diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 0cf79eb..5bfd81c 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -1,172 +1,254 @@
+ Tennis Score Tracker
+ }));
+ const setAnnotations = setIndicators.map(indicator => ({
+ x: indicator.index + 1,
+ y: Math.max(...cumulativePoints),
+ xref: 'x',
+ yref: 'y',
+ text: `Set ${indicator.setNumber}`,
+ showarrow: true,
+ arrowhead: 4,
+ ax: 0,
+ ay: -40
+ }));
+ const gameShapes = gameIndicators.map(indicator => ({
+ type: 'line',
+ x0: indicator.index + 1,
+ x1: indicator.index + 1,
+ y0: Math.min(...cumulativePoints),
+ y1: Math.max(...cumulativePoints),
+ line: {
+ color: 'green', // Different color for game indicators
+ width: 2,
+ dash: 'dashdot'
+ }
+ }));
+ const gameAnnotations = gameIndicators.map(indicator => ({
+ x: indicator.index + 1,
+ y: Math.max(...cumulativePoints),
+ xref: 'x',
+ yref: 'y',
+ text: `Game ${indicator.gameNumber}`,
+ showarrow: true,
+ arrowhead: 4,
+ ax: 0,
+ ay: -60,
+ font: { color: 'green' } // Font color for game annotations
+ }));
+ const winnerShapes = winnerPoints.map(point => ({
+ x: [point],
+ y: [cumulativePoints[point - 1]],
+ type: 'scatter',
+ mode: 'markers',
+ marker: {
+ symbol: 'circle', // Change to circle symbol for winner points
+ size: 15,
+ color: 'green'
+ }
+ }));
+ const unforcedErrorShapes = unforcedErrorPoints.map(point => ({
+ x: [point],
+ y: [cumulativePoints[point - 1]],
+ type: 'scatter',
+ mode: 'markers',
+ marker: {
+ symbol: 'circle', // Red circle symbol for unforced error points
+ size: 15,
+ color: 'red'
+ }
+ }));
+ const doubleFaultShapes = doubleFaultPoints.map(point => ({
+ x: [point],
+ y: [cumulativePoints[point - 1]],
+ type: 'scatter',
+ mode: 'markers',
+ marker: {
+ symbol: 'circle', // Black circle symbol for double fault points
+ size: 15,
+ color: 'black'
+ }
+ }));
+ const layout = {
+ title: 'Cumulative Points',
+ xaxis: { title: 'Points' },
+ yaxis: { title: 'Cumulative Points' },
+ shapes: [...setShapes, ...gameShapes],
+ annotations: [...setAnnotations, ...gameAnnotations]
+ };
+ // Updating the winner, unforced error, and double fault points separately
+ Plotly.newPlot('graph', data, layout);
+ Plotly.addTraces('graph', [...winnerShapes, ...unforcedErrorShapes, ...doubleFaultShapes]);
+ }