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hipSOLVER Generalized Dense Symmetric Eigenvalue calculation (Jacobi algorithm)


This example currently works only on rocSOLVER backend.

This example illustrates how to calculate the generalized eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a pair of symmetric 3x3 matrices using hipSOLVER.

The generalized eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix pair are defined as:

$Av_i = \lambda_i Bv_i$


  • $A,B\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ are symmetric matrices,
  • $\lambda_i$ for $i\in{1, \dots n}$ are eigenvalues,
  • $v_i\in\mathbb{R}^n$ are eigenvectors corresponding to the $i$-th eigenvalue (they can be normalized to unit length).

This choice corresponds to HIPSOLVER_EIG_TYPE_1 parameter value of the solver function hipsolverDsygvj. Two other possibilities include $ABv_i = \lambda_i v_i$ for HIPSOLVER_EIG_TYPE_2 and $BAv_i = \lambda_i v_i$ for HIPSOLVER_EIG_TYPE_3.

Application flow

  1. Instantiate two vectors of size $n\times n$ for $n=3$ containing $A$'s and $B$'s elements.
  2. Allocate device memory and copy $A$'s and $B$'s elements to the device.
  3. Allocate device memory for the outputs of the hipSOLVER function, namely for the calculated eigenvalue vector $W=[\lambda_1, \lambda_2, \lambda_3]$, and the returned info value.
  4. Create a hipSOLVER handle.
  5. Set configuration for the syevj solver, query the working space size by hipsolverDsygvj_bufferSize and allocate it.
  6. Invoke hipsolverDsygvj to calculate the generalized eigenvalues of double precision symmetric matrix pair $A$ and $B$ in ascending order.
  7. Copy the resulting info value to the host and check if the operation was successful (indicated by a 0 value).
  8. Copy the resulting eigenvalues vector $W$ to the host. Print their values and check if they match the expected.
  9. Copy the resulting eigenvectors matrix $V$ to the host. Print their values.
  10. Copy residual and executed sweeps number to the host. Print their values.
  11. Free all allocated resources.

Key APIs and Concepts


  • hipSOLVER is initialized by calling hipsolverCreate(hipsolverHandle_t*) and it is terminated by calling hipsolverDestroy(hipsolverHandle_t).

  • hipsolver[SD]sygvj computes the generalized eigenvalues of an $n \times n$ matrix pair $A$ and $B$. The correct function signature should be chosen based on the datatype of the input matrix::

    • S (single-precision real: float)
    • D (double-precision real: double)

    For single- and double-precision complex values, the function hipsolver[CZ]hegvj(...) is available in hipSOLVER.

    In this example, a double-precision real input matrix pair is used, in which case the function accepts the following parameters:

    • hipsolverHandle_t handle
    • hipsolverEigType_t itype: Specifies the type of eigensystem problem, see above.
    • hipsolverEigMode_t jobz: Specifies whether the eigenvectors should also be calculated besides the eigenvalues. The following values are accepted:
      • HIPSOLVER_EIG_MODE_NOVECTOR: Calculate the eigenvalues only.
      • HIPSOLVER_EIG_MODE_VECTOR: Calculate both the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors. The eigenvectors are calculated using the Jacobi method and written to the memory location specified by *A.
    • hipSolverFillMode_t uplo: Specifies whether the upper or lower triangle of the symmetric matrix is stored. The following values are accepted:
      • HIPSOLVER_FILL_MODE_UPPER: The provided *A pointer points to the upper triangle matrix data.
      • HIPSOLVER_FILL_MODE_LOWER: The provided *A pointer points to the lower triangle matrix data.
    • int n: Number of rows and columns of $A$.
    • double *A: Pointer to matrix $A$ in device memory.
    • int lda: Leading dimension of matrix $A$.
    • double *B: Pointer to matrix $B$ in device memory.
    • int ldb: Leading dimension of matrix $B$.
    • double *D: Pointer to array $W$, where the resulting eigenvalues are written.
    • double *work: Pointer to working space in device memory.
    • int lwork: Size of the working space.
    • int *devInfo: Convergence result of the function in device memory. If 0, the algorithm converged, if greater than 0 and less or equal to n then devInfo-th leading minor of B is not positive definite, if equal to n+1 than convergence is not achieved. Also, for CUDA backend, if devInfo = -i for $0 < i \leq n$, then the the $i^{th}$ parameter is wrong (not counting the handle).
    • hipsolverSyevjInfo_t params: Pointer to the structure with parameters of solver, that should be created by function hipsolverCreateSyevjInfo(&params). Solver has two parameters:
      • Tolerance tol, set by function hipsolverXsyevjSetTolerance(syevj_params, tol), default value of tolerance is machine zero.
      • Maximal number of sweeps to obtain convergence max_sweeps, set by function hipsolverXsyevjSetMaxSweeps(syevj_params, max_sweeps), default value is 100.

    Return type: hipsolverStatus_t.

  • hipsolver[SD]sygvj_bufferSize allows to obtain the size (in bytes) needed for the working space for the hipsolver[SD]sygvj function. The character matched in [SD] coincides with the one in hipsolver[SD]sygvj.

    This function accepts the following input parameters:

    • hipsolverHandle_t handle
    • hipsolverEigType_t itype: Specifies the type of eigensystem problem.
    • hipsolverEigMode_t jobz: Specifies whether the eigenvectors should also be calculated besides the eigenvalues.
    • hipSolverFillMode_t uplo: Specifies whether the upper or lower triangle of the symmetric matrix is stored.
    • int n: Number of rows and columns of $A$.
    • double *A: Pointer to matrix $A$ in device memory.
    • int lda: Leading dimension of matrix $A$.
    • double *B: Pointer to matrix $B$ in device memory.
    • int ldb: Leading dimension of matrix $B$.
    • double *D: Pointer to array $W$ in device memory, where the resulting eigenvalues are written.
    • int *lwork: The required buffer size is written to this location.
    • hipsolverSyevjInfo_t params: Pointer to the structure with parameters of solver.

    Return type: hipsolverStatus_t.

Used API surface



  • hipsolverHandle_t
  • hipsolverSyevjInfo_t
  • hipsolverEigType_t
  • hipsolverEigMode_t
  • hipsolverFillMode_t


  • hipsolverCreate
  • hipsolverDestroy
  • hipsolverCreateSyevjInfo
  • hipsolverDestroySyevjInfo
  • hipsolverXsyevjSetTolerance
  • hipsolverXsyevjSetMaxSweeps
  • hipsolverXsyevjGetResidual
  • hipsolverXsyevjGetSweeps
  • hipsolverDsygvj_bufferSize
  • hipsolverDsygvj

HIP runtime

  • hipMalloc
  • hipMemcpy
  • hipFree