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FastHTML Todo App

This project implements a simple Todo list application using FastHTML, showcasing dynamic updates and database integration.

Todo App Screenshot


  • Add, edit, and delete todo items
  • Mark todos as complete
  • Real-time updates without page reloads
  • SQLite database integration

Technology Stack

  • FastHTML: A Python framework for building dynamic web applications
  • HTMX: For seamless client-side updates without full page reloads
  • SQLite: For persistent data storage

Implementation Highlights

App Setup and Database Integration

FastHTML makes it easy to set up a database-backed application:

app,rt,todos,Todo = fast_app(
    hdrs=[Style(':root { --pico-font-size: 100%; }')],
    id=int, title=str, done=bool, pk='id')

This single line sets up our app, routing, database connection, and Todo data model model using the fast_app function. However, you can use the standard FastHTML class to set up your app and database function from fastlite to create your database manually.

app = FastHTML(hdrs=[Style(':root { --pico-font-size: 100%; }')])
rt = app.route
db = database('todos.db')
if 'Todo' not in db.t: db.t['Todo'].create(id=int, title=str, done=bool, pk='id')
Todo = db.t['Todo'].dataclass()

Todo Item Rendering

Each todo item is rendered as an HTML component:

def __xt__(self:Todo):
    show = AX(self.title, f'/todos/{}', id_curr)
    edit = AX('edit',     f'/edit/{}' , id_curr)
    dt = ' ✅' if self.done else ''
    return Li(show, dt, ' | ', edit, id=tid(

This method defines how each Todo object is displayed, including its title, completion status, and edit link. We are taking advantage of monkey patching via the @patch decorator to add new functionality to the Todo class. If you want to learn more about monkey patching, check out this article.

Adding New Todos

Here is how we setup the form for adding new todos:

def mk_input(**kw): return Input(id="new-title", name="title", placeholder="New Todo", **kw)

async def get():
    add = Form(Group(mk_input(), Button("Add")),
               hx_post="/", target_id='todo-list', hx_swap="beforeend")
    card = Card(Ul(*todos(), id='todo-list'),
                header=add, footer=Div(id=id_curr)),
    title = 'Todo list'
    return Title(title), Main(H1(title), card, cls='container')

This creates an input field and "Add" button, which uses HTMX to post new todos without a page reload.

Editing Todos

Editing a todo item is handled by this route which takes the todo's id as a parameter:

async def get(id:int):
    res = Form(Group(Input(id="title"), Button("Save")),
        Hidden(id="id"), Checkbox(id="done", label='Done'),
        hx_put="/", target_id=tid(id), id="edit")
    return fill_form(res, todos.get(id))

This allows us to dynamically fill the form with the todo's current data, allowing for easy editing.

Deleting Todos

Similarly, we can do the same for deleting todos, except we use the delete method instead of get:

async def delete(id:int):
    return clear(id_curr)

Running Locally

To run the app locally:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Navigate to the project directory
  3. Install dependencies (if any)
  4. Run the following command: python