related to the SIRI V2.0 standard. It has only one module :
- siri-client-france : command line client for testing and validating a SIRI server
The release notes (in French) can be found in CHANGELOG file
- oraclejdk7
- openjdk7
- oraclejdk8
- openjdk8
On Debian/Ubuntu/Kubuntu OS :
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
siri.client.france is avalable as a zip : download from maven repository
in wildfly installation repository :
bin/ connect, deploy --force (path to ...)/siri_lite.ear
bin/ -c "/system-property=siri_lite.producer.address:add(value='web service SIRI server endpoint address')"
a user manual (in french) is available on Chouette Project website.
This project is licensed under the CeCILL-B license, a copy of which can be found in the LICENSE file.
Users looking for support should file an issue on the GitHub issue tracking page, or file a pull request if you have a fix available.