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Chris Caron edited this page Mar 6, 2019 · 11 revisions

YAML Based Configuration Files

YAML Support added now which is slightly different then how it was identified at the start of this thread (so ignore that and role with this instead). Here is the configuration in it's absolute simplest form:

# Minimal Configuration Example

# Define your URLs
  # Either on-line each entry like this:
  - json://localhost
  - xml://localhost

  # Or add a colon to the end of the URL where you can optionally provide
  # over-ride entries.  One of the most likely entry to be used here
  # is the tag entry.  This gets extended to the global tag (if defined)
  # above
  - windows://:
   # 'tag' is a special keyword that allows you to associate tags with your
   # services:
    - tag: desktop

To expand on tags, you can also identify a global entry that will be applied to ALL of the subsequent URL entries defined in the YAML file. Example

# Global Tag Configuration Example

# Define our version
version: 1

# Our global tags to associate with all of the URLs we define
tag: admin, devops

# Define your URLs (Mandatory!)
  - xml://localhost
  - json://localhost
  - kodi://user:pass@myserver

You can over-ride the AppriseAsset Object too if you know the objects you want to update using the special keyword asset.

# Asset Override Configuration Example

# Define our version
version: 1

# Define an Asset object if you wish (Optional)
  app_id: NuxRef
  app_desc: NuxRef Notification

# Define your URLs (Mandatory!)
  - mailto://bill:[email protected]

YAML configuration gets more powerful when you want to utilize a URL more then once. Here is a more complicated example:

# if no version is specified then version 1 is presumed. Thus this is a
# completely optional field. It's a good idea to just add this line because it
# will help with future ambiguity (if it ever occurs).
version: 1

# Define an Asset object if you wish (Optional)
  app_id: AppriseTest
  app_desc: Apprise Test Notifications

# Optionally define some global tags to associate with ALL of your
# urls below.
tag: admin, devops

# Define your URLs (Mandatory!)
  # One-liner (no colon at the end); just the url as you'd expect it:
  - json://localhost

  # A colon grants you customization; the below associates a tag
  - xml://localhost:
    - tag: customer

 # Replication Example # 
  # The more elements you specify under a URL the more times the URL will
  # get replicated and used. Hence this entry actually could be considered
  # 2 URLs being called with just the destination email address changed:
  - mailto://george:[email protected]:
     - to: [email protected]
     - to: [email protected]

  # Again... to re-iterate, the above mailto:// would actually fire two (2)
  # separate emails each with a different destination address specified.
  # Be careful when defining your arguments and differentiating between
  # when to use the dash (-) and when not to.  Each time you do, you will
  # cause another instance to be created.

  # Defining more then 1 element to a muti-set is easy, it looks like this:
  - mailto://jackson:[email protected]:
     - to: [email protected]
       tag: jeff, customer

     - to: [email protected]
       tag: chris, customer
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