dynamicSecretCreateRabbitMq is a command that creates rabbitmq dynamic secret
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
delete_protection | str | Protection from accidental deletion of this object [true/false] | [optional] |
description | str | Description of the object | [optional] |
json | bool | Set output format to JSON | [optional] [default to False] |
name | str | Dynamic secret name | |
password_length | str | The length of the password to be generated | [optional] |
producer_encryption_key_name | str | Dynamic producer encryption key | [optional] |
rabbitmq_admin_pwd | str | RabbitMQ Admin password | [optional] |
rabbitmq_admin_user | str | RabbitMQ Admin User | [optional] |
rabbitmq_server_uri | str | Server URI | [optional] |
rabbitmq_user_conf_permission | str | User configuration permission | [optional] |
rabbitmq_user_read_permission | str | User read permission | [optional] |
rabbitmq_user_tags | str | User Tags | [optional] |
rabbitmq_user_vhost | str | User Virtual Host | [optional] |
rabbitmq_user_write_permission | str | User write permission | [optional] |
secure_access_enable | str | Enable/Disable secure remote access [true/false] | [optional] |
secure_access_url | str | Destination URL to inject secrets | [optional] |
secure_access_web | bool | Enable Web Secure Remote Access | [optional] [default to True] |
secure_access_web_browsing | bool | Secure browser via Akeyless Web Access Bastion | [optional] [default to False] |
secure_access_web_proxy | bool | Web-Proxy via Akeyless Web Access Bastion | [optional] [default to False] |
tags | list[str] | Add tags attached to this object | [optional] |
target_name | str | Target name | [optional] |
token | str | Authentication token (see `/auth` and `/configure`) | [optional] |
uid_token | str | The universal identity token, Required only for universal_identity authentication | [optional] |
user_ttl | str | User TTL | [optional] [default to '60m'] |