0.7.1 (2017-06-11)
- correction of server routes (08a8536)
0.7.0 (2017-06-07)
- npm dist-tag (5a2d080)
0.6.1 (2017-06-06)
- upstream: correctly find specified version of requested package (5b21720)
0.6.0 (2017-06-06)
- changes after code review (0af3488)
- package-iu: show appropiate readme file (0f02fcb)
- random-packages: random packages on landing page (d026f92)
- npm unpublish (9d50fc4)
- search: fuzzy package search (c943e93)
- version: print correct version in footer (04a85de)
0.5.0 (2017-06-02)
- api-server: fix observables timeInterval (7a9ff42)
- auth: fix authentication issues (3c97644)
- auth-headers: add custom interface for AuthResp (190e2eb)
- bin: fix path to bin (9616a59)
- build: set auth service to public in header (422909c)
- index.html: fix path to index.html (d8ced58)
- install: save tarballs to correct location (b4c9f65)
- package: fix path to tarball when performing install (e2b5587)
- package: get data compatible with npm install (388eec4)
- pkg-versions: update versions from upstream if not found on morose (8d09b75)
- publish: make publish work again (1041a24)
- route: get random packages (91a95f9)
- routes: fix web routing (374fa28)
- init package.json for published package (a508b63)
- routes: update app routes (be06ca8)
- scoped-packages: fix scoped packages installation (f838d6a)
- server: fix parameter bug (de8c400)
- bug fix for user tests. (95badbe)
- sockets: make sockets work again (2f61860)
- added verification for package names (57c7c75)
- find scoped packages when installing (a3202e6)
- fix scoped packages (5b7495d)
- stats: fix stats (d59ce6e)
- upstream: fix how proxy handles versions (2eceba7)
- init auth.json file (d7f5069)
- npm publish new version fix and added test for installing previous version. (0341928)
- publishing package (725b4ed)
- serve packages correctly from proxy server (dbd0cf5)
- added authentication structure (031206a)
- Added routes for npm owner, authenitaction for npm install, npm publish and some changes in authentication structure (7479cf9)
- npm access (4ac9365)
- line-chart: random data (7563870)
- npm deprecate (34ddfea)
- Npm publish private packages (fad1799)
- background: render background on resize (37d71d1)
- npm star and npm unstar (ffd2639)
- dropdown: dropdown navigation menu (187d377)
- npm stars (5619b8a)
- npm whoami (e582147)
- publish and install commands (b4f3428)
- Server functions for managing authentications and permissions (198ae96)
- login: login impl, header, logout (aa0a240)
- version 0.1.0, (download exact version, refactor cli) (c4f0bed)
- app: implement search on web and add some styling to it (516c0f9)
- app: package details (06dd617)
- auth: auth implementation (002946f)
- e2e: e2e tests runner (dba9504)
- landing: landing page (698fa66)
- line-chart: initial line-chart component (7e35398)
- line-chart: server load average init impl (6b91c82)
- markdown: markdown pipe (0b1d45b)
- multiple: authentication, fs utils, helper utilities, login, logout (b12bb57)
- network: net utilization implementation (5dc44ea)
- network: network utilization charts (3db4529)
- network: network utilization initial component (14457e7)
- pkg: add new version to existing storage (6980b06)
- proxy: make proxy work with semver-extra (fd13f6d)
- search: implement basic npm search (0d4cb54)
- socket-server: socket server and client init (e948739)
- ssl: enable ssl option for socket server (b76609a)
- statistics: server stats initial component (8b60951)
- storage: read/write data to storage (cache) (ca3774e)
- ui: login ui and auth service (8254a8a)
- uplink: make uplink work (74384ff)
- web-api: implement search (565a2a3)
- proxy: performance improvements on proxy server (d30ff4e)
0.0.3 (2016-11-06)
- upload file (ebec08a)
- download (03b3fa5)