These are objects creating for testing purposes. They are represented as foxml in:
The ActiveFedora and OM configurations for these fixtures are already provided. See:
For more documentation on ActiveFedora and OM configuration files, see …
There are rake tasks to help with these chores. To see all rake tasks:
rake -T
To see pertinent rake tasks for existing hypatia stuff:
rake -T hypatia
rake hypatia:fixtures:load environment=test
rake hypatia:fixtures:load environment=development
rake hypatia:fixtures:delete environment=test OR rake hypatia:fixtures:delete environment=development
Refresh deletes all the fixtures, then adds them again.
rake hypatia:fixtures:refresh environment=test OR rake hypatia:fixtures:refresh environment=development
(to ensure Solr is emptied out, in addition to Fedora)
cd jetty git clean -df git checkout .