FIXME You can download the lecture material here:
[![pdf](/system/files/us ers/ia277/pdf.png)](http s:// nk/LaTeX-project/master/ lecture_material/Latex_C ourse_2011/handouts/Late xCourse.pdf) [![zip](/system/files/us ers/ia277/zip.png)](http :// ia277/ChemDptLaTeX/lectu re_material/LaTeX_Course [![git](/system/files/us ers/ia277/github.png)](h ttps:// k/LaTeX-project/blob/mas ter/lecture_material/Lat ex_Course_2011/)
Welcome to the LaTeX webpage at the Department of Chemistry. Here you will find LaTeX templates for a variety of common purposes, including frequently used journal templates, and a series of tutorials on specific aspects of LaTeX to help you learn LaTeX and also to benefit from other peoples experience.
Also, please feel free to use the forum if
- you have a LaTeX question that is not answered somewhere on the website.
- you have a suggestion for improvements to the templates.
- you wish to request a new template.
- you wish to share a new LaTeX trick that you have discovered!
At the moment the easiest way to clone the entire repository is to use the git Distributed Version Control System More information on how this can be done easily is described in the git tutorial which can be found tutorials section. Notes on how to do this can be found in the same git tutorial.
Note that the current "git" repository setup will change in the nearest future to probably a subversion repository on the Departmental servers.
If you have another other comments about the content of this website please email .
Enjoy the website and Happy Latexing.
Yours Sincerely
Ignas Anikevicius, 2011
PS thanks to Dr. Oren A. Scherman for funding me to create this site during Summer 2011. I hope it will serve the department for many years to come!"