# Use Case If you have integrated **JoyStick** into your project, and you want to share your user experience, I will be happy to show it on this page. If you want, send me an email with some information about the project. ## JetBot ROS Web Console ![JetBot ROS Web Console](images/jetbot-ros-web-console.png) This is a Web Console for Nvidia Jetbot Robot based on ROS Web Tools and Jetson Stats, use this JoyStick library to control Robot movements whit a mobile device. More detail on the project is available here: [https://github.com/bobboteck/jetbot_ros_webconsole](https://github.com/bobboteck/jetbot_ros_webconsole) On YouTube you can see the JoyStick in action: [![Click to play](https://img.youtube.com/vi/0_5hYdE9iAA/0.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_5hYdE9iAA) --- ## Pepsi, a Web-Driven COVID-19 Carrier Robot ![Pepsi](https://hackster.imgix.net/uploads/attachments/1135955/_Rd54C9m9EY.blob?auto=compress%2Cformat&w=900&h=675&fit=min) A 4-wheeled rover to transport emergency supplies to infected people without any risk, thanks to an over-4G Flask joypad control and camera, based on Raspberry PI. A full article is available on [hackster.io](https://www.hackster.io/343328/pepsi-a-web-driven-covid-19-carrier-robot-eab65a).