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Search on Sorted Data

Search on Sorted Data (SOSD) is a new benchmark that allows researchers to compare their new (learned) index structures on both synthetic and real-world datasets. It is provided as C++ open source code that incurs little overhead (8 instructions and 1 cache miss per lookup), comes with diverse synthetic and real-world datasets, and provides efficient baseline implementations.

SOSD is a read-only workload and does not measure index performance on inserts.

The original SOSD paper can be found here, and our detailed findings of learned index performance on SOSD datasets can be found here.

Benchmark datasets are run five times on an AWS c5.4xlarge VM, and the median latency of these runs is taken for each dataset. The average of these latency medians is taken across the eight datasets within SOSD, for which final results are reported.

To reproduce results, pull the SOSD repo and run scripts/


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