Helpers for running pylint with py.test and have configurable rule types (i.e. Convention, Warn, and Error) fail the build. You can also specify a pylintrc file.
How it works
We have a thin plugin wrapper that is installed through hooks as pylint. This wrapper uses pytest_addoption and pytest_configure to decide to configure and register the real plugin PylintPlygin
Once it is registered in pytest_configure, the hooks already executed by previous plugins will run. For instance, in case PylintPlugin had pytest_addoption implemented, which runs before pytest_configure in the hook cycle, it would be executed once PylintPlugin got registered.
PylintPlugin uses the pytest_collect_file hook which is called with every file available in the test target dir. This hook collects all the file pylint should run on, in this case files with extension ".py".
pytest_collect_file hook returns a collection of Node, or None. In py.test context, Node being a base class that defines py.test Collection Tree.
A Node can be a subclass of Collector, which has children, or an Item, which is a leaf node.
A practical example would be, a Python test file (Collector), can have multiple test functions (multiple Items)
For this plugin, the relatioship of File to Item is one to one, one file represents one pylint result.
From that, there are two important classes: PyLintFile, and PyLintItem.
PyLintFile represents a python file, extension ".py", that was collected based on target directory as mentioned previously.
PyLintItem represents one file which pylint was ran or will run.
Back to PylintPlugin, pytest_collection_finish hook will run after the collection phase where pylint will be ran on the collected files.
Based on the ProgrammaticReporter, the result is stored in a dictionary with the file relative path of the file being the key, and a list of errors related to the file.
All PylintFile returned during pytest_collect_file, returns an one element list of PyLintItem. The Item implements runtest method which will get the pylint messages per file and expose to the user.
Use pyenv, and install all the versions supported by the plugin. Double-check on tox.ini.
pyenv install 3.7.7
pyenv install 3.8.2
pyenv install 3.9.13
pyenv install 3.10.6
Set the installed versions as global, that will allow tox to find all of them.
pyenv global 3.10.6 3.9.13 3.8.2 3.7.7
Create virtualenv, install dependencies, run tests, and tox:
python3.10 -m venv .pytest_pylint
source .pytest_pylint/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade setuptools pip tox
python install
python test
The development environment is complete.