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Releases: bhauman/figwheel-main


06 Sep 14:37
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This release has focused on making it much easier to integrate testing
into your workflow. Auto-testing, CLI testing for dev ops integration,
and headless testing support come together to make testing a major
feature in figwheel.main.

See the testing documentation here:
See the async main script docs here:

  • auto discovery and display of tests found in your source files with :auto-testing true
  • added async support to the --main CLi arg that also supports non-zero exit status
  • :launch-js option was created to support use of headless environments during testing Learn more
  • fixed regresion where --compile --repl didn't start a repl

Extra Mains, Much better NPM and Global exports support, Smiley!

25 Aug 19:18
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The new :extra-main-files option makes integrating things like tests
and devcards to your build super simple and CPU efficient
Learn more

There was a long standing bug with :global-exports support that I
was able to squash which in turn led to changes that make working with
npm modules much easier.

The new :npm option will help you make quick work of integrating
webpack bundled npm modules into your
build. Learn more

  • added :pre-build-hooks and :post-build-hooks config options Learn more
  • fixed the figwheel.main api in the CLJS repl so that it works
    properly under nREPL
  • added the :build-inputs config option Learn More
  • finally added the validation smiley \\(ツ)/, I pretty much had to after I saw this tweet

Fix for nREPL

11 Aug 21:10
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Fixes a bug that was deleting the listeners that notified the client
to reload. Please use this release instead of 0.1.6

Scripting API

11 Aug 15:18
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update: hot reloading does not work when figwheel.main is
started from nREPL

Added a Scripting API that allows one to start multiple builds and
then attach a REPL to any of the running builds. The API also allows
one to stop builds and obtain a repl-env from a build (this is
expecially helpful for VIM fireplace). See the figwheel.main.api
namespace and the docs at

  • ignore preload link tags when reloading CSS

Windows Fix and merge multiple build-ids

04 Aug 17:39
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  • fixed a major problem on Windows that created a bad :asset-path which prevented the REPL from connecting
  • merge build args which allows you to supply path separated build ids to --build
  • allow connect-urls to not have a process-id and still connect
  • change the default build name to "unknown" rather than common name "dev"
  • allow the --serve flag after the --build-once flag, for testing advanced compiles and such
  • throw an error when trying to start a REPL with a level other than :optimizations :none
  • when the compile level is :whitespace, :simple or :advanced only pass :main ns to compiler
  • made the default :asset-path a root path instead of relative
  • add cljs.repl macros (doc, source, and friends) to the REPL
  • now providing much more feedback when a :ring-handler doesn't load, prints out syntax errors etc.
  • added support for the new nREPL
  • setting :reload-clj-files false should still reload cljc files on the CLJS side
  • support code splitting