The directory cli/ contains the instructions and contents for building a Docker container to contain and execute CLI commands to interact with the services. It is also used to bootstrap the configuration.
- make builds a container image hamframe-cli with can be used to interact with cli/
- make clean prepares for another build.
- make dist-clean executes clean and blows away all cached, unreferenced, and hamframe-cli container images.
docker run --rm hamframe-cli args executes a command known to cli/
The CLI understands the following commands:
Produces the command line help. Takes an optional argument to produce more detailed help for another command.
Reports system status information.
--confdir | --redis
Prototypes for configuration are stored in config/. The file config/hamframe.toml contains the bootstrap for this specific instance "instance_name". By convention, the files associated with this instance are located in a subdirectory config/instance__name/. The providers enabled are defined within hamframe.toml for each instance. Each provider name is present in the instance_name/ directory as provider.toml.
73 Christian AK7VV