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General project overview

This project is an integral part of the master thesis entitled:

Design of the parallel version of the ridge detection algorithm for the multidimensional random variable density function and its implementation in CUDA technology.

You can find the accompanying text here, however it's written in polish. Below you can find some basic information about algorithm and its implementation.

The original and sequential version of algorithm was designed by Marek Rupniewski and published here:

W. Rupniewski M. (2014). Curve Reconstruction from Noisy and Unordered Samples. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods - Volume 1: ICPRAM, pages 183-188. DOI: 10.5220/0004814801830188

As it is stated in the paper title, the algorithm was designed with curve reconstruction in mind. The input data is in general a multidimensional, unordered and noisy point cloud, which usually come from a measurement device. Additionally it is assumed that the points are independent. The output of the algorithm is a spatially ordered set of points. When we connect each consecutive pair of points from this set in result we will get a polygonal path that approximates reconstructed curve.

Algorithm idea

Ridge and point cloud

The word ridge is of course connected with mountain range as it is a long narrow path that goes through the highest located points. This definition well resembles the one used in algorithm because the ridge is identified with reconstructed curve. We assume that our input point cloud is constructed in such a way, that the closer to the original curve the higher is the probability of point occurrence (see above picture). We may describe this phenomena with some probability density function, which gets highest values exactly where the ridge goes through. In the image below in the upper left corner there is a simplified two-dimensional case. The red dot marks point where ridge goes through. We can see, that the greater the distance from the red point is the lower the probability of cloud point occurrence is. This the basic fact that is utilized and that forms the foundations of ridge detection algorithm.

Ridge detection algorithm idea

As it is seen on above picture, the first step in algorithm is initialization of a set of balls centered on a input cloud points. This set is called chosen points. The figure of probability density function is upside down only to better visualize the process of chosen points convergence to ridge. Next, there are two phases repeated in a loop until the chosen points set stabilize. In evolution stage we move points toward detected ridge and in decimation we reduce redundant points according to given criteria. In the end we get only points lying exactly on red point, that is detected ridge, which approximates reconstructed curve.

Brute-force version

In original, sequential version algorithm follows brute-force (exhaustive) strategy during the most computationally intensive phase - evolution. Let us give a little bit of context how it is done. Each point from the chosen-points set is moved towards the mass centre of intersection of its ball with the appropriate Voronoi diagram's cell created for chosen-points set. In order to accomplish this task we need to calculate distance from each pair of points, where one is from the chosen-points set and another is from input point cloud data set. We accelerated this part on the multicore CPUs using OpenMP directives. In version which uses GPU to accelerate computations we offload all three major parts of ridge detection algorithm to GPU. That is the chosen points set initialization, the evolution and the decimation phases. Although the first and the last of them doesn't show great opportunities to speed up computations, our motivation for this decision was to minimize data transfer overhead between host and device.

Tiled version

However brute-force strategy exhibits huge data-parallelism, thus perfectly fits into modern many-core GPUs architecture, the great majority of calculations are redundant. In order to alleviate this problem we may divide our point cloud space into n-dimensional tiles. Using such tiles we have few possibilities of how to organize data structures and decompose computations. It is worth to emphasize that, at the moment, inside each tile there is still brute-force strategy used.

Tile data structures:

  • Local tiles

    On above image, dark green colour marks respective tiles bounds, and red colour marks cloud points.
    Local tiles store information only about points falling into its bounds.

  • Grouped tiles

    On above image the selected tile is marked out with red colour border. The points lying inside this tile's bounds are painted with light blue. The considered tile neighbours' points are painted light green and neighbouring tiles' borders with light blue.
    Grouped tiles, in comparison to local tiles, store additional information about its neighbouring tiles.

  • Extended tiles

    On above image the selected tiles are marked out with red colour border and the points lying inside this tile's bounds are painted with light blue. With green colour there are marked respective tile neighbouring points.
    Extended tiles are modification of grouped tiles. In order to reduce amount of computations even more we restrict each tile neighbourhood to only some fixed distance.

The process of partitioning point cloud space into tiles introduce additional level of parallelism, since we can build each tile independently from other tiles. Therefore we use recursive algorithm utilizing CUDA Dynamic Parallelism on GPUs to build hierarchical bounding volumes tree data structure, which is outlined on the picture below.

Here are additional two examples of built tree structure for 3D case:

Ridge detection computation decomposition with tiled tree data structure:

  • Local ridge detection - with this scheme we perform ridge detection within each tile independently and asynchronously to others. This means that while in some parts of the point cloud space there may still be ongoing partitioning process, tiles which by this time finished it may be already performing given tasks (in this project ridge detection), marked with Process tile label in previously presented scheme. It is important to accent that, ridge detection is performed only on points falling into particular tile bounds. Due to this fact the final results often contains a lot of redundant points close to the tiles borders, thus distorting reconstructed curve. The solution for this problem is adding additional global results refinement phase in the end. Unfortunately this significantly prolongs execution time.

  • Hybrid (mixed) ridge detection - with this scheme there are two phases of ridge detection algorithm: local and global. Building tiles, initialization of chosen-points set within each tile and evolution is performed locally (on data assigned to particular tile), independently to others. After each evolution there is a synchronization point in order to perform global, that is on all chosen-points sets from all tiles altogether, decimation phase. Shortly speaking such organization of calculations let us achieve better (globally) approximation of reconstructed curve. Therefore there is no need to perform additional (very costly) refinement phase in the end.


During the tests it turned out that the most efficient in terms of both execution time and quality of results is mixed ridge detection with use of extended tiles.

The picture below presents comparison of different ridge detection algorithm implementations execution time depending on input data set size. The input data was a generated three-dimensional spiral point cloud (with added noise). The tiled version is the one using extended tiles and a hybrid (mixed) ridge detection scheme.

We may notice that we achieve linear execution time scalability with increasing number of cloud points. Furthermore we get almost two order of magnitude speed-up over multithreaded version on CPU (8 threads). Finally, we may observe that the tiled version need sufficiently big input data set to amortise the cost of building a tree.


The project has a structure of header-only library, since it makes it easy to use and secondly because of heavy usage of C++ templates. The algorithmic core is placed under rd directory, where user can find cpu and gpu directories with implementations specialized for appropriate device. One can find example usage inside test_rd_cpu_simulation and test_rd_gpu_simulation subdirectories of tests directory. However there are benchmarks of almost all possible combinations of algorithm parameters. Below is a short example of the simplest tiled ridge detection algorithm usage:

#include "rd/gpu/device/tiled/simulation.cuh" 

// input data acquisition, memory allocation etc.

using namespace rd::gpu::tiled;

    DIM,                        // DIM - indicates input data points dimensionality
    rd::ROW_MAJOR,              // input data layout in GPU memory
    rd::ROW_MAJOR,              // output data layout in GPU memory
    RD_BRUTE_FORCE,             // ridge detection algorithm used within tile, currently only RD_BRUTE_FORCE
    RD_MIXED,                   // tiled ridge detection policy
    RD_EXTENDED_TILE,           // used tile type
    float> rdGpu(
        pointsNum,              // number of input cloud points
        inputPoints,            // pointer to host memory with input data, must be in ROW_MAJOR order
        enableTiming,           // bool flag indicating whether or not to enable execution time measurements
        debugSynchronous);      // bool flag indicating whether or not to synchronize after each kernel launch for debug purposes


    r1,                         // ridge detection algorithm parameter for initializing chosen points set
    r2,                         // ridge detection algorithm parameter for reducing redundant points
    maxTileCapacity,            // maximum number of points (inclusive) each tile can contain
    dimTiles,                   // an array containing number of initial tiles to partition space onto
    endPhaseRefinement);        // whether or not to perform additional final results refinement
chosenPointsNum = rdGpu.getChosenPointsNum();
float * data = new float[chosenPointsNum];

The rd::gpu::tiled::RidgeDetection class allocates all necessary memory on GPU, launches computations and synchronizes with GPU waiting for it to finish.