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Welcome to Cygnus-twitter

This project is part of FIWARE, being part of the Cosmos Ecosystem.

Cygnus-twitter is a connector in charge of persisting tweets ( in certain configured third-party storages, creating a historical view of such data.

Internally, Cygnus-twitter is based on Apache Flume and Twitter4j. In fact, Cygnus-twitter is a Flume agent, which is basically composed of a source in charge of receiving the data from Twitter (, a channel where the source puts the data once it has been transformed into a Flume event, and a sink, which takes Flume events from the channel in order to persist the data within its body into a third-party storage.

Current stable release is able to persist Twitter data in:


Basic operation

Hardware requirements

  • RAM: 1 GB, specially if abusing of the batching mechanism.
  • HDD: A few GB may be enough unless the channel types are configured as FileChannel type.



Cygnus-twitter is a tool with a high degree of configuration required for properly running it.

So, the starting point is choosing the internal architecture of the Cygnus agent. Let's assume the simplest one:

+----------------+    +----------------+    +----------------+
| Twitter source |----| memory channel |----|  Twitter Sink  |
+----------------+    +----------------+    +----------------+

Attending to the above architecture, the content of /usr/cygnus/conf/cygnus_1.conf will specify the following parameters:

  • The source: cygnus-twitter.sources.http-source.type =

  • The keyworks (hashtags) that are used in the twitter query to filter tweets with an specific keyword(s):
    cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.keywords = keyword1, keyword2, keyword3

  • The coordinates to specify the spatial area where the source will collect geo-located tweets. The coordinates will be used in the twitter query:

cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.south-west_latitude = 39.4247692
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.south-west_longitude = -0.4315448
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.north-east_latitude = 39.5038788
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.north-east_longitude = -0.3124204
These coordinates are used to define a rectangle filter where tweets have been geo-located. Only tweets inside this rectangle are stored.
                 -------------- north-east
                |                  |
                |                  |
                |                  |
           south-west ------------   

  • The credentials used to connect with Twitter API:
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.consumerKey = xxxxxxx
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.consumerSecret = xxxxxxx
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.accessToken = xxxxxxx
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.accessTokenSecret = xxxxxxx
  • Parameters associated to the sinks. Currently, for the cygnus-twitter agent, the only sink defined is the HDFS sink. The HDFS sink parameters that appear in the configuration file and are directly related to twitter-agent are:
    • hdfs_folder: to declare the folder where the tweets file will be created.
    • hdfs_file: to declare the file where tweets will be stored inside the hdfs_folder
# To be put in APACHE_FLUME_HOME/conf/cygnus.conf
# General configuration template explaining how to setup a sink of each of HDFS.

# The next tree fields set the sources, sinks and channels used by Cygnus-twitter. You could use different names than the
# ones suggested below, but in that case make sure you keep coherence in properties names along the configuration file.
# Regarding sinks, you can use multiple types at the same time; the only requirement is to provide a channel for each
# one of them (this example shows how to configure 1 sink type). Even, you can define more than one
# sink of the same type and sharing the channel in order to improve the performance (this is like having
# multi-threading).
cygnus-twitter.sources = twitter-source
cygnus-twitter.sinks = hdfs-sink
cygnus-twitter.channels = hdfs-channel
# source configuration
# channel name where to write the notification events
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.channels = hdfs-channel
# source class, must not be changed
cygnus-twitter.sources.http-source.type =
# keywords
# cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.keywords = keyword1, keyword2, keyword3
# Coordinates for filter query
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.south-west_latitude = 39.4247692
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.south-west_longitude = -0.4315448
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.north-east_latitude = 39.5038788
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.north-east_longitude = -0.3124204
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.consumerKey = xxxxxxxx
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.consumerSecret = xxxxxxxx
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.accessToken = xxxxxxxx
cygnus-twitter.sources.twitter-source.accessTokenSecret = xxxxxxxx
# ============================================
# NGSIHDFSSink configuration
# channel name from where to read notification events = hdfs-channel
# sink class, must not be changed
cygnus-twitter.sinks.hdfs-sink.type =
# true applies the new encoding, false applies the old encoding
#cygnus-twitter.sinks.hdfs-sink.enable_encoding = false
# true if the grouping feature is enabled for this sink, false otherwise
#cygnus-twitter.sinks.hdfs-sink.enable_grouping = false
# true if lower case is wanted to forced in all the element names, false otherwise
#cygnus-twitter.sinks.hdfs-sink.enable_lowercase = false
# rest if the interaction with HDFS will be WebHDFS/HttpFS-based, binary if based on the Hadoop API
#cygnus-twitter.sinks.hdfs-sink.backend_impl = rest
# Comma-separated list of FQDN/IP address regarding the HDFS Namenode endpoints
# If you are using Kerberos authentication, then the usage of FQDNs instead of IP addresses is mandatory
#cygnus-twitter.sinks.hdfs-sink.hdfs_host = x1.y1.z1.w1,x2.y2.z2.w2
# port of the HDFS service listening for persistence operations; 14000 for httpfs, 50070 for webhdfs
#cygnus-twitter.sinks.hdfs-sink.hdfs_port = 14000
# username allowed to write in HDFS
cygnus-twitter.sinks.hdfs-sink.hdfs_username = hdfs_username
# password for the above username; this is only required for Hive authentication
cygnus-twitter.sinks.hdfs-sink.hdfs_password = xxxxxxxx
# OAuth2 token for HDFS authentication
cygnus-twitter.sinks.hdfs-sink.oauth2_token = xxxxxxxx
# true if the notified fiware-service (or the default one, if no one is notified) is used as the HDFS namespace, false otherwise
#cygnus-twitter.sinks.hdfs-sink.service_as_namespace = false
# how the attributes are stored, available formats are json-row, json-column, csv-row and csv-column
#cygnus-twitter.sinks.hdfs-sink.file_format = json-column
# character used for separating the values when using CSV file formats
#cygnus-twitter.sinks.hdfs-sink.csv_separator = ,
# number of notifications to be included within a processing batch
#cygnus-twitter.sinks.hdfs-sink.batch_size = 100
# timeout for batch accumulation
#cygunsagent.sinks.hdfs-sink.batch_timeout = 30
# number of retries upon persistence error
#cygnus-twitter.sinks.hdfs-sink.batch_ttl = 10
# Hive enabling
#cygnus-twitter.sinks.hdfs-sink.hive = false
# Hive server version, 1 or 2 (ignored if hive is false)
#cygnus-twitter.sinks.hdfs-sink.hive.server_version = 2
# Hive FQDN/IP address of the Hive server (ignored if hive is false) = x.y.z.w
# Hive port for Hive external table provisioning (ignored if hive is false)
#cygnus-twitter.sinks.hdfs-sink.hive.port = 10000
# Hive database type, available types are default-db and namespace-db
#cygnus-twitter.sinks.hdfs-sink.hive.db_type = default-db
# Kerberos-based authentication enabling
#cygnus-twitter.sinks.hdfs-sink.krb5_auth = false
# Kerberos username (ignored if krb5_auth is false)
cygnus-twitter.sinks.hdfs-sink.krb5_auth.krb5_user = krb5_username
# Kerberos password (ignored if krb5_auth is false)
cygnus-twitter.sinks.hdfs-sink.krb5_auth.krb5_password = xxxxxxxxxxxxx
# Kerberos login file (ignored if krb5_auth is false)
3cygnus-twitter.sinks.hdfs-sink.krb5_auth.krb5_login_conf_file = /usr/cygnus/conf/krb5_login.conf
# Kerberos configuration file (ignored if krb5_auth is false)
#cygnus-twitter.sinks.hdfs-sink.krb5_auth.krb5_conf_file = /usr/cygnus/conf/krb5.conf
# hdfs-channel configuration
# channel type (must not be changed)
cygnus-twitter.channels.hdfs-channel.type = memory
# capacity of the channel
cygnus-twitter.channels.hdfs-channel.capacity = 1000
# amount of bytes that can be sent per transaction
cygnus-twitter.channels.hdfs-channel.transactionCapacity = 100

Check the User and Programmer Guide for configurations involving real data storages such as HDFS.


Unit testing

Running the tests require Apache Maven installed and Cygnus sources downloaded.

$ git clone
$ cd fiware-cygnus
$ mvn test


Management API overview

Run the following curl in order to get the version (assuming Cygnus runs on localhost):

$ curl -X GET "http://localhost:8081/v1/version"
    "success": "true",
    "version": "0.12.0_SNAPSHOT.52399574ea8503aa8038ad14850380d77529b550"

Run the following curl in order to get certain Flume components statistics (assuming Cygnus runs on localhost):

$ curl -X GET "http://localhost:8081/v1/stats" | python -m json.tool
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   489  100   489    0     0  81500      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 97800
    "stats": {
        "channels": [
                "name": "hdfs-channel",
                "num_events": 0,
                "num_puts_failed": 0,
                "num_puts_ok": 11858,
                "num_takes_failed": 1,
                "num_takes_ok": 11858,
                "setup_time": "2016-02-05T10:34:25.80Z",
                "status": "START"
        "sinks": [
                "name": "hdfs-sink",
                "num_persisted_events": 11800,
                "num_processed_events": 11858,
                "setup_time": "2016-02-05T10:34:24.978Z",
                "status": "START"
        "sources": [
                "name": "twitter-source",
                "num_processed_events": 11858,
                "num_received_events": 11858,
                "setup_time": "2016-02-05T10:34:24.921Z",
                "status": "START"
    "success": "true"

Many other operations, like getting/putting/updating/deleting the grouping rules can be found in Management Interface documentation.


Features summary

ComponentFeatureFrom version
TwitterHDFSSinkFirst implementation1.1.0
Multiple HDFS endpoint setup1.1.0
Kerberos support1.1.0
OAuth2 support1.1.0
enable/disable Hive1.1.0
Batching mechanism1.1.0
All sinksenable/disable forced lower case1.1.0
Per batch TTL1.1.0



Cygnus is licensed under Affero General Public License (GPL) version 3. You can find a copy of this license in the repository.


Reporting issues and contact information

There are several channels suited for reporting issues and asking for doubts in general. Each one depends on the nature of the question:

  • Use for specific questions about this software. Typically, these will be related to installation problems, errors and bugs. Development questions when forking the code are welcome as well. Use the fiware-cygnus tag.
  • Use for general questions about FIWARE, e.g. how many cities are using FIWARE, how can I join the accelerator program, etc. Even for general questions about this software, for instance, use cases or architectures you want to discuss.
