rtf -> rich text format
ansi -> using ANSI
deff0 -> define font: 0
paperw -> paper width
paperh -> paper height
- the size 15840 is equal to 11 inchs and 12240 to 8,5 inchs (letter size)
- use only integer values
margl -> margin left
margr -> margin right
margt -> margin top
margb -> margin bottom
- the size 720 is equal to 0,5 inch
- use only integer values
colortbl -> color table
red255\green0\blue0 -> rgb color byte value
how to use colors:
cf1 -> all text after this will use the color 1 of the table as foreground
cf2 -> all text after this will use the color 2 of the table as foreground
- the default is black
- could be declared just one time, only the first works
- always start in 1, cf0 doesn't exists
- use only integer values
{\f0 Courier;}
{\f1 Arial;}
{\f2 Helv;}
{\f3 Tms Rmn;}
{\f4 Verdana;}
{\f5 Symbol;}
fonttbl -> font table
f0 -> font 0
- the default is Calibri
- you can use \fN to set the text font
- this table could be declared several times in the file, the text uses the last declaration values
- if font doesn't exist and is not setted, will use Calibri with a fake name
- the default font always will be \f0, if start the table with other number it will use Calibri, if no one is setted
- if you use a declaration like: "\f0 \f1" the text will use the last one ever if this font doesn't exists
- same as the escape sequence \n in C
- if don't have a space between \line and the text the command is ignored
- if don't have a space between \page and the text the command is ignored
\tx1440 \tab
tx -> tab x size
- same as the escape sequence \t in C
- if don't have a space between \tab and the text the command is ignored
- \tx1440 is equal to 1 inch and 24,5 mm or 2,45 cm
- \tx can be used in a row to define differents sizes of tab. Ex.: \tx720 \tx1440 \tx720 \tab \tab \tab
- \tx row can declared just one time, the others will be ignored
- use only integer values
fs20 -> font size 20
- \fs20 in points is 10pt
- use only integer values
par -> end of a paragraph
- if don't have a space between \par and the text the command is ignored
\i -> italic on
\i0 -> italic off
\b -> bold on
\b0 -> bold off
\scaps -> small caps on
\scaps0 -> small caps off
\strike -> strike through on
\strike0 -> strike through off
\caps -> capitals on
\caps0 -> all capitals off
\outl -> outline on
\outl0 -> outline off
\ul -> Underline on
\uldb -> Double Underline on
\ulth -> Thick Underline on
\ulw -> Underline words only on
\ulwave -> Wave Underline on
\uld -> Dotted Underline on
\uldash -> Dash Underline on
\uldashd -> Dot Dash Underline on
\ul0 -> Any underline off
\ql -> left
\qr -> right
\qc -> centered
\qj -> justified
\pard -> reset tables configuration (\tx)
\plain -> reset text size, style and font family to default
{\author John Doe} <- author name
{\creatim\yr1990\mo7\dy30\hr10\min48} <- time stamp