Practice Tasks task-000 : Commands Tasks Local task-local-001 : Configure default cpu requests and limits for a namespace task-local-002 : Configure default memory requests and limits for a namespace task-local-003 : Understanding k8s port forward task-local-004 : Expose svc via nodeport task-local-005 : Access svc nodeport via ingress task-local-006 : Access svc clusterip via ingress task-local-007 : Jenkins k8s task-local-008 : Kafka task-local-009 : Kafdrop task-aws-010 : Deploy-treafik-kops-k8s-helm task-aws-011 : Treafik-kops-whoami task-aws-012 : Kops-with-treafik-customization task-aws-013 : Oauth2 proxy task-aws-014 : Traefik kops whoami middleware task-aws-015 : INPROGRESS lets encrypt kops cluster task-aws-016 : k8s cluster using kops task-aws-017 : Updating a kops cluster task-aws-018 : Kong ingress on eks task-gcp-019 : Elastic search task-gcp-020 : Basic namespace wide kubeconfig task-gcp-021 : Intermediate namespace wide kubeconfig task-gcp-022 : k8s dashboard task-gcp-023 : traefik whoami task-gcp-024 : traefik whoami tomlInConfigMap task-gcp-025 : traefik whoami lets encrypt task-gcp-026 : external IP to access Application In Cluster task-gcp-027 : Intermediate cluster wide kubeconfig task-gcp-028 : Configuring datadog task-gcp-029 : Configuring dns with static IPs k8 using Ingress task-gcp-030 : PodSecurityPolicy task-gcp-031 : kube-state-metrics task-gcp-032 : traefik whoami tls custom certs task-gcp-033 : Configuring dns with static IPs k8 using Service task-gcp-034 : Metricbeat task-gcp-035 : Journalbeat