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Releases: bjorn2404/jQuery-Store-Locator-Plugin


16 Dec 04:34
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  • Fixed bug with maxDistance and pagination setting combination. The last page of of the pagination results was set to
    use the locationsPerPage setting instead of the remaining number, which could have resulted in the plugin trying to
    load undefined locations.
  • Fixed bugs with googleGeocode and reverseGoogleGeocode methods in which references to "this" were undefined.


12 Dec 04:58
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  • Fixed bug with maxDistance setting - updated locationsSetup method so that the locationset array uses array.push
    instead of incrementing via a passed in parameter, which was causing undefined array elements and causing errors.
  • Removed testing line from maxdistance-example.html that was left in.


12 Dec 02:37
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  • Updated the Handlebars.compile calls when using the inline template options to include the ID hash so that it's
    consistent with the other ID settings.
  • Fixed incorrect callback call in the modalClose method - callbackModalOpen to callbackModalClose.
  • Added callbackModalReady that fires when the the content of the modal is generated.
  • Fixed markerImg setting - previously threw error if markerDim wasn't set.

Duplicate comment bug fix

09 Nov 00:16
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Removed copyright banner from /src file which was causing a duplicate copyright notice in the uncompressed /dist file